0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Overview |
3 Introduction |
4 PDex Implementation Guide |
5 Security and Privacy |
5.1 FHIR Access Permissions |
6 PDex Implementation, Actors, Interactions, Data Payloads and Methods |
6.1 Handling Data Provenance |
6.2 Provider Access API |
6.3 Payer-to-Payer Exchange (single member) |
6.4 Payer-to-Payer Exchange (bulk) |
6.5 Data Mapping |
6.5.1 US Core AllergyIntolerance |
6.5.2 US Core CarePlan |
6.5.3 US Core CareTeam |
6.5.4 US Core Condition |
6.5.5 Consent |
6.5.6 Coverage |
6.5.7 PDex Device |
6.5.8 US Core DiagnosticReport for Laboratory Results Reporting |
6.5.9 US Core DiagnosticReport for Report and Note Exchange |
6.5.10 US Core DocumentReference |
6.5.11 US Core Encounter |
6.5.12 US Core Goal |
6.5.13 US Core Immunization |
6.5.14 US Core ImplantableDevice |
6.5.15 US Core Laboratory Result Observation |
6.5.16 US Core Location |
6.5.17 US Core Medication |
6.5.18 PDex MedicationDispense |
6.5.19 US Core MedicationRequest |
6.5.20 US Core Organization |
6.5.21 US Core Patient |
6.5.22 US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation |
6.5.23 US Core Pediatric Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Observation |
6.5.24 US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation |
6.5.25 US Core Practitioner |
6.5.26 US Core PractitionerRole |
6.5.27 PDex Prior Authorization |
6.5.28 US Core Procedure |
6.5.29 PDex Provenance |
6.5.30 US Core Provenance |
6.5.31 US Core Pulse Oximetry |
6.5.32 US Core Smoking Status Observation |
6.5.33 VitalSigns |
7 Use Case Scenarios |
8 CDS Hooks |
8.1 Workflow Examples |
9 Member-Authorized OAuth2.0 Exchange |
10 Change History |
11 Credits |
13 FHIR Artifacts |
13.1 PDex Payer-Access Server CapabilityStatement |
13.2 PDex provider-access Server CapabilityStatement |
13.3 PDEX Server CapabilityStatement |
13.4 PDex Server CapabilityStatement with US core 6.1 support |
13.5 PDex Bulk Member Match Operation |
13.6 ExplanationOfBenefit_Identifier |
13.7 ExplanationOfBenefit_Patient |
13.8 ExplanationOfBenefit_ServiceDate |
13.9 ExplanationOfBenefit_Type |
13.10 ExplanationOfBenefit_Use |
13.11 Group_Code |
13.12 PdexMedicationDispensePatient |
13.13 PdexMedicationDispenseStatus |
13.14 mTLS Endpoint |
13.15 mTLS Endpoint Bundle |
13.16 mTLS Organization |
13.17 PDex $multi-member-match request |
13.18 PDex $multi-member-match response |
13.19 PDex Device |
13.20 PDex MedicationDispense |
13.21 PDex Member Match Group |
13.22 PDex Member No Match Group |
13.23 PDex Prior Authorization |
13.24 PDex Provenance |
13.25 PDex Provider Access Consent Profile |
13.26 PDex Provider Group |
13.27 An attribute to describe the data source a resource was constructed from |
13.28 An attribute to express the amount of a service or item that has been utilized |
13.29 An attribute to express the refill number of a prescription |
13.30 LevelOfServiceCode |
13.31 Member Last Resource Filters |
13.32 Member Last Resource Types |
13.33 Member Last Transmission |
13.34 Member-Match Input Patient Parameter |
13.35 Members Opted-out |
13.36 mTLS Signed Object |
13.37 NDH Associated Servers |
