Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services
1.0.0 - STU1 Ethiopia flag

Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services, published by Jembi Health Systems. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Changes
... 3 Artifacts Summary
.... 3.1 Questionnaire - Family Index Case Contacts
.... 3.2 Questionnaire - Index Case Assessment
.... 3.3 Questionnaire - Index Case Screening
.... 3.4 Questionnaire - Pregnancy Status and Family Planning Method (FPM)
.... 3.5 Questionnaire - Sex Partner Information
.... 3.6 Blood Pressure Observation
.... 3.7 Care Plan - ART Treatment
.... 3.8 Care Plan - Cervical Cancer
.... 3.9 Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.10 Care Plan - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.11 Care Plan - TB Treatment
.... 3.12 Condition - Generic
.... 3.13 Condition - Opportunistic Infection
.... 3.14 Diagnostic Report - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.15 Diagnostic Report - CD4
.... 3.16 Diagnostic Report - Cervical Cancer
.... 3.17 Diagnostic Report - Creatinine
.... 3.18 Diagnostic Report - Generic
.... 3.19 Diagnostic Report - HGB
.... 3.20 Diagnostic Report - Viral Load
.... 3.21 Encounter - Entry Point From Outside the Current Facility
.... 3.22 Encounter - Initiated By The Facility Providing the Service
.... 3.23 Episode of Care
.... 3.24 Group - Patient's Family Members
.... 3.25 List - History of Past Medication
.... 3.26 List - History of Presenting Symptoms
.... 3.27 List - Medical History
.... 3.28 Location - Encounter Entry Point
.... 3.29 Medication - Represents a medication for TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.30 Medication - Represents an ARV Regimen
.... 3.31 Medication - Represents Medication For Opportunistic Infections
.... 3.32 Medication Administration - For Prescribed ARV Medication
.... 3.33 Medication Administration - For Prescribed Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Medication
.... 3.34 Medication Administration - For Prescribed Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Medication
.... 3.35 Medication Dispense - ARV
.... 3.36 Medication Dispense - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.37 Medication Dispense - Generic
.... 3.38 Medication Request - ARV
.... 3.39 Medication Request - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.40 Medication Request - Generic
.... 3.41 Medication Request - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.42 Medication Statement - ART
.... 3.43 Medication Statement - Generic
.... 3.44 Medication Statement - Opportunisic Infections (OI)
.... 3.45 Medication Statement - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.46 Observation - Absolute CD4 Count
.... 3.47 Observation - Active TB
.... 3.48 Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type
.... 3.49 Observation - Alternate TPT At Follow-up
.... 3.50 Observation - ART Eligibility Status
.... 3.51 Observation - ART Follow-up Status
.... 3.52 Observation - ART Not Started Plan For Next Step
.... 3.53 Observation - ARV Adherence
.... 3.54 Observation - ARV Regimen Category Type
.... 3.55 Observation - ARV Regimen Change
.... 3.56 Observation - ARV Regimen Change Reason
.... 3.57 Observation - ARV Regimen Side Effects
.... 3.58 Observation - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.59 Observation - Assessed for Pain
.... 3.60 Observation - BMI
.... 3.61 Observation - Breastfeeding Status
.... 3.62 Observation - CD4 Percentage
.... 3.63 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening
.... 3.64 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Accepted
.... 3.65 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Counselling Status
.... 3.66 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Method
.... 3.67 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Result
.... 3.68 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Type
.... 3.69 Observation - Cervical Cancer Treatment Received
.... 3.70 Observation - Children Developmental Milestone
.... 3.71 Observation - Confirmed HIV positive
.... 3.72 Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.73 Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence
.... 3.74 Observation - Counseled for HIV
.... 3.75 Observation - Creatinine
.... 3.76 Observation - Current HIV Treatment Therapy Duration
.... 3.77 Observation - Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD)
