Dependent IGs Analysis for US Core Implementation Guide

Generated Thu Jun 27 06:15:27 UTC 2024 for



Details By IG


ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Encounter Type De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter
US Core Discharge Disposition De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter
US Core Procedure Codes De-Identified UDS Plus Procedure
De-Identified UDS Plus ServiceRequest
US Core Laboratory Test Codes De-Identified UDS Plus Lab Observation
De-Identified UDS Plus Observation
Language codes with language and optionally a region modifier De-Identified UDS Plus Patient
US Core Condition Codes De-Identified UDS Plus Diagnosis
US Core Clinical Result Observation Category De-Identified UDS Plus Clinical Result Observation

Derived profiles

US Core Location Profile UDS Plus Location

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile DeIdentified UDS Plus Coverage
De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter
US Core Practitioner Profile De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter

Derived extensions

US Core Ethnicity Extension UDS Plus Ethnicity Extension
US Core Race Extension UDS Plus Race Extension
US Core Gender Identity Extension UDS Plus Gender Identity Extension

Derived profiles

US Core Encounter Profile Encounter - Birth
Encounter - Maternity
US Core Vital Signs Profile Observation - Birth Weight
Observation - Mother Delivery Weight
Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight
US Core Procedure Profile Procedure - Antibiotic for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis
Procedure - Artificial Insemination
Procedure - Assisted Fertilization
Procedure - Assisted Ventilation Following Delivery
Procedure - Assisted Ventilation More Than Six Hours
Procedure - Augmentation of Labor
Procedure - Blood Transfusion
Procedure - Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia
Procedure - Final Route and Method of Delivery
Procedure - Induction of Labor
Procedure - Infertility Treatment
Procedure - Obstetric
Procedure - Surfactant Replacement Therapy
Procedure - Unplanned Hysterectomy
US Core Body Height Profile Observation - Mother Height
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Condition - Chorioamnionitis
Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn
Condition - Eclampsia Hypertension
Condition - Gestational Diabetes
Condition - Gestational Hypertension
Condition - Infection Present During Pregnancy
Condition - Perineal Laceration
Condition - Prepregnancy Diabetes
Condition - Prepregnancy Hypertension
Condition - Ruptured Uterus
Condition - Seizure
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Condition - Fetal Death Cause or Condition
Condition - Fetal Death Other Cause or Condition

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile Composition - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report
Composition - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Procedure Codes BSeR Referral Message Header

Derived profiles

US Core ServiceRequest Profile Referral Service Request
US Core Medication Profile BSeR Tobacco Use Cessation Feedback Medication

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile BSeR Coverage
BSeR Patient Consent
BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Request Composition
BSeR Referral Task
BSeR Telcom Communication Preferences
BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Task
US Core Organization Profile BSeR Coverage
BSeR Referral Service Request
BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Service Request
Referral Task
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core Procedure Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core RelatedPerson Profile BSeR Coverage
BSeR Patient Consent
BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Task
US Core Body Height Profile BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core PractitionerRole Profile BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Message Header
BSeR Referral Request Composition
BSeR Referral Service Request
BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Task
US Core CareTeam Profile BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Task
US Core Practitioner Profile BSeR Referral Observation
Referral Task
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core Blood Pressure Profile BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core BMI Profile BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core Body Weight Profile BSeR Referral Feedback Composition
BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core MedicationRequest Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile BSeR Referral Request Composition

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Procedure Codes US Pathology Service Request

Derived profiles

US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange US Pathology Diagnostic Report
US Core ServiceRequest Profile US Pathology Service Request
US Core PractitionerRole Profile US Pathology Related Practitioner Roles

Used profiles

US Core CareTeam Profile US Pathology Diagnostic Report
US Core Practitioner Profile US Pathology Diagnostic Report
US Core Organization Profile US Pathology Diagnostic Report
US Core Patient Profile US Pathology Service Request
US Core Encounter Profile US Pathology Service Request

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile C4BB Organization
US Core Patient Profile C4BB Patient
US Core Practitioner Profile C4BB Practitioner

ValueSets used in profiles

Language codes with language and optionally a region modifier RTPBC Patient

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile RTPBC Pharmacy Organization

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile RTPBC Medication Request
RTPBC Request Using Claim

Used profiles

US Core Immunization Profile Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core Patient Profile Informant Extension
Information Recipient Extension
Participant Extension
US Realm Header
US Core Organization Profile US Realm Header
US Core Procedure Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Operative Note
Procedure Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core Encounter Profile Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Operative Note
Procedure Note
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Realm Header
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Procedure Note
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Data Enterer Extension
Informant Extension
Information Recipient Extension
Participant Extension
Performer Extension
US Realm Header
US Core Medication Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Operative Note
Procedure Note
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core Practitioner Profile Data Enterer Extension
Informant Extension
Information Recipient Extension
Participant Extension
Performer Extension
US Realm Header
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Procedure Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core Goal Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Operative Note
Procedure Note
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
US Core CarePlan Profile Care Plan
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Care Plan
Consultation Note
Continuity of Care Document
Discharge Summary
History and Physical
Operative Note
Procedure Note
Progress Note
Referral Note
Transfer Summary

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile CDMH Lab Results
US Core Organization Profile CDMH Organization
US Core Patient Profile CDMH Patient
US Core Encounter Profile CDMH Encounter
US Core Procedure Profile CDMH Procedure
US Core Vital Signs Profile CDMH Vital Signs
US Core Location Profile CDMH Location
US Core MedicationRequest Profile CDMH MedicationRequest

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile CDMH Patient
CDMH Procedure
US Core Organization Profile CDMH Patient
US Core Implantable Device Profile CDMH Procedure

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile US Public Health Patient
US Core Encounter Profile Cancer Encounter

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile Cancer Encounter
Central Cancer Registry Reporting Cancer Patient
Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Patient Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Encounter Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Procedure Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Location Profile Cancer Encounter
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Medication Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Practitioner Profile Cancer Encounter
Central Cancer Registry Reporting Cancer Patient
Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core DocumentReference Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition
US Core CarePlan Profile Central Cancer Registry Report Composition

Derived profiles

US Core Implantable Device Profile Radiotherapy Seed Device
US Core Procedure Profile Radiotherapy Treated Fraction
Radiotherapy Treated Phase
Radiotherapy Treated Plan
US Core Encounter Profile Radiotherapy Treatment Session
US Core ServiceRequest Profile Radiotherapy Course Prescription
Radiotherapy Phase Prescription
Radiotherapy Plan Prescription
Radiotherapy Planned Course
Radiotherapy Planned Phase
Radiotherapy Treatment Plan

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Radiotherapy Adverse Event
US Core Practitioner Profile Radiotherapy Course Prescription
Radiotherapy Phase Prescription
Radiotherapy Plan Prescription
Radiotherapy Planned Course
Radiotherapy Planned Phase
Radiotherapy Treatment Plan
US Core Organization Profile Radiotherapy Course Prescription
Radiotherapy Course Summary
Radiotherapy Phase Prescription
Radiotherapy Plan Prescription
Radiotherapy Planned Course
Radiotherapy Planned Phase
Radiotherapy Treated Fraction
Radiotherapy Treated Phase
Radiotherapy Treated Plan
Radiotherapy Treatment Plan
US Core Location Profile Radiotherapy Course Prescription
Radiotherapy Course Summary
Radiotherapy Phase Prescription
Radiotherapy Plan Prescription
Radiotherapy Planned Course
Radiotherapy Planned Phase
Radiotherapy Treated Fraction
Radiotherapy Treated Phase
Radiotherapy Treated Plan
Radiotherapy Treatment Plan
Radiotherapy Treatment Session
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Radiotherapy Course Prescription
Radiotherapy Phase Prescription
Radiotherapy Plan Prescription
Radiotherapy Planned Course
Radiotherapy Planned Phase
Radiotherapy Treatment Plan

