US Core Implementation Guide
8.0.0-ballot - Ballot United States of America flag

US Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Cross-Group Projects. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 8.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

Page standards status: Informative
.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Conformance
.... 2.1 General Requirements
.... 2.2 Must Support
..... 2.2.1 Observation Summary Table
.... 2.3 SMART on FHIR Obligations and Capabilities
... 3 Guidance
.... 3.1 USCDI
.... 3.2 General Guidance
.... 3.3 Clinical Notes
.... 3.4 Medication List
.... 3.5 Basic Provenance
.... 3.6 Screening and Assessments
.... 3.7 Changes Between Versions
.... 3.8 Future of US Core
..... 3.8.1 Writing Vital Signs
... 4 Profiles and Extensions
... 5 Capability Statements
... 6 Search Parameters and Operations
... 7 Terminology
... 8 Security
... 9 Examples
... 11 Change Log
... 12 US Core ImplementationGuide Resource
... 13 Artifacts Summary
.... 13.1 US Core Client CapabilityStatement
.... 13.2 US Core Server CapabilityStatement
.... 13.3 US Core Fetch DocumentReference
.... 13.4 USCoreAllergyintoleranceClinicalStatus
.... 13.5 USCoreAllergyintolerancePatient
.... 13.6 USCoreCareplanCategory
.... 13.7 USCoreCareplanDate
.... 13.8 USCoreCareplanPatient
.... 13.9 USCoreCareplanStatus
.... 13.10 USCoreCareteamPatient
.... 13.11 USCoreCareTeamRole
.... 13.12 USCoreCareteamStatus
.... 13.13 USCoreConditionAbatementDate
.... 13.14 USCoreConditionAssertedDate
.... 13.15 USCoreConditionCategory
.... 13.16 USCoreConditionClinicalStatus
.... 13.17 USCoreConditionCode
.... 13.18 USCoreConditionEncounter
.... 13.19 USCoreConditionLastUpdated
.... 13.20 USCoreConditionOnsetDate
.... 13.21 USCoreConditionPatient
.... 13.22 USCoreConditionRecordedDate
.... 13.23 USCoreCoveragePatient
.... 13.24 USCoreDevicePatient
.... 13.25 USCoreDeviceStatus
.... 13.26 USCoreDeviceType
.... 13.27 USCoreDiagnosticreportCategory
.... 13.28 USCoreDiagnosticreportCode
.... 13.29 USCoreDiagnosticreportDate
.... 13.30 USCoreDiagnosticreportLastUpdated
.... 13.31 USCoreDiagnosticreportPatient
.... 13.32 USCoreDiagnosticreportStatus
.... 13.33 USCoreDocumentreferenceCategory
.... 13.34 USCoreDocumentreferenceDate
.... 13.35 USCoreDocumentreferenceId
.... 13.36 USCoreDocumentreferencePatient
.... 13.37 USCoreDocumentreferencePeriod
.... 13.38 USCoreDocumentreferenceStatus
.... 13.39 USCoreDocumentreferenceType
.... 13.40 USCoreEncounterClass
.... 13.41 USCoreEncounterDate
.... 13.42 USCoreEncounterDischargeDisposition
.... 13.43 USCoreEncounterId
.... 13.44 USCoreEncounterIdentifier
.... 13.45 USCoreEncounterLastUpdated
.... 13.46 USCoreEncounterLocation
.... 13.47 USCoreEncounterPatient
.... 13.48 USCoreEncounterStatus
.... 13.49 USCoreEncounterType
.... 13.50 USCoreEthnicity
.... 13.51 USCoreGoalDescription
.... 13.52 USCoreGoalLifecycleStatus
.... 13.53 USCoreGoalPatient
.... 13.54 USCoreGoalTargetDate
.... 13.55 USCoreImmunizationDate
.... 13.56 USCoreImmunizationPatient
.... 13.57 USCoreImmunizationStatus
.... 13.58 USCoreLocationAddress
.... 13.59 USCoreLocationAddressCity
.... 13.60 USCoreLocationAddressPostalcode
.... 13.61 USCoreLocationAddressState
.... 13.62 USCoreLocationName
.... 13.63 USCoreMedicationdispensePatient
.... 13.64 USCoreMedicationdispenseStatus
.... 13.65 USCoreMedicationdispenseType
.... 13.66 USCoreMedicationrequestAuthoredon
.... 13.67 USCoreMedicationrequestEncounter
.... 13.68 USCoreMedicationrequestIntent
.... 13.69 USCoreMedicationrequestPatient
.... 13.70 USCoreMedicationrequestStatus
.... 13.71 USCoreObservationCategory
.... 13.72 USCoreObservationCode
.... 13.73 USCoreObservationDate
.... 13.74 USCoreObservationLastUpdated
.... 13.75 USCoreObservationPatient
.... 13.76 USCoreObservationStatus
.... 13.77 USCoreOrganizationAddress
.... 13.78 USCoreOrganizationName
.... 13.79 USCorePatientBirthdate