.... 3.78 Observation - Disclosure Status
.... 3.79 Observation - Edema
.... 3.80 Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling
.... 3.81 Observation - Family Member HIV Status
.... 3.82 Observation - Family Planning Method
.... 3.83 Observation - Fluconazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.84 Observation - Future Pregnancy Plans
.... 3.85 Observation - Generic
.... 3.86 Observation - Head Circumference
.... 3.87 Observation - Health Status
.... 3.88 Observation - Heart Rate
.... 3.89 Observation - Height
.... 3.90 Observation - HGB
.... 3.91 Observation - Highest Education
.... 3.92 Observation - HIV Prevention Plan
.... 3.93 Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome
.... 3.94 Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome Known
.... 3.95 Observation - HIV Program Status
.... 3.96 Observation - HIV Status Disclosure At Enrollment
.... 3.97 Observation - HIV Test Results
.... 3.98 Observation - HIV Treatment Prior to Enrollment
.... 3.99 Observation - INH At Follow-up
.... 3.100 Observation - Level of Pain
.... 3.101 Observation - Maternal HIV Status
.... 3.102 Observation - Mode of Delivery
.... 3.103 Observation - MUAC
.... 3.104 Observation - Number of Contacts Elicited For Index Case
.... 3.105 Observation - Nutritional Screening Result
.... 3.106 Observation - Nutritional Status
.... 3.107 Observation - Nutritional Suppliments Provided
.... 3.108 Observation - Operation Tripple Zero
.... 3.109 Observation - Patient Estimated Delivery Date
.... 3.110 Observation - Patient Functional Status
.... 3.111 Observation - Patient Last Menstrual Period
.... 3.112 Observation - Patient Occupation
.... 3.113 Observation - Physical Examinations
.... 3.114 Observation - Place of Delivery
.... 3.115 Observation - Pregnancy Status Reported
.... 3.116 Observation - Presenting Symptoms
.... 3.117 Observation - Reason ART Not Started
.... 3.118 Observation - Reason HIV Treatment Stopped
.... 3.119 Observation - Reason Not Eligibile For TPT
.... 3.120 Observation - Reason Why Eligible for ART
.... 3.121 Observation - Reasons for ARV Adherence
.... 3.122 Observation - Resides in Catchment Area
.... 3.123 Observation - Respiratory Rate
.... 3.124 Observation - Screened For TB
.... 3.125 Observation - Target Population
.... 3.126 Observation - TB Diagnostic Test Result
.... 3.127 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type
.... 3.128 Observation - TB Screening Result
.... 3.129 Observation - TB Treatment Started
.... 3.130 Observation - TB Treatment Status
.... 3.131 Observation - Temperature
.... 3.132 Observation - Tested for HIV
.... 3.133 Observation - Therapeutic/Supplementary Food
.... 3.134 Observation - TPT Eligibility
.... 3.135 Observation - TPT Started
.... 3.136 Observation - Treatment Completed
.... 3.137 Observation - Treatment Discontinued
.... 3.138 Observation - Viral Load Indication
.... 3.139 Observation - Viral Load Performed
.... 3.140 Observation - Viral Load Result
.... 3.141 Observation - Weight
.... 3.142 Observation - WHO HIV Stage
.... 3.143 Organization
.... 3.144 Patient
.... 3.145 Practitioner - General Practitioner
.... 3.146 Related Person - An individual Related to The Patient
.... 3.147 Service Request - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.148 Service Request - CD4
.... 3.149 Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening Method
.... 3.150 Service Request - Cervical Cancer Treatment
.... 3.151 Service Request - Creatinine
.... 3.152 Service Request - Enhanced Adherence Counselling
.... 3.153 Service Request - HGB
.... 3.154 Service Request - Incoming Referral Information
.... 3.155 Service Request - Patient Referral to PMTCT
.... 3.156 Service Request - PCR HIV Test
.... 3.157 Service Request - Request for Referral
.... 3.158 Service Request - TB Screening
.... 3.159 Service Request - Viral Load
.... 3.160 ServiceRequest - Generic
.... 3.161 Specimen - TB Screening
.... 3.162 Strict Coding
.... 3.163 Strict Quantity
.... 3.164 ARV Adherence
.... 3.165 ARV Regimen Side Effects
.... 3.166 Care Plan - Next Visit Date
.... 3.167 Challenge Anticipated With Regular Follow Up
.... 3.168 Cotrimoxazole Adherence
.... 3.169 Date and Time Associated with the Assertion
.... 3.170 Differentiated Service Delivery - Category
.... 3.171 Differentiated Service Delivery - Category Changed On Assessment Date?
