AU Base Implementation Guide
5.0.1-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Base Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.1-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artefacts Summary

Page standards status: Informative

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.


This search parameter returns patients with an Australian Indigenous Status extension matching the specified code.


This search parameter returns encounters with a discharge-disposition matching the specified code.


This search parameter returns resources with the Individual Gender Identity extension matching the specified code.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding

This profile provides an observation information structure for asserting a clinical judgement that there are no items of specific interest, (e.g. no current medications or no history of vaccination), for a patient. An assertion of no relevant finding may be used in continuity of care or transfer or care related lists and composition sections.

AU Base Allergy Intolerance

This profile defines an allergy intolerance structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Body Structure

This profile defines a body structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Composition

This profile defines a composition structure that localises core concepts for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Condition

This profile defines a condition structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Coverage

This profile defines a coverage structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Report

This profile defines a diagnostic report structure to represent a diagnostic imaging report issued by a diagnostic service provider in an Australian context.

AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Result

This profile defines an observation structure to represent a imaging examination result issued by a diagnostic service provider in an Australian context. The observation may represent the conclusions of a diagnostic procedure such as Left retina Foveal thickness by OCT, or it may group the set of results produced by a multi-test study or panel such as Biophysical profile panel.

AU Base Diagnostic Report

This profile defines a diagnostic report structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

For specific reporting of pathology or imaging services the more specific AU Base Pathology Report or AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Report profiles would be preferred. This profile is suitable for any other diagnostic service reporting needs.

AU Base Diagnostic Request

This profile defines a service request structure to represent a request for a diagnostic investigation in an Australian context. This profile is intended to support ordering for pathology, radiology, and specialist diagnostic investigations.

AU Base Diagnostic Result

This profile defines an observation structure to represent a diagnostic investigation result issued by a diagnostic service provider in an Australian context. This profile may be used to represent a specialist or other diagnostic (not imaging or pathology) observation including results of audiology studies, sleep studies or speech pathology. The observation may represent the result of a simple investigation or it may group the set of results of a multi-modality procedure or multi-test study / panel.

AU Base Encounter

This profile defines an encounter structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. This profile is intended to be applicable for recording details of ambulatory and non-ambulatory patient encounters in an Australian healthcare context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Healthcare Service

This profile defines a healthcare service structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Immunisation

This profile defines an immunisation structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Location

This profile defines a location structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Medication

This profile defines a medication structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Medication Administration

This profile defines a medication administration structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Medication Dispense

This profile defines a medication dispense structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Medication Request

This profile defines a medication request structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Medication Statement

This profile defines a medication statement structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Organisation

This profile defines an organisation structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Pathology Report

This profile defines a diagnostic report structure to represent a pathology report issued by a diagnostic service provider in an Australian context. This profile is intended to be capable of supporting reporting for all pathology disciplines (e.g. including microbiology, histopathology, cytology, blood transfusion) with the exception of genomics.

This profile does not provide full support for structured pathology reporting. It is expected that this support is best handled by a set of profiles that represent the structured reporting requirements for each specific protocol (see for example RCPA’s structured pathology reporting of cancer); this is not in the scope of this implementation guide at this time.

AU Base Pathology Result

This profile defines an observation structure to represent a pathology test result issued by a diagnostic service provider in an Australian context. This profile is intended to be capable of supporting reporting for all pathology disciplines (e.g. including microbiology, histopathology, cytology, blood transfusion) with the exception of genomics. The observation may represent the result of a simple test such as haemoglobin or it may group the set of results produced by a multi-test study or panel such as a full blood count, or urine specimen study.

This profile does not provide full support for structured pathology reporting. It is expected that this support is best handled by a set of profiles that represent the structured reporting requirements for each specific protocol (see for example RCPA’s structured pathology reporting of cancer); this is not in the scope of this implementation guide at this time.

AU Base Patient

This profile defines a patient structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Practitioner

This profile defines a practitioner structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Practitioner Role

This profile defines a practitioner role structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Procedure

This profile defines a procedure structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Related Person

This profile defines a related person structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Service Request

This profile defines a service request structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Specimen

This profile defines a specimen structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Base Substance

This profile defines a substance structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU Health Program Participation Summary

This profile defines an observation information structure for a summary of an individual’s participation in a health program, e.g. weight management, disease screening, or substance use therapy. Participation information may include information on an individual’s eligibility for a program, suspension of participation in a program, or status of participation in a program.

AU Medicine List

This profile defines a list structure that localises core concepts for use as a medicines list in an Australian context. This profile is intended to offer a common structure and expectations for a list of medications associated with a patient in an Australian healthcare context.

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AU Accession Number

This identifier profile defines an accession number in an Australian context. Accession numbers are typically assigned by a diagnostic imaging system or clinical laboratory system and depending on the domain an accession number may for example identify a specimen, imaging examination, or biological polymer sequence.

AU Ahpra Registration Number

This identifier profile defines an Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) registration number in an Australian context (see Ahpra for further information).

AU Australian Business Number

This identifier profile defines an Australian Business Number (ABN) in an Australian context. An ABN is issued to all entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR).

AU Australian Company Number

This identifier profile defines an Australian Company Number in an Australian context. An ACN is allocated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) when a body becomes registered as a company under Corporations Law.

AU Australian Registered Body Number

This identifier profile defines an Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN) in an Australian context. ARBNs are issued to registrable Australian bodies and foreign companies.

AU Base Dosage

This profile defines a dosage structure that localises core concepts for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

AU CSP Registration Number

This identifier profile defines a Contracted Service Provider (CSP) registration number in an Australian context (see My Health Record for further information). A CSP registration number may be issued to organisations who wish to participate in the My Health Record and/or the Healthcare Identifiers Service as a CSP.

AU Care Agency Employee Identifier

This identifier profile defines a care agency employee (CAE) identifier in an Australian context. A CAE identifier may be issued to an employee of, or person under contracted arrangement with, a care agency who wishes to participate in the My Health Record.

AU Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Number

This identifier profile defines a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card number in an Australian context (see Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs for further information).

This definition supports sending the Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) (also referred to as unique identifier number (UIN) in the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)) as displayed on the individual’s Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (see Services Australia for further information). An individual’s CRN is present as the primary identifier on different concession cards and is used to confirm concessions by most government agencies and utility providers.

A Commonwealth Seniors Health Card may be issued by Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to retirees of age pension qualification age to assist with certain living costs by allowing access to specific goods and services at a concessional rate.

AU DVA Number

This identifier profile defines a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) number) in an Australian context. This definition supports sending an individual’s state-based DVA file number as displayed on a Veteran Card, i.e. a Gold, White, or Orange Card. A Veteran Card may be issued by DVA to eligible individuals to allowing access to specific goods and services at a concessional rate.

AU Delivery Point Identifier

This identifier profile defines an Australia Post Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) in an Australian context (see Australia Post for further information). A DPID is a randomly generated, unique 8-digit number, allocated by Australia Post to an address. A DPID enables each delivery point in Australia to be uniquely identified.

AU ETP Prescription Identifier

This identifier profile defines an Electronic Transfer of Prescription (ETP) prescription identifier in an Australian context. An ETP prescription identifier is assigned to a prescription by an ETP vendor, e.g. ERx or Medisecure, and is the assigned numeric value of the barcode on a prescription instance.

AU Employee Number

This identifier profile defines an employee number (sometimes referred to as an employee identifier (EI)) in an Australian context. An employee number is an organisation’s identifier for an individual employed by that organisation.

AU G-NAF Identifier

This identifier profile defines a Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) identifier in an Australian context. The PSMA G-NAF is Australia’s authoritative, geocoded address file. A G-NAF identifier (sometimes referred to as G-NAF ID, or G-NAF PID, or GNAF ID, or address_detail_pid) identifies an address in the PSMA G-NAF.


This identifier profile defines a Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual (HPI-I) in an Australian context (see Australian Digital Health Agency for further information). An HPI-I is assigned under the HI Service to healthcare providers involved in providing patient care.


This identifier profile defines a Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation in an Australian context (see Australian Digital Health Agency for further information). An HPI-O is assigned under the HI Service to an organisation (such as a hospital or medical clinic) where healthcare is provided.

AU Health Care Card Number

This identifier profile defines Health Care Card number in an Australian context (see Services Australia for further information).

This definition supports sending the Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) (also referred to as unique identifier number (UIN) in the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)) as displayed on the individual’s Health Care Card (see Services Australia for further information). An individual’s CRN is present as the primary identifier on different concession cards and is used to confirm concessions by most government agencies and utility providers.

A Health Care Card is a concession card assigned by Services Australia to benefit recipients, low income earners and selected other groups (e.g. foster children) to assist with certain health costs, by allowing access to specific services at a concessional rate.


This identifier profile defines an Individual Healthcare Identifier in an Australian context (see Australian Digital Health Agency for further information). An IHI is assigned under the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service to a patient.

AU Insurance Member Number

This identifier profile defines an insurance member number in an Australian context. An insurance member number is the unique member number assigned to an individual by an insurer and is typically displayed on their insurance card. An individual will not have more than one member number per insurer.

This definition supports the sending of an insurance member number that is relevant in a healthcare context and may be used to capture Australian and International health insurer issued member numbers. In Australia this will typically be a private health insurance member number. This identifier should not be confused with an insurance policy number.

AU Local Dispense Identifier

This identifier profile defines a local dispense identifier in an Australian context. A local dispense identifier is an organisation’s identifier for a dispense record in that organisation’s local system set of dispense records. A dispense record identifier is typically assigned by the dispensing system and allows linking of a dispensing record to the dispensing system’s local identifier.

AU Local Order Identifier

This identifier profile defines a local order identifier in an Australian context. A local order identifier is an organisation’s identifier for an order in that organisation’s local system set of orders.

Typically a local order identifier will be either a placer identifier or a filler identifier (sometimes known as filler order number). A placer identifier is an identifier for a request or group of requests where the identifier is issued by the entity making the request. A filler identifier is an identifier for a request or group of requests where the identifier is issued by the entity that produces the observations or fulfills the request.

AU Local Prescription Identifier

This identifier profile defines a local prescription identifier (sometimes referred to as prescription number) in an Australian context. A local prescription identifier is an organisation’s identifier for a prescription in that organisation’s local system set of prescriptions. A local prescription identifier allows linking of a prescription to a system’s local identifier.

AU Local Report Identifier

This identifier profile defines a local report identifier in an Australian context. A local report identifier is an organisation’s identifier for a report in that organisation’s local system set of reports. A report identifier must uniquely identify the report from all other reports in a particular system (e.g. diagnostic imaging system, clinical laboratory system, document management system, referral systems). In some laboratory systems, the report identifier may be a concatenation of a lab number and report panel code (e.g. 19P123456-FBC), where the panel code makes the identifier unique from other reports under the same lab number.

AU Location Specific Practice Number

This identifier profile defines a Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) in an Australian context (see Services Australia and Department of Health and Aged Care for further information). An LSPN is an identifier assigned to a specific location by Services Australia under the Medicare program and identifies an accredited practice site that provides diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology services.

AU Medical Record Number

This identifier profile defines a (MRN) (sometimes referred to as unit record number (URN) or (UR)) in an Australian context. An MRN is an institution’s identifier for a patient’s record at that institution. A patient may have more than one MRN for a single institution due to organisational restructures.

AU Medicare Card Number

This identifier profile defines a Medicare card number in an Australian context. A Medicare card is provided to individuals who are enrolled in Medicare. This definition supports sending either the 10 digit Medicare card number or the 11 digit number (includes the individual reference number (IRN)).

AU Medicare Provider Number

This identifier profile defines a Medicare provider number assigned by Services Australia to practitioners who provide services covered by the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) at a specific location. A practitioner may have more than one Medicare provider number if they deliver health services in different locations or are registered in multiple health professions.

AU NATA Accreditation Number

This identifier profile defines a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accreditation number in an Australian context (see NATA for further information).

AU NATA Site Number

This identifier profile defines a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) site number in an Australian context (see NATA for further information).

AU National Provider Identifier At Organisation

This identifier profile defines a National Provider Identifier at Organisation (NPIO) in an Australian context. An NPIO identifies an individual practitioner at an organisation using the practitioner’s HPI-I and organisation’s HPI-O to form the NPIO.

