This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

12.22 Resource ActivityDefinition - Content

Clinical Decision Support icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

This resource allows for the definition of some activity to be performed, independent of a particular patient, practitioner, or other performance context.

This resource is a definition resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow, specifically Definition.

An ActivityDefinition is a shareable, consumable description of some activity to be performed. It may be used to specify actions to be taken as part of a workflow, order set, or protocol, or it may be used independently as part of a catalog of activities such as orderables.

For more information on how activity definitions can be used to construct request resources, see the Applying an ActivityDefinition topic below.

In general, an activity definition is simply a conceptual description of some specific action that should be taken. An instance of an ActivityDefinition does not indicate that any action has been performed (as an event resource does), nor does it indicate the actual intent to carry out any particular action (as a request resource does). Instead, an activity definition provides a reusable template that can be used to construct specific request resources such as ServiceRequest and MedicationRequest.

Note that this is conceptually similar to the Task resource as well, with the distinction being that ActivityDefinition represents the description of a task in the abstract, while the Task resource is used to track a specific instance of a task as it moves through the steps of a workflow.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ActivityDefinition TU DomainResource The definition of a specific activity to be taken, independent of any particular patient or context
+ Warning: Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation

Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
Interfaces Implemented: MetadataResource
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for this activity definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
+ Warning: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... identifier Σ 0..* Identifier Additional identifier for the activity definition

... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the activity definition
... versionAlgorithm[x] Σ 0..1 How to compare versions
Binding: Version Algorithm (Extensible)
.... versionAlgorithmString string
.... versionAlgorithmCoding Coding
... name ΣC 0..1 string Name for this activity definition (computer friendly)
... title ΣT 0..1 string Name for this activity definition (human friendly)
... subtitle T 0..1 string Subordinate title of the activity definition
... status ?!Σ 1..1 code draft | active | retired | unknown
Binding: PublicationStatus (Required)
... experimental Σ 0..1 boolean For testing only - never for real usage
... subject[x] 0..1 Type of individual the activity definition is intended for
Binding: Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
.... subjectCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
.... subjectReference Reference(Group | MedicinalProductDefinition | SubstanceDefinition | AdministrableProductDefinition | ManufacturedItemDefinition | PackagedProductDefinition)
.... subjectCanonical canonical(EvidenceVariable)
... date Σ 0..1 dateTime Date last changed
... publisher ΣT 0..1 string Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
... contact Σ 0..* ContactDetail Contact details for the publisher

... description ΣT 0..1 markdown Natural language description of the activity definition
... useContext Σ 0..* UsageContext The context that the content is intended to support

... jurisdiction ΣXD 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for activity definition (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (Extensible)

... purpose T 0..1 markdown Why this activity definition is defined
... usage T 0..1 markdown Describes the clinical usage of the activity definition
... copyright T 0..1 markdown Use and/or publishing restrictions
... copyrightLabel T 0..1 string Copyright holder and year(s)
... approvalDate 0..1 date When the activity definition was approved by publisher
... lastReviewDate 0..1 date When the activity definition was last reviewed by the publisher
... effectivePeriod Σ 0..1 Period When the activity definition is expected to be used
... topic XD 0..* CodeableConcept E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
Binding: Definition Topic (Example)

... author 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content

... editor 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content

... reviewer 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content

... endorser 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content

... relatedArtifact 0..* RelatedArtifact Additional documentation, citations, etc

... library 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the activity definition

... kind Σ 0..1 code Kind of resource
Binding: Request Resource Types (Required)
... profile 0..1 canonical(StructureDefinition) What profile the resource needs to conform to
... code Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Detail type of activity
Binding: Procedure Codes (SNOMED CT) (Example)
... intent 0..1 code proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
Binding: RequestIntent (Required)
... priority 0..1 code routine | urgent | asap | stat
Binding: RequestPriority (Required)
... doNotPerform ?!Σ 0..1 boolean True if the activity should not be performed
... timing[x] 0..1 When activity is to occur
.... timingTiming Timing
.... timingAge Age
.... timingRange Range
.... timingDuration Duration
... asNeeded[x] Σ 0..1 Preconditions for service
Binding: SNOMED CT Medication As Needed Reason Codes (Example)
.... asNeededBoolean boolean
.... asNeededCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
... location 0..1 CodeableReference(Location) Where it should happen
... participant 0..* BackboneElement Who should participate in the action