.... 3.172 Differentiated Service Delivery - Details
.... 3.173 Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change
.... 3.174 Differentiated Service Delivery - Status
.... 3.175 Encounter Visit Type
.... 3.176 Family Planning Method
.... 3.177 HIV Prevention Plan
.... 3.178 Patient Relationship
.... 3.179 Reasons ART Stopped
.... 3.180 Reasons For Poor ARV Adherence
.... 3.181 Reasons Why Eligible for ART
.... 3.182 Residential Type
.... 3.183 Resource Value Reference
.... 3.184 Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure
.... 3.185 Active TB Diagnosis Codes
.... 3.186 Alternate TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes
.... 3.187 ART Eligibility Status
.... 3.188 ART Not Started - Plan For Next Step
.... 3.189 ARV Adherence
.... 3.190 ARV Drugs
.... 3.191 ARV Regimen Change Category
.... 3.192 ARV Regimen Change Type
.... 3.193 ARV Side Effects
.... 3.194 Cervical Cancer Screened
.... 3.195 Cervical Cancer Screening Method
.... 3.196 Cervical Cancer Screening Results
.... 3.197 Cervical Cancer Screening Type
.... 3.198 Cervical Cancer Treatment Received
.... 3.199 Children Developmental Milestone
.... 3.200 Differentiated Service Delivery - Assessment Status
.... 3.201 Differentiated Service Delivery - Category
.... 3.202 Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change
.... 3.203 Disclosure Stage
.... 3.204 EAC Given
.... 3.205 Edema Codes
.... 3.206 Encounter Locations
.... 3.207 Encounter Type
.... 3.208 Family Planning Method
.... 3.209 Final Outcome
.... 3.210 Follow Up Status
.... 3.211 Health Status
.... 3.212 HIV Postive Tracking Care Plan Activivity Codes
.... 3.213 HIV Prevention Plan
.... 3.214 HIV Status Codes
.... 3.215 HIV Test Results
.... 3.216 HIV Test Results
.... 3.217 HIV Test Types
.... 3.218 Mode Of Delivery
.... 3.219 Month Ordinal Codes
.... 3.220 Nature of Encounter
.... 3.221 Nutritional Screening Result
.... 3.222 Nutritional Status
.... 3.223 Nutritional Suppliments Provided
.... 3.224 Opportunistic Infection Medication Codes
.... 3.225 Opportunistic Infections
.... 3.226 Pain Scale
.... 3.227 Partner Case Closure Status
.... 3.228 Partner Notification Plan
.... 3.229 Patient Education Level
.... 3.230 Patient Functional Status
.... 3.231 Period of HIV Exposure
.... 3.232 Physical Examinations
.... 3.233 Physical Examinations Interpretation
.... 3.234 Place Of Delivery
.... 3.235 Presenting Symptoms
.... 3.236 Reason For ARV Regimen Change
.... 3.237 Reason For Stopping ART
.... 3.238 Reason Index Case Not Interviewed
.... 3.239 Reason Not Eligible for TPT Codes
.... 3.240 Reason Not Linked to Partner Services
.... 3.241 Reason Not Started ART
.... 3.242 Reason Partner Not Contacted
.... 3.243 Reason Partner Not Notified
.... 3.244 Reasons For ART Eligibility
.... 3.245 Reasons For Poor ARV Adherence
.... 3.246 Referral Reason
.... 3.247 Residential Type
.... 3.248 Service Providers
.... 3.249 Target Population Category
.... 3.250 TB Diagnostic Test Result Codes
.... 3.251 TB Screening Diagnostic Test Type Codes
.... 3.252 TB Screening Result Codes
.... 3.253 TB Screening Specimen Type Codes
.... 3.254 TB Screening Type Codes
.... 3.255 TB Treatment Status Codes
.... 3.256 TPT Prophylaxis Codes For Medication Requests
.... 3.257 TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes
.... 3.258 Treatment Outcome Codes
.... 3.259 Viral Load Indication
.... 3.260 Viral Load Indication
.... 3.261 Viral Load Status
.... 3.262 Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure
.... 3.263 WHO Stage
.... 3.264 Yes/No Codes
.... 3.265 Absent or Unknown
.... 3.266 ARV Drugs
.... 3.267 ARV Regimen Change Category
.... 3.268 ARV Regimen Substitue Type
.... 3.269 ARV Regimen Switch Type
.... 3.270 Cervical Cancer Screening Method
.... 3.271 Cervical Cancer Screening Results - HPV
.... 3.272 Cervical Cancer Screening Results - VIA
.... 3.273 Cervical Cancer Screening Type
.... 3.274 Children Developmental Milestone Codes
.... 3.275 Differentiated Service Delivery
.... 3.276 Differentiated Service Delivery - Category
.... 3.277 Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change