AU PAI-D Identifier

This identifier profile defines a My Health Record Assigned Identity - Device (PAI-D) identifier in an Australian context. A PAI-D is typically used to identify a device that plays a role, for example an authoring or observing, in the exchange of digital health data with the My Health Record system.

AU PAI-O Identifier

This identifier profile defines a My Health Record Assigned Identity - Organisation (PAI-O) identifier in an Australian context. A PAI-O may be issued to organisations who wish to participate in the My Health Record and who are not eligible for a Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation (HPI-O).

AU PBS Prescriber Number

This identifier profile defines a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) prescriber number in an Australian context (see PBS for further information). A PBS prescriber number, previously referred to as Medicare prescriber number in earlier versions of this implementation guide, is assigned by Services Australia under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme to practitioners who are approved to prescribe PBS medicines under the National Health Act 1953.

AU Pensioner Concession Card Number

This identifier profile defines a Pensioner Concession Card number in an Australian context (see Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs).

This definition supports sending the Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) (also referred to as unique identifier number (UIN) in the Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS)) as displayed on the individual’s Pensioner Concession Card (see Services Australia for further information). An individual’s CRN is present as the primary identifier on different concession cards and is used to confirm concessions by most government agencies and utility providers.

A Pensioner Concession Card may be issued by Services Australia or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to pensioners and selected benefit recipients to assist them with certain living costs, by allowing access to specific goods and services at a concessional rate.

AU Pharmacy Approval Number

This identifier profile defines a pharmacy approval number in an Australian context (see Department of Health and Aged Care for further information). A pharmacy approval number, also known as a PBS approval number, is assigned by the Department of Health to pharmacies that are approved to supply pharmaceutical benefits at particular premises under the National Health Act 1953.

AU Residential Aged Care Service Identifier

This identifier profile defines a residential aged care service identifier (RACS ID) in an Australian context.

Australian Address

This profile defines an address structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context, to specifically represent an Australian (location) address. The purpose of this profile is to provide best practice guidance on Australian address representation, where some constraint on content is desirable to guarantee the quality of an Australian address.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Address Identifier

This extension applies to the Address data type and is used to represent an identifier for an address. An address identifier does not form part of the address itself, e.g. a street number. It is a unique identifier associated with a location address and may be used to look up an address, validate an address, or link to other data relating to an address.

Ahpra Profession Details

This extension applies to the Practitioner.qualification element and is used to represent Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) profession details (see Ahpra for further information). This extension supports the inclusion of the Ahpra profession code and information about conditions, undertakings, reprimands and cautions in a qualification element instance representing a practitioner’s Ahpra profession.

Ahpra Registration Details

This extension applies to the Practitioner.qualification element and is used to represent Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) registration details (see Ahpra for further information). This extension supports the inclusion of the Ahpra profession code and information about division, speciality, registration status, endorsements and notations in a qualification element instance representing a practitioner’s Ahpra registration.

Associated Healthcare Service

This extension applies to any resource and is used to represent a healthcare service relating to a resource, e.g. healthcare services under which the patient was managed during an encounter.

Australian Indigenous Status

This extension applies to the Patient, Person, and RelatedPerson resources and is used to indicate whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin.

Australian Time Zone

This extension applies to the time data type and is used to represent an Australian time zone.

Australian Veteran Status

This extension applies to the Patient resource and is used to indicate whether a person is serving, or has served, in the Australian Defence Force.

Author as a RelatedPerson

This extension applies to any resource and is used to represent an author who is a related person.

Change Description

This extension applies to the List resource and is used to represent a narrative description of the change to an item in a list entry. The narrative description may include the reason for the change to an item.

Closing the Gap Registration

This extension applies to the Patient resource and provides an indicator of whether the patient is eligible for a Closing the Gap (CTG) co-payment.

Contact Purpose

This extension applies to the ContactPoint data type and is used to represent the purpose for which a contact can be reached, e.g. after hours or billing.

Date Accuracy Indicator

This extension applies to the date and dateTime data types and is used to represent the accuracy of the associated date.

Date of Arrival in Australia

This extension applies to the Patient, RelatedPerson, and Practitioner resources and is used to represent a person’s date of arrival in an Australian context (see Australian Bureau of Statistics for further information). The date of arrival is when a person (born outside of Australia) first arrived in Australia, from another country, with the intention of living in Australia for one year or more. This date is recorded once for a person and is not subsequently updated with subsequent arrivals. This element is a part of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) data set. It is an important indicator of cultural identity, and provides further information about a person’s cultural values and practices which can be significant in determining service type, support required, and possible needs.

Dispense Number

This extension applies to the MedicationDispense resource and is used to represent the dispense number or sequence number that has been reached for a therapeutic good prescribed with repeats.

Encounter Description

This extension applies to the Encounter resource and is used to represent a narrative description of the healthcare event or encounter. The description may include a summary of the issues or problems, management strategies, outcomes or progress, possible prognosis, and the patient’s understanding of the healthcare event. The description may capture text about the encounter that is not captured in other fields.

Encryption Certificate PEM X509

This extension applies to the Endpoint resource and is used to support encrypted certificate content for use with an endpoint. This extension allows an endpoint entry to define a suitable certificate for use in communications on the associated channel.


This extension applies to the Patient resource and is used to represent ethnic identity (see Australian Bureau of Statistics for further information). This extension is to support the provision of healthcare services to patients with specific cultural identities. This extension provides further information about a person’s cultural values and practices which can be significant in determining service type, support required and possible needs.

The words ‘ethnicity’ and ‘ethnic’ are associated with many different meanings, but for the purpose of this extension ethnicity refers to the shared identity or similarity of a group of people on the basis of one or more distinguishing sociological characteristics, such as language, shared history, religion, cultural traditions or geographic origin etc. This extension supports Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as well as ethnicities originating from outside of Australia.

HL7 V2 Assigning Authority

This extension applies to the Identifier data type and is used to represent HL7 V2 assigning authority details for HL7 V2 identification for routing.

