IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide, published by IDEA4RC Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 0.1.0 | |||
Draft as of 2025-01-13 | Computable Name: Surgery2FHIR |
Surgery Model to this guide Map
It shows how the Surgery model is mapped into this guide
Generated Narrative: ConceptMap surgery2FHIR
Mapping from Surgery to Procedure: Surgery
Group 1 Mapping from Surgery to Procedure: Surgery
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code | Comment |
Surgery.episodeEvent (Episode Event reference) | is related to | Procedure.reasonReference | |
Surgery.type (Surgery type) | is related to | Procedure.extension:ProcedureCategoryR5/type.valueCodeableConcept | | (Surgery Hospital) | is related to | Procedure.performer | In case the actual Organization performing the procedure is captured. It could be a perfomer of type Organization ; or a perfomer.organization if of type PractitionerRole | (Surgery Hospital) | is related to | Procedure.extension:surgeryHospital | Temporary included in the guide for covering the request of tracking if this information has been captured and maintained by the same or other organizations. It is envisioned that this kind of requirements could be covered by recording where specific act are taking place. | (Date of surgery) | is equal to | Procedure.performedDateTime | |
Surgery.intention (Surgery intention) | is related to | Procedure.extension:ProcedureCategoryR5/intent.valueCodeableConcept | |
Surgery.typeOfApproach (Type of surgical approach on Tumour) | is related to | Procedure.extension:procedure-method.valueCodeableConcept | |
Surgery.marginsAfterSurgery (Margins after surgery) | is related to | Procedure.outcome | |
Surgery.tumorRupture (Tumor rupture) | is related to | Procedure.extension:supportingInfoR5 | Is the tumor rupture a supporting info or a complication ? IN the secodn case the supportingInfo refers an Observation conforming to the XYZ profile, where observation.code is = XXX add map group including the target profile |
Surgery.specimenMitoticCount (Surgical specimen Mitotic count) | is related to | Procedure.extension:supportingInfoR5 | Check how this differs from the same info in Cancer Episode. The supportingInfo refers an Observation conforming to the ObservationSimpleResult profile, where observation.code is = $athena#4227243 'Number of mitoses per 10 high power fields' Add a map to the target profile |
Surgery.specimenGradingOnlyInUntreatedTumours (Surgical specimen grading only in untreated tumours) | is related to | Procedure.bodySite.extension:laterality | TBD |
Surgery.isolatedLimbPerfusion (Isolated Limb perfusion) | is related to | Procedure.code | to be checked. True if code = $athena#4019656 'Isolated limb perfusion' |
Surgery.reconstruction (Reconstruction) | is related to | Procedure.code | to be checked. True if code is a $athena#4045162 'Reconstruction procedure' |
Surgery.neckSurgery (Neck surgery) | is related to | Procedure.code | TO BE ANALYZED: a surgical procedue exists with body site neck |
Surgery.dateOfNeckSurgey (Date of Neck surgey) | is equivalent to | Procedure.performedDateTime | TO BE ANALYZED: Procedue with body site = neck |
Surgery.lateralityOfTheDissection (Laterality of the dissection) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite.extension:laterality.valueCodeableConcept | Laterality or Qualifier ? |
Surgery.surgeryOnM (Surgery on M) | is equivalent to | Procedure. | TO BE ANALYZED: a surgical proceudre exists with resonReference the metstatic condition or a surgical proceudre exists with reasonCode = metastatis |
Surgery.dateOfSurgeryOnM (Date of surgery on M) | is equivalent to | Procedure.performedDateTime | see above |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.softTissue (Site of surgery on metastasis_soft tissue) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.distantLymphNodes (Site of surgery on metastasis_distant lymph nodes) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.lung (Site of surgery on metastasis_lung) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.bone (Site of surgery on metastasis_bone) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.liver (Site of surgery on metastasis_liver) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.pleura (Site of surgery on metastasis_pleura) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.peritoneum (Site of surgery on metastasis_peritoneum) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.brain (Site of surgery on metastasis_brain) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.otherViscera (Site of surgery on metastasis_other viscera) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.siteOnMetastasis.unknown (Site of surgery on metastasis_unknown) | is equivalent to | Procedure.bodySite | see above MAYBE BETTER a qualifier for the bodysite |
Surgery.surgicalComplications (Surgical complications (Clavien-Dindo Classification)) | is equivalent to | Procedure.complication |