.... type 0..1 code careteam | device | group | healthcareservice | location | organization | patient | practitioner | practitionerrole | relatedperson
Binding: Action Participant Type (Required)
.... typeCanonical 0..1 canonical(CapabilityStatement) Who or what can participate
.... typeReference 0..1 Reference(BiologicallyDerivedProduct | CareTeam | Device | DeviceDefinition | Endpoint | Group | HealthcareService | Location | Medication | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Specimen | Substance) Who or what can participate
.... role 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Nurse, Surgeon, Parent, etc
Binding: Action Participant Role icon (Example)
.... function 0..1 CodeableConcept E.g. Author, Reviewer, Witness, etc
Binding: Action Participant Function (Example)
... product[x] 0..1 What's administered/supplied
Binding: SNOMED CT Medication Codes (Example)
.... productReference Reference(Medication | Ingredient | SubstanceDefinition)
.... productCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
... quantity 0..1 SimpleQuantity How much is administered/consumed/supplied
... dosage 0..* Dosage Detailed dosage instructions

... bodySite 0..* CodeableConcept What part of body to perform on
Binding: SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)

... specimenRequirement 0..* canonical(SpecimenDefinition) What specimens are required to perform this action

... observationRequirement 0..* canonical(ObservationDefinition) What observations are required to perform this action

... observationResultRequirement 0..* canonical(ObservationDefinition) What observations must be produced by this action

... transform 0..1 canonical(StructureMap) Transform to apply the template
... dynamicValue 0..* BackboneElement Dynamic aspects of the definition

.... path 1..1 string The path to the element to be set dynamically
.... expression 1..1 Expression An expression that provides the dynamic value for the customization

doco Documentation for this format icon

See the Extensions for this resource


Additional definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) , the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis

Path ValueSet Type Documentation
ActivityDefinition.versionAlgorithm[x] VersionAlgorithm Extensible

Indicates the mechanism used to compare versions to determine which is more current.

ActivityDefinition.status PublicationStatus Required

The lifecycle status of an artifact.

ActivityDefinition.subject[x] ParticipantResourceTypes Extensible

All Resource Types that represent participant resources

ActivityDefinition.jurisdiction JurisdictionValueSet Extensible

This value set defines a base set of codes for country, country subdivision and region for indicating where a resource is intended to be used.

Note: The codes for countries and country subdivisions are taken from ISO 3166 icon while the codes for "supra-national" regions are from UN Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49) icon.

ActivityDefinition.topic DefinitionTopic Example

High-level categorization of the definition, used for searching, sorting, and filtering.

ActivityDefinition.kind RequestResourceTypes Required

All Resource Types that represent request resources

ActivityDefinition.code ProcedureCodesSNOMEDCT Example

Procedure Code: All SNOMED CT procedure codes.

ActivityDefinition.intent RequestIntent Required

Codes indicating the degree of authority/intentionality associated with a request.

ActivityDefinition.priority RequestPriority Required

Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request.

ActivityDefinition.asNeeded[x] SNOMEDCTMedicationAsNeededReasonCodes Example

This value set includes all clinical findings from SNOMED CT - provided as an exemplar value set.

ActivityDefinition.participant.type ActionParticipantType Required

The type of participant for the action.

ActivityDefinition.participant.role ActionParticipantRole icon Example

Either a practitioner role or a relationship type. Note from UTG import - may have been a temporary entry that subsequently disappeared from the FHIR source; unable to locate. Version set to 0.1.0

ActivityDefinition.participant.function ActionParticipantFunction Example

The function performed by the participant for the action.

ActivityDefinition.product[x] SNOMEDCTMedicationCodes Example

This value set includes all drug or medicament substance codes and all pharmaceutical/biologic products from SNOMED CT - provided as an exemplar value set.

ActivityDefinition.bodySite SNOMEDCTBodyStructures Example

This value set includes all codes from SNOMED CT icon where concept is-a 442083009 (Anatomical or acquired body site (body structure)).

img cnl-0Warning (base)Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname.exists() implies name.matches('^[A-Z]([A-Za-z0-9_]){1,254}$')
img cnl-1Warning ActivityDefinition.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematicexists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')

An ActivityDefinition resource provides a description, or template, of an action to performed. These actions can be purely text-based descriptions of the action to be performed, only interpretable by a human user, or they can be structured definitions with enough information to construct a resource to represent the request or activity directly. This process of converting the ActivityDefinition into a specific resource in a particular context is performed with the $apply operation.

In the simplest case, the process maps the elements specified in the ActivityDefinition to the corresponding elements on a resource of the appropriate type, using the kind element of the definition to determine the type of resource to be created.

More dynamic scenarios can be achieved in one of two ways, either by providing dynamicValue expressions, or by specifying a StructureMap that transforms the definition into the appropriate request resource.

Note that systems will likely vary widely in the degree of support they provide for the $apply operation. In particular, the fact that a system supports applying definitions of one category, does not imply that it supports applying definitions for all categories. For example, a service focused on medication order sets may have sophisticated support for MedicationRequest activities, but no support at all for the ServiceRequest activities.

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the PlanDefinition and ActivityDefinition resources, as well as a typical application to CarePlan, RequestOrchestration, and Request resources:


To accommodate the variability in systems and use cases, this specification is not prescriptive about exactly how an ActivityDefinition is applied to produce target request resources. However, the approach depicted above provides a general framework for the process, and the following steps provide more detail on the potential approach:

  1. Create the target resource of the type specified by the kind element and focused on the Patient in context
  2. Set the status of the target resource to draft
  3. Set the intent of the target resource to option
  4. Apply the structural elements of the ActivityDefinition to the target resource such as code, timing, doNotPerform, product, quantity, dosage, and so on
  5. Resolve the participant element based on the user in context
  6. Resolve the location element based on the location in context
  7. If the transform element is specified, apply the transform to the resource. Note that the referenced StructureMap may actually construct the resource, rather than taking an instance. See the StructureMap for more information
  8. Apply any dynamicValue elements (in the order in which they appear in the ActivityDefinition resource) by evaluating the expression and setting the value of the appropriate element of the target resource (as specified by the dynamicValue.path element)

Note that the parameters to the $apply operation are available within dynamicValue CQL and FHIRPath expressions as context variables, accessible by the name of the parameter prefixed with a percent (%) symbol. For example, to access the subject given to the apply, use the expression %subject.

In addition, the subject element establishes the context for CQL expressions evaluated during the operation, as discussed in the Evaluation Context discussion in the Using Expressions topic.

Note that result of this operation is transient (i.e. none of the resources created by the operation are persisted in the server, they are all returned as contained resources in the result). The result effectively represents a proposed set of activities, and it is up to the caller to determine whether and how those activities are actually carried out.

The kind element may only specify Request resource types to facilitate considering user input as part of processing the result of any automated clinical reasoning processes. To support creation of event resources, such as Observations, RiskAssessments, and DetectedIssues, use a Task resource with the focus of the task set to the event resource to be created.

Because the ActivityDefinition resource can be used to describe many different types of request resources, profiles of the resource will be useful in communicating additional constraints and expectations about how the resource should be used in a particular context. For example, a profile of ActivityDefinition may specify that it is intended to describe medication orders within an order set. Such a profile would indicate that the quantity element should not be used, but the dosage element must be.

The following sections provide FHIR Mapping Language snippets for mapping ActivityDefinition instances to each kind of Request resource that can be created.

map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToAppointment" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to Appointment"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Appointment" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.participant as participant then {
            doActor: for sbj as sbj make participant.actor=sbj
            doStatus: for sbj as sbj make participant.status ="needs-action"

//    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
//                do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac
//    }

    "organization" : for src as src where
            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ServiceRequest as target

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.basedOn = vvv
//    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv make tgt.code = vvv          // could be serviceCategory or specialty --> unclear
    //    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "ad.priority"  : for src  where priority='routine' then {
            prio: for src make tgt.priority = 9
    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority  as priority where priority='urgent' then {
            prio: for priority make tgt.priority = 7
    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority  as priority where priority='asap' then {
            prio: for priority make tgt.priority = 4
    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority  as priority where priority='stat' then {
            prio: for priority make tgt.priority = 1
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timingP1"   : for src.timing :Period   as period   make tgt.start = period.start
    "ad.timingP2"   : for src.timing :Period   as period   make tgt.end = period.end
    "ad.timingD"    : for src.timing :Duration as duration make tgt.minutesDuration = duration
    "ad.timingDT"   : for src.timing :dateTime as dt       make tgt.start = dt

    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.participant as participant then {
            doActor:  for location make participant.actor = location
            doStatus: for location make participant.status = "needs-action"
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as vvv make tgt.bodySite = vvv
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "proposed"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToAppointmentResponse" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to AppointmentResponse"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/AppointmentResponse" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

//    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
//        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj
//    }
//    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
//            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac
//        }
//    "organization" : for src as src where
//            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
//        then{
//            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
//                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org
//            }
//        }
//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc
//    }

    // unsure who the actor is. No default makes sense - leave empty.