HL7 V2 Receiving Application

This extension applies to the Endpoint resource and is used to represent routing HL7 V2 message payload details associated with an endpoint. This content allows a sender using these endpoint details to include Receiving Application (MSH-5) information in HL7 V2 messages sent via this channel which allow correct delivery within the receiving system.

HL7 V2 Receiving Facility

This extension applies to the Endpoint resource and is used to represent HL7 V2 receiving facility details for HL7 V2 routing purposes associated with an endpoint. This content allows a sender using these endpoint details to include Receiving Facility (MSH-6) information in HL7 V2 messages sent via this channel which allow correct delivery within the receiving system.

IHI Record Status

This extension applies to the Identifier data type and is used to indicate whether verification of the Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) has occurred and is based on the evidence available for a person’s identity.

IHI Status

This extension applies to the Identifier data type and is used to represent the status of the associated Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) and indicates whether the status of the IHI is active or otherwise.

IHI Verification Date

This extension applies to the Identifier data type and is used to represent the date, and optionally time, that the IHI was verified with HI Services. This is not the date that it was created by the HI Services, but when it was checked. This is often required to know how recently the identifier was checked, and if it must be re-verified before using it.

Identifier Routability

This extension applies to the Identifier data type. Identifier routability preferences for an asserter.

Information Recipient

This extension applies to the Composition resource and is used to represent an intended recipient of the composition.

Long Term

This extension applies to the MedicationStatement resource and is used to indicate long term use of a medication.

Medication Brand Name

This extension applies to the Medication, MedicationRequest, MedicationDispense and MedicationStatement resources and is used to represent the brand name of a medication. This extension is not to be the sole representation of the medication concept; it shall not be used as a substitute for medication code (e.g. Medication.code or MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept).

If a system can only supply branded product information in text form, that information will be supplied in the text portion of that code e.g. code.text or medicationCodeableConcept.text. This extension only supports the name portion of a medication concept, not the branded product or product pack information. It is available for use for where a system needs to separate out the brand name string for handling or other processing.

Medication Generic Drug Name

This extension applies to the Medication, MedicationRequest, MedicationDispense and MedicationStatement resources and is used to represent the generic name of a medication. The generic medication text name may not be the same as the subject medication (prescribed, dispensed or stated) but may be used to provide an additional or equivalent drug name that is a generic medication concept. This extension is not to be the sole representation of the medication concept; it shall not be used as a substitute for medication code (e.g. Medication.code or MedicationStatement.medicationCodeableConcept).

If a system can only supply generic product information, and only in text form, that information will be supplied in the text portion of that code e.g. code.text or medicationCodeableConcept.text. This extension only supports the name portion of a medication concept, not the generic product or product pack information. It is available for use for where a system needs to separate out the generic name string for handling or other processing.

Medication Strength

This extension applies to the Medication resource and is used to represent the strength of a medication as text.

Medication Type

This extension applies to the Coding data type and is used to indicate the type of information covered by the code e.g. branded product with no strength or form. This is useful when there are multiple codings from the same coding system at different levels/classifications.

Name Context

This extension applies to the HumanName data type, in the context of Patient, Person, Practitioner or RelatedPerson resources and is used to indicate a suitable use of the associated name. The usage described may be varied in nature including suitability for a particular purpose e.g. IHI validation, or highlighting (in)appropriate use when referring to an individual e.g. deceased Aboriginal name, transgender deadname.

No Fixed Address

This extension applies to the Address data type and is used to indicate that a location address is not a fixed address for an individual.

Result Copies To

This extension applies to the ServiceRequest resource and is used to indicate an additional recipient to whom a copy of the outcome of the request (i.e. the results) should be sent. The service requester will typically receive a result as part of the normal processing from the filler of the request and this extension is only relevant for any additional result copy recipients indicated on the request.

Subsidised Concurrent Supply

This extension applies to the MedicationRequest or MedicationDispense resources and is used to represent the grounds (e.g. Regulation 49) that authorise a PBS or RPBS subsidy for the concurrent supply of an item specified in a prescription and all of its repeats (see PBS for further information).

Vaccine Vial Serial Number

This extension applies to the Immunization resource and is used to represent the serial number of the vial of vaccine. Vial serial number is part of the Australian Immunisation Register Rule 2015 data elements to report for COVID-19 vaccines.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AMT Medicinal Product and Substances

The AMT Medicinal Product and Substances value set includes values that may be used to identify a substance or a medicinal product that is an ingredient of a medication.

AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type

The AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type value set includes codes that can be used to represent the type of document where this sex or gender value is recorded.

AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type

The AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type value set includes codes that can be used to represent the type or category of sex or gender that is recorded.

AU Time Zone

Australian time zones.

Accession Number Type

Identifier types that may be associated with an accession number in an Australian context.

ActEncounterCode - AU Extended

v3 Act Encounter Code extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

Contact Purpose

The purpose for which an associated contact can be reached.

DVA Entitlement

Entitlement types that may be associated with an individual’s Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) File Number on a DVA issued health card in an Australian context.

Jurisdiction ValueSet - AU Extended

Jurisdiction ValueSet extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended

Location type (physical) extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.


The MIMS value set includes all values from the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) published by MIMS Australia. Further details can be found at

Medication Type

The Medication Type value set may be used to classify the nature of properties defined by the code e.g. branded product with no strength or form. This allows the distinction between codes provided containing container, pack, strength and form explicitly especially where terminologies supplied are unknown or terminology services are unavailable.

Medicine Item Change

The Medicine Item Change value set includes values that may be used to identify that a change that has been made, or is recommended to be made, to a medicine item.

Name Context

The Name Context value set may be used to classify suitable uses or purposes of names.

Observation Category Codes - AU Extended

Observation Category Codes extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

Order Identifier Type

Identifier types that may be associated with an order identifier in an Australian context.

PBS Item Codes

The PBS Item Codes value set includes all values from Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) schedule published by the Department of Health. Further details can be found at

Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts

The Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts value set includes values that may be used to identify the type of service provision conditions in an Australian context.

ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended

ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended

hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

hl7VS-identifierType - AU Extended

Extended value set of identifier types for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set. NOTE: codes contained LACN Laboratory Accession ID and ACN Accession ID are exclusive concepts and not consider related in this terminology.

hl7VS-providerRole - AU Extended

hl7VS-providerRole extended for use in an Australian context. Includes HL7 international codes plus Australian additions to create a complete set.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AU Recorded Sex or Gender Source Document Type

The AU Recorded Sex or Gender Source Document Type code system defines concepts that represent the type of document where this sex or gender value is recorded.

AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type

The AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type code system defines concepts that represent the type or category of sex or gender that is recorded.

ActCode AU

Additional concept codes for act coding defined for use in an Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

Contact Purpose

Purpose for associated contact information.

DegreeLicenseCertificate AU

Additional concept codes for qualification defined for use in an Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

IdentifierType AU

Additional concept codes for identifier type defined for use in an Australian context. These are additional identifier type codes to the HL7 International code set and suitable for use with Australian identifiers and may be used in HL7 V2.x identifier representations.

Location Type (Physical) AU

Additional concept codes for location physical type defined for use in Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

Location Type AU

Additional concept codes for location type defined for use in an Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

Medication Type

The Medication Type code system defines concepts in a classification scheme for medication coding. The classification scheme defines the nature of the properties defined by the code e.g. branded product with no strength or form. This allows the distinction between codes provided containing container, pack, strength and form explicitly especially where terminologies supplied are unknown or terminology services are unavailable.

Medicine Item Change

The Medicine Item Change code system defines concepts that identify a change that has been made, or is recommended to be made, to a medicine item.

Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS)

This CodeSystem resource represents the Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) code system published by MIMS Australia. The intended use of MIMS data is to fully specify the product as a combination of product code, form code, and pack code. For example, when providing a MIMS Code within a Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) document, the MIMS code will be a minimum of 5 digits (in most cases, will be 8 digits).This is not the canonical publication of this code system nor it is intended to be publication on behalf of the MIMS Australia. For the complete content of the code system contact the publisher.

Name Context

The Name Context code system defines concepts describing usage of names. This provides well known concepts that can be used to indicate usage to achieve an associated purpose e.g. identifier validation.

Observation Category Codes AU

Additional concept codes for observation category codes defined for use in an Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

PBS Item Codes

This CodeSystem resource represents the items listed on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) schedule published by the Department of Health. Codes are represented as five or six characters in format (n)nnnna and the display is the PBS prescribing rule preferred term. This is not the canonical publication of this code system nor it is intended to be publication on behalf of the Department of Health. For the complete content of the code system contact the publisher.

Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts

The Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts code system defines concepts that identify the conditions under which a healthcare service is available/offered.

providerRole AU

Additional concept codes for specifying the functional involvement with the activity being transmitted (e.g., Case Manager, Evaluator, Transcriber, Nurse Care Practitioner, Midwife, Physician Assistant, etc.) defined for use in an Australian context. These codes are used as extensions to the HL7 International code set.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

AllergyIntolerance - ibuprofen allergy

Shows an example of an Ibuprofen allergy with the reaction manifestation as urticaria for the AU Base Allergy Intolerance profile. Patient: Harry Dan.

AllergyIntolerance - no known allergy

Shows an example of an AllergyIntolerance resource indicating the patient has no known allergies for the AU Base Allergy Intolerance profile. Patient: John Smith.

AllergyIntolerance - self-reported allergy to eggs

Shows an example of an allergy to egg protein with reaction manifestations of hives, nausea, and vomiting for the AU Base Allergy Intolerance profile. Patient: Sally Grant.

AllergyIntolerance - self-reported intolerance to lactose

Shows an example of lactose intolerance with reaction manifestations of abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, and diarrhoea for the AU Base Allergy Intolerance profile. Patient: Suzanne Simmons.

BodyStructure - Blister of right foot

Shows an example of a body structure for the AU Base Body Structure profile, representing a blister on the right foot. Patient: Stella Franklin.

BodyStructure - Bone tissue of left shoulder

Shows an example of a body structure resource for the AU Base Body Structure profile, representing bone tissue in the left shoulder region. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Bundle - Medicine list in a bundle

Shows an example of a FHIR Bundle containing resources related to the AU Medicine List profile. Patient: Nicholas Jones.

Composition - Patient’s preference upon death

Shows an example of a composition representing patient goals, preferences, and priorities upon death, including a related person as the author and attester, for the AU Base Composition profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Composition - with multiple information recipients

Shows an example of a composition with multiple information recipients for the AU Base Composition profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Condition - with evidence and onset date-time

Shows an example of a condition of Type 2 diabetes mellitus for the AU Base Condition profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Coverage - DVA Gold Card

Shows an example of a coverage record for the AU Base Coverage profile, demonstrating a veteran health program under the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Beneficiary: Harry Dan.

Coverage - private health insurer

Shows an example of a private health insurance coverage record for the AU Base Coverage profile, demonstrating a plan under the payor HCF PTY LTD. Beneficiary: Stella Franklin.

Device - as a registered repository service

Shows an example of a Device resource representing a registered repository service. The resource includes the PAI-D identifier, device name, type and owner identifier (PAI-O).

Encounter - Annual check up

Shows an example of an encounter for the AU Base Encounter profile, representing an annual check up encounter for Observation-healthprogramparticipation-example0. Patient: Suzanne Simmons.

Encounter - with description

Shows an example of an encounter with an encounter description for the AU Base Encounter profile.

Endpoint - a secure messaging endpoint example

Shows an example of a secure messaging endpoint using the Endpoint resource.

HealthcareService - Honourable Mark's Home For Aged Men

Shows an example of an aged care residential service, Honourable Mark’s Home For Aged Men, for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile.

HealthcareService - Leafy Grove Home for the Aged

Shows an example of an aged care residential service, Leafy Grove Home for the Aged, for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile.

HealthcareService - a typical Healthcare Service the Radiologist belongs to

Shows an example of a radiology service, Albion Hospital Radiology Service, for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile.

HealthcareService - general practice

Shows an example of a healthcare service, General Practitioner services, for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile.

HealthcareService - of a Pathologist

Shows an example of a pathology service, Albion Hospital Pathology Service, for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile.

