Quality Measure Implementation Guide (STU5)
5.0.0-draft - ballot United States of America flag

Quality Measure Implementation Guide (STU5), published by HL7 International / Clinical Quality Information. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.0-draft built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/cqf-measures/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Quality Measure Implementation Guide Homepage
... 2 Introduction
... 3 QMs
... 4 Using CQL
... 5 Composites
... 6 Packaging
... 7 Profiles
... 8 Extensions
... 9 Terminology
... 10 Capabilities
.... 10.1 Measure Repository Service
... 11 Operations
... 12 Examples
... 13 Glossary
... 15 Acknowledgements
... 16 Changes
... 17 Artifacts Summary
.... 17.1 Measure Calculation Service Capability Statement Example
.... 17.2 CQFM Package
.... 17.3 Adult Outpatient Encounters Common Library
.... 17.4 Advanced Illness and Frailty Exclusion Library
.... 17.5 BCS Component Library
.... 17.6 CCS Component Library
.... 17.7 Common Library
.... 17.8 Common Terminology Library
.... 17.9 EXM108 - Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Library
.... 17.10 EXM124 - Cervical Cancer Screening Library
.... 17.11 EXM125 - Breast Cancer Screening Library
.... 17.12 EXM130 - Colorectal Cancer Screening Library
.... 17.13 EXM146 - Example Proportion Measure Library
.... 17.14 EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration Library (Example Continuous Variable Measure Library)
.... 17.15 Example Computable Library
.... 17.16 Example Executable Library
.... 17.17 Example Logic Library - Module Definition
.... 17.18 Example Logic Library - Module Definition Direct Reference
.... 17.19 Example Logic Library
.... 17.20 Example Publishable Library
.... 17.21 EXMRatio - Example Ratio Measure Library
.... 17.22 HBP Component Library
.... 17.23 Hospice FHIR Library
.... 17.24 MAT Global Common Functions FHIR Library
.... 17.25 Multi Rate Example Logic Library
.... 17.26 PVS Component Library
.... 17.27 Supplemental Data Elements Library
.... 17.28 TJC Overall Library
.... 17.29 TSC Component Library
.... 17.30 Terminology Library
.... 17.31 VTE ICU Library
.... 17.32 FHIR Model Definition (STU2)
.... 17.33 RiskAdjustment_FHIR2
.... 17.34 Module Definition Example Logic Library
.... 17.35 Module Definition Library - EXM108
.... 17.36 Module Definition Library - EXM124
.... 17.37 Module Definition Library - EXM125
.... 17.38 Module Definition Library - EXM130
.... 17.39 Module Definition Library - EXM146
.... 17.40 Module Definition Library - EXM55
.... 17.41 Module Definition Library - EXM Logic
.... 17.42 Module Definition Library - EXM Ratio
.... 17.43 Module Definition Library - MultiRateExample
.... 17.44 Module Definition Library - SDE artifacts
.... 17.45 CQFM Cohort Measure
.... 17.46 CQFM Composite Measure
.... 17.47 CQFM Computable Measure
.... 17.48 CQFM Continuous Variable Measure
.... 17.49 CQFM Device
.... 17.50 CQFM Executable Measure
.... 17.51 CQFM Proportion Measure
.... 17.52 CQFM Publishable Manifest
.... 17.53 CQFM Publishable Measure
.... 17.54 CQFM Ratio Measure
.... 17.55 CQFM Test Case
.... 17.56 CQFM Aggregate Method
.... 17.57 CQFM Applies To
.... 17.58 CQFM Component
.... 17.59 CQFM Composite Scoring
.... 17.60 CQFM Criteria Reference
.... 17.61 CQFM Effective Period Anchor
.... 17.62 CQFM Effective Period Duration
.... 17.63 CQFM Group Id
.... 17.64 CQFM Improvement Notation
.... 17.65 CQFM Include In Report Type
.... 17.66 CQFM Is Test Case
.... 17.67 CQFM Operation
.... 17.68 CQFM Population Basis
.... 17.69 CQFM Rate Aggregation
.... 17.70 CQFM Risk Adjustment
.... 17.71 CQFM Scoring
.... 17.72 CQFM Scoring Precision
.... 17.73 CQFM Scoring Unit
.... 17.74 CQFM Supplemental Data Guidance
.... 17.75 CQFM Test Case Description
.... 17.76 CQFM Type
.... 17.77 CQFM Weight
.... 17.78 Chronic Liver Disease Legacy Example
.... 17.79 Computable Example
.... 17.80 Executable Example
.... 17.81 Artifact Comment Type
.... 17.82 CQL Version
.... 17.83 Quality Programs Example
.... 17.84 Value Filter Comparator
.... 17.85 Artifact Comment Type Codes
.... 17.86 CQL Version Codes
.... 17.87 Quality Programs Codes Example
.... 17.88 Aggregate Method mapping
.... 17.89 Composite Measure Scoring mapping
.... 17.90 Data Usage Mapping
.... 17.91 Improvement Notation Mapping
.... 17.92 Measure Population criteria mapping
.... 17.93 Measure Scoring mapping
.... 17.94 Measure Type mapping
.... 17.95 Device - Software System Example
.... 17.96 MeasureReport - Test Case Example
.... 17.97 Measure Content Bundle - Additional Supplemental Data Example
.... 17.98 Search Parameter - Library contained parameter name
.... 17.99 Search Parameter - Library expansion identifier
.... 17.100 Search Parameter - Valuset Keyword
.... 17.101 Bundle example
.... 17.102 Breast Cancer Screening
.... 17.103 Cervical Cancer Screening
.... 17.104 Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented
.... 17.105 Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults
.... 17.106 Preventive Care and Wellness All-Or-Nothing Composite
.... 17.107 Preventive Care and Wellness Opportunity Composite
.... 17.108 Preventive Care and Wellness Patient-level Linear Composite
.... 17.109 Preventive Care and Wellness Weighted Composite
.... 17.110 Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
.... 17.111 Multi-Rate Example Measure
.... 17.112 EXM108 - Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
.... 17.113 EXM124 - Cervical Cancer Screening
.... 17.114 EXM125 - Breast Cancer Screening
.... 17.115 EXM130 - Colorectal Cancer Screening Measure
.... 17.116 EXM146 - Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis
.... 17.117 EXM55 - Median Emergency Department Visit Duration
.... 17.118 EXM Measure
.... 17.119 EXM Ratio Measure
.... 17.120 EXM Promoting Interoperability Measure
.... 17.121 Risk Adjustment FHIR DSTU2
.... 17.122 Terminology FHIR
.... 17.123 ANCM Danger Signs Package