Validation Results for DaVinciHealthRecordExchangeHRex

Generated Fri Jul 26 17:22:40 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Errors Only

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.6.18
Publication Code:davinci-hrex . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for US:

Snomed: The IG specifies the US edition of SNOMED CT

2 Profiles not based on US Core

Publication Request:
Pub-Modeworking release
Release-LabelSTU R1
sequenceSTU 1.1
descSTU 1.1.0 Ballot version

STU 1.1.0 STU ballot with US Core 6.1. See list of changes

Proposed path for this publication should usually be the canonical with the version or sequence appended and then some kind of label (typically '-snapshot')
Supressed Messages:38 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r46.0.2 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... UR4
.... OR4 Release is 7.0.0
... OR4 Release is 7.0.0
.... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.0.2
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 Release is 5.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.bulkdata2.0.0 MR4
.... OR4 Release is 2.2.0
..... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.0.2
.... us.nlm.vsac0.11.0 OR4 Release is 0.19.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.fhir.r4.examples4.0.1 OR4 Release is 5.0.0
.... us.cdc.phinvads0.12.0 MR4
.... ihe.formatcode.fhir1.1.0 OR4 Release is 1.3.0
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions5.1.0 MR5 Version Mismatch
.... hl7.terminology.r55.5.0 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org Version Mismatch. Latest Release is 6.0.2
... us.nlm.vsac0.12.0 OR4 Release is 0.19.0
Templates: hl7.davinci.template#current -> hl7.fhir.template#current -> hl7.base.template#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.1.0
Dependent IGs:10 guides
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:All OK
R5 Dependencies:
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Comparison with version 1.0.0
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 0, warn = 111, info = 10, broken links = 1
Build Errors110

n/a Show Validation Information

warningThe jira specification file appears to be out of date with the versions, artifacts and pages currently defined in the IG. A proposed revised file to be reviewed and, if appropriate, submitted as a pull request against the XML folder in To see the differences, perform a file compare on 'template/jira-current.xml' (a normalized view of what is in Github) and 'template/jira-new.xml' (reflects current IG content)
output​/validation​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 301, column 217errorThe link 'canonical' for "" cannot be resolved

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-subscription-notification-with-data.json Show Validation Information (5)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-subscription-notification-with-document.json Show Validation Information (4)

fsh-generated/resources/Bundle-task-poll-response.json Show Validation Information (3)

fsh-generated/resources/ClaimResponse-UnsolicitedReferralAuthorizationResponseExample.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-hrex-temp.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-CareTeamMember-NUCCFunction.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ConceptMap-NUCC-CareTeamMemberFunction.json Show Validation Information (1)

ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[0]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c48346)warningThe code '224595007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[1]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c48650)warningThe code '224600003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[3]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c49054)warningThe code '611621000124105' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[5]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c49450)warningThe code '59944000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[6]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c49739)warningThe code '224598009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[8]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c50159)warningThe code '224596008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[10]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c50654)warningThe code '3842006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[11]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c50942)warningThe code '106289002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[12]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c51221)warningThe code '59317003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[13]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c51536)warningThe code '26042002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[14]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c51835)warningThe code '159035003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[16]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c52296)warningThe code '1259964002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[17]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c52603)warningThe code '4162009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[18]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c52916)warningThe code '160008000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[20]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c53303)warningThe code '768827000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[21]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c53605)warningThe code '159033005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[24]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c54130)warningThe code '453121000124107' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[25]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c54567)warningThe code '453121000124107' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[26]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c55000)warningThe code '453121000124107' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[27]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c55397)warningThe code '28229004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[28]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c55695)warningThe code '224606009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[29]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c56006)warningThe code '224535009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[30]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c56321)warningThe code '442251000124100' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[31]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c56645)warningThe code '442251000124100' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[33]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c57081)warningThe code '159141008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[34]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c57436)warningThe code '310189009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[36]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c57847)warningThe code '450044741000087104' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[37]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c58158)warningThe code '768832004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[38]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c58449)warningThe code '40570005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[43]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c59083)warningThe code '23278007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[44]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c59387)warningThe code '721940004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[46]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c59789)warningThe code '720503005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[48]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c60171)warningThe code '69280009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[49]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c60476)warningThe code '409974004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[51]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c60874)warningThe code '225726006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[53]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c61265)warningThe code '1255370008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[54]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c61569)warningThe code '1255371007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[55]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c61880)warningThe code '445531000124104' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[57]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c62255)warningThe code '5191000124109' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[60]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c62714)warningThe code '46255001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[61]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c63012)warningThe code '159040006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[64]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c63513)warningThe code '440051000124108' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[69]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c64214)warningThe code '309385005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[71]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c64621)warningThe code '721943002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[72]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c64945)warningThe code '88189002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[73]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c65240)warningThe code '18803008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[74]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c65535)warningThe code '309294001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[75]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c65843)warningThe code '62247001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[76]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c66154)warningThe code '39677007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[77]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c66470)warningThe code '45544007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[78]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c66766)warningThe code '80933006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[79]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c67085)warningThe code '309367003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[80]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c67391)warningThe code '159021000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[81]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c67692)warningThe code '22731001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[82]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c67993)warningThe code '309372007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[83]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c68299)warningThe code '82296001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[84]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c68609)warningThe code '309360001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[85]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c68910)warningThe code '8724009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[86]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c69201)warningThe code '304292004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[87]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c69483)warningThe code '24590004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[88]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c69783)warningThe code '309379003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[89]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c70086)warningThe code '309394004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[90]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c70435)warningThe code '309369000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[91]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c70737)warningThe code '768837005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[92]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c71038)warningThe code '310173006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[93]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c71344)warningThe code '721940004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[94]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c71658)warningThe code '309435000' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[95]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c71955)warningThe code '159034004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[96]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c72247)warningThe code '309410006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[98]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c72636)warningThe code '309428008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[100]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c73009)warningThe code '59169001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[101]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c73312)warningThe code '1276561000168102' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[102]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c73620)warningThe code '309349005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[103]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c73999)warningThe code '224587008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[104]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c74308)warningThe code '309428008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[105]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c74649)warningThe code '36682004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[106]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c74959)warningThe code '309404006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[107]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c75275)warningThe code '309360001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[109]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c75680)warningThe code '309411005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[110]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c75982)warningThe code '1172950003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[112]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c76377)warningThe code '309412003' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[114]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c76790)warningThe code '309366007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[115]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c77107)warningThe code '80546007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[118]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c77624)warningThe code '442867008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[119]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c78006)warningThe code '442867008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[121]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c78458)warningThe code '309418004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[123]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c78857)warningThe code '159026005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[124]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c79176)warningThe code '309421002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[126]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c79576)warningThe code '721942007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[131]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c80309)warningThe code '56545009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[135]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c80900)warningThe code '66862007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[138]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c81381)warningThe code '768832004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[140]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c81754)warningThe code '768730001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[141]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c82048)warningThe code '453081000124105' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[144]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c82517)warningThe code '26369006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[145]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c82821)warningThe code '23278007' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[151]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c83666)warningThe code '768731002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[199]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c88744)warningThe code '309421002' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[203]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c89349)warningThe code '1276571000168108' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[217]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c90911)warningThe code '449161006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[218]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c91217)warningThe code '224571005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[219]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c91529)warningThe code '224570006' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[220]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c91862)warningThe code '405278004' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[221]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c92200)warningThe code '445521000124102' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[227]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c92970)warningThe code '768825008' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[228]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c93274)warningThe code '64220005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[229]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c93666)warningThe code '64220005' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[230]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c94042)warningThe code '768730001' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[233]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c94521)warningThe code '73265009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''
ConceptMap​.group[0]​.element[235]​.target[0]​.code (l1​/c94944)warningThe code '398130009' comes from the system which could not be found, so it's not known whether it's valid in the value set ''

fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-full.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-davinci-hrex.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-member-match.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Organization-full.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Organization-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-member-match-in.json Show Validation Information (9)

Parameters​.parameter[3]​.resource​/*Consent​/null*​/​.provision​.action[0] (l187​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-member-match-in-provider.json Show Validation Information (7)

Parameters​.parameter[2]​.resource​/*Consent​/null*​/​.provision​.action[0] (l131​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-member-match-out.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-full.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Practitioner-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-full.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Provenance-full.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Provenance-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-coverage-identifier.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-coverage-patient.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-coverage-payor.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-coverage-subscriber.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-coverage-subscriberId.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/SearchParameter-hrex-provenance-target.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-extension-itemAuthorizedDate.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-extension-itemAuthorizedProvider.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-extension-itemPreAuthIssueDate.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-extension-itemTraceNumber.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-claimresponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-consent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[11]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c114622)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.0.0
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[67]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c182268)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[2]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c197873)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|2.0.0
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[23]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c202715)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-coverage.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[40]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c123373)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c131921)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[16]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c158153)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[19]​.pattern​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l1​/c158621)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-organization.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-parameters-member-match-in.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-parameters-member-match-out.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-patient-demographics.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-practitioner.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-practitionerrole.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-provenance.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-reference-id.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-reference-rest.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-task-data-request.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Task-document-complete.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Task-min.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Task-query-complete.json Show Validation Information (3)

fsh-generated/resources/Task-query-initial.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/Task-query-status.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-hrex-consent-policy.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-hrex-coverage-relationship.json Show Validation Information (1)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-hrex-task-status.json Show Validation Information (1)

input/resources/subscriptiontopic-Task.json Show Validation Information (1)

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

HRex needs Coverage pointing to a patient with no identifier - submitted to US Core

HRex needs a patient with no identifier - US Realm approved:, new proposal

Narrative doesn't make sense in resources passed to a real-time operation

Not much we can do about the number of codes

Nothing that can be done about this

The patterns are only locking down the system, which is the discriminator for the slices, so this is fine.

The terminology validation here is messed up in R4, but these codes are both valid

There is no location in the IG where it makes sense to use this profile. It's created for downstream IGs. The definition is sufficiently simple that there's no possibility of errors in the construction.

These additional coverage classes are not (currently) part of the profile and are not expected to match slices

These are tested by the parameters input examples

These code systems are not currently supported by the Tx server - and the X12 ones likely won't ever be

These code systems should not be draft in THO. The terminology work group is trying to fix these

These do resolve. Not sure why they're erroring.

These identifiers are 'extra' and aren't expected to match any slice

This is a valid hyperlink and target and resolves fine. Don't know why the publisher thinks it's invalid

This is an inter-version conversion issue

This will be done in a future release

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-member-match-in.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-member-match-in-provider.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-consent.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-consent.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-consent.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|2.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-consent.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-coverage.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-coverage.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-coverage.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-hrex-coverage.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0