0 Table of Contents |
1 Home Page |
2 Genomic Background |
3 General Genomic Reporting |
4 Variant Reporting |
5 Pharmacogenomic Reporting |
6 Somatic Reporting |
7 Histocompatibility and Immunogenetic Reporting |
8 Genomic Operations |
9 Useful Downloads |
10 Appendix A: Relation to v2 reporting |
11 Appendix B: Clinical Genomic Apps |
12 Appendix C: HL7 Domain Analysis Model |
13 Appendix D: Query Guidance |
14 Appendix E: External Coding Systems |
15 Appendix F: Conversion from FHIR Core STU3 |
16 Appendix G: Molecular Sequence |
17 Appendix H: Grouping Guidance |
18 Appendix I: Glossary |
19 Change Log |
20 Artifacts Summary |
20.1 Find Population Diagnostic Implications |
20.2 Find Population Molecular Consequences |
20.3 Find Population Specific Haplotypes |
20.4 Find Population Specific Variants |
20.5 Find Population Structural Intersecting Variants |
20.6 Find Population Structural Subsuming Variants |
20.7 Find Population Treatment Implications |
20.8 Find Study Metadata |
20.9 Find Subject Diagnostic Implications |
20.10 Find Subject Haplotypes |
20.11 Find Subject Molecular Consequences |
20.12 Find Subject Specific Haplotypes |
20.13 Find Subject Specific Variants |
20.14 Find Subject Structural Intersecting Variants |
20.15 Find Subject Structural Subsuming Variants |
20.16 Find Subject Treatment Implications |
20.17 Find Subject Variants |
20.18 Genomic Base |
20.19 Genomic Finding |
20.20 Genomic Implication |
20.21 Diagnostic Implication |
20.22 Followup Recommendation |
20.23 Genomic Data File |
20.24 Genomic Report |
20.25 Genomic Study |
20.26 Genomic Study Analysis |
20.27 Genotype |
20.28 Haplotype |
20.29 Medication Recommendation |
20.30 Molecular Biomarker |
20.31 Molecular Consequence |
20.32 Sequence Phase Relationship |
20.33 Therapeutic Implication |
20.34 Variant |
20.35 Coded Annotation |
20.36 Annotation Code |
20.37 Genomic Report Note |
20.38 Genomic Risk Assessment |
20.39 Genomic Study Analysis Change Type |
20.40 Genomic Study Analysis Device |
20.41 Genomic Study Analysis Extension |
20.42 Genomic Study Analysis Focus |
20.43 Genomic Study Analysis Genome Build |
20.44 Genomic Study Analysis Input |
20.45 Genomic Study Analysis Method Type |
20.46 Genomic Study Analysis Metrics |
20.47 Genomic Study Analysis Output |
20.48 Genomic Study Analysis Protocol Performed |
20.49 Genomic Study Analysis Regions |
20.50 Genomic Study Analysis Source Class |
20.51 Genomic Study Analysis Specimen |
20.52 Genomic Study Analysis Title |
20.53 Genomic Study Reference |
20.54 Genomic Study Referrer Extension |
20.55 Medication Assessed reference to a FHIR resource |
20.56 Recommended Action |
20.57 Related Artifact for Observation component |
20.58 Repeat Motif Order |
20.59 Therapy Assessed reference to a FHIR resource |
20.60 Coded Annotation Types |
20.61 Condition Inheritance Patterns |
20.62 DNA Change Type |
20.63 Evidence Level Examples |
20.64 Functional Effect Value Set |
20.65 Genetic Therapeutic Implications |
20.66 Genomic Study Change Type ValueSet |
20.67 Genomic Study Data Format ValueSet |
20.68 Genomic Study Method Type ValueSet |
20.69 Genomic Study Status ValueSet |
20.70 Genomic Study Type ValueSet |
20.71 HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee Gene Names (HGNC) |
20.72 Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) Nomenclature |