Derived profiles

US Core Immunization Profile COVID-19 Immunization
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Laboratory Observation Base
US Core Organization Profile COVID 19 Vaccine Manufacturer

Derived profiles

US Core Encounter Profile Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile
Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile
US Core Organization Profile Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile
US Core Location Profile Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile Davinci ATR Organization
US Core Patient Profile Davinci ATR Patient
US Core Practitioner Profile Davinci ATR Practitioner
US Core Location Profile Davinci ATR Location
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Davinci ATR PractitionerRole

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core DocumentReference Type CDex Task Data Request Profile

Derived profiles

US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile CDex SDC QuestionnaireResponse Profile

Derived profiles

US Core Coverage Profile CRD Coverage
US Core Organization Profile CRD Organization
US Core Patient Profile CRD Patient
US Core Practitioner Profile CRD Practitioner
US Core Encounter Profile CRD Encounter - USCDI 3
US Core ServiceRequest Profile CRD Service Request
US Core Location Profile CRD Location
US Core MedicationRequest Profile CRD Medication Request

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile CRD Encounter - USCDI 1

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile DTR Questionnaire Response
US Core Practitioner Profile DTR Questionnaire Response
Information Origin
US Core Organization Profile DTR Questionnaire Response
US Core PractitionerRole Profile DTR Questionnaire Response

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile HRex Organization Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile HRex Practitioner Profile
US Core PractitionerRole Profile HRex PractitionerRole Profile
US Core Provenance Profile HRex Provenance Profile

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Authorized Provider
US Core Organization Profile Authorized Provider

Used Extensions

US Core Birth Sex Extension HRex Patient Demographics

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes IdentifierJurisdiction

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile PAS Beneficiary Patient
PAS Subscriber Patient
US Core Organization Profile PAS Organization Base Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile PAS Practitioner
US Core Encounter Profile PAS Encounter
US Core Location Profile PAS Location Profile
US Core MedicationRequest Profile PAS Medication Request

Used profiles

US Core DocumentReference Profile PAS Claim
US Core Location Profile PAS Encounter

Derived profiles

US Core CarePlan Profile PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile

Used profiles

US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile
US Core Organization Profile PCDE Coverage Transition Task - Search Profile
PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile
US Core Patient Profile PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile
US Core DocumentReference Profile PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile
PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile

Derived profiles

US Core Location Profile PCT Service Location

CodeSystems used in ValueSets

US Core Provenance Participant Type Extension Codes Provenance Agent Type

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Provenance Participant Type Codes PDex Provenance

Derived profiles

US Core MedicationDispense Profile PDex MedicationDispense
US Core Organization Profile mTLS Organization
US Core Provenance Profile PDex Provenance

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile PDex Device
PDex Prior Authorization
PDex Provider Access Consent Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile PDex MedicationDispense
PDex Prior Authorization
PDex Provenance
US Core Organization Profile PDex MedicationDispense
PDex Prior Authorization
PDex Provenance
US Core Encounter Profile PDex Prior Authorization
US Core Location Profile PDex MedicationDispense
PDex Prior Authorization
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PDex MedicationDispense
PDex Prior Authorization

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes Practitioner Qualification

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile Plan-Net Network
Plan-Net Organization
US Core Practitioner Profile Plan-Net Practitioner
US Core Location Profile Plan-Net Location
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Plan-Net PractitionerRole

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Condition Codes Condition Category Remark
Diagnosis Code

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Risk Adjustment Data Exchange MeasureReport
Risk Adjustment Coding Gap MeasureReport
Patient Group
US Core Organization Profile Risk Adjustment Data Exchange MeasureReport
Risk Adjustment Coding Gap MeasureReport
Reporting Vendor Extension

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile Organization Subject
Value-Based Performance MeasureReport
US Core Practitioner Profile Value-Based Performance MeasureReport
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Value-Based Performance MeasureReport

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Dental Communication
Dental Findings
Dental Service Request
US Core Practitioner Profile Dental Findings
US Core Goal Profile Dental Consult Note
US Core Encounter Profile Dental Communication
Dental Consult Note
Dental Findings
Dental Service Request
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Dental Consult Note

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes Practitioner Qualification

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Network
National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Organization
US Core Practitioner Profile National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Practitioner
US Core Location Profile National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Location

Derived profiles

US Core Provenance Profile PAO Provenance
US Core MedicationRequest Profile PAO MedicationRequest
US Core Medication Profile PAO Medication

Used profiles

US Core CareTeam Profile PAO ServiceRequest
US Core Organization Profile PAO Coverage
PAO MedicationRequest
PAO MessageHeader
PAO Relevant Reviews Extension
PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core Patient Profile PAO MedicationRequest
PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core Practitioner Profile PAO MedicationRequest
PAO MessageHeader
PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core Encounter Profile PAO Device Request
PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core Location Profile PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PAO MedicationRequest
PAO MessageHeader
PAO ServiceRequest
PAO Task
US Core Provenance Profile PAO Task

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes US Public Health Address Extension

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile
US Core Organization Profile US Public Health Organization
US Core Patient Profile US Public Health Patient
US Core Procedure Profile eICR Procedure
US Core Encounter Profile US Public Health Encounter
US Core DocumentReference Profile RR DocumentReference
US Core Location Profile US Public Health Location
US Core PractitionerRole Profile US Public Health PractitionerRole

Used profiles

US Core Immunization Profile Electronic Initial Case Report Composition
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Electronic Initial Case Report Composition
US Core Practitioner Profile RR Composition
US Public Health Composition
US Public Health Information Recipient Extension
US Core Vital Signs Profile Electronic Initial Case Report Composition
US Core DocumentReference Profile RR Composition
US Core Location Profile US Public Health Exposure Contact Information
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Electronic Initial Case Report Composition
US Core Medication Profile US Public Health MedicationAdministration

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile Patient_eltss
US Core Practitioner Profile Practitioner_eltss
US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile eLTSS QuestionnaireResponse Profile
US Core Goal Profile Goal_eltss
US Core RelatedPerson Profile eLTSS RelatedPerson Profile
US Core ServiceRequest Profile ServiceRequest_eltss
US Core Location Profile Location_eltss
US Core PractitionerRole Profile eLTSS PractitionerRole Profile
US Core CarePlan Profile CarePlan_eltss
US Core Simple Observation Profile Observation_eltss
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Condition_eltss

Used profiles

US Core CareTeam Profile CarePlan_eltss
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange RiskAssessment_eltss
US Core Organization Profile CarePlan_eltss
US Core Implantable Device Profile RiskAssessment_eltss
US Core Encounter Profile Contract_eltss
US Core DocumentReference Profile Contract_eltss

Derived profiles

US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile Healthcare Associated Infection Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Healthcare Associated Infection Population Summary QuestionnaireResponse
Healthcare Associated Infection Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Population Summary QuestionnaireResponse
Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse
US Core Patient Profile Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Procedure Codes HCS Service Request

Used profiles

US Core Immunization Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Patient Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
HCS Medication Administration
HCS Medication Statement
HCS Service Request
US Core Organization Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Encounter Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
HCS Medication Administration
HCS Medication Statement
US Core Procedure Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Medication Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core CareTeam Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Practitioner Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
HCS Service Request
US Core Implantable Device Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core Goal Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core DocumentReference Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core CarePlan Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Health Care Survey Report Composition

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result
US Core Patient Profile Patient - At Home In Vitro Test
US Core Specimen Profile Specimen - At-Home In-Vitro Test
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting DiagnosticReport - At-Home In-Vitro Results
US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile Observation - Patient Question Answer

