IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build 150

IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide, published by IDEA4RC Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Occurrence of other cancer

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2025-01-13 Computable Name: VsOccurrenceOtherCancerI4rc

Occurrence of other cancer


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet occurrence-other-cancer-i4rc

  • Include these codes as defined in
    4266186Neoplasm and/or hamartoma
    438112Neoplastic disease
    37162568Lymphangioma of small intestine
    37162571Lymphangioma of large intestine
    37162573Lymphangioma of liver
    4032717Neonatal alveolar lymphangioma
    4033357Acquired lymphangioma
    4110860Congenital lymphangioma
    4212189Lymphangioma of orbit
    40483810Lymphangioma of skin
    37119162Cystic hygroma in fetus
    3655644Lymphangioma of larynx
    4294432Rhabdomyomatous neoplasm
    4028253Neoplasm of digestive system
    443392Malignant neoplastic disease
    433435Carcinoma in situ
    432582Neoplastic disease of uncertain behavior
    373718Neoplasm of connective tissues
    4054430Neoplasm of muscle
    4054501Neoplasm of trunk
    4054837Neoplasm of back
    4128893Neoplasm of blood vessel
    4131761Neoplasm of placenta
    444200Neoplasm of nervous system
    4132555Neoplasm by body site
    4133025Fetal neoplasm
    4044013Hematologic neoplasm
    4102360Nerve root and plexus compressions in neoplast...
    435506Benign neoplastic disease
    4097297Recurrent neoplasm
    443252Post-transplant neoplasia
    4111953Lipomatous tumor
    434300Neuroendocrine tumor
    4112991Tumor of unknown origin or ill-defined site
    4112992Tumor of unknown origin
    4111017Neoplasm of head and neck
    4114345Local tumor spread
    4155496Pericarditis secondary to neoplasia
    4180312Neoplasm of extremity
    4180313Neoplasm of musculoskeletal system
    4181201Neoplastic complication of procedure
    4176956Neoplastic sequelae of disorders
    4153220Rupture of neoplasm
    4308811Neoplasm of soft tissue
    4300595Neoplasm of endocrine system
    4290837Melanocytic neoplasm
    4267560Neoplasm of integumentary system
    4270602Intraepithelial neoplasia due to human papillo...
    4300116Squamous neoplasm of surface epithelium
    4291594Neoplasm of nerve sheath origin
    4294433Germ cell tumor
    4297336Pigmented neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
    4189640Neoplasm of hematopoietic cell type
    4214186Gestational trophoblastic disease
    4167363Hormone receptor positive tumor
    44797228[X]Additional neoplasm classification terms
    4230400Hormone receptor negative neoplasm
    40483254Giant cell tumor
    40482435Residual trophoblastic disease
    40491439Tumor of respiratory system
    4206181Familial neoplastic disease
    45771258DICER1 syndrome
    36715807Neoplasm of cardiovascular system
    36680608Ectopic aldosterone-producing neoplasm
    37204831Hirschsprung disease, ganglioneuroblastoma syn...
    254390Neoplastic pleural effusion
    37018669denocarcinoma in situ in villous adenoma
    4335595Angiomatosis of retina
    4121621Pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
    4033356Systemic lymphangiomatosis
    4116060Bregeat's syndrome
    4112769Multiple progressive hemangiomata
    4111945Acquired hemangiomatosis
    4113127Ulcero - mutilating hemangiomatosis
    4299832Segmental lymphangiomatosis
    40482420Angiomatosis of meninges
    4237587Bacillary angiomatosis
    4249319Congenital cutaneous angiomatosis
    4250185Cerebellar hemangioblastomatosis
    4032346Placental hemangioma syndrome
    760707Enostosis of talus
    760708Enostosis of fibula
    760709Enostosis of pelvis
    765197Enostosis of femur
    760711Enostosis of ulna
    760712Enostosis of humerus
    760713Enostosis of radius
    760714Enostosis of vertebra
    4342647Hamartoma of stomach
    4108880Hamartoma of tongue
    4109793Liver hamartoma
    4110578Hamartoma of intestine
    4111916Hamartoma of lung
    197087Vascular hamartomas
    4172553Hamartoma of brain
    4221966Hamartoma of muscle
    4220172Congenital hamartoma
    4266800Lipomatous hamartoma
    4266332Splenic hamartoma
    4267682Hamartoma of integument
    4218996Hamartoma of retina
    37312805Lentigo of lip
    4241902Juvenile polyposis syndrome



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on codesystem concepts version20230531

This value set contains 110 concepts

  4266186 and/or hamartoma
  438112 disease
  4032717 alveolar lymphangioma
  4033357 lymphangioma
  4110860 lymphangioma
  4212189 of orbit
  40483810 of skin
  37119162 hygroma in fetus
  3655644 of larynx
  4294432 neoplasm
  4028253 of digestive system
  443392 neoplastic disease
  433435 in situ
  432582 disease of uncertain behavior
  373718 of connective tissues
  4054430 of muscle
  4054501 of trunk
  4054837 of back
  4128893 of blood vessel
  4131761 of placenta
  444200 of nervous system
  4132555 by body site
  4133025 neoplasm
  4044013 neoplasm
  4102360 root and plexus compressions in neoplastic disease
  435506 neoplastic disease
  4097297 tumor
  443252 neoplasia
  4111953 tumor
  434300 tumor
  4112991 of unknown origin or ill-defined site
  4112992 of unknown origin
  4111017 of head and neck
  4114345 tumor spread
  4155496 secondary to neoplasia
  4180312 of extremity
  4180313 of musculoskeletal system
  4181201 complication of procedure
  4176956 sequelae of disorders
  4153220 of neoplasm
  4308811 of soft tissue
  4300595 of endocrine system
  4290837 neoplasm
  4267560 of integumentary system
  4270602 neoplasia due to human papillomavirus
  4300116 neoplasm of surface epithelium
  4291594 of nerve sheath origin
  4294433 cell tumor
  4297336 neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
  4189640 of hematopoietic cell type
  4214186 trophoblastic disease
  4167363 receptor positive tumor
  44797228[X]Additional neoplasm classification terms
  4230400 receptor negative neoplasm
  40483254 cell tumor
  40482435 trophoblastic disease
  40491439 of respiratory system
  4206181 neoplastic disease
  45771258 syndrome
  36715807 of cardiovascular system
  36680608 aldosterone-producing neoplasm
  37204831 disease, ganglioneuroblastoma syndrome
  254390 pleural effusion
  37018669 in situ in villous adenoma
  4335595 of retina
  4121621 capillary hemangiomatosis
  4033356 lymphangiomatosis
  4116060's syndrome
  4112769 progressive hemangiomata
  4111945 hemangiomatosis
  4113127 - mutilating hemangiomatosis
  4299832 lymphangiomatosis
  40482420 of meninges
  4237587 angiomatosis
  4249319 cutaneous angiomatosis
  4250185 hemangioblastomatosis
  4032346 hemangioma syndrome
  760707 of talus
  760708 of fibula
  760709 of pelvis
  765197 of femur
  760711 of ulna
  760712 of humerus
  760713 of radius
  760714 of vertebra
  4342647 of stomach
  4108880 of tongue
  4109793 hamartoma
  4110578 of intestine
  4111916 of lung
  197087 hamartomas
  4172553 of brain
  4221966 of muscle
  4220172 hamartoma
  4266800 hamartoma
  4266332 hamartoma
  4267682 of integument
  4218996 of retina
  37312805 of lip
  4241902 polyposis syndrome

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code