Quality Checks |
Publisher Version: | IG Publisher Version: v1.8.7 |
Publication Code: | n/a . PackageId = hl7.eu.fhir.idea4rc, Canonical = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc |
Realm Check for n/a: | |
Language Info: | This IG has no language information |
Publication Request: | - This IG has never been published
- No publication request found
Supressed Messages: | 5 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks: | Package | Version | FHIR | Canonical | Web Base | Comment |
hl7.eu.fhir.idea4rc | 0.1.0 | R4 | http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc | | HL7 Packages must have an id that starts with hl7.cda., hl7.fhir., or hl7.v2. |
hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 5.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0 | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | 3.0.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/mcode/STU3 | |
hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.3.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.3.0 | Latest Release is 6.1.0 |
hl7.fhir.us.core | 5.0.1 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/STU5.0.1 | Latest Release is 7.0.0 |
hl7.terminology.r4 | 3.1.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0 | Latest Release is 6.1.0 |
hl7.fhir.uv.bulkdata | 2.0.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/bulkdata | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/bulkdata/STU2 | |
hl7.fhir.uv.smart-app-launch | 2.0.0 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch | http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/STU2 | Latest Release is 2.2.0 |
us.nlm.vsac | 0.7.0 O | R4 | http://fhir.org/packages/us.nlm.vsac | http://fhir.org/packages/us.nlm.vsac | Latest Release is 0.21.0 |
hl7.fhir.uv.sdc | 3.0.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/sdc | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/sdc/STU3 | |
hl7.fhir.r4.examples | 4.0.1 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir | http://hl7.org/fhir/R4 | Latest Release is 5.0.0 |
hl7.fhir.uv.genomics-reporting | 2.0.0 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/genomics-reporting | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/genomics-reporting/STU2 | Latest Release is 3.0.0 |
hl7.fhir.uv.extensions | current V | R5 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-extensions/ | FHIR Version Mismatch |
hl7.terminology.r5 | 6.1.0 M | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0 | FHIR Version Mismatch |
hl7.fhir.uv.ips | 1.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/STU1.1 | |
hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.0.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.0.0 | Latest Release is 6.1.0 |
fhir.dicom | 2022.4.20221006 O | R4 | http://fhir.org/packages/fhir.dicom | http://fhir.org/packages/fhir.dicom | Latest Release is 2024.2.20240331 |
hl7.fhir.uv.genomics-reporting | 2.0.0 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/genomics-reporting | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/genomics-reporting/STU2 | see above. Latest Release is 3.0.0 |
hl7.terminology | 5.5.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.5.0 | Latest Release is 6.1.0 |
hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 1.0.0 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/1.0.0 | Latest Release is 5.1.0 |
Templates: hl7.eu.fhir.i4rc.template#0.0.1 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0 |
Dependent IGs: | no references |
Global Profiles: | (none declared) |
Terminology Server(s): | http://tx.fhir.org/r4 (details) |
HTA Analysis: | 12 issues |
R5 Dependencies: | |
Draft Dependencies: |
hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1: GuideParameterCode
(15 uses), observation-bmi
(2 uses), CommonLanguages
(33 uses), Condition
(23 uses), Procedure
(34 uses), MedicationAdministration
(24 uses), Immunization
(20 uses), MedicationStatement
(19 uses), ConditionClinicalStatusCodes
(6 uses), ConditionVerificationStatus
(2 uses), ConditionCategoryCodes
(2 uses), Condition/DiagnosisSeverity
(2 uses), Practitioner
(42 uses), PractitionerRole
(41 uses), RelatedPerson
(39 uses), ConditionStageType
(2 uses), ManifestationAndSymptomCodes
(5 uses), Encounter
(28 uses), ConditionStage
(1 uses), ClinicalImpression
(1 uses), DiagnosticReport
(4 uses), EncounterStatus
(2 uses), EncounterType
(1 uses), ServiceType
(1 uses), ServiceRequest
(29 uses), ParticipantType
(1 uses), Appointment
(1 uses), EncounterReasonCodes
(1 uses), Account
(2 uses), Location
(7 uses), Organization
(36 uses), AdmitSource
(1 uses), Diet
(1 uses), SpecialCourtesy
(1 uses), SpecialArrangements
(1 uses), DischargeDisposition
(1 uses), EncounterLocationStatus
(1 uses), LocationType
(1 uses), MedicationAdministration Status Codes
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTReasonMedicationNotGivenCodes
(1 uses), MedicationAdministration Category Codes
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTMedicationCodes
(1 uses), EpisodeOfCare
(2 uses), MedicationAdministration Performer Function Codes
(1 uses), Device
(33 uses), ReasonMedicationGivenCodes
(1 uses), MedicationRequest
(19 uses), SNOMEDCTAnatomicalStructureForAdministrationSiteCodes
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTRouteCodes
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTAdministrationMethodCodes
(1 uses), Provenance
(1 uses), CarePlan
(27 uses), DeviceRequest
(18 uses), ImmunizationRecommendation
(18 uses), NutritionOrder
(18 uses), MedicationDispense
(18 uses), ImagingStudy
(39 uses), ObservationCategoryCodes
(21 uses), LOINCCodes
(37 uses), CareTeam
(22 uses), SNOMEDCTBodyStructures
(23 uses), Specimen
(21 uses), DeviceMetric
(21 uses), ObservationReferenceRangeMeaningCodes
(21 uses), ObservationReferenceRangeAppliesToCodes
(21 uses), QuestionnaireResponse
(40 uses), MolecularSequence
(40 uses), DocumentReference
(26 uses), Media
(22 uses), PlanDefinition
(3 uses), ActivityDefinition
(3 uses), Measure
(3 uses), Questionnaire
(3 uses), EventStatus
(3 uses), ProcedureCategoryCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(5 uses), ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(2 uses), ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes
(3 uses), ProcedureReasonCodes
(3 uses), ProcedureOutcomeCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(2 uses), Composition
(3 uses), Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes
(2 uses), ProcedureFollowUpCodes(SNOMEDCT)
(3 uses), ProcedureDeviceActionCodes
(3 uses), Medication
(3 uses), Substance
(3 uses), FHIRDeviceTypes
(3 uses), EpisodeOfCareStatus
(2 uses), EpisodeOfCareType
(1 uses), DiagnosisRole
(1 uses), ObservationMethods
(20 uses), AdverseEvent
(1 uses), AdverseEventActuality
(1 uses), AdverseEventCategory
(1 uses), SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings
(1 uses), Group
(1 uses), AdverseEventSeriousness
(1 uses), AdverseEventSeverity
(1 uses), AdverseEventOutcome
(1 uses), AdverseEventCausalityAssessment
(1 uses), AdverseEventCausalityMethod
(1 uses), AllergyIntolerance
(1 uses), FamilyMemberHistory
(1 uses), ResearchStudy
(1 uses)
hl7.fhir.us.mcode#3.0.0: MinimalCommonOncologyDataElements
(1 uses), ProcedureIntent
(4 uses), RelatedConditionAbsent
(29 uses), RelatedCondition
(8 uses), RadiotherapyDoseDeliveredToVolume
(3 uses), BodyLocationQualifierVS
(6 uses), LateralityQualifierVS
(6 uses), RadiotherapyModalityVS
(3 uses), RadiotherapyTechniqueVS
(3 uses), RadiotherapyVolume
(2 uses)
hl7.fhir.uv.tools.r4#0.3.0: ResourceSortExt
(223 uses)
hl7.terminology#5.5.0: ObservationCategoryCodes
(10 uses), DiagnosisRole
(1 uses)
Modifier Extensions: | (none) |
Previous Version Comparison: | Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc (Problem #1 with package-list.json at http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc: Not Found) |
IPA Comparison: | n/a |
IPS Comparison: | n/a |
Validation Flags: | On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings |
Summary: | errors = 97, warn = 429, info = 43, broken links = 5 |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/condition-id-10. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/condition-id-7. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/condition-id-16. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/condition-id-8. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource EpisodeOfCare/episodeOfCare-id-13. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Procedure/GOFSH-GENERATED-id-28. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource MedicationAdministration/GOFSH-GENERATED-id-30. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/GOFSH-GENERATED-id-36. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-19. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-20. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-35. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-22. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-21. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-31. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-4. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-24. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-33. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-34. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-25. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-32. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-26. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-37. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-5. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-0. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-3. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-27. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-6-1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-6-2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-23. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-15. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-9. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Observation/observation-id-11. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/patient-id-17. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