Used profiles

US Core CareTeam Profile Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result
US Core Practitioner Profile Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info
Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result
US Core Organization Profile Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info
Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Source Software Information
MessageHeader - At-Home In-Vitro Test Results
Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info
Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info
Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes Qualification

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile HSDOrganization
US Core Location Profile HSDLocation

Derived profiles

US Core Immunization Profile ICSR Immunization
US Core Practitioner Profile Practitioner Author
US Core Organization Profile MessageHeader Organization
US Core Patient Profile ICSR Patient
US Core Vital Signs Profile Patient's Date of Last Menstrual Period
US Core Procedure Profile ICSR Transfusion
US Core Body Height Profile Patient Body Height in cm
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PractitionerRole Author
US Core Body Weight Profile Patient Body Weight in kg

Used profiles

US Core Encounter Profile ICSR Adverse Event
US Core Location Profile ICSR Adverse Event
ICSR Immunization

Derived profiles

US Core Immunization Profile ImmDS Immunization
US Core Patient Profile ImmDS Patient

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile C4DIC Organization

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Condition Codes Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation

Derived profiles

US Core Immunization Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Immunization
US Core Observation Clinical Result Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Test Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Imaging Observation
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Laboratory Result Observation
US Core Procedure Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Procedure
US Core ServiceRequest Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Service Request
US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Observation SDOH Assessment
US Core CareTeam Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Diagnostic Report and Note
US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
US Core Goal Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Goal
US Core DocumentReference Profile Document Reference to Patient's Personal Advance Care Plan (Advance Directive)
US Core Simple Observation Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Simple Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Symptom Observation
US Core CarePlan Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile MCC Chronic Condition and Health Concern Profile
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Medication Request

Used profiles

US Core Immunization Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Patient Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Impression
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
Custodian R5 backport
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Organization Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
Custodian R5 backport
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation
Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
Custodian R5 backport
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core CareTeam Profile Custodian R5 backport
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Practitioner Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response
Custodian R5 backport
Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Blood Pressure Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Observation Occupation Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core BMI Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Body Weight Profile Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile Cancer Patient Profile
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Histologic Behavior and Type
Histologic Grade
Tumor Marker Test Profile
US Core Vital Signs Profile Body Surface Area
US Core Procedure Profile Cancer-Related Surgical Procedure Profile
Radiotherapy Course Summary Profile
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting Tumor Morphology Report
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Primary Cancer Condition Profile
Secondary Cancer Condition Profile

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Cancer Disease Status Profile
Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile
US Core Organization Profile Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Cancer Disease Status Profile
Cancer-Related Medication Administration Profile
Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile
Cancer-Related Surgical Procedure Profile
Radiotherapy Course Summary Profile
Tumor Profile

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Observation - Toxicology Lab Result
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI
US Core DocumentReference Profile DocumentReference - MDI Report

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile Composition - MDI and EDRS
US Core Practitioner Profile DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI
US Core Patient Profile Specimen - Toxicology Lab
US Core Location Profile Composition - MDI and EDRS
US Core PractitionerRole Profile DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Composition - MDI and EDRS
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Composition - MDI and EDRS

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile US Public Health Organization

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile US Veteran

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes NDH Practitioner Qualification
NDH Qualification

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile NDH Base Network Profile
NDH Base Organization Profile
US Core Practitioner Profile NDH Base Practitioner Profile
US Core Location Profile NDH Base Location Profile
US Core PractitionerRole Profile NDH Base PractitionerRole

Used Extensions

US Core Ethnicity Extension NDH Base Practitioner Profile
US Core Race Extension NDH Base Practitioner Profile

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Observation Laboratory Blood Glucose

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia
Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia
US Core Encounter Profile Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia
Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia
US Core Procedure Profile Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia
Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia
Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Observation Laboratory SARS COVID-19

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration
Medication Administration - Inpatient Med Admin
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration
US Core Encounter Profile Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration
US Core Medication Profile Medication Administration - Inpatient Med Admin

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Combat Zone Period
Employment Status
Occupational Data For Health
Past Or Present Job
Retirement Date
Usual Work

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core DocumentReference Category ADI Document Reference

Derived profiles

US Core Goal Profile ADI Personal Goal
US Core ServiceRequest Profile ADI ServiceRequest
US Core DocumentReference Profile ADI Document Reference
US Core CarePlan Profile ADI Portable Medical Order Care Plan
ADI Preference Care Plan
US Core Provenance Profile ADI Provenance

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile ADI Autopsy Observation
ADI Care Experience Preference
ADI Composition Header
ADI Document Reference
ADI Documentation Observation
ADI Notary
ADI Organ Donation
ADI Personal Advance Care Plan Composition
ADI Portable Medical Order Hospice Observation
ADI Participant
ADI Participant Consent
ADI Personal Goal
Personal Intervention Preference
ADI Personal Priorities Organizer
ADI Witness
Data Enterer
US Core Practitioner Profile ADI Composition Header
ADI Document Reference
ADI Portable Medical Order Hospice Observation
ADI PMO No Additional request or instruction Observation
ADI ServiceRequest
Data Enterer
US Core Organization Profile ADI Composition Header
ADI Document Reference
ADI Portable Medical Order Composition
US Core Encounter Profile ADI Composition Header
US Core ServiceRequest Profile ADI Preference Care Plan
US Core PractitionerRole Profile ADI Composition Header
Data Enterer

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Use of Device
PACIO Cognitive Status
PACIO Cognitive Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status
US Core Practitioner Profile PACIO Cognitive Status
PACIO Cognitive Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status
US Core Organization Profile PACIO Cognitive Status
PACIO Cognitive Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status
US Core Encounter Profile PACIO Cognitive Status
PACIO Cognitive Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status
US Core Location Profile ObservationEventLocation
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PACIO Cognitive Status
PACIO Cognitive Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Use of Device
PACIO Functional Status
PACIO Functional Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Functional Status
US Core Practitioner Profile PACIO Functional Status
PACIO Functional Status Collection
US Core Organization Profile PACIO Functional Status
PACIO Functional Status Collection
US Core Encounter Profile PACIO Functional Status
PACIO Functional Status Collection
PACIO Narrative History of Functional Status
US Core Location Profile ObservationEventLocation
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PACIO Functional Status
PACIO Functional Status Collection

Derived profiles

US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Personal Functioning and Engagement Diagnostic Report Note Exchange Profile
Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status
US Core Goal Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Goal Profile
US Core ServiceRequest Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Service Request Profile
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection
Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status
Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation
Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation
US Core Organization Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection
Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status
Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation
Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation
US Core Patient Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Use of Device
US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection
Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation
US Core Location Profile ObservationEventLocation
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection
Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status
Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation
Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation

Derived profiles

US Core Encounter Profile Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter

Used profiles

US Core Organization Profile Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter
US Core Procedure Profile Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter
US Core Encounter Profile Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter
US Core Location Profile Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter

Derived profiles

US Core MedicationDispense Profile PDMP MedicationDispense
US Core Organization Profile PDMP Organization - Pharmacy
US Core Patient Profile PDMP Patient

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile PDMP MedicationAdministration
US Core Practitioner Profile PDMP MedicationDispense
PDMP Parameters - Request
US Core Organization Profile PDMP Parameters - Request
US Core Encounter Profile PDMP MedicationAdministration
US Core RelatedPerson Profile PDMP Parameters - Request
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PDMP MessageHeader - Request
PDMP Parameters - Request
US Core MedicationRequest Profile PDMP MedicationAdministration
US Core Medication Profile PDMP MedicationAdministration

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes US Public Health Address Extension