13.38 NDH Contactpoint Availabletime |
13.39 NDH Dynamic Registration |
13.40 NDH Endpoint Access Control Mechanism |
13.41 NDH Endpoint Connection Type Version |
13.42 NDH Endpoint Rank |
13.43 NDH Endpoint Usecase |
13.44 NDH FHIR IG |
13.45 NDH Identifier Status |
13.46 NDH Secure Exchange Artifacts |
13.47 NDH Trust Framework |
13.48 NDH Verification Status |
13.49 ReviewAction |
13.50 ReviewActionCode |
13.51 When Adjudicated |
13.52 FDA National Drug Code (NDC) |
13.53 mTLS Signed Object Types |
13.54 Organization Type VS |
13.55 Payer source of data |
13.56 PDex Adjudication |
13.57 PDex Adjudication Category Discriminator |
13.58 PDex Multi-Member Match Result Value Set |
13.59 PDex Payer Benefit Payment Status |
13.60 PDex SupportingInfo Type |
13.61 Prior Authorization Procedure Codes - AMA CPT - CMS HCPCS - CMS HIPPS |
13.62 Prior Authorization Service Type Codes (X12) |
13.63 Prior Authorization value categories |
13.64 Procedure Codes - AMA CPT - CMS HCPCS - CMS HIPPS |
13.65 Provenance Agent Type |
13.66 X12 278 Review Decision Reason Codes |
13.67 X12 Claim Adjustment Reason Codes - Remittance Advice Remark Codes |
13.68 mTLS Object Type Code |
13.69 PDex Adjudication Discriminator |
13.70 PDex Identifier Type |
13.71 PDex Multi-Member Match Result Code System |
13.72 PDex Payer Adjudication Status |
13.73 PDex Provider Access API Attribution Code System |
13.74 PDex Supporting Info Type |
13.75 Prior Authorization Values |
13.76 Provenance Payer Data Source Format |
13.77 Provenance Roles |
13.78 $multi-member-match payer example request |
13.79 $multi-member-match payer example response |
13.80 Acme |
13.81 BundleConditionWithProvenance |
13.82 BundleExamplePayer1 |
13.83 BundleExamplePayer2 |
13.84 BundleExamplePayer3 |
13.85 BundleWithProvenance |
13.86 diamond-mtls-endpoint1 |
13.87 diamond-mtls-endpoint2 |
13.88 example-mtls-endpoint-bundle |
13.89 example-pdex-member-consent-constraint-group |
13.90 example-pdex-member-match-group |
13.91 example-pdex-member-no-match-group |
13.92 Example-PDex-Provider-Group |
13.93 ExampleBundle1 |
13.94 ExampleCoverage |
13.95 ExampleDevice |
13.96 ExampleDocRefProvenance |
13.97 ExampleDocumentReference |
13.98 ExampleEncounter1 |
13.99 ExampleEncounter2 |
13.100 ExampleEncounter3 |
13.101 ExampleLocation |
13.102 ExampleMedicationDispenseClaim |
13.103 ExamplePractitioner |
13.104 ExampleProvenanceAuthorEncounter6 |
13.105 ExampleProvenanceAuthorEncounter7 |
13.106 ExampleProvenanceBundleTransmitter |
13.107 ExampleProvenanceCustodian |
13.108 ExampleProvenancePayerModified |
13.109 ExampleProvenancePayerSource |
13.110 ExampleProvenanceSoloPractitioner |
13.111 ExampleProvenanceTransmitter |
13.112 mtlsorganization2 |
13.113 OrganizationPayer1 |
13.114 OrganizationPayer1-1 |
13.115 OrganizationPayer2 |
13.116 OrganizationPayer2-2 |
13.117 OrganizationProvider1 |
13.118 OrganizationProvider2 |
13.119 Patient1 |
13.120 Patient1-2 |
13.121 Patient100 |
13.122 Patient1001 |
13.123 Patient2002 |
13.124 PDex Provider Access Consent Example |
13.125 PDexCoverageExample |
13.126 PdexPriorAuth |
14 Other IG Artifacts |