.... 3.278 EAC Given
.... 3.279 Eligility Status for ART Codes
.... 3.280 Eligility Status for TPT Codes
.... 3.281 Encounter Type Code For Entry From Outside Facility
.... 3.282 Index Case Sex Partner Questionnaire
.... 3.283 Nature of Encounter
.... 3.284 Nutritional Screening Result Codes
.... 3.285 Nutritional Suppliments Provided Codes
.... 3.286 Partner and Family-based Index Case Testing (FBICT)
.... 3.287 Partner Notification Plan
.... 3.288 Period of HIV Exposure
.... 3.289 Precancerous Lesion Treatment Received
.... 3.290 Proprietary Service Type
.... 3.291 Reasons For ART Eligibility
.... 3.292 Routine Indication Viral Load
.... 3.293 Suspicious Cancerous Treatment
.... 3.294 Target Population Category Codes
.... 3.295 Targeted Indication Viral Load
.... 3.296 TB Screening Diagnostic Test Type Codes
.... 3.297 TB Treatment Status Codes
.... 3.298 TPT Alternate Follow-Up Codes
.... 3.299 TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes
.... 3.300 Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure
.... 3.301 WHO Stage Codes
.... 3.302 Yes/No Codes
.... 3.303 Map Breastfeeding Question to an Observation
.... 3.304 Map Estimated Delivery Date Question to an Observation
.... 3.305 Map Family Planning Method Question to an Observation
.... 3.306 Map Last Menstrual Period Question to an Observation
.... 3.307 Map Observation Propietary Value CodeableConcept to a Standard CodeableConcept
.... 3.308 Map Pregnancy Future Plans Question to an Observation
.... 3.309 Map Pregnancy Status Question to an Observation
.... 3.310 Proprietary Breastfeeding Status to LOINC equivalent
.... 3.311 Proprietary Pregnancy Future Plans to LOINC equivalent
.... 3.312 Proprietary Pregnancy Status to LOINC equivalent
.... 3.313 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART
.... 3.314 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART and Regimen Switched
.... 3.315 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART With Adherence Indication
.... 3.316 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Initiated ART
.... 3.317 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Request For a Routine Viral Load
.... 3.318 ART Follow-up Care Plan - Request For CD4
.... 3.319 Bundle - NDR "Proposed Closest" Equivalent to the CDR (A "CLEAN" Representation)
.... 3.320 Bundle - NDR "Proposed Closest" Equivalent to the CDR (A "FULL" Representation)
.... 3.321 Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.322 Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy With Adherence Indication
.... 3.323 Care Plan - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.324 Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (HPV Method)
.... 3.325 Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (HPV Method) - Incl. the Service Request For Cryotherapy Treatment
.... 3.326 Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (VIA Method)
.... 3.327 Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (VIA Method) - Incl. the Service Request For Cryotherapy Treatment
.... 3.328 Care Plan - TB Treatment
.... 3.329 Condition - Bacterial Pneumonia
.... 3.330 Condition - Chronic Diarrhea
.... 3.331 Condition - Fever (Current)
.... 3.332 Condition - Fever (Past)
.... 3.333 Condition - Pulmonary Tuberculosis
.... 3.334 Diagnostic Report - Absolute CD4
.... 3.335 Diagnostic Report - Absolute CD4 with Percentage
.... 3.336 Diagnostic Report - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.337 Diagnostic Report - CD4 Percentage
.... 3.338 Diagnostic Report - Creatinine
.... 3.339 Diagnostic Report - HGB
.... 3.340 Diagnostic Report - Routine Viral Load
.... 3.341 Diagnostic Report - Targeted Viral Load
.... 3.342 Diagnostic Report - Tested Positive for Cervical Cancer (HPV)
.... 3.343 Diagnostic Report - Tested Positive for Cervical Cancer (VIA)
.... 3.344 Encounter - Patient Coming From Another Facility
.... 3.345 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient
.... 3.346 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (Which References RelatedPerson) With Entry From Within the Facility (ANC).