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ServiceRequest as target

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.participantStatus = "needs-action"
//    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
//    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv make tgt.code = vvv
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing make tgt.start = timing   // unsure how to map on start/end
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as vvv make tgt.locationReference = vvv
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as vvv make tgt.bodySite = vvv
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToCarePlan" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to CarePlan"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CarePlan" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.author = prac

    "organization" : for src as src where
            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.author = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ServiceRequest as target

    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv  make tgt.category = vvv
//    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority as prio make tgt.priority = vvv
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing make tgt.period = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.location=location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as vvv make tgt.bodySite = vvv
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "draft"
    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToClaim" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to Claim"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Claim" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.patient = sbj

    "practitioner1" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.enterer = prac

     "organization" : for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.provider = org

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: Claim as target

    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv  make tgt.type = vvv
    "ad.priority1"  : for src where priority.exists() then {
        do: for src.priority as priority make tgt.priority as tgtprioCc then {
            doCoding: for priority make tgtprioCc.coding as tgtCoding then {
                system:  for priority make tgtCoding.system = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-priority"
                code:    for priority make tgtCoding.code   = priority
    "ad.priority2"  : for src where priority.exists().not() then {
        do: for src make tgt.priority as tgtprioCc then {
            doCoding: for src make tgtprioCc.coding as tgtCoding then {
                system:  for src make tgtCoding.system = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/request-priority"
                code:    for src make tgtCoding.code   = "normal"
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing make tgt.period = timing
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.facility = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "draft"
    "use"          : for src                 make tgt.use = "claim"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToCommunicationRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to CommunicationRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/CommunicationRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ProcedureRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
        do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac

    "organization" : for src.parameter as p where
         parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
    then  {
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ProcedureRequest as target

    "basedOn"      : for src                 make  tgt.basedOn = reference( src )
    "status"       : for src                 make  tgt.status = "draft"
    "authoredOn"   : for src                 make  tgt.authoredOn = evaluate( src, now() )
    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv make  tgt.reasonCode = vvv
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as vvv make  tgt.occurrence = vvv
//    "ad.location"  : for src          as vvv check location.empty()
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src          as vvv check bodysite.empty()
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToContract" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to Contract"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Contract" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.author = prac

     "organization" : for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.authority = org

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.context = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: Contract as target

    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as code  make tgt.scope = code
//    "ad.priority"  : for src as priority make tgt.priority as tgtprioCc
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing make tgt.applies = timing
    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
//    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "draft"
//    "use"          : for src                 make tgt.use = "claim"
//    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToDeviceRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to DeviceRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/DeviceRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
            do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac

    "organization" : for src as src where
            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: DeviceRequest as target

    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as code     make tgt.code = code
    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority as vvv      make tgt.priority = vvv
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
//    "use"          : for src                 make tgt.use = "claim"
//    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToEnrollmentRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to EnrollmentRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/EnrollmentRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
            do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.candidate = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.provider = prac

//    "organization" : for src as src where
//            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
//        then{
//            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
//                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org
//            }
//        }

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: EnrollmentRequest as target

//    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as code     make tgt.code = code
//    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority as priority make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
//    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
//    "use"          : for src                 make tgt.use = "claim"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToImmunizationRecommendation" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to ImmunizationRecommendation"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ImmunizationRecommendation" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
            do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.patient = sbj

//    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
//            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.provider = prac
//        }

    "organization" : for src as src where name='organization' then{
        do: for p.value as organization make tgt.authority = organization

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ImmunizationRecommendation as target

//    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as code     make tgt.code = code
//    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority as priority make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
//    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
//    "use"          : for src                 make tgt.use = "claim"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.date = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToMedicationRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to MedicationRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
            do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            doReq: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac
            doRec: for p.value as prac make tgt.recorder = prac

    "organization" : for src as src where
            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: MedicationRequest as target

