Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services
1.0.0 - STU1 Ethiopia flag

Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services, published by Jembi Health Systems. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 9)

Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse IndexCaseSexPartnerExample9

.. IndexCaseSexPartnerExample9Questionnaire:Questionnaire - Sex Partner Information
... 1.1Date of last exposure2008-10-13
... 1.2Period of exposure if the exact date of exposure is not knownPeriod of HIV Exposure <3Mths: Less than 3 months
... 1.3Priority category2
... 2
.... 2.1Violence Assessment CompletedYes/No Codes true: Yes
.... 2.2Have you been kicked, hit, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt by your partnerYes/No Codes false: No
.... 2.3Has you partner ever threatened to hurt youYes/No Codes false: No
.... 2.4Has you partner ever forced or coerced you to engage in unwanted sexual activityYes/No Codes true: Yes
... 3
.... 3.1What is the plan for notifying the partner regarding the index case's HIV statusPartner Notification Plan Provider-Referral: Provider Referral
.... 3.2Was the partner notifiedYes/No Codes false: No
.... 3.3Reason for not being notifiedLogical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) LA46-8: Other
.... 3.4Other Reason for not being notifiedsome reason
.... 3.5Date notification offered2008-10-13
.... 3.7Reason partner not contactedLogical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) LA46-8: Other
.... 3.8Other Reason partner not contactedsome reason
... 4
.... 4.1Has the partner been previsouly tested for HIVYes/No Codes true: Yes
.... 4.2Date of previous HIV test2007-10-13
.... 4.3Previous HIV test result1001 copies/mL (Details: UCUM code1/mL = '1/mL')
... 5
.... 5.1Will the partner be tested for HIVYes/No Codes true: Yes
.... 5.2Date of HIV test2007-10-13
.... 5.3HIV test result988 copies/mL (Details: UCUM code1/mL = '1/mL')
... 6
.... 6.1Is the newly diagnosed partner linked to partner servicesYes/No Codes false: No
.... 6.2Reason why the newly diagnosed partner is not linked to partner servicesLogical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) LA46-8: Other
.... 6.3Other Reason for not being notifiedsome reason
... 7
.... 7.1Has the partner started ARTYes/No Codes true: Yes
.... 7.2Partner identifiersJane Smith Female, DoB: 1982-04-12 (
... 8.1Case closure statusLogical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC) LA4389-8: Refused

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