| warning | Unable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/encounter-id-14. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list. |
output/AdverseEvent-map.html#/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/p/svg/g/a at Line 245, column 2855 | error | The link 'StructureDefinition-AdverseEvent-eu-i4rc.html' for "«Profile»AdverseEvent-eu-i4rc" cannot be resolved |
output/AdverseEvent-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/CancerEpisode-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Condition-secondaryCancer-eu-i4rc.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Encounter-eu-i4rc.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/EpisodeEvent-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/GeneticTestExpression-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/HospitalPatientRecords-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/MedicationAdministration-eu-i4rc.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/PatientFollowUp-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Radiotherapy-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Subject-map.html#/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/p/svg/g/a at Line 245, column 10235 | error | The link 'StructureDefinition-observation-karnofsky-performance-statuseu-i4rc.html' for "«Profile»observation-karnofsky-performance-statuseu-i4rc" cannot be resolved |
output/Subject-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/Surgery-map.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/episodeOfCare-eu-i4rc.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/hn-cancer-stage-group.html#/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/p/svg/g/a at Line 245, column 10040 | error | The link 'StructureDefinition-Observation.html' for "«target»Observation" cannot be resolved |
output/hn-cancer-stage-group.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
output/model-overview.html#/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/p/svg/g/a at Line 253, column 14312 | error | The link 'StructureDefinition-TreatmentResponse.html' for "TreatmentResponse" cannot be resolved |
output/sarcoma-cancer-stage-group.html#/html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/p/svg/g/a at Line 245, column 8016 | error | The link 'StructureDefinition-Observation.html' for "«target»Observation" cannot be resolved |
output/sarcoma-cancer-stage-group.html | warning | The html source has duplicate anchor Ids: 1 |
1 | warning | The HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide |
IG | warning | The IG is not for the international realm, and it uses SNOMED CT, so it should fix the SCT edition in the expansion parameters |
Path | Severity | Message |
ConceptMap.group[0].source (l1/c19407) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[0].target (l1/c19407) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-alcoholuse-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[1].source (l1/c19803) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[1].target (l1/c19803) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-cci-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[2].source (l1/c26681) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[2].target (l1/c26681) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-comorbidity-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[3].source (l1/c27281) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[3].target (l1/c27281) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-ecog-performance-status-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[4].source (l1/c27766) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[4].target (l1/c27766) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-karnofsky-performance-status-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[5].source (l1/c28140) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[5].target (l1/c28140) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-occurrencOtherCancer-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[6].source (l1/c28666) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[6].target (l1/c28666) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-tobaccouse-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[7].source (l1/c28994) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[7].target (l1/c28994) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-treatment-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[8].source (l1/c29763) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[8].target (l1/c29763) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/patient-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[9].source (l1/c30024) | warning | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_SOURCE_UNKNOWN |
ConceptMap.group[9].target (l1/c30024) | warning | The Target Code System http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/bmi is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed CONCEPTMAP_GROUP_TARGET_UNKNOWN |
Path | Severity | Message |
Condition.evidence[1] (l192/c6) | Slicing Information | This element does not match any known slice defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning This element does not match any known slice Defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) - Condition.evidence[1]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[1]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): This element does not match any known slice defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 and slicing is CLOSED: Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): Does not match slice 'valueCodeableConcept' (discriminator: ($this is CodeableConcept))
, - Observation: Observation.effective[x]: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0)
, - Observation: Slice 'Observation.effective[x]:effectiveDateTime': a matching slice is required, but not found (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
, - Observation: Slice 'Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept': a matching slice is required, but not found (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
, - Observation.code: The pattern [system http://loinc.org, code 29308-4, and display 'Diagnosis'] defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 not found. Issues: [ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.system,message=Value is 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' but is fixed to 'http://loinc.org' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation], ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.code,message=Value is '36768664' but is fixed to '29308-4' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation], ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.display,message=Value is 'Dimension of Tumor' but is fixed to 'Diagnosis' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation]]
, - Observation.code.coding[0].code: Unknown code '36768664' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531'
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): The Profile 'http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0' definition allows for the type CodeableConcept but found type Quantity
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).value: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).unit: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).system: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).code: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36768664)
, - Condition.evidence[1]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-testResult-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[1]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-testResult-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation.code.coding[0].code: Unknown code '36768664' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531'
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36768664)
, - Condition.evidence[1]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[1]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): This element does not match any known slice defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 and slicing is CLOSED: Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): Does not match slice 'valueCodeableConcept' (discriminator: ($this is CodeableConcept))
, - Observation: Slice 'Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept': a matching slice is required, but not found (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc|0.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
, - Observation.code.coding[0].code: Unknown code '36768664' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531'
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Types of Yes/No observations' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/obsYesNo-code-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36768664)
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity): The Profile 'http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc|0.1.0' definition allows for the type CodeableConcept but found type Quantity
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).value: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).unit: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).system: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.value.ofType(Quantity).code: This element is not allowed by the profile http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeableConcept|4.0.1
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36768664)
Condition.evidence[4] (l213/c6) | Slicing Information | This element does not match any known slice defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning This element does not match any known slice Defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) - Condition.evidence[4]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[4]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation: Observation.effective[x]: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0)
, - Observation: Slice 'Observation.effective[x]:effectiveDateTime': a matching slice is required, but not found (from http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
, - Observation.code: The pattern [system http://loinc.org, code 29308-4, and display 'Diagnosis'] defined in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 not found. Issues: [ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.system,message=Value is 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' but is fixed to 'http://loinc.org' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation], ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.code,message=Value is '44789520' but is fixed to '29308-4' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation], ValidationMessage[level=ERROR,type=VALUE,location=Observation.code.coding.display,message=Value is 'Human papilloma virus nucleic acid detection' but is fixed to 'Diagnosis' in the profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Observation-diagnosis-eu-i4rc|0.1.0#Observation]]
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#44789520)
, - Condition.evidence[4]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-testResult-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[4]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-testResult-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#44789520)
, - Condition.evidence[4]: discriminator = true and $this.detail.resolve().conformsTo('http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc')
, - Condition.evidence[4]: Profile http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-yesNo-eu-i4rc does not match for Condition because of the following profile issues:
- Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Types of Yes/No observations' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/obsYesNo-code-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#44789520)
, - Observation.value.ofType(CodeableConcept): None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Yes-No-Unk: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/yes-no-unk-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#9189)
, - Observation.code: None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#44789520)
Condition.stage[0].summary.coding[0].code (l173/c8) | error | Unknown code '1634752' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' (from http://tx.fhir.org/r4) |
Condition.stage[0].summary (l173/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Cancer Stage Grading: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/cancer-stageGrading-athena-vs|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1634752) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Path | Severity | Message |
Observation.extension[0].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l21/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4329847) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[1].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l33/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#319835) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[2].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l45/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#321052) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[3].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l57/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#381316) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[4].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l69/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4182210) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[5].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l81/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620830) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[5].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l81/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620830) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[6].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l93/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4344165) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[7].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l105/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4177703) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[8].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l117/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621281) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[8].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l117/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621281) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[9].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l129/c8) | information | Reference to draft CodeSystem http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 MSG_DRAFT |
Observation.extension[9].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l129/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-liver) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[9].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l129/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-liver) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[10].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l141/c8) | information | Reference to draft CodeSystem http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 MSG_DRAFT |
Observation.extension[10].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l141/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-renal) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[10].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l141/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-renal) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[11].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l153/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620816) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[11].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l153/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620816) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[12].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l165/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620753) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[12].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l165/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620753) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[13].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l177/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#374022) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[14].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l189/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621181) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[14].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l189/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621181) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[15].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l201/c8) | information | Reference to draft CodeSystem http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc|0.1.0 MSG_DRAFT |
Observation.extension[15].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l201/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#solid-tumor) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[15].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l201/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#solid-tumor) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[16].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l213/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#317510) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[17].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l225/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45881968) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[17].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l225/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45881968) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[18].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l237/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#437233) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[19].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l249/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45884125) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[19].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l249/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45884125) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[20].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l261/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4211787) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[20].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l261/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4211787) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[21].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l273/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4145177) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[22].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l285/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4187683) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[23].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l297/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4323645) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[24].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l309/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#37117262) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[25].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l321/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#37396802) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[26].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l333/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#377252) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[27].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l345/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4286355) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[28].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l357/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4197821) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[29].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l369/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4158977) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Observation.extension[30].value.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l381/c8) | error | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#75910) Terminology_TX_NoValid_1_CC |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c4619) | warning | The code '1635842' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635842' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c4619) | information | Unknown code '1635842' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' Unknown code '1635842' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[1] | warning | The code '1633828' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633828' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[2] | warning | The code '1635824' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635824' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[3] | warning | The code '1633905' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633905' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[4] | warning | The code '1634457' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634457' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[5] | warning | The code '1635758' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635758' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[6] | warning | The code '1634718' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634718' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[7] | warning | The code '1635182' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635182' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[8] | warning | The code '1635217' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635217' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[9] | warning | The code '1635848' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635848' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[10] | warning | The code '1635125' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635125' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[11] | warning | The code '1634596' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634596' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[12] | warning | The code '1634307' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634307' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[13] | warning | The code '1634766' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634766' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[14] | warning | The code '1635029' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635029' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[15] | warning | The code '1635535' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635535' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[16] | warning | The code '1634451' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634451' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[17] | warning | The code '1634810' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634810' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[18] | warning | The code '1633922' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633922' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[19] | warning | The code '1635757' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635757' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[20] | warning | The code '1635708' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635708' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[21] | warning | The code '1633270' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633270' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[22] | warning | The code '1634614' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634614' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[23] | warning | The code '1635006' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635006' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[24] | warning | The code '1634741' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634741' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[25] | warning | The code '1635511' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635511' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[26] | warning | The code '1634787' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634787' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[27] | warning | The code '1635797' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635797' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[28] | warning | The code '1635800' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635800' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[29] | warning | The code '1634799' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634799' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[30] | warning | The code '1633751' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633751' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[31] | warning | The code '1634619' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634619' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[32] | warning | The code '1635386' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635386' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[33] | warning | The code '1633499' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633499' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[34] | warning | The code '1634947' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634947' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[35] | warning | The code '1634705' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634705' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[36] | warning | The code '1634208' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634208' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[37] | warning | The code '1635230' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635230' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[38] | warning | The code '1633697' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633697' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[39] | warning | The code '1634731' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634731' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[40] | warning | The code '1635745' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635745' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[41] | warning | The code '1634005' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634005' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[42] | warning | The code '1635370' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635370' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[43] | warning | The code '1634472' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634472' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[44] | warning | The code '1634487' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634487' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[45] | warning | The code '1635893' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635893' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[46] | warning | The code '1634492' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634492' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[47] | warning | The code '1634551' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634551' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[87] | warning | The code 'L01XC04' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XC04' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[115] | warning | The code 'L01XE01' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE01' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[116] | warning | The code 'L01XE02' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE02' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[117] | warning | The code 'L01XE03' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE03' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[118] | warning | The code 'L01XE04' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE04' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[119] | warning | The code 'L01XE05' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE05' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[120] | warning | The code 'L01XE06' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE06' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[121] | warning | The code 'L01XE07' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE07' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[122] | warning | The code 'L01XE08' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE08' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[123] | warning | The code 'L01XE09' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE09' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[124] | warning | The code 'L01XE10' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE10' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[125] | warning | The code 'L01XE11' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE11' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[126] | warning | The code 'L01XE12' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE12' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[127] | warning | The code 'L01XE13' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE13' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[128] | warning | The code 'L01XE14' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE14' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[129] | warning | The code 'L01XE15' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE15' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[130] | warning | The code 'L01XE16' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE16' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[131] | warning | The code 'L01XE17' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE17' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[132] | warning | The code 'L01XE18' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE18' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[133] | warning | The code 'L01XE19' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE19' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[134] | warning | The code 'L01XE21' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE21' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[135] | warning | The code 'L01XE22' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE22' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[136] | warning | The code 'L01XE23' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE23' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[137] | warning | The code 'L01XE24' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE24' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[138] | warning | The code 'L01XE25' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE25' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[139] | warning | The code 'L01XE26' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE26' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[140] | warning | The code 'L01XE27' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE27' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[141] | warning | The code 'L01XE28' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE28' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[142] | warning | The code 'L01XE29' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE29' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[143] | warning | The code 'L01XE31' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE31' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[144] | warning | The code 'L01XE32' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE32' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[145] | warning | The code 'L01XE33' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE33' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[146] | warning | The code 'L01XE34' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE34' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[147] | warning | The code 'L01XE35' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE35' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[148] | warning | The code 'L01XE36' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE36' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[149] | warning | The code 'L01XE37' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE37' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[150] | warning | The code 'L01XE38' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE38' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[151] | warning | The code 'L01XE39' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE39' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[152] | warning | The code 'L01XE40' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XE40' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[160] | warning | The code 'L01XX09' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX09' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[163] | warning | The code 'L01XX14' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX14' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[165] | warning | The code 'L01XX17' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX17' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[167] | warning | The code 'L01XX19' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX19' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[168] | warning | The code 'L01XX22' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX22' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[171] | warning | The code 'L01XX25' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX25' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[174] | warning | The code 'L01XX32' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX32' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[179] | warning | The code 'L01XX38' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX38' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[180] | warning | The code 'L01XX39' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX39' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[183] | warning | The code 'L01XX42' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX42' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[184] | warning | The code 'L01XX43' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX43' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[186] | warning | The code 'L01XX45' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX45' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[187] | warning | The code 'L01XX46' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX46' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[188] | warning | The code 'L01XX47' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX47' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[189] | warning | The code 'L01XX48' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX48' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[190] | warning | The code 'L01XX49' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX49' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[191] | warning | The code 'L01XX50' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L01XX50' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[249] | warning | The code 'L03AB90' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L03AB90' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[306] | warning | The code 'L04AC06' is not valid in the system http://www.whocc.no/atc (Unknown code 'L04AC06' in the CodeSystem 'http://www.whocc.no/atc' version '2020-05') |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c2473) | warning | The code '1634194' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634194' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c2473) | information | Unknown code '1634194' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' Unknown code '1634194' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[1] | warning | The code '1633468' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633468' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[2] | warning | The code '1634757' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634757' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[3] | warning | The code '1634829' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634829' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[4] | warning | The code '1633276' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633276' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[5] | warning | The code '1633974' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633974' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[6] | warning | The code '1635345' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635345' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[7] | warning | The code '1635536' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635536' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[8] | warning | The code '1634606' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634606' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[9] | warning | The code '1633469' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633469' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[10] | warning | The code '1635336' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635336' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[11] | warning | The code '1634891' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634891' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c5352) | warning | The code '1635299' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635299' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c5352) | information | Unknown code '1635299' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' Unknown code '1635299' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[1] | warning | The code '1634269' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634269' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[2] | warning | The code '1633589' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633589' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[3] | warning | The code '1635857' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635857' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[4] | warning | The code '1635227' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635227' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[5] | warning | The code '1633737' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633737' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[6] | warning | The code '1635656' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635656' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[7] | warning | The code '1633815' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633815' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[8] | warning | The code '1635794' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635794' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[9] | warning | The code '1634381' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634381' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[10] | warning | The code '1635664' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635664' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[11] | warning | The code '1633883' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633883' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[12] | warning | The code '1633747' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633747' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[13] | warning | The code '1634029' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634029' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[14] | warning | The code '1634651' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634651' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[15] | warning | The code '1633877' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633877' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[16] | warning | The code '1633324' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633324' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[17] | warning | The code '1635556' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635556' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[18] | warning | The code '1635522' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635522' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[19] | warning | The code '1635530' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635530' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[20] | warning | The code '1634973' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634973' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[21] | warning | The code '1634247' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634247' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[22] | warning | The code '1634522' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634522' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[23] | warning | The code '1634963' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634963' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[24] | warning | The code '1634624' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634624' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[25] | warning | The code '1634120' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634120' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[26] | warning | The code '1634854' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634854' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[27] | warning | The code '1634270' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634270' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[28] | warning | The code '1635402' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635402' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[29] | warning | The code '1634986' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634986' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[30] | warning | The code '1635660' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635660' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[31] | warning | The code '1633798' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633798' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[32] | warning | The code '1634720' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634720' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[33] | warning | The code '1633279' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633279' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[34] | warning | The code '1634675' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634675' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[35] | warning | The code '1634635' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634635' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[36] | warning | The code '1633445' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633445' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[37] | warning | The code '1635422' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635422' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[38] | warning | The code '1635070' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635070' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[39] | warning | The code '1634792' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634792' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[40] | warning | The code '1634491' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634491' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[41] | warning | The code '1633307' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633307' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[42] | warning | The code '1635670' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635670' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[43] | warning | The code '1634658' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634658' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[44] | warning | The code '1634386' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634386' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[45] | warning | The code '1635311' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635311' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[46] | warning | The code '1635341' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635341' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[47] | warning | The code '1635396' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635396' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[48] | warning | The code '1634101' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634101' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[49] | warning | The code '1633723' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633723' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[50] | warning | The code '1634894' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634894' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[51] | warning | The code '1633900' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633900' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[52] | warning | The code '1633699' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633699' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[53] | warning | The code '1633658' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633658' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c5831) | warning | The code '1635104' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635104' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[0] (l1/c5831) | information | Unknown code '1635104' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' Unknown code '1635104' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531' |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[1] | warning | The code '1633679' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633679' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[2] | warning | The code '1634797' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634797' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[3] | warning | The code '1633315' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633315' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[4] | warning | The code '1633942' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633942' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[5] | warning | The code '1634070' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634070' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[6] | warning | The code '1635697' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635697' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[7] | warning | The code '1634139' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634139' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[8] | warning | The code '1633651' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633651' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[9] | warning | The code '1635470' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635470' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[10] | warning | The code '1635634' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635634' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[11] | warning | The code '1633763' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633763' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[12] | warning | The code '1634143' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634143' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[13] | warning | The code '1635739' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635739' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[14] | warning | The code '1633788' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633788' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[15] | warning | The code '1633433' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633433' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[16] | warning | The code '1635677' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635677' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[17] | warning | The code '1633323' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633323' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[18] | warning | The code '1634678' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634678' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[19] | warning | The code '1634727' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634727' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[20] | warning | The code '1633271' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633271' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[21] | warning | The code '1635605' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635605' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[22] | warning | The code '1634037' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634037' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[23] | warning | The code '1633854' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633854' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[24] | warning | The code '1633434' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633434' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[25] | warning | The code '1635004' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635004' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[26] | warning | The code '1635496' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635496' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[27] | warning | The code '1635283' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635283' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[28] | warning | The code '1635084' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635084' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[29] | warning | The code '1635828' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635828' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[30] | warning | The code '1635823' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635823' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[31] | warning | The code '1634505' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634505' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[32] | warning | The code '1634117' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634117' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[33] | warning | The code '1634212' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634212' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[34] | warning | The code '1633726' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633726' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[35] | warning | The code '1635560' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635560' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[36] | warning | The code '1634562' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634562' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[37] | warning | The code '1634245' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634245' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[38] | warning | The code '1633659' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633659' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[39] | warning | The code '1634541' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634541' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[40] | warning | The code '1633569' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633569' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[41] | warning | The code '1633336' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633336' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[42] | warning | The code '1633273' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633273' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[43] | warning | The code '1635717' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635717' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[44] | warning | The code '1635871' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635871' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[45] | warning | The code '1634773' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634773' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[46] | warning | The code '1633607' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633607' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[47] | warning | The code '1634645' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634645' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[48] | warning | The code '1635113' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635113' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[49] | warning | The code '1634601' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634601' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[50] | warning | The code '1634383' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634383' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[51] | warning | The code '1634504' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634504' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[52] | warning | The code '1633668' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633668' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[53] | warning | The code '1635307' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635307' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[54] | warning | The code '1634271' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634271' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[55] | warning | The code '1634397' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634397' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[56] | warning | The code '1635545' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1635545' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[57] | warning | The code '1633500' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1633500' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[58] | warning | The code '1634847' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634847' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[59] | warning | The code '1634770' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '1634770' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
Path | Severity | Message |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[26] | warning | The code '37157471' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157471' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[40] | warning | The code '37152351' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152351' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[49] | warning | The code '37165150' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37165150' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[64] | warning | The code '37157145' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157145' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[99] | warning | The code '37152798' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152798' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[112] | warning | The code '37156121' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37156121' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[129] | warning | The code '37157470' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157470' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[175] | warning | The code '37152834' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152834' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[183] | warning | The code '37152862' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152862' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[184] | warning | The code '37152465' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152465' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[188] | warning | The code '37162960' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37162960' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[208] | warning | The code '37157102' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157102' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[211] | warning | The code '37163220' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37163220' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[243] | warning | The code '37158483' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37158483' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[247] | warning | The code '37157387' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157387' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[248] | warning | The code '37157264' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157264' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[252] | warning | The code '37152854' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152854' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[253] | warning | The code '37157171' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157171' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[271] | warning | The code '37158484' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37158484' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[276] | warning | The code '37157144' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157144' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[302] | warning | The code '37152911' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152911' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[325] | warning | The code '37157146' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157146' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[333] | warning | The code '37158485' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37158485' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[389] | warning | The code '37164591' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37164591' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[403] | warning | The code '37157072' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37157072' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[419] | warning | The code '37152785' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37152785' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
ValueSet.compose.include[0].concept[430] | warning | The code '37153594' is not valid in the system http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts (Unknown code '37153594' in the CodeSystem 'http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts' version '20230531') |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/PatientFollowUp is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/PatientFollowUp is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/PatientFollowUp is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/PatientFollowUp is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-hospitalPatientRecords2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/HospitalPatientRecords is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Source Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Subject is not fully defined and populated, and no sourceScope is specified, so the source code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Condition-primaryCancer-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/Encounter-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-dateLastContact-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-followup2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-lastFollowupStatus-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-hospitalPatientRecords2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/episodeOfCare-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-alcoholuse-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-cci-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-comorbidity-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-ecog-performance-status-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-karnofsky-performance-status-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-occurrencOtherCancer-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-tobaccouse-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/observation-treatment-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/StructureDefinition/patient-eu-i4rc is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-subject2FHIR.json | The Target Code System http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/bmi is not fully defined and populated, and no targetScope is specified, so the target code checking will not be performed |
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-condition-id-10.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Cancer Stage Grading: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/cancer-stageGrading-athena-vs|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1634752) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4329847) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#319835) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#321052) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#381316) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4182210) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620830) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620830) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4344165) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4177703) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621281) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621281) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-liver) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-liver) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-renal) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#1620421-renal) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620816) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620816) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620753) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1620753) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#374022) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621181) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#1621181) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#solid-tumor) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/CodeSystem/cs-generic-eu-i4rc#solid-tumor) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#317510) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45881968) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45881968) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#437233) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45884125) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#45884125) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: Athena' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-athena-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4211787) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4211787) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4145177) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4187683) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4323645) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#37117262) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#37396802) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#377252) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4286355) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4197821) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#4158977) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-23.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Comorbidities: SNOMED' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/comorbidities-sct-eu-i4rc|0.1.0) specified in an additional binding, and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#75910) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-31.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36768664) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-34.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Simple measures' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/simpleResult-eu-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#44789520) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-4.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Observation Codes for Distant Metastases Category' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/mcode-observation-codes-distant-metastases-vs|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://loinc.org#21901-4) |
fsh-generated/resources/Observation-observation-id-5.json | None of the codings provided are in the value set 'Extranodal Extension' (http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/idea4rc/ValueSet/extranodal-extension-i4rc|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = http://fhir.ohdsi.org/CodeSystem/concepts#36770618) |