AU Base Implementation Guide
5.0.1-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Base Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.1-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: AU Base Medication Statement

Official URL: Version: 5.0.1-ci-build
Standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 2 Computable Name: AUBaseMedicationStatement

Copyright/Legal: HL7 Australia© 2018+; Licensed Under Creative Commons No Rights Reserved.

This profile defines a medication statement structure that localises core concepts, including terminology, for use in an Australian context. The purpose of this profile is to provide national level agreement on core localised concepts. This profile does not force conformance to core localised concepts. It enables implementers and modellers to make their own rules, i.e. profiling, about how to support these concepts for specific implementation needs.

Usage Notes

Profile specific implementation guidance:

  • When identifying a medication, this resource can use either a code or refer to a Medication resource.
  • If making use of MedicationStatement.code, this profile includes coding as:
  • If a medication is compounded and is a list of ingredients, MedicationStatement.code is still present and may contain only the list of ingredients as text in MedicationStatement.code.text.
  • Where additional medicinal product information is needed, MedicationStatement.medicationReference is preferred to MedicationStatement.code and use of extensions, see guidance on AU Base Medication.

Potentially useful extensions:


Changes since version 5.0.0:

  • No changes
  • Formal Views of Profile Content

    Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

    This structure is derived from MedicationStatement

    NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
    .. MedicationStatement 0..* MedicationStatement A record of medication being taken by a patient in an Australian healthcare context
    ... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
    Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
    .... extension:longTerm 0..1 boolean Medication Long Term Indicator
    ... Slices for medication[x] 1..1 CodeableConcept, Reference(Medication) Medication Detail
    Slice: Unordered, Closed by type:$this
    .... medication[x]:medicationCodeableConcept 0..1 CodeableConcept Coded Medication
    Binding: SNOMEDCTMedicationCodes (example)
    Additional BindingsPurpose
    Australian Medication . Preferred
    PBS Item Codes Preferred
    MIMS Preferred
    GTIN Preferred
    ..... coding
    ...... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
    Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
    ....... extension:medicationClass 0..1 Coding Medication type
    Binding: Medication Type (required)
    ..... text 0..1 string Medication primary text
    .... medication[x]:medicationReference 0..1 Reference(Medication) Medication Reference
    ... reasonCode 0..* CodeableConcept Reason for why the medication is being/was taken
    Binding: Medication Reason Taken . (preferred)

    doco Documentation for this format

    Terminology Bindings (Differential)

    MedicationStatement.reasonCodepreferredMedicationReasonTaken .


    Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron