This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: NormativeStandards Status: Partially Normative

This page provides the detailed descriptions for the datatypes

Datatypes Index

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions


FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Attachment

For referring to data content defined in other formats.

Short Display Content in a format defined elsewhere
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Many models need to include data defined in other specifications that is complex and opaque to the healthcare model. This includes documents, media recordings, structured data, etc.


When providing a summary view (for example with Observation.value[x]) Attachment should be represented with a brief display text such as "Signed Procedure Consent".

Defined on this element
att-1Rule If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentTypedata.empty() or contentType.exists()
Element Id Attachment.contentType

Identifies the type of the data in the attachment and allows a method to be chosen to interpret or render the data. Includes mime type parameters such as charset where appropriate.

Short Display Mime type of the content, with charset etc.
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Mime Types (Required)
Type code

Processors of the data need to be able to know how to interpret the data.

Summary true
Affect this element
att-1Rule If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentTypedata.empty() or contentType.exists()
Element Id Attachment.language

The human language of the content. The value can be any valid value according to BCP 47.

Short Display Human language of the content (BCP-47)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding All Languages (Required)
Additional BindingsPurpose
Common Languages Starter
Type code

Users need to be able to choose between the languages in a set of attachments.

Summary true
Element Id Attachment.data

The actual data of the attachment - a sequence of bytes, base64 encoded.

Short Display Data inline, base64ed
Cardinality 0..1
Type base64Binary

The data needs to able to be transmitted inline.


The base64-encoded data SHALL be expressed in the same character set as the base resource XML or JSON.

Affect this element
att-1Rule If the Attachment has data, it SHALL have a contentTypedata.empty() or contentType.exists()
Element Id Attachment.url

A location where the data can be accessed.

Short Display Uri where the data can be found
Cardinality 0..1
Type url

The data needs to be transmitted by reference.

Summary true

If both data and url are provided, the url SHALL point to the same content as the data contains. Urls may be relative references or may reference transient locations such as a wrapping envelope using cid: though this has ramifications for using signatures. Relative URLs are interpreted relative to the service url, like a resource reference, rather than relative to the resource itself. If a URL is provided, it SHALL resolve to actual data.

Element Id Attachment.size

The number of bytes of data that make up this attachment (before base64 encoding, if that is done).

Short Display Number of bytes of content (if url provided)
Cardinality 0..1
Type integer64

Representing the size allows applications to determine whether they should fetch the content automatically in advance, or refuse to fetch it at all.

Summary true

The number of bytes is redundant if the data is provided as a base64binary, but is useful if the data is provided as a url reference.

Element Id Attachment.hash

The calculated hash of the data using SHA-1. Represented using base64.

Short Display Hash of the data (sha-1, base64ed)
Cardinality 0..1
Type base64Binary

Included so that applications can verify that the contents of a location have not changed due to technical failures (e.g., storage rot, transport glitch, incorrect version).

Summary true

The hash is calculated on the data prior to base64 encoding, if the data is based64 encoded. The hash is not intended to support digital signatures. Where protection against malicious threats a digital signature should be considered, see Provenance.signature for mechanism to protect a resource with a digital signature.

Element Id Attachment.title

A label or set of text to display in place of the data.

Short Display Label to display in place of the data
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Applications need a label to display to a human user in place of the actual data if the data cannot be rendered or perceived by the viewer.

Summary true

May sometimes be derived from the source filename.

Element Id Attachment.creation

The date that the attachment was first created.

Short Display Date attachment was first created
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime

This is often tracked as an integrity issue for use of the attachment.

Summary true
Element Id Attachment.height

Height of the image in pixels (photo/video).

Short Display Height of the image in pixels (photo/video)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Element Id Attachment.width

Width of the image in pixels (photo/video).

Short Display Width of the image in pixels (photo/video)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Element Id Attachment.frames

The number of frames in a photo. This is used with a multi-page fax, or an imaging acquisition context that takes multiple slices in a single image, or an animated gif. If there is more than one frame, this SHALL have a value in order to alert interface software that a multi-frame capable rendering widget is required.

Short Display Number of frames if > 1 (photo)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt

if the number of frames is not supplied, the value may be unknown. Applications should not assume that there is only one frame unless it is explicitly stated.

Element Id Attachment.duration

The duration of the recording in seconds - for audio and video.

Short Display Length in seconds (audio / video)
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal

The duration might differ from occurrencePeriod if recording was paused.

Element Id Attachment.pages

The number of pages when printed.

Short Display Number of printed pages
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Identifier

An identifier - identifies some entity uniquely and unambiguously. Typically this is used for business identifiers.

Short Display An identifier intended for computation
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to be able to identify things with confidence and be sure that the identification is not subject to misinterpretation.

Summary true

The rules of the identifier.type determine if a check digit is part of the ID value or sent separately, such as through the checkDigit extension.

Defined on this element
ident-1Warning Identifier with no value has limited utility. If communicating that an identifier value has been suppressed or missing, the value element SHOULD be present with an extension indicating the missing semantic - e.g. data-absent-reasonvalue.exists()
Element Id Identifier.use

The purpose of this identifier.

Short Display usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding IdentifierUse (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary id for a permanent one.)

Allows the appropriate identifier for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of identifiers.

Summary true

Applications can assume that an identifier is permanent unless it explicitly says that it is temporary.

Element Id Identifier.type

A coded type for the identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

Short Display Description of identifier
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Identifier Type Codes (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept

Allows users to make use of identifiers when the identifier system is not known.

Summary true

This element deals only with general categories of identifiers. It SHOULD not be used for codes that correspond 1..1 with the Identifier.system. Some identifiers may fall into multiple categories due to common usage. Where the system is known, a type is unnecessary because the type is always part of the system definition. However systems often need to handle identifiers where the system is not known. There is not a 1:1 relationship between type and system, since many different systems have the same type.

Element Id Identifier.system

Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, an absolute URL that describes a set values that are unique.