20.73 Molecular Biomarker Categories |
20.74 Molecular Biomarker Codes |
20.75 Molecular Consequence Value Set |
20.76 Sequence Phase Relationships |
20.77 To Be Determined Value Set |
20.78 Variant Confidence Status |
20.79 ClinVar Evidence Level Example Codes |
20.80 Coded Annotation Type Codes |
20.81 Genomic Study Change Type CodeSystem |
20.82 Genomic Study Data Format CodeSystem |
20.83 Genomic Study Method Type CodeSystem |
20.84 Genomic Study Status CodeSystem |
20.85 Genomic Study Type CodeSystem |
20.86 Molecular Biomarker Ontology Codes |
20.87 PharmGKB Evidence Level Example Codes |
20.88 Sequence Phase Relationship Codes |
20.89 To Be Determined Codes |
20.90 Variant Confidence Status Codes |
20.91 DNA Change Type Map |
20.92 Genomic Study Status Map |
20.93 analysisTumorNormalDNA |
20.94 analysisTumorRNA |
20.95 AnnotationExample |
20.96 ATR-insertion-molc |
20.97 ATR-insertion-significance |
20.98 ATR-insertion-var |
20.99 bundle-CG-IG-HLA-FullBundle-01 |
20.100 bundle-cgexample |
20.101 bundle-cgexample-withGrouping |
20.102 bundle-complexVariant-nonHGVS |
20.103 bundle-compound-heterozygote |
20.104 bundle-CYP2C19 |
20.105 bundle-oncology-diagnostic |
20.106 bundle-oncology-report-example |
20.107 bundle-oncologyexamples-r4 |
20.108 bundle-oncologyexamples-r4-withGrouping |
20.109 bundle-pgxexample |
20.110 bundle-sequence-phase-relation-CYP2C19 |
20.111 CGPatientExample01 |
20.112 CNVAnalysis-called |
20.113 denovoChild |
20.114 denovoFather |
20.115 denovoMother |
20.116 diagnosticreport-hla-glstring-r4 |
20.117 EGFR-L858R-molc |
20.118 EGFR-L858R-significance |
20.119 EGFR-L858R-therapuDrug1 |
20.120 EGFR-L858R-therapuDrug2 |
20.121 EGFR-L858R-var |
20.122 eMERGEServiceRequest |
20.123 ExampleGermlineCNV |
20.124 ExampleGermlineDEL |
20.125 ExampleGermlineINV |
20.126 ExampleLab |
20.127 ExampleOrg |
20.128 ExamplePatient |
20.129 ExampleServiceRequest |
20.130 ExampleSomaticCNV |
20.131 ExampleSomaticDEL |
20.132 ExampleSomaticINV |
20.133 ExampleSpecimen |
20.134 FindALLPopulationSpecificVariantsOutput |
20.135 FindANYPopulationSpecificVariantsOutput |
20.136 FindPopulationDxImplicationsOutput |
20.137 FindPopulationMolecConseqOutput |
20.138 FindPopulationSpecificHaplotypesOutput |
20.139 FindPopulationStructuralIntersectingVariantsOutput |
20.140 FindPopulationStructuralSubsumingVariantsOutput |
20.141 FindPopulationTxImplicationsOutput |
20.142 FindStudyMetadataOutput |
20.143 FindSubjectDxImplicationsOutput |
20.144 FindSubjectHaplotypesOutput |
20.145 FindSubjectMolecConseqOutput |
20.146 FindSubjectSpecificHaplotypesOutput |
20.147 FindSubjectSpecificVariantsOutput |
20.148 FindSubjectStructuralIntersectingVariantsOutput |
20.149 FindSubjectStructuralSubsumingVariantsOutput |
20.150 FindSubjectTxImplicationsOutput |
20.151 FindSubjectVariantsOutput |
20.152 FullGenome-GRCh38 |
20.153 genomicFileFatherBAM |
20.154 genomicFileMotherBAM |
20.155 genomicFileProbandBAM |
20.156 genomicFileProbandVCF |
20.157 genomicPatient |
20.158 GenomicReportExample01 |
20.159 genomicServiceRequest |
20.160 GenomicServiceRequestExample01 |
20.161 genomicSpecimen |
20.162 GenomicSpecimenExample01 |
20.163 GenomicSpecimenExample02 |
20.164 genomicstudy-trio2 |
20.165 genomicstudyanalysis-trio2 |
20.166 genomicVCFfile-cnv |
20.167 genomicVCFfile-simple |
20.168 Genotype-Clinical-Trial-Example-using-haplotypes |