    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as code     make tgt.reasonCode = code
    "ad.priority"  : for src.priority as priority make tgt.priority = priority
    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.doNotPerform as doNotPerform
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
    "ad.product"   : for src.product  as product  make tgt.medication = product
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src.quantity as quantity make tgt.quantity as tgt
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
    "ad.dosage"    : for src.dosage   as dosage   make tgt.dosageInstruction = dosage

    dispenseRequest: for src make tgt.dispenseRequest as dispenseRequest then {
        dr.q:   for src.quantity as quantity make dispenseRequest.quantity = quantity
        dr.di:  for src.timing : Duration as timing make dispenseRequest.dispenseInterval = timing
        dr.di:  for src.timing : Period   as timing make dispenseRequest.validityPeriod   = timing

    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "active"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.authoredOn = evaluate( src, now() )
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToNutritionOrder" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to NutritionOrder"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/NutritionOrder" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.patient = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.orderer = prac

//    "organization" : for src as src where
//            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
//        then{
//            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
//                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org
//            }
//        }

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: NutritionOrder as target

    "ad.code1"          : for src where doNotPerform then {
            prMod: for src.code as code make tgt.foodPreferenceModifier = code
    "ad.code2"          : for src where doNotPerform.not() then {
        prMod: for src.code as code make tgt.excludeFoodModifier = code

//    "ad.priority"      : for src.priority     as priority     make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as quantity make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "active"
    "created"      : for src                 make tgt.dateTime = evaluate( src, now() )

map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToServiceRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to ServiceRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/ServiceRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: ReferralRequest as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac

    "organization" : for src as src where
            parameter.where( name='practitioner').exists().not() and parameter.where( name='organization').exists()
            do: for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
                do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ServiceRequest as target

    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "draft"
    "intent"       : for src                 make tgt.intent = "proposal"
    "ad.code"      : for src.code     as vvv make tgt.code = vvv
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as vvv make tgt.occurrence = vvv
    "ad.location"  : for src.location as vvv make tgt.locationReference = vvv
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as vvv make tgt.bodySite = vvv
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToSupplyRequest" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to SupplyRequest"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/SupplyRequest" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: SupplyRequest as target

//    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
//        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.subject = sbj
//    }

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
        do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester = prac

    "organization" : for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
        do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester =org

//    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
//        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.context = enc
//    }

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: SupplyRequest as target

    "ad.code"          : for src.code      as code         make tgt.item = code
    "ad.priority"      : for src.priority  as priority     make tgt.priority = priority
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
    "ad.quantity"      : for src.quantity  as quantity     make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src                 make tgt.status = "draft"
    "authoredOn"   : for src                 make tgt.authoredOn = evaluate( src, now() )

map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/Task" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to Task"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Task" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: Task as target

    "for" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.for = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
            do: for p.value as prac make tgt.requester as requester then{
               do: for prac make requester.agent = prac

    "organization" : for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then {
            do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester as requester then {
                    do: for org make requester.onBehalfOf = org

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: ProcedureRequest as target

//    "basedOn"      : for src                 make tgt.basedOn = reference( src )
    refAd          : for src.url as can   make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = can
    "status"       : for src              make tgt.status = "draft"
    "ad.code"      : for src.code  as vvv make tgt.code = vvv
//    "ad.timing"    : for src          as vvv check timing.empty()  ==>restriction.period
//    "ad.location"  : for src          as vvv check location.empty()
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"  : for src          as vvv check quantity.empty()
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src          as vvv check bodysite.empty()
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()
//    "ad.relatedart": for src.relatedArtifact as relatedArtifact make tgt.payload as payload then {
//        do: for relatedArtifact as relatedArtifact make payload.content as content then {
//            "content": for relatedArtifact as vvv make content = vvv
//            "display" : for relatedArtifact.display as vvv make content
//            "citation": for relatedArtifact as vvv make content = vvv
//            "url"     : for relatedArtifact as vvv make content = vvv
//            "document": for relatedArtifact as vvv make content = vvv
//            "resource": for relatedArtifact as vvv make content = vvv
//        }
//    }
map "http://research.philips.com/fhir/r4/mapping/AdToVisionPrescription" =
    "R3 Parameters of Activitydefinition.$apply to VisionPrescription"

uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters"       as source
uses "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/VisionPrescription" as target

group main
    input src: Parameters as source
    input tgt: VisionPrescription as target