Derived profiles

US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile
US Core Organization Profile US Public Health Organization
US Core Patient Profile US Public Health Patient
US Core Encounter Profile US Public Health Encounter
US Core Location Profile US Public Health Location
US Core PractitionerRole Profile US Public Health PractitionerRole
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile US Public Health Condition Encounter Diagnosis
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile US Public Health Condition Problems and Health Concerns

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile US Public Health Composition
US Public Health Information Recipient Extension
US Public Health Survey Practitioner Group
US Core Medication Profile US Public Health MedicationAdministration

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile PhCP Organization
US Core Encounter Profile PhCP Encounter
US Core Procedure Profile PhCP Instruction Procedure
PhCP Intervention Procedure

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile PhCP Care Coordination
PhCP ServiceRequest
US Core Practitioner Profile PhCP Care Coordination
PhCP Instruction Procedure
PhCP MedicationDispense
PhCP ServiceRequest
US Core Organization Profile PhCPCoverage
PhCP Encounter
PhCP Instruction Procedure
US Core Encounter Profile PhCP Composition
US Core Procedure Profile PhCP Composition
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PhCP Care Coordination
PhCP Instruction Procedure
PhCP MedicationDispense
PhCP ServiceRequest
US Core CarePlan Profile PhCP Composition
US Core MedicationRequest Profile PhCP Composition
PhCP MedicationDispense
US Core Medication Profile PhCP MedicationDispense

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Condition Codes PA Service Request

Derived profiles

US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange PA Intervention Report
US Core Goal Profile PA Goal
US Core CarePlan Profile PA Care Plan

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile PA Care Plan
PA Condition - Low Physical Activity
PA Goal
PA Observation Base
PA Service Request
PA Task for Referral Management
US Core Organization Profile PA Care Plan
PA Goal
PA Service Request
PA Task for Referral Management
US Core Patient Profile PA Care Plan
PA Goal
PA Observation Base
PA Related Person
PA Service Request
PA Task for Referral Management
US Core PractitionerRole Profile PA Condition - Low Physical Activity
PA Observation Base
PA Service Request
PA Task for Referral Management

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Survey Codes QICore Observation Screening Assessment
US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category QICore Observation Screening Assessment
US Core Laboratory Test Codes QICore Laboratory Result Observation
US Core Non Laboratory Codes QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
US Core Condition Codes QICore Service Not Requested
US Core Clinical Result Observation Category QICore Observation Clinical Result
QICore Laboratory Result Observation

Derived profiles

US Core Coverage Profile QICore Coverage
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile QICore Laboratory Result Observation
US Core Organization Profile QICore Organization
US Core Encounter Profile QICore Encounter
US Core Procedure Profile QICore Procedure
QICore Procedure Not Done
US Core Location Profile QICore Location
US Core PractitionerRole Profile QICore PractitionerRole
US Core Medication Profile QICore Medication
US Core CareTeam Profile QICore CareTeam
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange
US Core Practitioner Profile QICore Practitioner
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting
US Core CarePlan Profile QICore CarePlan
US Core Immunization Profile QICore Immunization
QICore Immunization Not Done
US Core Observation Clinical Result Profile QICore Observation Clinical Result
US Core Patient Profile QICore Patient
US Core RelatedPerson Profile QICore RelatedPerson
US Core ServiceRequest Profile QICore Service Not Requested
QICore ServiceRequest
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile QICore AllergyIntolerance
US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile QICore Observation Screening Assessment
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile QICore Condition Encounter Diagnosis
US Core MedicationDispense Profile QICore MedicationDispense
QICore MedicationDispense Declined
US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile QICore QuestionnaireResponse
US Core Goal Profile QICore Goal
US Core Simple Observation Profile QICore Simple Observation
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile QICore Condition Problems Health Concerns
US Core MedicationRequest Profile QICore Medication Not Requested
QICore MedicationRequest

Used profiles

US Core Implantable Device Profile QICore AdverseEvent
QICore Communication
QICore CommunicationRequest
QICore DeviceUseStatement
QICore ImagingStudy
QICore NonPatient Observation
QICore QuestionnaireResponse
QICore Service Not Requested
QICore ServiceRequest
US Core DocumentReference Profile QICore NonPatient Observation
QICore Observation Cancelled
QICore Procedure
QICore Simple Observation

Used Extensions

US Core Sex Extension QICore Patient
US Core Ethnicity Extension QICore Patient
US Core Race Extension QICore Patient
US Core Tribal Affiliation Extension QICore Patient
US Core Gender Identity Extension QICore Patient

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile US Public Health Patient

Used profiles

US Core Immunization Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Organization Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Patient Profile RESP-NET Medication Statement
US Core Vital Signs Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Encounter Profile RESP-NET Medication Statement
US Core PractitionerRole Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Medication Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange RESP-NET Composition
US Core Practitioner Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting RESP-NET Composition
US Core DocumentReference Profile RESP-NET Composition
US Core MedicationRequest Profile RESP-NET Composition

ValueSets used in profiles

US Core Procedure Codes SDOHCC Procedure
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
SDOHCC Task For Referral Management
US Core Condition Codes SDOHCC Condition
Detailed ethnicity SDOHCC Observation Ethnicity OMB
Detailed Race SDOHCC Observation Race OMB

Derived profiles

US Core Goal Profile SDOHCC Goal
US Core Procedure Profile SDOHCC Procedure
US Core Location Profile SDOHCC Location

Used profiles

US Core CareTeam Profile SDOHCC Observation Assessment
SDOHCC Observation Screening Response
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
US Core Patient Profile SDOHCC Condition
SDOHCC Consent
SDOHCC Observation Assessment
SDOHCC Observation Personal Characteristic
SDOHCC Observation Screening Response
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
SDOHCC Task For Patient
SDOHCC Task For Referral Management
US Core Practitioner Profile SDOHCC Condition
SDOHCC Observation Assessment
SDOHCC Observation Personal Characteristic
SDOHCC Observation Screening Response
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
SDOHCC Task For Patient
US Core Organization Profile SDOHCC Consent
SDOHCC Observation Assessment
SDOHCC Observation Screening Response
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
SDOHCC Task For Patient
SDOHCC Task For Referral Management
US Core DocumentReference Profile SDOHCC Consent
SDOHCC Task For Patient
US Core Location Profile SDOHCC ServiceRequest
US Core PractitionerRole Profile SDOHCC Condition
SDOHCC Observation Assessment
SDOHCC Observation Screening Response
SDOHCC ServiceRequest
SDOHCC Task For Patient
SDOHCC Task For Referral Management

ValueSets used in profiles

USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes Specialty Rx Organization - Pharmacy

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile Specialty Rx Organization - Pharmacy
US Core Patient Profile Specialty Rx Patient
US Core Practitioner Profile Specialty Prescription Practitioner
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Specialty Prescription

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Specialty Rx ConsentRequested
Specialty Rx Consent
Specialty Rx Task - Consent Request
Specialty Rx Task - SMART Launch
US Core Organization Profile Specialty Rx Task - Consent Request
Specialty Rx Task - SMART Launch

Derived profiles

US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile Oxygen Saturation in Arterial Blood by Pulse Oximetry

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Average Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Panel
Body Length
Body Mass Index
Body Temperature
Body Weight
Head Occipital-Frontal Circumference by Tape Measure
Heart Rate
Body Height
Oxygen Saturation in Arterial Blood by Pulse Oximetry
Oxygen Saturation in Arterial blood, method not specified
Respiratory Rate
Twenty Four Hour Blood Pressure
Vital Signs Panel

Derived profiles

US Core Patient Profile Patient - Vital Records
US Core Practitioner Profile Practitioner - Vital Records
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Related Person - Parent Vital Records
US Core Location Profile Location for Vital Records