HealthcareService - with HPI-O with varied contact details

Shows an example of a cardiothoracic surgery healthcare service for the AU Base Healthcare Service profile, with a HPI-O, service name, specialty details, and multiple contact details.

Immunization - Administration of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 1 for Sarah Simmons

Shows an example of a completed immunisation record for the AU Base Immunisation profile, demonstrating the administration of Pfizer Comirnaty for COVID-19. Patient: Sarah Simmons.

Immunization - Administration of a vaccine - record compliant with Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

Shows an example of a completed immunisation record for the AU Base Immunisation profile, demonstrating the administration of Infanrix-Hep B. The record is compliant with Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Patient: Sally Grant.

Immunization - Administration of a vaccine with administering provider and protocol

Shows an example of a completed immunisation record for the AU Base Immunisation profile, demonstrating the administration of Infanrix Hexa. Patient: Sally Grant.

Immunization - Non-administration of varicella-zoster live vaccine due to refusal

Shows an example of an immunisation record for the AU Base Immunisation profile, where the administration of the varicella-zoster live vaccine was not completed due to patient objection. Patient: Harry Dan.

List - Medicine list authored by a related person

Shows an example of a medication list authored by a related person for the AU Medicine List profile. Patient: Suzanne Simmons

List - Medicine list with changes

Shows an example of a medication list for the AU Medicine List profile, representing a snapshot of a patient’s current, amended, and ceased medications. Patient: David Goodpatient.

List - Medicine list with no known current medicine

Shows an example of a medication list with no current medications for the AU Medicine List profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

List - Medicine list with referenced entries

Shows an example of a medication list for the AU Medicine List profile, representing a snapshot of a patient’s current medications. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Location - Leafy Grove Home for the Aged

Shows an example of a location for the AU Base Location profile, representing a nursing home ‘Leafy Grove Home for the Aged’ as a location.

Location - Leafy Grove Home for the Not Very Aged

Shows an example of a location for the AU Base Location profile, representing a nursing home ‘Honourable Mark’s Home For Aged Men’ as a location.

Location - a hospital location with managing organisation of example0

Shows an example of a hospital location for the AU Base Location profile. The resource includes the location details and a reference to the managing organisation, Downunder Hospital.

Location - for mobile services that can be delivered in a person's house, apartment, or unit

Shows an example of a mobile, home-based service location for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - for mobile services that can be delivered in residential care facilities

Shows an example of a mobile, residential-care-based service location for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - for mobile services that can be delivered in schools

Shows an example of a mobile, school-based service location for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - for services delivered by phone, video or online

Shows an example of a virtual telehealth service location for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - of a Practitioner as a General Practitioner

Shows an example of a location, Family Medicine Clinic, at which the General Practitioner provides care for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - of a Practitioner as a Pathologist

Shows an example of a location at a specific level within a hospital for the AU Base Location profile.

Location - of a Practitioner as a Radiologist

Shows an example of a Location resource for the AU Base Location profile.

Medication - Branded Pack With Single Active Ingredient

Shows an example of a medication, Chlorsig (chloramphenicol 0.5%, eye drops), defined by its branded product, single active ingredient, strength, and form for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - Branded Pack of Nexium HP7 20;500;500

Shows an example of a medication, Nexium HP7 (14 esomeprazole 20 mg tablets, 28 amoxicillin 500 mg capsules, 14 clarithromycin 500 mg tablets, 1 pack), defined by its branded packaging, manufacturer, and form for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - Branded Pack with Batch Details

Shows an example of a branded medication, Norvasc, containing the active ingredient amlodipine (10 mg) as a tablet, with batch details including lot number and expiration date, for the AU Base Medication profile

Medication - Generic Pack of paracetamol 500mg (100)

Shows an example of a medication, Paracetamol 500 mg tablet (100 tablets per pack), defined by its generic packaging, form, and coding for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - Unbranded Product of clarithromycin 500mg tablet

Shows an example of a medication, Clarithromycin 500mg tablet, defined by dose, form, and strength for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - Unbranded Product of esomeprazole 20mg tablet

Shows an example of an unbranded product, Esomeprazole 20mg tablet, defined by dose, form, and strength for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - Unbranded product of amoxicillin 500mg capsule

Shows an example of an unbranded product, Amoxicillin 500mg capsule, defined by dose, form, and strength for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - branded pack

Shows an example of a medication, Nexium Hp7 (14 x Nexium tablets, 28 x Amoxil capsules, 14 x Klacid tablets) in a single pack, defined by its branded and unbranded package information, manufacturer, and form for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - dose based

Shows an example of a medication, Fluconazole-containing product, injection, 200 mg/100 mL, defined by dose, form, and strength for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - uncoded medicinal product information

Shows an example of a medication with uncoded medicinal product information, Crestor (Rosuvastatin) 20mg tablet in a 30-pack, defined by its brand and generic names, manufacturer, dose, form, and strength for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - with four or more active ingredients

Shows an example of a branded medication, Stribild, containing four active ingredients and defined as a tablet for the AU Base Medication profile.

Medication - with two active ingredients product

Shows an example of a medication with two active ingredients, perindopril arginine (10 mg) and amlodipine (10 mg), defined as a tablet for the AU Base Medication profile.

MedicationAdministration - Administration of Chlorsig eye drops

Shows an example of administration of Chlorsig to a patient for the AU Base Medication Administration profile, administered by a related person. Patient: Harry Dan.

MedicationAdministration - Self-administration of lantus 100 units/mL injection

Shows an example of a medication administration that is a self-administration of lantus 100 units/mL injection for the AU Base Medication Administration profile. Patient: Sarah Simmons.