.... 3.347 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (With Absent or Unknown Class)
.... 3.348 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (With Service Type)
.... 3.349 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient Receiving ART and TB Treatment (Episode Of Care)
.... 3.350 Encounter - Referencing a General Patient With Entry From Within the Facility (TB Clinic).
.... 3.351 Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Outside the Facility is Now Referred Out)
.... 3.352 Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Outside the Facility)
.... 3.353 Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Within Facility)
.... 3.354 Episode of Care - ART (No Referral)
.... 3.355 Episode of Care - ART (Outgoing Referral)
.... 3.356 Episode of Care - HIV+ Patient Receiving ART and TB Treatment (Inlc. Episode of Care Identifier)
.... 3.357 Group - Patient and Child Relation (Not yet a patient)
.... 3.358 Group - Patient and Child Relation (Registered as a patient)
.... 3.359 List - History of Past Medication
.... 3.360 List - History of Presenting Symptoms
.... 3.361 List - Medical History
.... 3.362 Location - ANC
.... 3.363 Location - HIV Services
.... 3.364 Location - OPD1
.... 3.365 Location - Pediatrics
.... 3.366 Location - TB Clinic
.... 3.367 Medication - Represents a medication for TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.368 Medication - Represents an ARV Regimen
.... 3.369 Medication - Represents Cotrimoxazole For Opportunistic Infections
.... 3.370 Medication - Represents Fluconazole For Opportunistic Infections
.... 3.371 Medication Administration - For Prescribed ARV Medication
.... 3.372 Medication Administration - For Prescribed Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Medication
.... 3.373 Medication Administration - For Prescribed Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Medication
.... 3.374 Medication Dispense - ARV Regimen Prescribed For Status "Alive on ART"
.... 3.375 Medication Dispense - ARV Regimen Prescribed For Status "ART Initiated"
.... 3.376 Medication Dispense - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.377 Medication Request - ARV Prescribed to a Patient Who Initiated ART
.... 3.378 Medication Request - ARV Prescribed to a Patient Who is Alive On ART
.... 3.379 Medication Request - ARV Regimen Switch
.... 3.380 Medication Request - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy
.... 3.381 Medication Request - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.382 Medication Statement - ARV Treatment Follow Up
.... 3.383 Medication Statement - Cotrimoxazole
.... 3.384 Medication Statement - Fluconazole
.... 3.385 Medication Statement - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
.... 3.386 Medication Statement - Initiated ARV Treatment
.... 3.387 Medication Statement - Past ARV Treatment Initiated On (Still active)
.... 3.388 Medication Statement - Past ARV Treatment Initiated On (Stopped)
.... 3.389 Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Completed)
.... 3.390 Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Still active)
.... 3.391 Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Stopped)
.... 3.392 Medication Statement - Past INH (Completed)
.... 3.393 Medication Statement - Past INH (Still active)
.... 3.394 Nutritional Status
.... 3.395 Observation - 3HP At Follow-up
.... 3.396 Observation - 3HP Completed At Follow-up
.... 3.397 Observation - 3HR At Follow-up
.... 3.398 Observation - 3HR Discontinued At Follow-up
.... 3.399 Observation - A Related Person Who is Now a Patient, Started ART With Entry Point Within Facility (TB Clinic)
.... 3.400 Observation - Absolute CD4 Count
.... 3.401 Observation - Absolute CD4 Count Including Initiation of ART
.... 3.402 Observation - Active TB
.... 3.403 Observation - Active TB Completed
.... 3.404 Observation - Active TB Discontinued
.... 3.405 Observation - Alive and on ART
.... 3.406 Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HP"
.... 3.407 Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HP" and TPT was Completed
.... 3.408 Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HR"