Used profiles

US Core Patient Profile Reported Parent Age At Delivery Vital Records
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Reported Parent Age At Delivery Vital Records

Derived profiles

US Core Organization Profile Funeral Home
US Core Procedure Profile Death Certification Procedure
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Decedent Spouse

Used profiles

US Core Practitioner Profile Cause Of Death Part 1
Cause of Death Part 2
Death Date
Injury Incident
Manner of Death


Details By Resource


US Core CarePlan Category Extension Codes Used In QICore CarePlan (
US Core Condition Category Extension Codes (not used)
US Core Category (not used)
US Core DocumentReferences Category Codes (not used)
US Core Provenance Participant Type Extension Codes Used In Provenance Agent Type (


Detailed ethnicity Bound In SDOHCC Observation Ethnicity OMB (
Detailed Race Bound In SDOHCC Observation Race OMB (
OMB Ethnicity Categories (not used)
OMB Race Categories (not used)
Language codes with language and optionally a region modifier Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Patient (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In RTPBC Patient (
US Core Clinical Note Type (not used)
US Core Clinical Result Observation Category Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Clinical Result Observation (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In QICore Observation Clinical Result (
Bound In QICore Laboratory Result Observation (
US Core Condition Codes Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Diagnosis (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In Condition Category Remark (
Bound In Diagnosis Code (
Bound In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation (
Bound In PA Service Request (
Bound In QICore Service Not Requested (
Bound In SDOHCC Condition (
US Core Diagnostic Report Category Codes (not used)
US Core Non Laboratory Codes Bound In QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange (
US Core Discharge Disposition Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
US Core DocumentReference Category Bound In ADI Document Reference (
US Core DocumentReference Type Bound In CDex Task Data Request Profile (
US Core Encounter Type Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
US Core Goal Codes (not used)
US Core Laboratory Test Codes Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Lab Observation (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Observation (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In QICore Laboratory Result Observation (
US Core Narrative Status (not used)
US Core Status for Smoking Status Observation (not used)
US Core Pregnancy Intent Codes (not used)
US Core Pregnancy Status Codes (not used)
US Core Problem or Health Concern (not used)
US Core Procedure Codes Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus Procedure (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In De-Identified UDS Plus ServiceRequest (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Bound In BSeR Referral Message Header (
Bound In US Pathology Service Request (
Bound In HCS Service Request (
Bound In SDOHCC Procedure (
Bound In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Bound In SDOHCC Task For Referral Management (
US Core Provenance Participant Type Codes Bound In PDex Provenance (
US Core Screening Assessment Condition Category (not used)
US Core Screening Assessment Observation Category Bound In QICore Observation Screening Assessment (
US Core ServiceRequest Category Codes (not used)
US Core Simple Observation Category (not used)
US Core Survey Codes Bound In QICore Observation Screening Assessment (
USPS Two Letter Alphabetic Codes Bound In IdentifierJurisdiction (
Bound In Practitioner Qualification (
Bound In Qualification (
Bound In Practitioner Qualification (
Bound In US Public Health Address Extension (
Bound In Qualification (
Bound In NDH Practitioner Qualification (
Bound In NDH Qualification (
Bound In US Public Health Address Extension (
Bound In Specialty Rx Organization - Pharmacy (