Short Display The namespace for the identifier value
Cardinality 0..1
Type uri

There are many sets of identifiers. To perform matching of two identifiers, we need to know what set we're dealing with. The system identifies a particular set of unique identifiers.

Summary true

Identifier.system is always case sensitive. The FHIR specification, terminology.hl7.org and HL7 affiliates (for identifiers specific to their jurisdiction) define identifier systems that SHALL be used for certain types of identifiers. Specific rules can be found here.

Element Id Identifier.value

The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.

Short Display The value that is unique
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

If the value is a full URI, then the system SHALL be urn:ietf:rfc:3986. The value's primary purpose is computational mapping. As a result, it may be normalized for comparison purposes (e.g. removing non-significant whitespace, dashes, etc.) A value formatted for human display can be conveyed using the http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/rendered-value). Identifier.value is to be treated as case sensitive unless knowledge of the Identifier.system allows the processer to be confident that non-case-sensitive processing is safe.

Affect this element
ident-1Warning Identifier with no value has limited utility. If communicating that an identifier value has been suppressed or missing, the value element SHOULD be present with an extension indicating the missing semantic - e.g. data-absent-reasonvalue.exists()
Element Id Identifier.period

Time period during which identifier is/was valid for use.

Short Display Time period when id is/was valid for use
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period
Summary true
Element Id Identifier.assigner

Organization that issued/manages the identifier.

Short Display Organization that issued id (may be just text)
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Organization)
Summary true

The Identifier.assigner may omit the .reference element and only contain a .display element reflecting the name or other textual information about the assigning organization.

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Coding

A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.

Short Display A reference to a code defined by a terminology system
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

References to codes are very common in healthcare models.

Summary true

Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information.

Defined on this element
cod-1Warning A Coding SHOULD NOT have a display unless a code is also present. Computation on Coding.display alone is generally unsafe. Consider using CodeableConcept.textcode.exists().not() implies display.exists().not()
Element Id Coding.system

The identification of the code system that defines the meaning of the symbol in the code.

Short Display Identity of the terminology system
Cardinality 0..1
Type uri

Need to be unambiguous about the source of the definition of the symbol.

Summary true

The URI may be an OID (urn:oid:...) or a UUID (urn:uuid:...). OIDs and UUIDs SHALL be references to the HL7 OID registry. Otherwise, the URI should come from HL7's list of FHIR defined special URIs or it should be an absolute reference to some definition that establishes the system clearly and unambiguously.

Element Id Coding.version

The version of the code system which was used when choosing this code. Note that a well-maintained code system does not need the version reported, because the meaning of codes is consistent across versions. However this cannot consistently be assured, and when the meaning is not guaranteed to be consistent, the version SHOULD be exchanged.

Short Display Version of the system - if relevant
Note This is a business versionId, not a resource version id (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

Where the terminology does not clearly define what string should be used to identify code system versions, the recommendation is to use the date (expressed in FHIR date format) on which that version was officially published as the version date.

Element Id Coding.code

A symbol in syntax defined by the system. The symbol may be a predefined code or an expression in a syntax defined by the coding system (e.g. post-coordination).

Short Display Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Cardinality 0..1
Type code

Need to refer to a particular code in the system.

Summary true
Affect this element
cod-1Warning A Coding SHOULD NOT have a display unless a code is also present. Computation on Coding.display alone is generally unsafe. Consider using CodeableConcept.textcode.exists().not() implies display.exists().not()
Element Id Coding.display

A representation of the meaning of the code in the system, following the rules of the system.

Short Display Representation defined by the system
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Need to be able to carry a human-readable meaning of the code for readers that do not know the system.

Summary true
Affect this element
cod-1Warning A Coding SHOULD NOT have a display unless a code is also present. Computation on Coding.display alone is generally unsafe. Consider using CodeableConcept.textcode.exists().not() implies display.exists().not()
Element Id Coding.userSelected

Indicates that this coding was chosen by a user directly - e.g. off a pick list of available items (codes or displays).

Short Display If this coding was chosen directly by the user
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean

This has been identified as a clinical safety criterium - that this exact system/code pair was chosen explicitly, rather than inferred by the system based on some rules or language processing.

Summary true

Amongst a set of alternatives, a directly chosen code is the most appropriate starting point for new translations. There is some ambiguity about what exactly 'directly chosen' implies, and trading partner agreement may be needed to clarify the use of this element and its consequences more completely.

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id CodeableConcept

A concept that may be defined by a formal reference to a terminology or ontology or may be provided by text.

Short Display Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

This is a common pattern in healthcare - a concept that may be defined by one or more codes from formal definitions including LOINC and SNOMED CT, and/or defined by the provision of text that captures a human sense of the concept.

Summary true

Not all terminology uses fit this general pattern. In some cases, models should not use CodeableConcept and use Coding directly and provide their own structure for managing text, codings, translations and the relationship between elements and pre- and post-coordination.

Element Id CodeableConcept.coding

A reference to a code defined by a terminology system.

Short Display Code defined by a terminology system
Cardinality 0..*
Type Coding

Allows for alternative encodings within a code system, and translations to other code systems.

Summary true

Codes may be defined very casually in enumerations, or code lists, up to very formal definitions such as SNOMED CT - see the HL7 v3 Core Principles for more information. Ordering of codings is undefined and SHALL NOT be used to infer meaning. Generally, at most only one of the coding values will be labeled as UserSelected = true.

Element Id CodeableConcept.text

A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user.

Short Display Plain text representation of the concept
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

The codes from the terminologies do not always capture the correct meaning with all the nuances of the human using them, or sometimes there is no appropriate code at all. In these cases, the text is used to capture the full meaning of the source.

Summary true

Very often the text is the same as a displayName of one of the codings.

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Quantity

A measured amount (or an amount that can potentially be measured). Note that measured amounts include amounts that are not precisely quantified, including amounts involving arbitrary units and floating currencies.

Short Display A measured or measurable amount
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to able to capture all sorts of measured values, even if the measured value are not precisely quantified. Values include exact measures such as 3.51g, customary units such as 3 tablets, and currencies such as $100.32USD.