.... 3.409 Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HR" and TPT was Discontinued
.... 3.410 Observation - ART Not Started
.... 3.411 Observation - ART Not Started Plan For Next Step
.... 3.412 Observation - ART Not Started With Specified Reasons
.... 3.413 Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Clinical failure
.... 3.414 Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Immunologic failure
.... 3.415 Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To New Drug Availability
.... 3.416 Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Virologic failure
.... 3.417 Observation - ARV Regimen Side Effects
.... 3.418 Observation - ARV Regimen Substituted
.... 3.419 Observation - ARV Regimen Substituted
.... 3.420 Observation - ARV Regimen Switched
.... 3.421 Observation - ARV Regimen Switched
.... 3.422 Observation - ARV Regimen Switched (incl. change reason)
.... 3.423 Observation - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.424 Observation - Assessed for Pain
.... 3.425 Observation - Blood Pressure
.... 3.426 Observation - BMI
.... 3.427 Observation - CD4 Percentage
.... 3.428 Observation - Cervical Cancer Negative Screening Result (HPV)
.... 3.429 Observation - Cervical Cancer Negative Screening Result (VIA)
.... 3.430 Observation - Cervical Cancer Positive Screening Result (HPV)
.... 3.431 Observation - Cervical Cancer Positive Screening Result (VIA)
.... 3.432 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Accepted
.... 3.433 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Done
.... 3.434 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening HPV Method
.... 3.435 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Not Accepted
.... 3.436 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Not Done
.... 3.437 Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Type
.... 3.438 Observation - Children Developmental Milestone
.... 3.439 Observation - Confirmed HIV positive After PCR Testing
.... 3.440 Observation - Confirmed HIV positive After Rapid Testing
.... 3.441 Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Not Started
.... 3.442 Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Started
.... 3.443 Observation - Counseled For Cervical Cancer Screening
.... 3.444 Observation - Counseled for HIV
.... 3.445 Observation - Counseled for HIV (Excl. Date Counselled)
.... 3.446 Observation - Counseled for HIV Then Tested for HIV
.... 3.447 Observation - Creatinine
.... 3.448 Observation - Current HIV Treatment Therapy Duration
.... 3.449 Observation - Disclosure Status
.... 3.450 Observation - Does Not Reside Within Catchment Area
.... 3.451 Observation - DSD Assessment (Status and Category only)
.... 3.452 Observation - Eligible For ART (With Reasons For Eligibility)
.... 3.453 Observation - Eligible For ART (Without Reasons For Eligibility)
.... 3.454 Observation - Eligible For TPT
.... 3.455 Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Not Provided
.... 3.456 Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Provided
.... 3.457 Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Provided As a Step In the ART Care Plan
.... 3.458 Observation - Enrolled to Operation Tripple Zero
.... 3.459 Observation - Estimated Delivery Date
.... 3.460 Observation - Examination of HEENT
.... 3.461 Observation - Examination of Lymph node
.... 3.462 Observation - Fair ARV Adherence
.... 3.463 Observation - Family Member HIV Status (FULL)
.... 3.464 Observation - Final Outcome is "Confirmed Referral"
.... 3.465 Observation - Final Outcome is "Started ART"
.... 3.466 Observation - Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Started
.... 3.467 Observation - Full DSD Assessment (All Details)
.... 3.468 Observation - Future Pregnancy Plans
.... 3.469 Observation - Good ARV Adherence
.... 3.470 Observation - Good Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence
.... 3.471 Observation - Head Circumference
.... 3.472 Observation - Health Status
.... 3.473 Observation - Health Status (Index Case Contact - Family Member)
.... 3.474 Observation - Health Status (Index Case Contact - Sex Partner)
.... 3.475 Observation - Heart Rate