MedicationDispense - First dispense for Reaptan

Shows an example of a medication dispense for the AU Base Medication Dispense profile, representing the first dispensing of Reaptan 10 mg/10 mg (perindopril arginine/amlodipine) tablets. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationDispense - Second dispense for Reaptan

Shows an example of a medication dispense for the AU Base Medication Dispense profile, representing the second dispensing of Reaptan 10 mg/10 mg (perindopril arginine/amlodipine) tablets. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationRequest - Prescription with brand and generic name extensions

Shows an example of a medication request for the AU Base Medication Request profile, representing a practitioner’s order for the patient to take Reaptan for pain management, with detailed dosage instructions and dispensing information. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationRequest - a prescription for Stribild tablet

Shows an example of a medication request for the AU Base Medication Request profile, representing a practitioner’s order for a patient to take Stribild daily for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, with all repeats supplied concurrently for overseas travel. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationRequest - a prescription for codeine with paracetamol

Shows an example of a medication request for the AU Base Medication Request profile, representing a practitioner’s order for a patient to take paracetamol 500 mg + codeine phosphate hemihydrate 30 mg tablets for pain management. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationStatement - Practitioner reports patient has taken Diflucan in the past but is not taking it any more

Shows an example of a medication statement for the AU Base Medication Statement profile, representing a practitioner reporting that the patient has taken Diflucan in the past but is not taking it anymore. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationStatement - of a record of a patient's long-term use of medication

Shows an example of a medication statement for the AU Base Medication Statement profile, including informative record of a patient’s long-term use of medication. Patient: Stella Franklin.

MedicationStatement - of a record of a patient's use of medication

Shows an example of a medication statement for the AU Base Medication Statement profile, representing a patient’s active use of a branded medication with specific timing and dosage details. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Observation - Measurement of Hepatitis B surface antibody

Shows an example of a laboratory observation for the AU Base Pathology Result profile, demonstrating a final serology result for Hepatitis B surface antibody. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Observation - active participation in 12 step alcohol program

Shows an example of a health program participation observation for the AU Health Program Participation Summary profile. Patient: Suzanne Simmons.

Observation - deferred BreastScreen Australia screening due to travel

Shows an example of a deferred cancer screening program participation observation for the AU Health Program Participation Summary profile. Patient: Sarah Simmons.

Observation - of no relevant finding of immunisations

Shows an example of an observation asserting no history of immunisation for the AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Observation - of no relevant finding of known history of conditions

Shows an example of an observation asserting no known history of conditions for the AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Observation - of no relevant finding of patient taking any medications

Shows an example of an observation asserting that the patient is not taking any medications for the AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Observation - of no relevant finding of procedure

Shows an example of an observation asserting no history of procedure for the AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Organization - Holistic Medical Pty Ltd with ABN and HPI-O

Shows an example of an organisation, Holistic Medical Pty Ltd as trustee for Smith Family Trust, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with HPI-O and ABN identifiers, and contact details including a work email address and a physical address.

Organization - The Corporation of the Council of the Ward of Nundah

Shows an example of a religuous institution, The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Nundah, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with an ABN, address and contact details.

Organization - a Pathology organisation with HPI-O and is a parent organization

Shows an example of a parent pathology and diagnostic imaging organisation with a HPI-O identifier, Test Org - DigitalHealth 5, for the AU Base Organisation profile.

Organization - a Pathology organisation with NATA Number, ARBN, ABN, ACN, HPI-O and PAI-O

Shows an example of a pathology organisation, ACME Pathology, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with multiple identifiers such as HPI-O, NATA Accreditation Number, ABN, ACN, and PAI-O, and a reference to its parent organisation.

Organization - a hospital with an HPIO

Shows an example of a hospital organisation, Downunder Hospital, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with a HPI-O.

Organization - a typical Organisation the General Practitioner belongs to

Shows an example of an organisation, Devonport Family Medicine Clinic, to which the General Practitioner belongs for the AU Base Organisation profile.

Organization - a typical Organisation the Radiologist belongs to

Shows an example of an organisation, Albion Hospital, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with an ABN identifier, type as Private Hospital, and contact details including phone numbers and email addresses.

Organization - with HPI-O

Shows an example of an organisation, Downunder Hospital, for the AU Base Organisation profile, with a HPI-O, name, contact details, and address.

Patient - Australian No Fixed Address

Shows an example of an anonymous patient with no fixed address for the AU Base Patient profile, indicating a temporary address.

Patient - Australian address with identifiers

Shows an example of a patient address for the AU Base Patient profile, with with identifiers

Patient - as a Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) patient 1

Shows an example of a patient, William Rigny, who requires an interpreter for healthcare communication, with their preferred communication language specified, for the AU Base Patient profile.

Patient - as a Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) patient 2

Shows an example of a patient, Alejandro Hernández, born in Mexico and requiring an interpreter for healthcare communication, for the AU Base Patient profile. The example also includes Alejandro’s gender identity and their date of arrival in Australia.

Patient - as a child born in 2008

Shows an example of a child patient, Suzanne Simmons, for the AU Base Patient profile.

Patient - as a mother for the patient in example 4

Shows an example of a patient, Sarah Simmons, as the mother of Suzanne Simmons in example 4, for the AU Base Patient profile.

Patient - as transgender person with sex and gender

Shows an example of a patient, Patricia Roth, for AU Base Patient profile that demonstrates the adopted extensions for sex and gender. This example is taken and adapted from the R5 Transgender Person Example.

Patient - indicate IHI validation name context

Shows an example of a patient, May Chan, for the AU Base Patient profile, with IHI validation name context indication.

Patient - male born in 1949 with address and contact details

Shows an example of a patient, Nicholas Jones, for the AU Base Patient profile. The resource includes an IHI, Australian Indigenous Status extension, and contact details and address.

Patient - structured Australian Address

Shows an example of a patient with structured work addresses, including a postal address and a physical address, for the AU Base Patient profile.

Patient - unstructured Australian Address

Shows an example of a patient with an unstructured physical address for the AU Base Patient profile.

Patient - with Birth Date Accuracy Indicator of AAA

Shows an example of a patient for the AU Base Patient profile with Date Accuracy Indicator extension Accurate Year, Accurate Month and Accurate Date.

Patient - with Birth Date Accuracy Indicator of AAU

Shows an example of a patient for the AU Base Patient profile with Date Accuracy Indicator extension Accurate Year, Accurate Month and Unknown Date

Patient - with Birth Date Accuracy Indicator of UAA

Shows an example of a patient for the AU Base Patient profile with Date Accuracy Indicator extension Unknown Year, Accurate Month and Accurate Date.

Patient - with Birth Date Accuracy Indicator of UEA

Shows an example of a patient for the AU Base Patient profile with Date Accuracy Indicator extension Unknown Year, Estimated Month and Accurate Date.