Summary true

The context of use may frequently define what kind of quantity this is and therefore what kind of units can be used. The context of use may also restrict the values for the comparator.

Defined on this element
qty-3Rule If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be presentcode.empty() or system.exists()
qty-4Guideline Processing UCUM codes with annotations ({..}) can be misleading.code.exists() implies code.matches('\\{.*?\\}').not()
This is (only) a best practice guideline because:

UCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {Z-Score} can be misleading. Best Practice is not to use annotations in the UCUM code, and rather to make sure that Quantity.unit is correctly human readable

Element Id Quantity.value

The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.

Short Display Numerical value (with implicit precision)
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal

Precision is handled implicitly in almost all cases of measurement.

Summary true

The implicit precision in the value should always be honored. Monetary values have their own rules for handling precision (refer to standard accounting text books).

Element Id Quantity.comparator

How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is "<" , then the real value is < stated value.

Short Display < | <= | >= | > | ad - how to understand the value
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding QuantityComparator (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because the comparator modifies the interpretation of the value significantly. If there is no comparator, then there is no modification of the value)
Meaning if Missing If there is no comparator, then there is no modification of the value

Need a framework for handling measures where the value is <5ug/L or >400mg/L due to the limitations of measuring methodology.

Summary true
Element Id Quantity.unit

A human-readable form of the unit.

Short Display Unit representation
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

There are many representations for units of measure and in many contexts, particular representations are fixed and required. I.e. mcg for micrograms.

Summary true
Element Id Quantity.system

The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.

Short Display System that defines coded unit form
Cardinality 0..1
Type uri

Need to know the system that defines the coded form of the unit.

Summary true
Affect this element
qty-3Rule If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be presentcode.empty() or system.exists()
Element Id Quantity.code

A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.

Short Display Coded form of the unit
Cardinality 0..1
Type code

Need a computable form of the unit that is fixed across all forms. UCUM provides this for quantities, but SNOMED CT provides many units of interest.

Summary true

The preferred system is UCUM, but SNOMED CT can also be used (for customary units) or ISO 4217 for currency. The context of use may additionally require a code from a particular system.

Affect this element
qty-3Rule If a code for the unit is present, the system SHALL also be presentcode.empty() or system.exists()
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Money

An amount of economic utility in some recognized currency.

Short Display An amount of economic utility in some recognized currency
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType
Summary true
Element Id Money.value

Numerical value (with implicit precision).

Short Display Numerical value (with implicit precision)
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal

The amount of the currency. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.

Summary true

Monetary values have their own rules for handling precision (refer to standard accounting text books).

Element Id Money.currency

ISO 4217 Currency Code.

Short Display ISO 4217 Currency Code
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Currencies (Required)
Type code

A code indicating the currency, taken from ISO 4217.

Summary true
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Range

A set of ordered Quantities defined by a low and high limit.

Short Display Set of values bounded by low and high
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to be able to specify ranges of values.

Summary true

The stated low and high value are assumed to have arbitrarily high precision when it comes to determining which values are in the range. I.e. 1.99 is not in the range 2 -> 3.

Defined on this element
rng-2Rule If present, low SHALL have a lower value than highlow.value.empty() or high.value.empty() or low.lowBoundary().comparable(high.highBoundary()).not() or (low.lowBoundary() <= high.highBoundary())
Element Id Range.low

The low limit. The boundary is inclusive.

Short Display Low limit
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true

If the low element is missing, the low boundary is not known.

Affect this element
rng-2Rule If present, low SHALL have a lower value than highlow.value.empty() or high.value.empty() or low.lowBoundary().comparable(high.highBoundary()).not() or (low.lowBoundary() <= high.highBoundary())
Element Id Range.high

The high limit. The boundary is inclusive.

Short Display High limit
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true

If the high element is missing, the high boundary is not known.

Affect this element
rng-2Rule If present, low SHALL have a lower value than highlow.value.empty() or high.value.empty() or low.lowBoundary().comparable(high.highBoundary()).not() or (low.lowBoundary() <= high.highBoundary())
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Ratio

A relationship of two Quantity values - expressed as a numerator and a denominator.

Short Display A ratio of two Quantity values - a numerator and a denominator
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to able to capture ratios for some measurements (titers) and some rates (costs).

Summary true

The Ratio datatype should only be used to express a relationship of two numbers if the relationship cannot be suitably expressed using a Quantity and a common unit. Where the denominator value is known to be fixed to "1", Quantity should be used instead of Ratio.

Defined on this element
rat-1Rule Numerator and denominator SHALL both be present, or both are absent. If both are absent, there SHALL be some extension present(numerator.exists() and denominator.exists()) or (numerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
Element Id Ratio.numerator

The value of the numerator.

Short Display Numerator value
Cardinality 0..1
Type Quantity
Summary true
Affect this element
rat-1Rule Numerator and denominator SHALL both be present, or both are absent. If both are absent, there SHALL be some extension present(numerator.exists() and denominator.exists()) or (numerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
Element Id Ratio.denominator

The value of the denominator.

Short Display Denominator value
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true
Affect this element
rat-1Rule Numerator and denominator SHALL both be present, or both are absent. If both are absent, there SHALL be some extension present(numerator.exists() and denominator.exists()) or (numerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 3Standards Status: Trial Use

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Trial Use"
Element Id RatioRange

A range of ratios expressed as a low and high numerator and a denominator.

Short Display Range of ratio values
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to be able to specify ranges of ratios.

Summary true

The stated low and high value are assumed to have arbitrarily high precision when it comes to determining which values are in the range. I.e. 1.99 is not in the range 2 -> 3.

Defined on this element
ratrng-1Rule One of lowNumerator or highNumerator and denominator SHALL be present, or all are absent. If all are absent, there SHALL be some extension present((lowNumerator.exists() or highNumerator.exists()) and denominator.exists()) or (lowNumerator.empty() and highNumerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
ratrng-2Rule If present, lowNumerator SHALL have a lower value than highNumeratorlowNumerator.hasValue().not() or highNumerator.hasValue().not() or (lowNumerator.lowBoundary() <= highNumerator.highBoundary())
Element Id RatioRange.lowNumerator

The value of the low limit numerator.