US Core Pediatric Head Occipital Frontal Circumference Percentile Profile (not used)
US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile (not used)
US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile (not used)
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In QICore AllergyIntolerance (
US Core Average Blood Pressure Profile (not used)
US Core Blood Pressure Profile Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
US Core BMI Profile Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
US Core Body Height Profile Constrained In Observation - Mother Height (
Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Constrained In Patient Body Height in cm (
US Core Body Temperature Profile (not used)
US Core Body Weight Profile Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Constrained In Patient Body Weight in kg (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
US Core Care Experience Preference Profile (not used)
US Core CarePlan Profile Used In Care Plan (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Constrained In PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile (
Constrained In CarePlan_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Constrained In ADI Portable Medical Order Care Plan (
Constrained In ADI Preference Care Plan (
Used In PhCP Composition (
Constrained In PA Care Plan (
Constrained In QICore CarePlan (
US Core CareTeam Profile Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Task (
Used In US Pathology Diagnostic Report (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In CarePlan_eltss (
Used In Observation_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team (
Used In Custodian R5 backport (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Constrained In QICore CareTeam (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Assessment (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Screening Response (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Constrained In Condition - Fetal Death Cause or Condition (
Constrained In Condition - Fetal Death Other Cause or Condition (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Used In Composition - MDI and EDRS (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile (
Constrained In US Public Health Condition Encounter Diagnosis (
Constrained In QICore Condition Encounter Diagnosis (
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Constrained In Condition - Chorioamnionitis (
Constrained In Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn (
Constrained In Condition - Eclampsia Hypertension (
Constrained In Condition - Gestational Diabetes (
Constrained In Condition - Gestational Hypertension (
Constrained In Condition - Infection Present During Pregnancy (
Constrained In Condition - Perineal Laceration (
Constrained In Condition - Prepregnancy Diabetes (
Constrained In Condition - Prepregnancy Hypertension (
Constrained In Condition - Ruptured Uterus (
Constrained In Condition - Seizure (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Constrained In Condition_eltss (
Constrained In MCC Chronic Condition and Health Concern Profile (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation (
Constrained In Primary Cancer Condition Profile (
Constrained In Secondary Cancer Condition Profile (
Used In Cancer Disease Status Profile (
Used In Cancer-Related Medication Administration Profile (
Used In Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile (
Used In Cancer-Related Surgical Procedure Profile (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Summary Profile (
Used In Tumor Profile (
Used In Composition - MDI and EDRS (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile (
Constrained In US Public Health Condition Problems and Health Concerns (
Constrained In QICore Condition Problems Health Concerns (
US Core Coverage Profile Constrained In CRD Coverage (
Constrained In QICore Coverage (
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In DiagnosticReport - At-Home In-Vitro Results (
Constrained In Tumor Morphology Report (
Constrained In DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI (
Constrained In QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Constrained In US Pathology Diagnostic Report (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile (
Used In RiskAssessment_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Diagnostic Report and Note (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Diagnostic Report Note Exchange Profile (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status (
Constrained In PA Intervention Report (
Constrained In QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core DocumentReference Profile Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In PAS Claim (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition CarePlan Profile (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile (
Constrained In RR DocumentReference (
Used In RR Composition (
Used In Contract_eltss (
Used In RiskAssessment_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In RiskPlan (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Document Reference to Patient's Personal Advance Care Plan (Advance Directive) (
Constrained In DocumentReference - MDI Report (
Constrained In ADI Document Reference (
Used In QICore NonPatient Observation (
Used In QICore Observation Cancelled (
Used In QICore Procedure (
Used In QICore Simple Observation (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
Used In SDOHCC Consent (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Patient (
US Core Encounter Profile Constrained In Encounter - Birth (
Constrained In Encounter - Maternity (
Used In US Pathology Service Request (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Operative Note (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Used In US Realm Header (
Constrained In CDMH Encounter (
Constrained In Cancer Encounter (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Treatment Session (
Constrained In Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile (
Constrained In CRD Encounter - USCDI 3 (
Constrained In PAS Encounter (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Used In Dental Communication (
Used In Dental Consult Note (
Used In Dental Findings (
Used In Dental Service Request (
Used In PAO Device Request (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In US Public Health Encounter (
Used In Contract_eltss (
Used In RiskAssessment_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In HCS Medication Administration (
Used In HCS Medication Statement (
Used In ICSR Adverse Event (
Used In Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia (
Used In Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia (
Used In Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration (
Used In ADI Composition Header (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Functional Status (
Constrained In Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter (
Used In Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter (
Used In PDMP MedicationAdministration (
Constrained In US Public Health Encounter (
Constrained In PhCP Encounter (
Used In PhCP Composition (
Constrained In QICore Encounter (
Used In RESP-NET Medication Statement (
US Core Goal Profile Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Operative Note (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Used In Dental Consult Note (
Constrained In Goal_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Goal (
Constrained In ADI Personal Goal (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Goal Profile (
Constrained In PA Goal (
Constrained In QICore Goal (
Constrained In SDOHCC Goal (
US Core Head Circumference Profile (not used)
US Core Heart Rate Profile (not used)
US Core Immunization Profile Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Constrained In COVID-19 Immunization (
Used In Electronic Initial Case Report Composition (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In ICSR Immunization (
Constrained In ImmDS Immunization (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Immunization (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Constrained In QICore Immunization (
Constrained In QICore Immunization Not Done (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core Implantable Device Profile Used In CDMH Procedure (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Seed Device (
Used In RiskAssessment_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In QICore AdverseEvent (
Used In QICore Communication (
Used In QICore CommunicationRequest (
Used In QICore DeviceUseStatement (
Used In QICore ImagingStudy (
Used In QICore NonPatient Observation (
Used In QICore QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In QICore Service Not Requested (
Used In QICore ServiceRequest (
US Core Location Profile Constrained In UDS Plus Location (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Constrained In CDMH Location (
Used In Cancer Encounter (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Summary (
Used In Radiotherapy Phase Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Plan Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Course (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Fraction (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Plan (
Used In Radiotherapy Treatment Plan (
Used In Radiotherapy Treatment Session (
Used In Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile (
Constrained In Davinci ATR Location (
Constrained In CRD Location (
Constrained In PAS Location Profile (
Used In PAS Encounter (
Constrained In PCT Service Location (
Used In PDex MedicationDispense (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Constrained In Plan-Net Location (
Constrained In National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Location (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In US Public Health Location (
Used In US Public Health Exposure Contact Information (
Constrained In Location_eltss (
Constrained In HSDLocation (
Used In ICSR Adverse Event (
Used In ICSR Immunization (
Used In Composition - MDI and EDRS (
Constrained In NDH Base Location Profile (
Used In ObservationEventLocation (
Used In ObservationEventLocation (
Used In ObservationEventLocation (
Used In Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter (
Constrained In US Public Health Location (
Constrained In QICore Location (
Constrained In SDOHCC Location (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Constrained In Location for Vital Records (
US Core Medication Profile Constrained In BSeR Tobacco Use Cessation Feedback Medication (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Operative Note (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Constrained In PAO Medication (
Used In US Public Health MedicationAdministration (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In Medication Administration - Inpatient Med Admin (
Used In PDMP MedicationAdministration (
Used In US Public Health MedicationAdministration (
Used In PhCP MedicationDispense (
Constrained In QICore Medication (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core MedicationDispense Profile Constrained In PDex MedicationDispense (
Constrained In PDMP MedicationDispense (
Constrained In QICore MedicationDispense (
Constrained In QICore MedicationDispense Declined (
US Core MedicationRequest Profile Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Operative Note (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Constrained In CDMH MedicationRequest (
Constrained In CRD Medication Request (
Constrained In PAS Medication Request (
Used In Dental Consult Note (
Constrained In PAO MedicationRequest (
Used In Electronic Initial Case Report Composition (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Medication Request (
Constrained In Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile (
Used In Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia (
Used In Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia (
Used In Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration (
Used In PDMP MedicationAdministration (
Used In PhCP Composition (
Used In PhCP MedicationDispense (
Constrained In QICore Medication Not Requested (
Constrained In QICore MedicationRequest (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
Constrained In Specialty Prescription (
US Core Observation Clinical Result Profile Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Test Observation (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Imaging Observation (