.... 13.80 USCorePatientDeathDate
.... 13.81 USCorePatientFamily
.... 13.82 USCorePatientGender
.... 13.83 USCorePatientGenderIdentity
.... 13.84 USCorePatientGiven
.... 13.85 USCorePatientId
.... 13.86 USCorePatientIdentifier
.... 13.87 USCorePatientName
.... 13.88 USCorePractitionerId
.... 13.89 USCorePractitionerIdentifier
.... 13.90 USCorePractitionerName
.... 13.91 USCorePractitionerrolePractitioner
.... 13.92 USCorePractitionerroleSpecialty
.... 13.93 USCoreProcedureCode
.... 13.94 USCoreProcedureDate
.... 13.95 USCoreProcedurePatient
.... 13.96 USCoreProcedureStatus
.... 13.97 USCoreQuestionnaireresponseAuthored
.... 13.98 USCoreQuestionnaireresponseId
.... 13.99 USCoreQuestionnaireresponsePatient
.... 13.100 USCoreQuestionnaireresponseQuestionnaire
.... 13.101 USCoreQuestionnaireresponseStatus
.... 13.102 USCoreRace
.... 13.103 USCoreRelatedpersonId
.... 13.104 USCoreRelatedpersonName
.... 13.105 USCoreRelatedpersonPatient
.... 13.106 USCoreServicerequestAuthored
.... 13.107 USCoreServicerequestCategory
.... 13.108 USCoreServicerequestCode
.... 13.109 USCoreServicerequestId
.... 13.110 USCoreServicerequestPatient
.... 13.111 USCoreServicerequestStatus
.... 13.112 USCoreSpecimenId
.... 13.113 USCoreSpecimenPatient
.... 13.114 US Core ADI DocumentReference Profile
.... 13.115 US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile
.... 13.116 US Core Average Blood Pressure Profile
.... 13.117 US Core Blood Pressure Profile
.... 13.118 US Core BMI Profile
.... 13.119 US Core Body Height Profile
.... 13.120 US Core Body Temperature Profile
.... 13.121 US Core Body Weight Profile
.... 13.122 US Core Care Experience Preference Profile
.... 13.123 US Core CarePlan Profile
.... 13.124 US Core CareTeam Profile
.... 13.125 US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile
.... 13.126 US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile
.... 13.127 US Core Coverage Profile
.... 13.128 US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting
.... 13.129 US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
.... 13.130 US Core DocumentReference Profile
.... 13.131 US Core Encounter Profile
.... 13.132 US Core Goal Profile
.... 13.133 US Core Head Circumference Profile
.... 13.134 US Core Heart Rate Profile
.... 13.135 US Core Immunization Profile
.... 13.136 US Core Implantable Device Profile
.... 13.137 US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile
.... 13.138 US Core Location Profile
.... 13.139 US Core Medication Profile
.... 13.140 US Core MedicationDispense Profile
.... 13.141 US Core MedicationRequest Profile
.... 13.142 US Core Observation ADI Documentation Profile
.... 13.143 US Core Observation Clinical Result Profile
.... 13.144 US Core Observation Occupation Profile
.... 13.145 US Core Observation Pregnancy Intent Profile
.... 13.146 US Core Observation Pregnancy Status Profile
.... 13.147 US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile
.... 13.148 US Core Observation Sexual Orientation Profile
.... 13.149 US Core Organization Profile
.... 13.150 US Core Patient Profile
.... 13.151 US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile
.... 13.152 US Core Pediatric Head Occipital Frontal Circumference Percentile Profile
.... 13.153 US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile
.... 13.154 US Core Practitioner Profile
.... 13.155 US Core PractitionerRole Profile
.... 13.156 US Core Procedure Profile
.... 13.157 US Core Provenance Profile
.... 13.158 US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile
.... 13.159 US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile
.... 13.160 US Core RelatedPerson Profile
.... 13.161 US Core Respiratory Rate Profile
.... 13.162 US Core ServiceRequest Profile
.... 13.163 US Core Simple Observation Profile
.... 13.164 US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile
.... 13.165 US Core Specimen Profile