Patient - with Birth Date Accuracy Indicator of UUU

Shows an example of a patient for the AU Base Patient profile with Date Accuracy Indicator extension Unknown Year, Unknown Month and Unknown Date.

Patient - with IHI, DVA Number (with specific card colour) and the extension for Indigenous Status

Shows an example of a patient, Harry Dan, for the AU Base Patient profile. The resource includes IHI (expired) and DVA Gold Card Number, extension for Australian Veteran Status and Indigenous Status.

Patient - with IHI, Medicare Card Number and the extension for Indigenous Status

Shows an example of a patient, Stella Franklin, for the AU Base Patient profile. The resource includes IHI, Medicare Card Number, and Health Card Number, and the extension for Australian Indigenous Status and gender identity.

Patient - with birth date and birth time

Shows an example of a patient, John Smith, for the AU Base Patient profile. The resource includes a name, email contact, birth details (date and time with an extension for date accuracy), and residential address.

Patient - with no birth date, and is eligible for Closing the Gap registration

Shows an example of a patient, Sally Grant, for the AU Base Patient profile. The resource includes a Medicare Number, extensions for Australian Indigenous Status and Closing the Gap registration, with unknown date of birth.

Practitioner - a typical Ahpra registered professional

Shows an example of a practitioner, Dr. Robert Smith, with multiple identifiers (HPI-I and Ahpra Registration Number), qualifications and communication language for the AU Base Practitioner profile.

Practitioner - a typical Practitioner as a General Practitioner

Shows an example of a practitioner, Dr. Francis Fernando, with a HPI-I and Ahpra Registration Number for the AU Base Practitioner profile.

Practitioner - as a Pathologist

Shows an example of a Pathologist, Dr. Peter Winslow, for the AU Base Practitioner profile, with an Ahpra Registration Number.

Practitioner - as a Radiologist

Shows an example of a Radiologist, Dr. Steve Smith, for the AU Base Practitioner profile, with an Ahpra Registration Number.

Practitioner - indicate HPI-I validation name context

Shows an example of a practitioner for the AU Base Practitioner profile, with HPI-I validation name context indication

Practitioner - sex and gender

Shows an example of a practitioner for the AU Base Practitioner profile that demonstrates the adopted extensions for sex and gender.

Practitioner - with HPI-I and Prescriber Number

Shows an example of a practitioner, Dr. Helen Mayo, with multiple identifiers including HPI-I, Prescriber Number, Ahpra Registration Number, and Care Agency Employee Identifier, for the AU Base Practitioner profile.

PractitionerRole - a typical Practitioner Role as a General Practitioner

Shows an example of a General Practitioner role for the AU Base Practitioner profile, including a Medicare Provider Number identifier, contact details, references to the associated Practitioner, Organization, Location, and HealthcareService, as well as availability on weekdays and unavailability on weekends.

PractitionerRole - a typical Practitioner Role as a Radiologist

Shows an example of a Radiologist role for the AU Base Practitioner Role profile, including a National Provider Identifier at Organisation (NPIO) identifier, contact details, references to the associated Practitioner, Organization, Location, and HealthcareService, as well as availability exceptions for public holidays.

PractitionerRole - as a Pathologist

Shows an example of a General pathologist role for the AU Base Practitioner Role profile, including an Employee Number identifier, specialty in General Pathology, contact details, references to the associated Practitioner, Organization, Location, and HealthcareService, as well as availability times.

PractitionerRole - with Provider Number and ANZSCO coded role

Shows an example of a Cardiologist role for the AU Base Practitioner Role profile, including a Medicare Provider Number identifier, specialty in Cardiology, contact details for work and after-hours purposes, and references to the associated Practitioner, Organization, and Location.

PractitionerRole - with assigning authority

Shows an example of a Cardiologist role for the AU Base Practitioner Role profile, including identifiers for Medicare Provider Number and Vendor Directory, an active status, contact details, references to the associated Practitioner, Organization, Location, and an Endpoint for secure messaging.

Procedure - Cardiac catheterisation

Shows an example of a completed cardiac catheterisation procedure for the AU Base Procedure profile. Patient: Harry Dan.

Procedure - Cryotherapy

Shows an example of a completed cryotherapy procedure for the AU Base Procedure profile. Patient: William Rigny.

Procedure - Stent placement

Shows an example of a completed procedure for the AU Base Procedure profile. Patient: Harry Dan.

RelatedPerson - as a carer for an older patient

Shows an example of a related person, Mary Smith, who is a caregiver for Harry Dan, for the AU Base Related Person profile.

RelatedPerson - as a mother for the patient in example 4

Shows an example of a related person, Sarah Simmons, who is the mother of Suzanne Simmons, for the AU Base Related Person profile.

RelatedPerson - as attester party

Shows an example of a related person, Benedicte du Marche, who is the next-of-kin for Stella Franklin, for the AU Base Related Person profile.

RelatedPerson - as family member with sex and gender

Shows an example of a related person, Alex Baker, for the AU Base Related Person profile, demonstrating the adopted extensions for sex and gender.

RelatedPerson - as father

Shows an example of a related person, Bill Simmons, who is the father of Alejandro Hernández, for the AU Base Related Person profile.

ServiceRequest - for Hepatitis B surface antibody measurement

Shows an example of a completed request for Hepatitis B surface antibody measurement for the AU Base Service Request profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

ServiceRequest - with multiple result copies to indicated

Shows an example of an active request for a full blood count for the AU Base Service Request profile, demonstrating multiple ‘result copies to’ entries. Patient: Harry Dan.

Specimen - Serum sample

Shows an example of a serum sample specimen for the AU Base Specimen profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.

Substance - body substance of epiglottic mucus

Shows an example for a body substance of epiglottic mucus for the AU Base Substance profile.

Substance - medication substance with two active ingredients

Shows an example for a medication substance with two active ingredients for the AU Base Substance profile.

Substance - peanuts as an allergen

Shows an example for an allergen substance of peanuts for the AU Base Substance profile.

​Composition - with some sections having a different section author to the composition author

Shows an example of a composition with sections authored by different individuals for the AU Base Composition profile. Patient: Stella Franklin.