Constrained In QICore Observation Clinical Result (
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Progress Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Constrained In CDMH Lab Results (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Constrained In Laboratory Observation Base (
Constrained In US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile (
Used In Electronic Initial Case Report Composition (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Laboratory Result Observation (
Constrained In Histologic Behavior and Type (
Constrained In Histologic Grade (
Constrained In Tumor Marker Test Profile (
Constrained In Observation - Toxicology Lab Result (
Constrained In Observation Laboratory Blood Glucose (
Constrained In Observation Laboratory SARS COVID-19 (
Used In Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration (
Constrained In US Public Health Laboratory Result Observation Profile (
Constrained In QICore Laboratory Result Observation (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core Observation Occupation Profile Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
US Core Observation Pregnancy Intent Profile (not used)
US Core Observation Pregnancy Status Profile (not used)
US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile Constrained In Observation - Patient Question Answer (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Observation SDOH Assessment (
Constrained In QICore Observation Screening Assessment (
US Core Observation Sexual Orientation Profile (not used)
US Core Organization Profile Used In DeIdentified UDS Plus Coverage (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In Composition - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report (
Used In Composition - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report (
Used In BSeR Coverage (
Used In BSeR Referral Service Request (
Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Service Request (
Used In Referral Task (
Used In US Pathology Diagnostic Report (
Constrained In C4BB Organization (
Constrained In RTPBC Pharmacy Organization (
Used In US Realm Header (
Constrained In CDMH Organization (
Used In CDMH Patient (
Used In Cancer Encounter (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Reporting Cancer Patient (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Summary (
Used In Radiotherapy Phase Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Plan Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Course (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Fraction (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treated Plan (
Used In Radiotherapy Treatment Plan (
Constrained In COVID 19 Vaccine Manufacturer (
Used In Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile (
Constrained In Davinci ATR Organization (
Constrained In CRD Organization (
Used In DTR Questionnaire Response (
Constrained In HRex Organization Profile (
Used In Authorized Provider (
Constrained In PAS Organization Base Profile (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Task - Search Profile (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile (
Constrained In mTLS Organization (
Used In PDex MedicationDispense (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Used In PDex Provenance (
Constrained In Plan-Net Network (
Constrained In Plan-Net Organization (
Used In Risk Adjustment Data Exchange MeasureReport (
Used In Risk Adjustment Coding Gap MeasureReport (
Used In Reporting Vendor Extension (
Used In Organization Subject (
Used In Value-Based Performance MeasureReport (
Constrained In National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Network (
Constrained In National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Organization (
Used In PAO Coverage (
Used In PAO MedicationRequest (
Used In PAO MessageHeader (
Used In PAO Relevant Reviews Extension (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In US Public Health Organization (
Used In CarePlan_eltss (
Used In Claim_eltss (
Used In Contract_eltss (
Used In Observation_eltss (
Used In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info (
Used In Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Source Software Information (
Used In MessageHeader - At-Home In-Vitro Test Results (
Used In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Constrained In HSDOrganization (
Constrained In MessageHeader Organization (
Constrained In C4DIC Organization (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Custodian R5 backport (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Used In Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile (
Used In Composition - MDI and EDRS (
Constrained In US Public Health Organization (
Constrained In NDH Base Network Profile (
Constrained In NDH Base Organization Profile (
Used In ADI Composition Header (
Used In ADI Document Reference (
Used In ADI Portable Medical Order Composition (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation (
Used In Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter (
Constrained In PDMP Organization - Pharmacy (
Used In PDMP Parameters - Request (
Constrained In US Public Health Organization (
Constrained In PhCP Organization (
Used In PhCPCoverage (
Used In PhCP Encounter (
Used In PhCP Instruction Procedure (
Used In PA Care Plan (
Used In PA Goal (
Used In PA Service Request (
Used In PA Task for Referral Management (
Constrained In QICore Organization (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
Used In SDOHCC Consent (
Used In SDOHCC Group (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Assessment (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Screening Response (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Patient (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Referral Management (
Constrained In Specialty Rx Organization - Pharmacy (
Used In Specialty Rx Task - Consent Request (
Used In Specialty Rx Task - SMART Launch (
Constrained In Funeral Home (
US Core Patient Profile Used In BSeR Coverage (
Used In BSeR Patient Consent (
Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Task (
Used In BSeR Telcom Communication Preferences (
Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Task (
Used In US Pathology Service Request (
Constrained In C4BB Patient (
Used In Informant Extension (
Used In Information Recipient Extension (
Used In Participant Extension (
Used In US Realm Header (
Constrained In CDMH Patient (
Constrained In US Public Health Patient (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Radiotherapy Adverse Event (
Used In Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile (
Constrained In Davinci ATR Patient (
Constrained In CRD Patient (
Used In DTR Questionnaire Response (
Constrained In PAS Beneficiary Patient (
Constrained In PAS Subscriber Patient (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile (
Used In PDex Device (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Used In PDex Provider Access Consent Profile (
Used In Risk Adjustment Data Exchange MeasureReport (
Used In Risk Adjustment Coding Gap MeasureReport (
Used In Patient Group (
Used In Dental Communication (
Used In Dental Findings (
Used In Dental Service Request (
Used In PAO MedicationRequest (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In US Public Health Patient (
Constrained In Patient_eltss (
Used In Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In HCS Medication Administration (
Used In HCS Medication Statement (
Used In HCS Service Request (
Constrained In Patient - At Home In Vitro Test (
Constrained In ICSR Patient (
Constrained In ImmDS Patient (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Clinical Impression (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Custodian R5 backport (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Constrained In Cancer Patient Profile (
Used In Specimen - Toxicology Lab (
Constrained In US Veteran (
Used In Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia (
Used In Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia (
Used In Composition - Inpatient Medication Administration (
Used In Medication Administration - Inpatient Med Admin (
Used In Combat Zone Period (
Used In Employment Status (
Used In Occupational Data For Health (
Used In Past Or Present Job (
Used In Retirement Date (
Used In Usual Work (
Used In ADI Autopsy Observation (
Used In ADI Care Experience Preference (
Used In ADI Composition Header (
Used In ADI Document Reference (
Used In ADI Documentation Observation (
Used In ADI Notary (
Used In ADI Organ Donation (
Used In ADI Personal Advance Care Plan Composition (
Used In ADI Portable Medical Order Hospice Observation (
Used In ADI Participant (
Used In ADI Participant Consent (
Used In ADI Personal Goal (
Used In Personal Intervention Preference (
Used In ADI Personal Priorities Organizer (
Used In ADI Witness (
Used In Data Enterer (
Used In Informant (
Used In Use of Device (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status (
Used In Use of Device (
Used In PACIO Functional Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Functional Status (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Use of Device (
Constrained In PDMP Patient (
Used In PDMP MedicationAdministration (
Constrained In US Public Health Patient (
Used In PhCP Care Coordination (
Used In PhCPCoverage (
Used In PhCP ServiceRequest (
Used In PA Care Plan (
Used In PA Goal (
Used In PA Observation Base (
Used In PA Related Person (
Used In PA Service Request (
Used In PA Task for Referral Management (
Constrained In QICore Patient (
Constrained In US Public Health Patient (
Used In RESP-NET Medication Statement (
Used In SDOHCC Condition (
Used In SDOHCC Consent (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Assessment (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Personal Characteristic (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Screening Response (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Patient (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Referral Management (
Constrained In Specialty Rx Patient (
Used In Specialty Rx ConsentRequested (
Used In Specialty Rx Consent (
Used In Specialty Rx Task - Consent Request (
Used In Specialty Rx Task - SMART Launch (
Used In Average Blood Pressure (
Used In Blood Pressure Panel (
Used In Body Length (
Used In Body Mass Index (
Used In Body Temperature (
Used In Body Weight (
Used In Head Occipital-Frontal Circumference by Tape Measure (
Used In Heart Rate (
Used In Body Height (
Used In Oxygen Saturation in Arterial Blood by Pulse Oximetry (
Used In Oxygen Saturation in Arterial blood, method not specified (
Used In Respiratory Rate (
Used In Twenty Four Hour Blood Pressure (
Used In Vital Signs Panel (
Constrained In Patient - Vital Records (
Used In Reported Parent Age At Delivery Vital Records (
US Core Practitioner Profile Used In De-Identified UDS Plus Encounter (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Task (
Used In US Pathology Diagnostic Report (
Constrained In C4BB Practitioner (
Used In RTPBC Medication Request (
Used In RTPBC Request Using Claim (
Used In Data Enterer Extension (
Used In Informant Extension (
Used In Information Recipient Extension (
Used In Participant Extension (
Used In Performer Extension (
Used In US Realm Header (
Used In CDMH Patient (
Used In CDMH Procedure (
Used In Cancer Encounter (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Reporting Cancer Patient (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Phase Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Plan Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Course (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treatment Plan (
Used In Da Vinci Admit/Discharge/Transfer Notification Encounter Profile (
Used In Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile (
Constrained In Davinci ATR Practitioner (
Constrained In CRD Practitioner (
Used In CRD Encounter - USCDI 1 (
Used In DTR Questionnaire Response (
Used In Information Origin (
Constrained In HRex Practitioner Profile (
Used In Authorized Provider (
Constrained In PAS Practitioner (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile (
Used In PDex MedicationDispense (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Used In PDex Provenance (
Constrained In Plan-Net Practitioner (
Used In Value-Based Performance MeasureReport (
Used In Dental Findings (
Constrained In National Directory Endpoint Qry Exchange Practitioner (
Used In PAO MedicationRequest (