Short Display Low Numerator limit
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true

If the low element is missing, the low boundary is not known.

Affect this element
ratrng-1Rule One of lowNumerator or highNumerator and denominator SHALL be present, or all are absent. If all are absent, there SHALL be some extension present((lowNumerator.exists() or highNumerator.exists()) and denominator.exists()) or (lowNumerator.empty() and highNumerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
ratrng-2Rule If present, lowNumerator SHALL have a lower value than highNumeratorlowNumerator.hasValue().not() or highNumerator.hasValue().not() or (lowNumerator.lowBoundary() <= highNumerator.highBoundary())
Element Id RatioRange.highNumerator

The value of the high limit numerator.

Short Display High Numerator limit
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true

If the high element is missing, the high boundary is not known.

Affect this element
ratrng-1Rule One of lowNumerator or highNumerator and denominator SHALL be present, or all are absent. If all are absent, there SHALL be some extension present((lowNumerator.exists() or highNumerator.exists()) and denominator.exists()) or (lowNumerator.empty() and highNumerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
ratrng-2Rule If present, lowNumerator SHALL have a lower value than highNumeratorlowNumerator.hasValue().not() or highNumerator.hasValue().not() or (lowNumerator.lowBoundary() <= highNumerator.highBoundary())
Element Id RatioRange.denominator

The value of the denominator.

Short Display Denominator value
Cardinality 0..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true
Affect this element
ratrng-1Rule One of lowNumerator or highNumerator and denominator SHALL be present, or all are absent. If all are absent, there SHALL be some extension present((lowNumerator.exists() or highNumerator.exists()) and denominator.exists()) or (lowNumerator.empty() and highNumerator.empty() and denominator.empty() and extension.exists())
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Period

A time period defined by a start and end date and optionally time.

Short Display Time range defined by start and end date/time
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType
Summary true

A Period specifies a range of time; the context of use will specify whether the entire range applies (e.g. "the patient was an inpatient of the hospital for this time range") or one value from the range applies (e.g. "give to the patient between these two times").

Period is not used for a duration (a measure of elapsed time). See Duration.

Defined on this element
per-1Rule If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than endstart.hasValue().not() or end.hasValue().not() or (start.lowBoundary() <= end.highBoundary())
Element Id Period.start

The start of the period. The boundary is inclusive.

Short Display Starting time with inclusive boundary
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Summary true

If the low element is missing, the meaning is that the low boundary is not known.

Affect this element
per-1Rule If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than endstart.hasValue().not() or end.hasValue().not() or (start.lowBoundary() <= end.highBoundary())
Element Id Period.end

The end of the period. If the end of the period is missing, it means no end was known or planned at the time the instance was created. The start may be in the past, and the end date in the future, which means that period is expected/planned to end at that time.

Short Display End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Meaning if Missing If the end of the period is missing, it means that the period is ongoing
Summary true

The end value includes any matching date/time. i.e. 2012-02-03T10:00:00 is in a period that has an end value of 2012-02-03.

Affect this element
per-1Rule If present, start SHALL have a lower or equal value than endstart.hasValue().not() or end.hasValue().not() or (start.lowBoundary() <= end.highBoundary())
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Trial Use

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Trial Use"
Element Id SampledData

A series of measurements taken by a device, with upper and lower limits. There may be more than one dimension in the data.

Short Display A series of measurements taken by a device
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

There is a need for a concise way to handle the data produced by devices that sample a physical state at a high frequency.


The data is not interpretable without at least origin, period, and dimensions, but these are optional to allow a separation between the template of measurement and the actual measurement, such as between DeviceCapabilities and DeviceLog. When providing a summary view (for example with Observation.value[x]) SampledData should be represented with a brief display text such as "Sampled Data".

Defined on this element
sdd-1Rule A SampledData SHALL have either an interval and offsets but not bothinterval.exists().not() xor offsets.exists().not()
Element Id SampledData.origin

The base quantity that a measured value of zero represents. In addition, this provides the units of the entire measurement series.

Short Display Zero value and units
Cardinality 1..1
Type SimpleQuantity
Summary true
Element Id SampledData.interval

Amount of intervalUnits between samples, e.g. milliseconds for time-based sampling.

Short Display Number of intervalUnits between samples
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Summary true

This is usually a whole number.

Affect this element
sdd-1Rule A SampledData SHALL have either an interval and offsets but not bothinterval.exists().not() xor offsets.exists().not()
Element Id SampledData.intervalUnit

The measurement unit in which the sample interval is expressed.

Short Display The measurement unit of the interval between samples
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding UCUM Codes (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Element Id SampledData.factor

A correction factor that is applied to the sampled data points before they are added to the origin.

Short Display Multiply data by this before adding to origin
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Meaning if Missing If no factor is assigned, the data is not adjusted before adding to the origin
Summary true
Element Id SampledData.lowerLimit

The lower limit of detection of the measured points. This is needed if any of the data points have the value "L" (lower than detection limit).

Short Display Lower limit of detection
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Summary true
Element Id SampledData.upperLimit

The upper limit of detection of the measured points. This is needed if any of the data points have the value "U" (higher than detection limit).

Short Display Upper limit of detection
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Summary true
Element Id SampledData.dimensions

The number of sample points at each time point. If this value is greater than one, then the dimensions will be interlaced - all the sample points for a point in time will be recorded at once.

Short Display Number of sample points at each time point
Cardinality 1..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true

If there is more than one dimension, the code for the type of data will define the meaning of the dimensions (typically ECG data).

Element Id SampledData.codeMap

Reference to ConceptMap that defines the codes used in the data.

Short Display Defines the codes used in the data
Cardinality 0..1
Type canonical(ConceptMap)

The ConceptMap cannot define meanings for the codes 'E', 'U', or 'L' (nor 'e', 'u', or 'l').

