International Patient Summary Implementation Guide
2.0.0-ballot - STU 2 Ballot International flag

International Patient Summary Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Care. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

Page standards status: Informative
.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Changes
... 3 Considerations
... 4 Copyrights
... 5 Datatypes
... 6 Design
... 8 Examples
... 9 Extensions
... 10 Ips Generation
... 11 Ips Structure
... 12 Known Issues
... 13 Principles
... 14 Profiles
... 15 Terminology
... 16 Artifacts Summary
.... 16.1 IPS Server Capability Statement
.... 16.2 IPS Summary
.... 16.3 Allergy Intolerance (IPS)
.... 16.4 Bundle - IPS
.... 16.5 Composition (IPS)
.... 16.6 Condition (IPS)
.... 16.7 Device (IPS)
.... 16.8 Device - performer, observer
.... 16.9 Device Use Statement (IPS)
.... 16.10 DiagnosticReport (IPS)
.... 16.11 Flag - Alert (IPS)
.... 16.12 Imaging Study (IPS)
.... 16.13 Immunization (IPS)
.... 16.14 Media observation (Results: laboratory, media)
.... 16.15 Medication (IPS)
.... 16.16 Medication Request (IPS)
.... 16.17 Medication Statement (IPS)
.... 16.18 Observation - Pregnancy: EDD
.... 16.19 Observation - Pregnancy: outcome
.... 16.20 Observation - Pregnancy: status
.... 16.21 Observation - SH: alcohol use
.... 16.22 Observation - SH: tobacco use
.... 16.23 Observation Results: laboratory/pathology (IPS)
.... 16.24 Observation Results: radiology (IPS)
.... 16.25 Organization (IPS)
.... 16.26 Patient (IPS)
.... 16.27 Practitioner (IPS)
.... 16.28 PractitionerRole (IPS)
.... 16.29 Procedure (IPS)
.... 16.30 Specimen (IPS)
.... 16.31 Codeable Concept (IPS)
.... 16.32 Coding with translations
.... 16.33 Quantity (IPS)
.... 16.34 Range (IPS)
.... 16.35 Ratio (IPS)
.... 16.36 SimpleQuantity (IPS)
.... 16.37 Allergy Intolerance - IPS
.... 16.38 Allergy Reaction - IPS
.... 16.39 Body Site - IPS
.... 16.40 Current Smoking Status - IPS
.... 16.41 Healthcare Professional Roles - IPS
.... 16.42 Medical Devices (SNOMED CT) - IPS
.... 16.43 Medical Devices - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS
.... 16.44 Medical Devices - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.45 Medications - example (IPS)
.... 16.46 Medications - SNOMED CT (IPS)
.... 16.47 Medications - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown (IPS)
.... 16.48 Medications - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.49 Medicine Active Substances - IPS
.... 16.50 Medicine Doseform - IPS
.... 16.51 Medicine Route of Administration - IPS
.... 16.52 Personal Relationship - IPS [Deprecated]
.... 16.53 Pregnancies Summary - IPS
.... 16.54 Pregnancy Expected Delivery Date Method - IPS
.... 16.55 Pregnancy Status - IPS
.... 16.56 Problem Type (LOINC)
.... 16.57 Problem Type - IPS
.... 16.58 Problems - IPS
.... 16.59 Procedures (SNOMED CT) - IPS
.... 16.60 Procedures - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS
.... 16.61 Procedures - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.62 Results Blood Group - IPS
.... 16.63 Results Blood Group - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.64 Results Coded Values Laboratory/Pathology - IPS
.... 16.65 Results Laboratory/Pathology Observation - IPS
.... 16.66 Results Microorganism - IPS
.... 16.67 Results Microorganism - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.68 Results Presence Absence - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.69 Results Presence/Absence - IPS
.... 16.70 Results Radiology Measurement Observation (SNOMED-DICOM) - IPS
.... 16.71 Results Radiology Observation - IPS
.... 16.72 Results Radiology Textual Observations (SNOMED-DICOM-LOINC) - IPS
.... 16.73 Results Specimen Collection Method - IPS
.... 16.74 Results Specimen Type - IPS
.... 16.75 Results Specimen Type - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.76 Target Site - IPS
.... 16.77 Vaccine Target Diseases - IPS
.... 16.78 Vaccine Target Diseases - IPS [Deprecated]
.... 16.79 Vaccine Target Diseases - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.80 Vaccines - IPS
.... 16.81 Vaccines - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set
.... 16.82 Vaccines WHO ATC - IPS
.... 16.83 WHO ATC - IPS
.... 16.84 AllergyIntolerance: multiple codings
.... 16.85 AllergyIntolerance: No known allergies
.... 16.86 AllergyIntolerance: resolved allergy
.... 16.87 Condition: Acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall
.... 16.88 Device: device observer example
.... 16.89 Device: No known devices in use
.... 16.90 DeviceUseStatement: No known devices in use
.... 16.91 DiagnosticReport: hemoglobin example
.... 16.92 ImagingStudy: referred DICOM study
.... 16.93 Immunization: Vaccin anti diphtérie-coqueluche-tétanos-poliomyélite (Luxembourg)
.... 16.94 IPS Bundle example
.... 16.95 IPS Bundle example - minimal
.... 16.96 IPS Bundle example - no information in required sections
.... 16.97 IPS Bundle example with Immunization
.... 16.98 IPS Composition example - minimal
.... 16.99 Media: example
.... 16.100 Medication : Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet
.... 16.101 MedicationRequest: Simvastatin request
.... 16.102 MedicationStatement: on-going Simvastatin treatment
.... 16.103 Observation: estrogen receptor in tissue example
.... 16.104 Observation: hemoglobin example
.... 16.105 Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV
.... 16.106 Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV, sub-observations
.... 16.107 Observation: pregnancy edd example
.... 16.108 Observation: pregnancy outcome example
.... 16.109 Observation: pregnancy status example
.... 16.110 Observation: serum creatinine example
.... 16.111 Observation: SH alcohol use example
.... 16.112 Observation: SH tobacco use example
.... 16.113 Observation: urine wbc range example
.... 16.114 Organization: example
.... 16.115 Organization: lab example
.... 16.116 Organization: simple example
.... 16.117 Patient: female patient
.... 16.118 Patient: male patient
.... 16.119 Patient: minimal example
.... 16.120 Practitioner example
.... 16.121 PractitionerRole: simple example
.... 16.122 Procedure: Surgical procedure
.... 16.123 Specimen: example