    "subject" : for src.parameter as p where name='subject' then {
        do: for p.value as sbj make tgt.patient = sbj

    "practitioner" : for src.parameter as p where name='practitioner' then{
        do: for p.value as prac make tgt.prescriber = prac

//    "organization" : for src.parameter as p where name='organization' then{
//        do: for p.value as org make tgt.requester =org
//    }

    "encounter" : for src.parameter as p where name='encounter' then {
        do: for p.value as enc make tgt.encounter = enc

    actded: for src.parameter as p where name='source' then {
        do: for p.resource as ad then createActDef( ad, tgt )

group createActDef
    input src: ActivityDefinition as source
    input tgt: VisionPrescription as target

//    "ad.code"          : for src.code      as code         make tgt.item = code
//    "ad.priority"      : for src.priority  as priority     make tgt.priority = priority
//    "ad.doNotPerform"  : for src.doNotPerform as doNotPerform make tgt.priority as priority
//    "ad.timing"    : for src.timing   as timing   make tgt.occurrence = timing
//    "ad.location"  : for src.location as location make tgt.site = location
//    "ad.product"   : for src          as vvv check product.empty()
//    "ad.quantity"      : for src.quantity  as quantity     make tgt.quantity = quantity
//    "ad.bodysite"  : for src.bodySite as bodysite make tgt.bodySite = bodysite
//    "ad.dosage"    : for src          as vvv check dosage.empty()

//    "refAd"        : for src.url      as vvv make tgt.instantiatesCanonical = vvv
    "status"       : for src              make tgt.status = "draft"
    "created"   : for src                 make tgt.created = evaluate( src, now() )


Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

Name Type Description Expression In Common
composed-of reference What resource is being referenced ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource
5 Resources
context token A use context assigned to the activity definition (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value.ofType(CodeableConcept)) 30 Resources
context-quantity quantity A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the activity definition (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value.ofType(Quantity)) | (ActivityDefinition.useContext.value.ofType(Range)) 30 Resources
context-type token A type of use context assigned to the activity definition ActivityDefinition.useContext.code 30 Resources
context-type-quantity composite A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the activity definition On ActivityDefinition.useContext:
  context-type: code
  context-quantity: value.ofType(Quantity) | value.ofType(Range)
30 Resources
context-type-value composite A use context type and value assigned to the activity definition On ActivityDefinition.useContext:
  context-type: code
  context: value.ofType(CodeableConcept)
30 Resources
date date The activity definition publication date ActivityDefinition.date 31 Resources
depends-on reference What resource is being referenced ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource | ActivityDefinition.library
(Library, Any)
5 Resources
derived-from reference What resource is being referenced ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource
9 Resources
description string The description of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.description 29 Resources
effective date The time during which the activity definition is intended to be in use ActivityDefinition.effectivePeriod 12 Resources
identifier token External identifier for the activity definition ActivityDefinition.identifier 35 Resources
jurisdiction token Intended jurisdiction for the activity definition ActivityDefinition.jurisdiction 27 Resources
kind token The kind of activity definition ActivityDefinition.kind
name string Computationally friendly name of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.name 28 Resources
predecessor reference What resource is being referenced ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource
9 Resources
publisher string Name of the publisher of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.publisher 31 Resources
status token The current status of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.status 35 Resources
subject-canonical reference The subject of the ActivityDefinition when expressed as a canonical ActivityDefinition.subject as canonical
(AdministrableProductDefinition, Group, SubstanceDefinition, ManufacturedItemDefinition, MedicinalProductDefinition, EvidenceVariable, PackagedProductDefinition)
subject-code token The subject of the ActivityDefinition when expressed as a code ActivityDefinition.subject as CodeableConcept
subject-reference reference The subject of the ActivityDefinition when expressed as a reference ActivityDefinition.subject as Reference
(AdministrableProductDefinition, Group, SubstanceDefinition, ManufacturedItemDefinition, MedicinalProductDefinition, EvidenceVariable, PackagedProductDefinition)
successor reference What resource is being referenced ActivityDefinition.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource
5 Resources
title string The human-friendly name of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.title 28 Resources
topic token Topics associated with the module ActivityDefinition.topic 10 Resources
url uri The uri that identifies the activity definition ActivityDefinition.url 35 Resources
version token The business version of the activity definition ActivityDefinition.version 32 Resources