Element Id SampledData.offsets

A series of data points which are decimal values separated by a single space (character u20). The units in which the offsets are expressed are found in intervalUnit. The absolute point at which the measurements begin SHALL be conveyed outside the scope of this datatype, e.g. Observation.effectiveDateTime for a timing offset.

Short Display Offsets, typically in time, at which data values were taken
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

If offsets is present, the number of data points must be equal to the number of offsets mlutipled by the dimensions.

Affect this element
sdd-1Rule A SampledData SHALL have either an interval and offsets but not bothinterval.exists().not() xor offsets.exists().not()
Element Id SampledData.data

A series of data points which are decimal values or codes separated by a single space (character u20). The special codes "E" (error), "L" (below detection limit) and "U" (above detection limit) are also defined for used in place of decimal values.

Short Display Decimal values with spaces, or "E" | "U" | "L", or another code
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

The data may be missing if it is omitted for summarization purposes. In general, data is required for any actual use of a SampledData.

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id HumanName

A name, normally of a human, that can be used for other living entities (e.g. animals but not organizations) that have been assigned names by a human and may need the use of name parts or the need for usage information.

Short Display Name of a human or other living entity - parts and usage
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to be able to record names, along with notes about their use.

Summary true

Names may be changed, or repudiated, or people may have different names in different contexts. Names may be divided into parts of different type that have variable significance depending on context, though the division into parts does not always matter. With personal names, the different parts might or might not be imbued with some implicit meaning; various cultures associate different importance with the name parts and the degree to which systems must care about name parts around the world varies widely.

Element Id HumanName.use

Identifies the purpose for this name.

Short Display usual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding NameUse (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary or old name etc.for a current/permanent one)

Allows the appropriate name for a particular context of use to be selected from among a set of names.

Summary true

Applications can assume that a name is current unless it explicitly says that it is temporary or old.

Element Id HumanName.text

Specifies the entire name as it should be displayed e.g. on an application UI. This may be provided instead of or as well as the specific parts.

Short Display Text representation of the full name
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

A renderable, unencoded form.

Summary true

Can provide both a text representation and parts. Applications updating a name SHALL ensure that when both text and parts are present, no content is included in the text that isn't found in a part.

Element Id HumanName.family

The part of a name that links to the genealogy. In some cultures (e.g. Eritrea) the family name of a son is the first name of his father.

Short Display Family name (often called 'Surname')
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Alternate Names surname
Summary true

Family Name may be decomposed into specific parts using extensions (de, nl, es related cultures).

Element Id HumanName.given

Given name.

Short Display Given names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
Cardinality 0..*
Type string
Element Order Meaning Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
Alternate Names first name; middle name
Summary true

If only initials are recorded, they may be used in place of the full name parts. Initials may be separated into multiple given names but often aren't due to paractical limitations. This element is not called "first name" since given names do not always come first.

Element Id HumanName.prefix

Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the start of the name.

Short Display Parts that come before the name
Cardinality 0..*
Type string
Element Order Meaning Prefixes appear in the correct order for presenting the name
Summary true
Element Id HumanName.suffix

Part of the name that is acquired as a title due to academic, legal, employment or nobility status, etc. and that appears at the end of the name.

Short Display Parts that come after the name
Cardinality 0..*
Type string
Element Order Meaning Suffixes appear in the correct order for presenting the name
Summary true
Element Id HumanName.period

Indicates the period of time when this name was valid for the named person.

Short Display Time period when name was/is in use
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period

Allows names to be placed in historical context.

Summary true
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Address

An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats). This data type may be used to convey addresses for use in delivering mail as well as for visiting locations which might not be valid for mail delivery. There are a variety of postal address formats defined around the world. The ISO21090-codedString may be used to provide a coded representation of the contents of strings in an Address.

Short Display An address expressed using postal conventions (as opposed to GPS or other location definition formats)
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to be able to record postal addresses, along with notes about their use.

Summary true

Note: address is intended to describe postal addresses for administrative purposes, not to describe absolute geographical coordinates. Postal addresses are often used as proxies for physical locations (also see the Location resource).

Element Id Address.use

The purpose of this address.

Short Display home | work | temp | old | billing - purpose of this address
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding AddressUse (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary or old address etc.for a current/permanent one)

Allows an appropriate address to be chosen from a list of many.

Summary true

Applications can assume that an address is current unless it explicitly says that it is temporary or old.

Element Id Address.type

Distinguishes between physical addresses (those you can visit) and mailing addresses (e.g. PO Boxes and care-of addresses). Most addresses are both.

Short Display postal | physical | both
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding AddressType (Required)
Type code
Summary true

The definition of Address states that "address is intended to describe postal addresses, not physical locations". However, many applications track whether an address has a dual purpose of being a location that can be visited as well as being a valid delivery destination, and Postal addresses are often used as proxies for physical locations (also see the Location resource). This element is relevant when there is potentially a collection of addresses and a need to differentiate the purpose of each. When this type is used on an element or extension where the 'purpose' of the address is implicit in the extension definition, 'use' will typically be omitted.

Element Id Address.text

Specifies the entire address as it should be displayed e.g. on a postal label. This may be provided instead of or as well as the specific parts.

Short Display Text representation of the address
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

A renderable, unencoded form.

Summary true

Can provide both a text representation and parts. Applications updating an address SHALL ensure that when both text and parts are present, no content is included in the text that isn't found in a part.

Element Id Address.line

This component contains the house number, apartment number, street name, street direction, P.O. Box number, delivery hints, and similar address information.

Short Display Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
Cardinality 0..*
Type string
Element Order Meaning The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Summary true
Element Id Address.city

The name of the city, town, suburb, village or other community or delivery center.

Short Display Name of city, town etc.
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Alternate Names Municpality
Summary true
Element Id Address.district

The name of the administrative area (county).

Short Display District name (aka county)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Alternate Names County
Summary true

District is sometimes known as county, but in some regions 'county' is used in place of city (municipality), so county name should be conveyed in city instead.