Used In PAO MessageHeader (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Used In RR Composition (
Used In US Public Health Composition (
Used In US Public Health Information Recipient Extension (
Constrained In Practitioner_eltss (
Used In Healthcare Associated Infection Population Summary QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In Healthcare Associated Infection Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Population Summary QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In Healthcare Associated Infection for Long Term Care Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In HCS Service Request (
Used In Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info (
Used In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Constrained In Practitioner Author (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Custodian R5 backport (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Used In Cancer Disease Status Profile (
Used In Cancer-Related Medication Request Profile (
Used In DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI (
Constrained In NDH Base Practitioner Profile (
Used In ADI Composition Header (
Used In ADI Document Reference (
Used In ADI Portable Medical Order Hospice Observation (
Used In ADI PMO No Additional request or instruction Observation (
Used In ADI ServiceRequest (
Used In Data Enterer (
Used In Informant (
Used In Participant (
Used In Performer (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation (
Used In PDMP MedicationDispense (
Used In PDMP Parameters - Request (
Used In US Public Health Composition (
Used In US Public Health Information Recipient Extension (
Used In US Public Health Survey Practitioner Group (
Used In PhCP Care Coordination (
Used In PhCP Instruction Procedure (
Used In PhCP MedicationDispense (
Used In PhCP ServiceRequest (
Used In PA Care Plan (
Used In PA Condition - Low Physical Activity (
Used In PA Goal (
Used In PA Observation Base (
Used In PA Service Request (
Used In PA Task for Referral Management (
Constrained In QICore Practitioner (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
Used In SDOHCC Condition (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Assessment (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Personal Characteristic (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Screening Response (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Patient (
Constrained In Specialty Prescription Practitioner (
Constrained In Practitioner - Vital Records (
Used In Cause Of Death Part 1 (
Used In Cause of Death Part 2 (
Used In Death Date (
Used In Injury Incident (
Used In Manner of Death (
US Core PractitionerRole Profile Used In BSeR Referral Feedback Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Message Header (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In BSeR Referral Service Request (
Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Task (
Constrained In US Pathology Related Practitioner Roles (
Used In Data Enterer Extension (
Used In Informant Extension (
Used In Information Recipient Extension (
Used In Participant Extension (
Used In Performer Extension (
Used In US Realm Header (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Radiotherapy Course Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Phase Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Plan Prescription (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Course (
Used In Radiotherapy Planned Phase (
Used In Radiotherapy Treatment Plan (
Used In Da Vinci Notifications MessageHeader Profile (
Constrained In Davinci ATR PractitionerRole (
Used In DTR Questionnaire Response (
Constrained In HRex PractitionerRole Profile (
Used In PCDE Coverage Transition Composition Profile (
Used In PDex MedicationDispense (
Used In PDex Prior Authorization (
Constrained In Plan-Net PractitionerRole (
Used In Value-Based Performance MeasureReport (
Used In PAO MedicationRequest (
Used In PAO MessageHeader (
Used In PAO ServiceRequest (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In US Public Health PractitionerRole (
Constrained In eLTSS PractitionerRole Profile (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info (
Used In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Constrained In PractitionerRole Author (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Custodian R5 backport (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Used In DiagnosticReport - Toxicology Lab Result to MDI (
Constrained In NDH Base PractitionerRole (
Used In ADI Composition Header (
Used In Data Enterer (
Used In Informant (
Used In Participant (
Used In Performer (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Cognitive Status Collection (
Used In PACIO Narrative History of Cognitive Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status (
Used In PACIO Functional Status Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Narrative History of Status (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Clinical Test Observation (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation (
Used In PDMP MessageHeader - Request (
Used In PDMP Parameters - Request (
Constrained In US Public Health PractitionerRole (
Used In PhCP Care Coordination (
Used In PhCP Instruction Procedure (
Used In PhCP MedicationDispense (
Used In PhCP ServiceRequest (
Used In PA Condition - Low Physical Activity (
Used In PA Observation Base (
Used In PA Service Request (
Used In PA Task for Referral Management (
Constrained In QICore PractitionerRole (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
Used In SDOHCC Condition (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Assessment (
Used In SDOHCC Observation Screening Response (
Used In SDOHCC ServiceRequest (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Patient (
Used In SDOHCC Task For Referral Management (
US Core Procedure Profile Constrained In Procedure - Antibiotic for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis (
Constrained In Procedure - Artificial Insemination (
Constrained In Procedure - Assisted Fertilization (
Constrained In Procedure - Assisted Ventilation Following Delivery (
Constrained In Procedure - Assisted Ventilation More Than Six Hours (
Constrained In Procedure - Augmentation of Labor (
Constrained In Procedure - Blood Transfusion (
Constrained In Procedure - Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia (
Constrained In Procedure - Final Route and Method of Delivery (
Constrained In Procedure - Induction of Labor (
Constrained In Procedure - Infertility Treatment (
Constrained In Procedure - Obstetric (
Constrained In Procedure - Surfactant Replacement Therapy (
Constrained In Procedure - Unplanned Hysterectomy (
Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Operative Note (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Constrained In CDMH Procedure (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Treated Fraction (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Treated Phase (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Treated Plan (
Constrained In eICR Procedure (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Constrained In ICSR Transfusion (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Procedure (
Constrained In Cancer-Related Surgical Procedure Profile (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Course Summary Profile (
Used In Composition - ADE Hyperglycemia (
Used In Composition - ADE Hypoglycemia (
Used In Re-Assessment Timepoints Encounter (
Constrained In PhCP Instruction Procedure (
Constrained In PhCP Intervention Procedure (
Used In PhCP Composition (
Constrained In QICore Procedure (
Constrained In QICore Procedure Not Done (
Constrained In SDOHCC Procedure (
Constrained In Death Certification Procedure (
US Core Provenance Profile Constrained In HRex Provenance Profile (
Constrained In PDex Provenance (
Constrained In PAO Provenance (
Used In PAO Task (
Constrained In ADI Provenance (
US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile Constrained In Oxygen Saturation in Arterial Blood by Pulse Oximetry (
US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile Constrained In CDex SDC QuestionnaireResponse Profile (
Constrained In eLTSS QuestionnaireResponse Profile (
Constrained In Healthcare Associated Infection Single-Person Report QuestionnaireResponse (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Collection (
Used In Personal Functioning and Engagement Single Observation (
Constrained In QICore QuestionnaireResponse (
US Core RelatedPerson Profile Used In BSeR Coverage (
Used In BSeR Patient Consent (
Used In BSeR Referral Observation (
Used In Referral Task (
Constrained In eLTSS RelatedPerson Profile (
Used In Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info (
Used In Observation - At-Home In-Vitro Test Result (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Care Team (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation (
Used In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Questionnaire Response (
Used In Multiple Chronic Care Condition Care Plan (
Used In PDMP Parameters - Request (
Constrained In QICore RelatedPerson (
Constrained In Related Person - Parent Vital Records (
Used In Reported Parent Age At Delivery Vital Records (
Constrained In Decedent Spouse (
US Core Respiratory Rate Profile (not used)
US Core ServiceRequest Profile Constrained In Referral Service Request (
Constrained In US Pathology Service Request (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Course Prescription (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Phase Prescription (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Plan Prescription (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Planned Course (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Planned Phase (
Constrained In Radiotherapy Treatment Plan (
Constrained In CRD Service Request (
Constrained In ServiceRequest_eltss (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Service Request (
Constrained In ADI ServiceRequest (
Used In ADI Preference Care Plan (
Constrained In Personal Functioning and Engagement Service Request Profile (
Constrained In QICore Service Not Requested (
Constrained In QICore ServiceRequest (
US Core Simple Observation Profile Constrained In Observation_eltss (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Caregiver Considerations Observation (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Patient/Caregiver Condition Status Observation (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Simple Observation (
Constrained In Multiple Chronic Condition Care Plan Symptom Observation (
Constrained In QICore Simple Observation (
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Used In BSeR Referral Request Composition (
Used In Care Plan (
Used In Consultation Note (
Used In Continuity of Care Document (
Used In Discharge Summary (
Used In History and Physical (
Used In Procedure Note (
Used In Referral Note (
Used In Transfer Summary (
Used In Central Cancer Registry Report Composition (
Used In Health Care Survey Report Composition (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (
US Core Specimen Profile Constrained In Specimen - At-Home In-Vitro Test (
US Core Treatment Intervention Preference Profile (not used)
US Core Vital Signs Profile Constrained In Observation - Birth Weight (
Constrained In Observation - Mother Delivery Weight (
Constrained In Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight (
Constrained In CDMH Vital Signs (
Used In Electronic Initial Case Report Composition (
Constrained In Patient's Date of Last Menstrual Period (
Constrained In Body Surface Area (
Used In RESP-NET Composition (


US Core Birth Sex Extension Used In HRex Patient Demographics (
US Core Direct email Extension (not used)
US Core Ethnicity Extension Constrained In UDS Plus Ethnicity Extension (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In NDH Base Practitioner Profile (
Used In QICore Patient (
US Core Extension Questionnaire URI (not used)
US Core Gender Identity Extension Constrained In UDS Plus Gender Identity Extension (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In QICore Patient (
US Core Jurisdiction Extension (not used)
US Core Medication Adherence Extension (not used)
US Core Race Extension Constrained In UDS Plus Race Extension (fhir.hrsa.uds-plus)
Used In NDH Base Practitioner Profile (
Used In QICore Patient (
US Core Sex Extension Used In QICore Patient (
US Core Tribal Affiliation Extension Used In QICore Patient (
US Core USCDI Requirement Extension (not used)