.... 13.166 US Core Treatment Intervention Preference Profile
.... 13.167 US Core Vital Signs Profile
.... 13.168 US Core Authentication Time Extension
.... 13.169 US Core Birth Sex Extension
.... 13.170 US Core Direct email Extension
.... 13.171 US Core Ethnicity Extension
.... 13.172 US Core Extension Questionnaire URI
.... 13.173 US Core Gender Identity Extension
.... 13.174 US Core Interpreter Required Extension
.... 13.175 US Core Jurisdiction Extension
.... 13.176 US Core Medication Adherence Extension
.... 13.177 US Core Race Extension
.... 13.178 US Core Sex Extension
.... 13.179 US Core Tribal Affiliation Extension
.... 13.180 US Core USCDI Requirement Extension
.... 13.181 Detailed ethnicity
.... 13.182 Detailed Race
.... 13.183 Language codes with language and optionally a region modifier
.... 13.184 OMB Ethnicity Categories
.... 13.185 OMB Race Categories
.... 13.186 US Core Clinical Note Type
.... 13.187 US Core Clinical Result Observation Category
.... 13.188 US Core Condition Codes
.... 13.189 US Core Diagnostic Report Category Codes
.... 13.190 US Core Discharge Disposition
.... 13.191 US Core DocumentReference Category
.... 13.192 US Core DocumentReference Type
.... 13.193 US Core Encounter Type
.... 13.194 US Core Goal Codes
.... 13.195 US Core Laboratory Test Codes
.... 13.196 US Core Location Type
.... 13.197 US Core Narrative Status
.... 13.198 US Core Non Laboratory Codes
.... 13.199 US Core Pregnancy Intent Codes
.... 13.200 US Core Pregnancy Status Codes
.... 13.201 US Core Problem or Health Concern
.... 13.202 US Core Procedure Codes
.... 13.203 US Core Provenance Participant Type Codes
.... 13.204 US Core Screening Assessment Condition Category
.... 13.205 US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category
.... 13.206 US Core ServiceRequest Category Codes
.... 13.207 US Core Simple Observation Category
.... 13.208 US Core Status for Smoking Status Observation
.... 13.209 US Core Survey Codes
.... 13.210 USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes
.... 13.211 US Core CarePlan Category Extension Codes
.... 13.212 US Core Category
.... 13.213 US Core Condition Category Extension Codes
.... 13.214 US Core DocumentReferences Category Codes
.... 13.215 US Core Provenance Participant Type Extension Codes
.... 13.216 10 minute Apgar Color Example
.... 13.217 10 minute Apgar Heart Rate Example
.... 13.218 10 minute Apgar Muscle Tone Example
.... 13.219 10 minute Apgar Reflex Irritability Example
.... 13.220 10 minute Apgar Respiratory effort Example
.... 13.221 10 Minute Apgar Score Example
.... 13.222 10 Minute Apgar Score Panel Example
.... 13.223 ADI Observation Presence ADI Example
.... 13.224 ADI Observation Presence No ADI Example
.... 13.225 Ahc-Hrsn Item Observation Example 68517-2
.... 13.226 Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test - Consumption [AUDIT-C] Questionnaire Example
.... 13.227 Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test - Consumption [AUDIT-C] QuestionnaireResponse Example
.... 13.228 Alcohol Use Status Example
.... 13.229 Alcoholic Drinks Per Day Example
.... 13.230 AllergyIntolerance Example
.... 13.231 AllergyIntolerance Non-pharmacologic Agent Example
.... 13.232 AllergyIntolerance Provenance Example
.... 13.233 At Home In Vitro Test Example
.... 13.234 Audit-C Item Example 68517-2
.... 13.235 Audit-C Item Example 68519-8
.... 13.236 Audit-C Item Example 68520-6
.... 13.237 Audit-C Item Example 75626-2
.... 13.238 Audit-C Panel Example 72109-2
.... 13.239 Average Blood Pressure Example
.... 13.240 Blood Pressure Example
.... 13.241 BMI Example
.... 13.242 BP Data Absent Example
.... 13.243 Capillary refill Time Nail Bed Example
.... 13.244 Care Experience Preference Example
.... 13.245 CareTeam Example
.... 13.246 CBC Example
.... 13.247 Chest Xray Example
.... 13.248 Cigarette Pack-Years Example