Element Id Address.state

Sub-unit of a country with limited sovereignty in a federally organized country. A code may be used if codes are in common use (e.g. US 2 letter state codes).

Short Display Sub-unit of country (abbreviations ok)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Alternate Names Province; Territory
Summary true
Element Id Address.postalCode

A postal code designating a region defined by the postal service.

Short Display Postal code for area
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Alternate Names Zip
Summary true
Element Id Address.country

Country - a nation as commonly understood or generally accepted.

Short Display Country (e.g. may be ISO 3166 2 or 3 letter code)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

ISO 3166 2- or 3- letter codes MAY be used in place of a human readable country name.

Element Id Address.period

Time period when address was/is in use.

Short Display Time period when address was/is in use
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period

Allows addresses to be placed in historical context.

Summary true
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id ContactPoint

Details for all kinds of technology mediated contact points for a person or organization, including telephone, email, etc.

Short Display Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

Need to track phone, fax, mobile, sms numbers, email addresses, twitter tags, etc.

Summary true
Defined on this element
cpt-2Rule A system is required if a value is provided.value.empty() or system.exists()
Element Id ContactPoint.system

Telecommunications form for contact point - what communications system is required to make use of the contact.

Short Display phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding ContactPointSystem (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Affect this element
cpt-2Rule A system is required if a value is provided.value.empty() or system.exists()
Element Id ContactPoint.value

The actual contact point details, in a form that is meaningful to the designated communication system (i.e. phone number or email address).

Short Display The actual contact point details
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Need to support legacy numbers that are not in a tightly controlled format.

Summary true

Additional text data such as phone extension numbers, or notes about use of the contact are sometimes included in the value.

Affect this element
cpt-2Rule A system is required if a value is provided.value.empty() or system.exists()
Element Id ContactPoint.use

Identifies the purpose for the contact point.

Short Display home | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding ContactPointUse (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not mistake a temporary or old contact etc.for a current/permanent one)

Need to track the way a person uses this contact, so a user can choose which is appropriate for their purpose.

Summary true

Applications can assume that a contact is current unless it explicitly says that it is temporary or old.

Element Id ContactPoint.rank

Specifies a preferred order in which to use a set of contacts. ContactPoints with lower rank values are more preferred than those with higher rank values.

Short Display Specify preferred order of use (1 = highest)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true

Note that rank does not necessarily follow the order in which the contacts are represented in the instance.

Ranks need not be unique. E.g. it's possible to have multiple contacts with rank=1. If the ranks have different systems or uses, this would be interpreted to mean "X is my most preferred phone number, Y is my most preferred email address" or "X is my preferred home email and Y is my preferred work email". If the system and use for equally-ranked contacts are the same, then the level of preference is equivalent for both repetitions.

Ranks need not be sequential and not all repetitions must have a rank. For example, it's possible to have 4 contacts with ranks of 2, 5 and two with no rank specified. That would be interpreted to mean the first is preferred over the second and no preference stated for the remaining contacts.

Element Id ContactPoint.period

Time period when the contact point was/is in use.

Short Display Time period when the contact point was/is in use
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period
Summary true
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Timing

Specifies an event that may occur multiple times. Timing schedules are used to record when things are planned, expected or requested to occur. The most common usage is in dosage instructions for medications. They are also used when planning care of various kinds, and may be used for reporting the schedule to which past regular activities were carried out.

Short Display A timing schedule that specifies an event that may occur multiple times
Cardinality 0..*
Type BackboneType

Need to able to track proposed timing schedules. There are several different ways to do this: one or more specified times, a simple rules like three times a day, or before/after meals.

Summary true

Describes the occurrence of an event that may occur multiple times. Timing schedules are used for specifying when events are expected or requested to occur, and may also be used to represent the summary of a past or ongoing event. For simplicity, the definitions of Timing components are expressed as 'future' events, but such components can also be used to describe historic or ongoing events.

A Timing schedule can be a list of events and/or criteria for when the event happens, which can be expressed in a structured form and/or as a code. When both event and a repeating specification are provided, the list of events should be understood as an interpretation of the information in the repeat structure.

Element Id Timing.event

Identifies specific times when the event occurs.

Short Display When the event occurs
Cardinality 0..*
Type dateTime

In a Medication Administration Record, for instance, you need to take a general specification, and turn it into a precise specification.

Summary true
Element Id Timing.repeat

A set of rules that describe when the event is scheduled.

Short Display When the event is to occur
Cardinality 0..1

Many timing schedules are determined by regular repetitions.

Summary true
Defined on this element
tim-1Rule if there's a duration, there needs to be duration unitsduration.empty() or durationUnit.exists()
tim-2Rule if there's a period, there needs to be period unitsperiod.empty() or periodUnit.exists()
tim-4Rule duration SHALL be a non-negative valueduration.exists() implies duration >= 0
tim-5Rule period SHALL be a non-negative valueperiod.exists() implies period >= 0
tim-6Rule If there's a periodMax, there must be a periodperiodMax.empty() or period.exists()
tim-7Rule If there's a durationMax, there must be a durationdurationMax.empty() or duration.exists()
tim-8Rule If there's a countMax, there must be a countcountMax.empty() or count.exists()
tim-9Rule If there's an offset, there must be a when (and not C, CM, CD, CV)offset.empty() or (when.exists() and when.select($this in ('C' | 'CM' | 'CD' | 'CV')).allFalse())
tim-10Rule If there's a timeOfDay, there cannot be a when, or vice versatimeOfDay.empty() or when.empty()
Element Id Timing.repeat.bounds[x]

Either a duration for the length of the timing schedule, a range of possible length, or outer bounds for start and/or end limits of the timing schedule.

Short Display Length/Range of lengths, or (Start and/or end) limits
Cardinality 0..1
Type Duration|Range|Period
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true
Element Id Timing.repeat.count

A total count of the desired number of repetitions across the duration of the entire timing specification. If countMax is present, this element indicates the lower bound of the allowed range of count values.

