Dependent IGs Analysis for AU Base Implementation Guide

Generated Wed Mar 05 21:58:31 UTC 2025 for



Details By IG

ValueSets used in profiles

PBS Item Codes AU Core Medication
AU Core MedicationRequest

Derived profiles

AU Base Medication Request AU Core MedicationRequest
AU Base Medication AU Core Medication
AU Base Related Person AU Core RelatedPerson
AU Base Patient AU Core Patient
AU Base Allergy Intolerance AU Core AllergyIntolerance
AU Base Diagnostic Result AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation
AU Base Condition AU Core Condition
AU Base Pathology Result AU Core Pathology Result Observation
AU Base Location AU Core Location
AU Base Practitioner Role AU Core PractitionerRole
AU Base Procedure AU Core Procedure
AU Base Encounter AU Core Encounter
AU Base Practitioner AU Core Practitioner
AU Base Immunisation AU Core Immunization
AU Base Organisation AU Core Organization

Details By Resource


PBS Item Codes (not used)
Contact Purpose (not used)
Location Type (Physical) AU (not used)
Location Type AU (not used)
Medication Type (not used)
Medicine Item Change (not used)
Name Context (not used)
Observation Category Codes AU (not used)
AU Recorded Sex or Gender Source Document Type (not used)
AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type (not used)
Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts (not used)
IdentifierType AU (not used)
DegreeLicenseCertificate AU (not used)
providerRole AU (not used)
ActCode AU (not used)
Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) (not used)


Accession Number Type (not used)
AMT Medicinal Product and Substances (not used)
AU Time Zone (not used)
Contact Purpose (not used)
DVA Entitlement (not used)
Jurisdiction ValueSet - AU Extended (not used)
Location Type (Physical) - AU Extended (not used)
Medication Type (not used)
Medicine Item Change (not used)
MIMS (not used)
Name Context (not used)
Observation Category Codes - AU Extended (not used)
Order Identifier Type (not used)
PBS Item Codes Bound In AU Core Medication (
Bound In AU Core MedicationRequest (
AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type (not used)
AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type (not used)
Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts (not used)
hl7VS-identifierType - AU Extended (not used)
hl7VS-degreeLicenseCertificate - AU Extended (not used)
hl7VS-providerRole - AU Extended (not used)
ActEncounterCode - AU Extended (not used)
ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType - AU Extended (not used)


AU Accession Number (not used)
Australian Address (not used)
AU Ahpra Registration Number (not used)
AU Base Allergy Intolerance Constrained In AU Core AllergyIntolerance (
AU Australian Business Number (not used)
AU Australian Company Number (not used)
AU Australian Registered Body Number (not used)
AU Base Body Structure (not used)
AU Care Agency Employee Identifier (not used)
AU Base Composition (not used)
AU Base Condition Constrained In AU Core Condition (
AU Base Coverage (not used)
AU CSP Registration Number (not used)
AU Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Number (not used)
AU Delivery Point Identifier (not used)
AU Base Diagnostic Report (not used)
AU Base Diagnostic Request (not used)
AU Base Diagnostic Result Constrained In AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation (
AU Base Dosage (not used)
AU DVA Number (not used)
AU Employee Number (not used)
AU Base Encounter Constrained In AU Core Encounter (
AU ETP Prescription Identifier (not used)
AU G-NAF Identifier (not used)
AU Health Care Card Number (not used)
AU Base Healthcare Service (not used)
AU Health Program Participation Summary (not used)
AU HPI-I (not used)
AU HPI-O (not used)
AU IHI (not used)
AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Report (not used)
AU Base Diagnostic Imaging Result (not used)
AU Base Immunisation Constrained In AU Core Immunization (
AU Insurance Member Number (not used)
AU Local Dispense Identifier (not used)
AU Local Order Identifier (not used)
AU Local Prescription Identifier (not used)
AU Local Report Identifier (not used)
AU Base Location Constrained In AU Core Location (
AU Location Specific Practice Number (not used)
AU Medical Record Number (not used)
AU Medicare Card Number (not used)
AU Medicare Provider Number (not used)
AU Base Medication Constrained In AU Core Medication (
AU Base Medication Administration (not used)
AU Base Medication Dispense (not used)
AU Base Medication Request Constrained In AU Core MedicationRequest (
AU Base Medication Statement (not used)
AU Medicine List (not used)
AU NATA Accreditation Number (not used)
AU NATA Site Number (not used)
AU National Provider Identifier At Organisation (not used)
AU Assertion of No Relevant Finding (not used)
AU Base Organisation Constrained In AU Core Organization (
AU PAI-D Identifier (not used)
AU PAI-O Identifier (not used)
AU Base Pathology Report (not used)
AU Base Pathology Result Constrained In AU Core Pathology Result Observation (
AU Base Patient Constrained In AU Core Patient (
AU PBS Prescriber Number (not used)
AU Pensioner Concession Card Number (not used)
AU Pharmacy Approval Number (not used)
AU Base Practitioner Constrained In AU Core Practitioner (
AU Base Practitioner Role Constrained In AU Core PractitionerRole (
AU Base Procedure Constrained In AU Core Procedure (
AU Base Related Person Constrained In AU Core RelatedPerson (
AU Residential Aged Care Service Identifier (not used)
AU Base Service Request (not used)
AU Base Specimen (not used)
AU Base Substance (not used)


Address Identifier (not used)
Ahpra Profession Details (not used)
Ahpra Registration Details (not used)
Associated Healthcare Service (not used)
HL7 V2 Assigning Authority (not used)
HL7 V2 Receiving Application (not used)
HL7 V2 Receiving Facility (not used)
Australian Time Zone (not used)
Author as a RelatedPerson (not used)
Change Description (not used)
Closing the Gap Registration (not used)
Contact Purpose (not used)
Date Accuracy Indicator (not used)
Date of Arrival in Australia (not used)
Dispense Number (not used)
Encounter Description (not used)
Encryption Certificate PEM X509 (not used)
Ethnicity (not used)
Identifier Routability (not used)
IHI Record Status (not used)
IHI Status (not used)
IHI Verification Date (not used)
Australian Indigenous Status (not used)
Information Recipient (not used)
Medication Brand Name (not used)
Medication Generic Drug Name (not used)
Long Term (not used)
Medication Strength (not used)
Medication Type (not used)
Name Context (not used)
No Fixed Address (not used)
Result Copies To (not used)
Subsidised Concurrent Supply (not used)
Vaccine Vial Serial Number (not used)
Australian Veteran Status (not used)