.... 13.249 Colonoscopy Example
.... 13.250 Condition Duodenal Ulcer Example
.... 13.251 Coverage Example
.... 13.252 Deceased Patient Example
.... 13.253 Device Defib Example
.... 13.254 Device Knee Example
.... 13.255 DiagnosticReport Cardiology Report Example
.... 13.256 DiagnosticReport Chest Xray Report Example
.... 13.257 Discharge Summary Example
.... 13.258 Docref Example 1
.... 13.259 Docref Example 2
.... 13.260 DocumentReference ADI-DNI (PDF)
.... 13.261 DocumentReference Living Will (PDF)
.... 13.262 DocumentReference POLST (PDF)
.... 13.263 DXA Bone density quantitative measurement panel Example
.... 13.264 DXA Femur-L ArMass BMD Example
.... 13.265 DXA Femur-L T-score BMD Example
.... 13.266 DXA Femur-L Z-score BMD Example
.... 13.267 DXA Hip-L ArMass BMD Example
.... 13.268 DXA Hip-L T-score BMD Example
.... 13.269 DXA Hip-L Z-score BMD Example
.... 13.270 EKG impression Example
.... 13.271 EKG lead Example
.... 13.272 EKG Strip Image
.... 13.273 Encounter 1 Example
.... 13.274 Encounter 1036 Example
.... 13.275 Encounter Delivery Example
.... 13.276 Encounter Diagnosis Example 1
.... 13.277 Encounter Diagnosis Example 2
.... 13.278 Episode Summary Example
.... 13.279 Erythrocytes Example
.... 13.280 Evs Item Example 68516-4
.... 13.281 Evs Item Example 89555-7
.... 13.282 Evs Panel Example 89574-8
.... 13.283 Exercise Per Day Example
.... 13.284 Exercise Per Week Example
.... 13.285 Exercise Vital Sign Questionnaire Example
.... 13.286 Exercise Vital Sign QuestionnaireResponse Example
.... 13.287 Goal 1 Example
.... 13.288 Goal 2 Example
.... 13.289 Head Circumference Example
.... 13.290 Health Concern Example
.... 13.291 Heart Rate Example
.... 13.292 Heart rate rhythm Example
.... 13.293 Height Example
.... 13.294 Hematocrit Example
.... 13.295 Hemoglobin Example
.... 13.296 Hemolyzed Serum Specimen Example
.... 13.297 HL7East Example
.... 13.298 Hospital Location
.... 13.299 HVS Item Example 88122-7
.... 13.300 HVS Item Example 88123-5
.... 13.301 HVS Item Example 88124-3
.... 13.302 HVSPanel Example 88121-9
.... 13.303 Immunization Example 1
.... 13.304 Jugular vein distension Example
.... 13.305 Length Example
.... 13.306 Leukocytes Example
.... 13.307 MCH Example
.... 13.308 MCHC Example
.... 13.309 MCV Example
.... 13.310 Medication Dispense Example
.... 13.311 MedicationRequest Coded Oral Axid Example
.... 13.312 MedicationRequest Contained Oral Axid Example
.... 13.313 MedicationRequest Referenced Oral Axid Example
.... 13.314 MedicationRequest Self Tylenol Example
.... 13.315 Metabolic Panel Example
.... 13.316 Missing Coded Data Example
.... 13.317 Observation SatO2 FiO2 Example
.... 13.318 Occupation Observation Example
.... 13.319 Occupation Observation Example: Industry Unknown
.... 13.320 Occupation Observation Example: Unknown Occupation
.... 13.321 OFC Percentile Example
.... 13.322 Organization 2 Example
.... 13.323 Organization Acme Lab Example
.... 13.324 Organization Acme Payer Example
.... 13.325 Organization Holy Healthcare Example
.... 13.326 Oxygen Saturation Example
.... 13.327 P-R interval {EKG lead} Example
.... 13.328 Patient Child Example
.... 13.329 Patient Example
.... 13.330 Patient Infant Example
.... 13.331 Patient Niece Example
.... 13.332 Pediatric BMI Example
.... 13.333 Pediatric Wt Example
.... 13.334 PHQ9 Item Example 44250-9
.... 13.335 PHQ9 Item Example 44251-7
.... 13.336 PHQ9 Item Example 44252-5
.... 13.337 PHQ9 Item Example 44253-3
.... 13.338 PHQ9 Item Example 44254-1
.... 13.339 PHQ9 Item Example 44255-8
.... 13.340 PHQ9 Item Example 44258-2
.... 13.341 PHQ9 Item Example 44259-0
.... 13.342 PHQ9 Item Example 44260-8
.... 13.343 PHQ9 Item Example 44261-6
.... 13.344 PHQ9 Item Example 69722-7
.... 13.345 PHQ9 Panel Example 44249-1
.... 13.346 Platelets Example
.... 13.347 Practitioner 1 Example
.... 13.348 Practitioner 2 Example
.... 13.349 Practitioner Pharmacist Example