Short Display Number of times to repeat
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt

Repetitions may be limited by end time or total occurrences.

Summary true

If you have both bounds and count, then this should be understood as within the bounds period, until count times happens.

Affect this element
tim-8Rule If there's a countMax, there must be a countcountMax.empty() or count.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.countMax

If present, indicates that the count is a range - so to perform the action between [count] and [countMax] times.

Short Display Maximum number of times to repeat
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-8Rule If there's a countMax, there must be a countcountMax.empty() or count.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.duration

How long this thing happens for when it happens. If durationMax is present, this element indicates the lower bound of the allowed range of the duration.

Short Display How long when it happens
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal

Some activities are not instantaneous and need to be maintained for a period of time.

Summary true

For some events the duration is part of the definition of the event (e.g. IV infusions, where the duration is implicit in the specified quantity and rate). For others, it's part of the timing specification (e.g. exercise).

Affect this element
tim-7Rule If there's a durationMax, there must be a durationdurationMax.empty() or duration.exists()
tim-1Rule if there's a duration, there needs to be duration unitsduration.empty() or durationUnit.exists()
tim-4Rule duration SHALL be a non-negative valueduration.exists() implies duration >= 0
Element Id Timing.repeat.durationMax

If present, indicates that the duration is a range - so to perform the action between [duration] and [durationMax] time length.

Short Display How long when it happens (Max)
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal

Some activities are not instantaneous and need to be maintained for a period of time.

Summary true

For some events the duration is part of the definition of the event (e.g. IV infusions, where the duration is implicit in the specified quantity and rate). For others, it's part of the timing specification (e.g. exercise).

Affect this element
tim-7Rule If there's a durationMax, there must be a durationdurationMax.empty() or duration.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.durationUnit

The units of time for the duration, in UCUM units Normal practice is to use the 'mo' code as a calendar month when calculating the next occurrence.

Short Display s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding UnitsOfTime (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-1Rule if there's a duration, there needs to be duration unitsduration.empty() or durationUnit.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.frequency

The number of times to repeat the action within the specified period. If frequencyMax is present, this element indicates the lower bound of the allowed range of the frequency.

Short Display Indicates the number of repetitions that should occur within a period. I.e. Event occurs frequency times per period
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Meaning if Missing If no frequency is stated, the assumption is that the event occurs once per period, but systems SHOULD always be specific about this
Summary true
Element Id Timing.repeat.frequencyMax

If present, indicates that the frequency is a range - so to repeat between [frequency] and [frequencyMax] times within the period or period range.

Short Display Event occurs up to frequencyMax times per period
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true
Element Id Timing.repeat.period

Indicates the duration of time over which repetitions are to occur; e.g. to express "3 times per day", 3 would be the frequency and "1 day" would be the period. If periodMax is present, this element indicates the lower bound of the allowed range of the period length.

Short Display The duration to which the frequency applies. I.e. Event occurs frequency times per period
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-6Rule If there's a periodMax, there must be a periodperiodMax.empty() or period.exists()
tim-5Rule period SHALL be a non-negative valueperiod.exists() implies period >= 0
tim-2Rule if there's a period, there needs to be period unitsperiod.empty() or periodUnit.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.periodMax

If present, indicates that the period is a range from [period] to [periodMax], allowing expressing concepts such as "do this once every 3-5 days.

Short Display Upper limit of period (3-4 hours)
Cardinality 0..1
Type decimal
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-6Rule If there's a periodMax, there must be a periodperiodMax.empty() or period.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.periodUnit

The units of time for the period in UCUM units Normal practice is to use the 'mo' code as a calendar month when calculating the next occurrence.

Short Display s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding UnitsOfTime (Required)
Type code
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-2Rule if there's a period, there needs to be period unitsperiod.empty() or periodUnit.exists()
Element Id Timing.repeat.dayOfWeek

If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).

Short Display mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Days Of Week (Required)
Type code
Summary true

If no days are specified, the action is assumed to happen every day as otherwise specified.

Element Id Timing.repeat.timeOfDay

Specified time of day for action to take place.

Short Display Time of day for action
Cardinality 0..*
Type time
Summary true

When time of day is specified, it is inferred that the action happens every day (as filtered by dayofWeek) on the specified times. If there's a timeOfDay, there cannot be a when, or vice versa.

Affect this element
tim-10Rule If there's a timeOfDay, there cannot be a when, or vice versatimeOfDay.empty() or when.empty()
Element Id Timing.repeat.when

An approximate time period during the day, potentially linked to an event of daily living that indicates when the action should occur.

Short Display Code for time period of occurrence
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding EventTiming (Required)
Type code

Timings are frequently determined by occurrences such as waking, eating and sleep.

Summary true

When more than one event is listed, the event is tied to the union of the specified events.

Affect this element
tim-9Rule If there's an offset, there must be a when (and not C, CM, CD, CV)offset.empty() or (when.exists() and when.select($this in ('C' | 'CM' | 'CD' | 'CV')).allFalse())
tim-10Rule If there's a timeOfDay, there cannot be a when, or vice versatimeOfDay.empty() or when.empty()
Element Id Timing.repeat.offset

The number of minutes from the event. If the event code does not indicate whether the minutes is before or after the event, then the offset is assumed to be after the event.

Short Display Minutes from event (before or after)
Cardinality 0..1
Type unsignedInt
Summary true
Affect this element
tim-9Rule If there's an offset, there must be a when (and not C, CM, CD, CV)offset.empty() or (when.exists() and when.select($this in ('C' | 'CM' | 'CD' | 'CV')).allFalse())
Element Id Timing.code

A code for the timing schedule (or just text in code.text). Some codes such as BID are ubiquitous, but many institutions define their own additional codes. If a code is provided, the code is understood to be a complete statement of whatever is specified in the structured timing data, and either the code or the data may be used to interpret the Timing, with the exception that .repeat.bounds still applies over the code (and is not contained in the code).