.... 3.476 Observation - Height
.... 3.477 Observation - HGB
.... 3.478 Observation - Highest Education
.... 3.479 Observation - HIV Prevention Plan
.... 3.480 Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known"
.... 3.481 Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known" With an Outcome of "Confirmed Referral"
.... 3.482 Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known" With an Outcome of "Started ART"
.... 3.483 Observation - HIV Status Disclosure At Enrollment
.... 3.484 Observation - HIV Test Results
.... 3.485 Observation - HIV Treatment Prior to Enrollment
.... 3.486 Observation - INH Completed At Follow-up
.... 3.487 Observation - INH1 At Follow-up
.... 3.488 Observation - Initiated On ART
.... 3.489 Observation - Last Menstrual Period
.... 3.490 Observation - Level of Pain
.... 3.491 Observation - Linked To Care
.... 3.492 Observation - Linked To Care and initiated ART
.... 3.493 Observation - Lost to ART
.... 3.494 Observation - Maternal HIV Status is Known Positive
.... 3.495 Observation - Maternal HIV Status is Unknown
.... 3.496 Observation - Mode of Delivery
.... 3.497 Observation - Not Assessed for Pain
.... 3.498 Observation - Not Counseled For Cervical Cancer Screening
.... 3.499 Observation - Not Eligible For ART
.... 3.500 Observation - Not Eligible For TPT
.... 3.501 Observation - Not Enrolled to Operation Tripple Zero
.... 3.502 Observation - Not Screened For TB
.... 3.503 Observation - Number of Contacts Elicited For Index Case
.... 3.504 Observation - Nutritional Screening Result
.... 3.505 Observation - Nutritional Suppliments Provided
.... 3.506 Observation - Patient Edema
.... 3.507 Observation - Patient Family Planning Method
.... 3.508 Observation - Patient Functional Status
.... 3.509 Observation - Patient MUAC
.... 3.510 Observation - Patient Occupation
.... 3.511 Observation - Patient WHO Stage
.... 3.512 Observation - Place of Delivery
.... 3.513 Observation - Pregnancy Status
.... 3.514 Observation - Presenting Symptoms (Fever)
.... 3.515 Observation - Presenting Symptoms (Nausea)
.... 3.516 Observation - Reason ART Not Started
.... 3.517 Observation - Reason ART Not Started With Plan For Next Steps
.... 3.518 Observation - Reason For Stopping ART
.... 3.519 Observation - Reason Not Eligibile For TPT
.... 3.520 Observation - Reason Why Eligible for ART
.... 3.521 Observation - Reasons for ARV Adherence
.... 3.522 Observation - Received Cryotherapy Treatment For the HPV+ Diagnosis
.... 3.523 Observation - Received Cryotherapy Treatment For the VIA+ Diagnosis
.... 3.524 Observation - Resides in Catchment Area
.... 3.525 Observation - Respiratory Rate
.... 3.526 Observation - Restart
.... 3.527 Observation - Routine Viral Load
.... 3.528 Observation - Routine Viral Load As a Step In the ART Care Plan
.... 3.529 Observation - Screened For TB (TB Positive)
.... 3.530 Observation - Started ART
.... 3.531 Observation - Started ART and The Final Outcome Is Known
.... 3.532 Observation - Started ART With Entry Point From Outside the Facility
.... 3.533 Observation - Started ART With Entry Point Within Facility (TB Clinic)
.... 3.534 Observation - Stopped ART
.... 3.535 Observation - Stopped Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence
.... 3.536 Observation - Suppressed Viral Load Result
.... 3.537 Observation - Target Population
.... 3.538 Observation - Targeted Viral Load
.... 3.539 Observation - TB Diagnostic Test Result
.... 3.540 Observation - TB Negative Screening
.... 3.541 Observation - TB Positive Screening
.... 3.542 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Alternate" (3HP)
.... 3.543 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Alternate" (3HR)
.... 3.544 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)"
.... 3.545 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)" at Follow-up
.... 3.546 Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)" at Follow-up and TPT was completed
.... 3.547 Observation - TB Treatment Not Started
.... 3.548 Observation - TB Treatment Not Started After Diagnostic Test
.... 3.549 Observation - TB Treatment Started
.... 3.550 Observation - TB Treatment Started After Diagnostic Test