.... 13.350 PractitionerRole_Practitioner_Endpoint_Bundle_Example Example
.... 13.351 Prapare Item Example 54899-0
.... 13.352 Prapare Item Example 56051-6
.... 13.353 Prapare Item Example 56799-0
.... 13.354 Prapare Item Example 63512-8
.... 13.355 Prapare Item Example 63586-2
.... 13.356 Prapare Item Example 67875-5
.... 13.357 Prapare Item Example 71802-3
.... 13.358 Prapare Item Example 76437-3
.... 13.359 Prapare Item Example 76501-6
.... 13.360 Prapare Item Example 82589-3
.... 13.361 Prapare Item Example 93026-3
.... 13.362 Prapare Item Example 93027-1
.... 13.363 Prapare Item Example 93028-9
.... 13.364 Prapare Item Example 93029-7
.... 13.365 Prapare Item Example 93030-5
.... 13.366 Prapare Item Example 93033-9
.... 13.367 Prapare Item Example 93034-7
.... 13.368 Prapare Item Example 93035-4
.... 13.369 Prapare Item Example 93038-8
.... 13.370 Prapare Multiselect-Item Example 32624-9-Answer0
.... 13.371 Prapare Multiselect-Item Example 32624-9-Answer1
.... 13.372 Prapare Multiselect-Item Example 93031-3-Answer0
.... 13.373 Prapare Multiselect-Item Example 93031-3-Answer1
.... 13.374 Prapare Panel Example 93025-5
.... 13.375 Prapare Panel Example 93039-6
.... 13.376 Prapare Panel Example 93040-4
.... 13.377 Prapare Panel Example 93041-2
.... 13.378 Prapare Panel Example 93042-0
.... 13.379 PRAPARE Panel Example 93043-8
.... 13.380 Pregnancy Intent Observation Example
.... 13.381 Pregnancy Status Observation Example
.... 13.382 Procedure Defibrillator Implant Example
.... 13.383 Pulse intensity Palpation Example
.... 13.384 Q-T interval {EKG lead} Example
.... 13.385 QRS dur {EKG lead} Example
.... 13.386 Questionnaire Hunger Vital Sign [HVS] Example
.... 13.387 Questionnaire PHQ-9 Example
.... 13.388 Questionnaire PRAPARE Example
.... 13.389 QuestionnaireResponse Glascow Coma Score Example
.... 13.390 QuestionnaireResponse Hunger Vital Sign [HVS] Example
.... 13.391 QuestionnaireResponse PHQ-9 Example
.... 13.392 QuestionnaireResponse PRAPARE Example
.... 13.393 Rehab Example
.... 13.394 Respiratory Rate Example
.... 13.395 Saint Luke W Endpoint Example
.... 13.396 SDOH Problem/Health Concern Example
.... 13.397 Serum BUN Example
.... 13.398 Serum Calcium Example
.... 13.399 Serum Chloride Example
.... 13.400 Serum CO2 Example
.... 13.401 Serum Creatinine Example
.... 13.402 Serum Glucose Example
.... 13.403 Serum Potassium Example
.... 13.404 Serum Sodium Example
.... 13.405 Serum Specimen Example
.... 13.406 Serum Total Bilirubin Example
.... 13.407 ServiceRequest CBC Example
.... 13.408 ServiceRequest Chest XRay Example
.... 13.409 ServiceRequest EKG Example
.... 13.410 ServiceRequest Example
.... 13.411 ServiceRequest for Rehab Example
.... 13.412 Sexual Orientation Observation Example
.... 13.413 Simple Observation Cognitive Status Example
.... 13.414 Simple Observation Disability Status Example
.... 13.415 Simple Observation Functional Status Example
.... 13.416 Simple Observation SDOH Example
.... 13.417 Some Day Smoker Example
.... 13.418 Substance Use Status Example
.... 13.419 Taps Item Example 75889-6
.... 13.420 Taps Item Example 88037-7
.... 13.421 Taps Item Example 96842-0
.... 13.422 Taps Item Example 96843-8
.... 13.423 Taps Item Example 96844-6
.... 13.424 Taps Panel Example 96841-2
.... 13.425 Targeted Provenance Example
.... 13.426 Targeted Provenance Patient Example
.... 13.427 Temperature Example
.... 13.428 Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance use screen [TAPS] Questionnaire Example
.... 13.429 Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance use screen [TAPS] QuestionnaireResponse Example
.... 13.430 Treatment Intervention Preference Example
.... 13.431 UDI 1 Example
.... 13.432 Urobilinogen Example
.... 13.433 Uscore Med1 Example
.... 13.434 Uscore Med2 Example
.... 13.435 Weight Example
.... 13.436 Xray Chest Findings Example
.... 13.437 Xray Chest Impression Example