Short Display C | BID | TID | QID | AM | PM | QD | QOD | +
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding TimingAbbreviation (Preferred)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

BID etc. are defined as 'at institutionally specified times'. For example, an institution may choose that BID is "always at 7am and 6pm". If it is inappropriate for this choice to be made, the code BID should not be used. Instead, a distinct organization-specific code should be used in place of the HL7-defined BID code and/or a structured representation should be used (in this case, specifying the two event times).

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Trial Use

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Trial Use"
Element Id RelativeTime

RelativeTime is used to express a point in time or an interval of time relative to an event defined in data types other than dateTime.

Short Display A point in time or an interval of time relative to an event
Cardinality 0..*
Type BackboneType
Summary true
Defined on this element
rlt-1Rule A RelativeTime can have either a contextReference or contextDefinition but not bothcontextReference.empty() or contextDefinition.empty()
rlt-2Rule If RelativeTime has a contextPath, it SHALL have either a contextReference or a contextDefinitioncontextPath.empty() or contextReference.exists() or contextDefinition.exists()
Element Id RelativeTime.contextReference

The specific event occurrence or resource context used as a base point (reference point) in time. This establishes the context in which the 'path' is evaluated.

Short Display The specific event occurrence or resource context used as a base point (reference point) in time
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Any)
Summary true
Affect this element
rlt-1Rule A RelativeTime can have either a contextReference or contextDefinition but not bothcontextReference.empty() or contextDefinition.empty()
Element Id RelativeTime.contextDefinition

The type of event used as a base point. Instances of this definition will establish the context for evaluating the path to determine the base time for the offset.

Short Display The type of event used as a base point
Cardinality 0..1
Type canonical(ActivityDefinition | PlanDefinition | ObservationDefinition)
Summary true
Affect this element
rlt-1Rule A RelativeTime can have either a contextReference or contextDefinition but not bothcontextReference.empty() or contextDefinition.empty()
Element Id RelativeTime.contextPath

Path to the element defining the point in time. Any valid FHIRPath expression.

Short Display Path to the element defining the point in time
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true
Affect this element
rlt-2Rule If RelativeTime has a contextPath, it SHALL have either a contextReference or a contextDefinitioncontextPath.empty() or contextReference.exists() or contextDefinition.exists()
Element Id RelativeTime.contextCode

Coded representation of the event used as a base point (reference point) in time.

Short Display Coded representation of the event used as a base point (reference point) in time
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Evidence Variable Event (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id RelativeTime.offset[x]

An offset or offset range before (negative values) or after (positive values) the event. Range is limited to time-valued quantities (Durations).

Short Display An offset or offset range before (negative values) or after (positive values) the event
Cardinality 0..1
Type Duration|Range
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true
Element Id RelativeTime.text

Free-text (human-readable) description.

Short Display Free-text description
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true
FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Signature

A signature along with supporting context. The signature may be a digital signature that is cryptographic in nature, or some other signature acceptable to the domain. This other signature may be as simple as a graphical image representing a hand-written signature, or a signature ceremony Different signature approaches have different utilities.

Short Display A Signature - XML DigSig, JWS, Graphical image of signature, etc.
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

There are a number of places where content must be signed in healthcare.


The elements of the Signature Resource are for ease of access of these elements. For digital signatures (Xml DigSig, JWS), the non-repudiation proof comes from the Signature validation, which includes validation of the referenced objects (e.g. Resources) (a.k.a., Content) in the XML-Signature Detached form.

Element Id Signature.type

An indication of the reason that the entity signed this document. This may be explicitly included as part of the signature information and can be used when determining accountability for various actions concerning the document.

Short Display Indication of the reason the entity signed the object(s)
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Signature Type Codes (Preferred)
Type Coding
Summary true

Examples include attesting to: authorship, correct transcription, and witness of specific event. Also known as a &quot;Commitment Type Indication&quot;.

Element Id Signature.when

When the digital signature was signed.

Short Display When the signature was created
Cardinality 0..1
Type instant
Summary true

This should agree with the information in the signature.

Element Id Signature.who

A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).

Short Display Who signed
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Patient | Device | Organization)
Summary true

This should agree with the information in the signature.

Element Id Signature.onBehalfOf

A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.

Short Display The party represented
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Patient | Device | Organization)

used when the signature is on behalf of a non-signer.

Summary true

The party that can't sign. For example a child.

Element Id Signature.targetFormat

A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.

Short Display The technical format of the signed resources
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Mime Types (Required)
Type code

"xml", "json" and "ttl" are allowed, which describe the simple encodings described in the specification (and imply appropriate bundle support). Otherwise, mime types are legal here.

Element Id Signature.sigFormat

A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.

Short Display The technical format of the signature
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Mime Types (Required)
Type code
Element Id Signature.data

The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.

Short Display The actual signature content (XML Signature, JSON Jose, picture, etc.)
Cardinality 0..1
Type base64Binary

Where the signature type is an XML Signature, the signed content is a FHIR Resource(s). The signature can be XML Signature or JSON Jose form, e.g. XML-Signature can be generated for a Resource in JSON format.

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5Standards Status: Normative

See also Base Definition, Examples, Mappings, Profiles and Extensions

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Normative"
Element Id Annotation

A text note which also contains information about who made the statement and when.

Short Display Text node with attribution
Cardinality 0..*
Type DataType

For systems that do not have structured annotations, they can simply communicate a single annotation with no author or time. This element may need to be included in narrative because of the potential for modifying information. Annotations SHOULD NOT be used to communicate "modifying" information that could be computable. (This is a SHOULD because enforcing user behavior is nearly impossible).

Element Id Annotation.author[x]

The individual responsible for making the annotation.

Short Display Individual responsible for the annotation
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Patient | RelatedPerson | Organization)|string
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true

Organization is used when there's no need for specific attribution as to who made the comment.

Element Id Annotation.time

Indicates when this particular annotation was made.

Short Display When the annotation was made
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Summary true
Element Id Annotation.text

The text of the annotation in markdown format.

Short Display The annotation - text content (as markdown)
Cardinality 1..1
Type markdown
Summary true