.... 3.551 Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx-completed)
.... 3.552 Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx-discontinued)
.... 3.553 Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx1)
.... 3.554 Observation - Temperature
.... 3.555 Observation - Tested for HIV
.... 3.556 Observation - Tested for HIV (Excl. Date When Last Tested)
.... 3.557 Observation - Tested for HIV (Inlc. HIV Confirmation Test)
.... 3.558 Observation - Therapeutic/Supplementary Food
.... 3.559 Observation - TPT Completed
.... 3.560 Observation - TPT Discontinued
.... 3.561 Observation - TPT Started
.... 3.562 Observation - TPT Started with INH
.... 3.563 Observation - Unsuppressed Viral Load Result
.... 3.564 Observation - Viral Load Not Performed
.... 3.565 Observation - Viral Load Performed
.... 3.566 Observation - Weight
.... 3.567 Observation Breastfeeding Status
.... 3.568 Organization - Current Facility
.... 3.569 Organization - Outreach Facility
.... 3.570 Patient - Child, Related to the Patient, Becomes a Patient
.... 3.571 Patient - General
.... 3.572 Patient - Sexual Partner Related to the Index Case is Registered as a Patient
.... 3.573 Patient - With Child Relationship
.... 3.574 Patient - With Partner Relationship
.... 3.575 Practitioner - General Practitioner
.... 3.576 Pregnancy Status Reported - Not Pregnant
.... 3.577 Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Example 1)
.... 3.578 Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Example 2)
.... 3.579 Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Full Example)
.... 3.580 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 1)
.... 3.581 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 2)
.... 3.582 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 3)
.... 3.583 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 4)
.... 3.584 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Full Example)
.... 3.585 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Example 1)
.... 3.586 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Example 2)
.... 3.587 Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Full Example)
.... 3.588 Questionnaire Response - Pregnancy Status and Family Planning Method (FPM)
.... 3.589 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 1)
.... 3.590 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 10)
.... 3.591 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 2)
.... 3.592 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 3)
.... 3.593 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 4)
.... 3.594 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 5)
.... 3.595 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 6)
.... 3.596 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 7)
.... 3.597 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 8)
.... 3.598 Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 9)
.... 3.599 RelatedPerson - Child Relation
.... 3.600 RelatedPerson - Family Member Relation
.... 3.601 RelatedPerson - Sexual Partner
.... 3.602 Service Request - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
.... 3.603 Service Request - CD4
.... 3.604 Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening HPV Method
.... 3.605 Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening VIA Method
.... 3.606 Service Request - Creatinine
.... 3.607 Service Request - Enhanced Adherence Counselling
.... 3.608 Service Request - HGB
.... 3.609 Service Request - Incoming Referral From Outside Facility - (New ART Client)
.... 3.610 Service Request - Incoming Referral From Within Facility - (Existing ART Client)
.... 3.611 Service Request - PCR HIV Test
.... 3.612 Service Request - Referred to PMTCT
.... 3.613 Service Request - Request for Cryotherapy as Treatment for Cervical Cancer (HPV Positive)
.... 3.614 Service Request - Request for Cryotherapy as Treatment for Cervical Cancer (VIA Positive)
.... 3.615 Service Request - Request for Referral
.... 3.616 Service Request - Routine Viral Load
.... 3.617 Service Request - Targeted Viral Load
.... 3.618 Service Request - TB Screening
.... 3.619 Specimen - TB Screening