20.169 genotype-hla-a-glstring-r4 |
20.170 GenotypeExample1 |
20.171 GenotypeExamplePharmVar |
20.172 GenRiskDiabetesT2 |
20.173 GrouperEx01 |
20.174 GrouperEx02 |
20.175 GrouperEx03 |
20.176 haplotype-hla-a-1-r4 |
20.177 HaplotypeExamplePharmVar01 |
20.178 HaplotypeExamplePharmVar02 |
20.179 HaplotypeSet-Clinical-Trial-Example-1of2 |
20.180 HaplotypeSet-Clinical-Trial-Example-2of2 |
20.181 HER2byImmuneStainExample |
20.182 HER2byImmunoassayExample |
20.183 HG00403 |
20.184 HLA-A-haplotype1 |
20.185 HLA-A-haplotype2 |
20.186 HLA-B-haplotype1 |
20.187 HLA-B-haplotype2 |
20.188 HLA-C-haplotype1 |
20.189 HLA-C-haplotype2 |
20.190 ISCN-CMLExample |
20.191 ISCN-CMLImplication |
20.192 ISCN-NormalExample |
20.193 lungMass |
20.194 lungMass-analysis1 |
20.195 lungMass-analysis2 |
20.196 MedicationRecommendationExample1 |
20.197 MedicationStatementWarfarin |
20.198 MicrosatelliteInstabilityExample01 |
20.199 molec-conseq1 |
20.200 molec-conseq2 |
20.201 molec-conseq3 |
20.202 molec-conseq4 |
20.203 MSH2-del-disease |
20.204 MSH2-del-molc |
20.205 MSH2-del-var |
20.206 MSIExample |
20.207 MultipleRepeatExpansions |
20.208 normalSpecimen |
20.209 NOTCH1-significance |
20.210 NOTCH1-uncertain-molc |
20.211 NOTCH1-uncertain-var |
20.212 NTHL1-snv-disease |
20.213 NTHL1-snv-molc |
20.214 NTHL1-snv-var |
20.215 obs-idh-ex |
20.216 orderingPractitioner |
20.217 pathologistPractitioner |
20.218 PDL1Example |
20.219 performingOrganization |
20.220 Pgx-geno-1001 |
20.221 Pgx-geno-1002 |
20.222 Pgx-geno-1003 |
20.223 Pgx-var-1011 |
20.224 Pgx-var-1012 |
20.225 Pgx-var-1013 |
20.226 Pgx-var-1014 |
20.227 Pgx-var-1015 |
20.228 Pgx-var-1016 |
20.229 Pgx-var-1017 |
20.230 Pgx-var-1018 |
20.231 Pgx-var-1019 |
20.232 Pgx-var-1020 |
20.233 Pgx-var-1021 |
20.234 PGxGenomicReportEMERGE |
20.235 PGxGenomicReportEMERGE-withGrouping |
20.236 PGXGenomicStudy |
20.237 PGXGenomicStudyAnalysis |
20.238 PGxRecEx01 |
20.239 PGxRecEx02 |
20.240 PGxRecEx03 |
20.241 PGxRecEx04 |
20.242 PGxRecEx05 |
20.243 PolyGenicDiagnosticImpExample |
20.244 practitioner02 |
20.245 RepeatExpansion |
20.246 ROS1-Fusion |
20.247 ROS1-Fusion-disease |
20.248 ROS1-Fusion-therapuDrug |
20.249 ROS1-Fusion-therapuTrial |
20.250 ROS1-Fusion-var |
20.251 SequencePhaseRelationExample1 |
20.252 SequencingProcedure |
20.253 servicerequest-hla-a-r4 |
20.254 SimpleVariantAnalysis-called |
20.255 SNVexample |
20.256 somaticPatient |
20.257 somaticReport |
20.258 somaticServiceRequest |
20.259 somaticStudy |
20.260 somaticVCFfile |
20.261 specimen-hla-r4 |
20.262 STAG2-insertion-molc |
20.263 STAG2-insertion-significance |
20.264 STAG2-insertion-var |
20.265 supervisorPractitioner |
20.266 Therapeutic-Implication-Clinical-Trial-2 |
20.267 Therapeutic-Implication-Clinical-Trial-Somatic |
20.268 TherapeuticImplicationExample1 |
20.269 TMB-therapuDrug |
20.270 TMBExample |
20.271 triodenovo-software |
20.272 TumorMutationBurdenExample01 |
20.273 tumorSpecimen |
20.274 TxImp01 |
20.275 TxImp02 |
20.276 TxImp03 |
20.277 TxImp04 |
20.278 TxImp05 |
20.279 TxImp06 |
20.280 UncallableRegions |
20.281 Variant-Somatic-Clinical-Trial |
20.282 variant-with-molec-consequences |
20.283 VariantExample |
20.284 VariantExample1 |
20.285 VariantExample2 |
20.286 WES-FullSequencedRegion-GRCh38 |
20.287 WES-UncallableRegions-GRCh38 |
20.288 ZFHX3-significance |
20.289 ZFHX3-uncertain-molc |
20.290 ZFHX3-uncertain-var |