Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services
1.0.0 - STU1 Ethiopia flag

Ethiopia FHIR Implementation Guide - HIV Treatment & Care Services, published by Jembi Health Systems. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Questionnaires

These define forms used by systems conforming to this implementation guide to capture or expose data to end users.

Questionnaire - Family Index Case Contacts

A questionaire that assesses the HIV and health status for index case contacts.

Questionnaire - Index Case Assessment

A questionaire that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire - Index Case Screening

A questionaire that provides eligibility criteria for the index case screening.

Questionnaire - Pregnancy Status and Family Planning Method (FPM)

A questionaire that provides the questions to for pregnancy status and FPM.

Questionnaire - Sex Partner Information

A questionaire that captures information for index case sex partners.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Blood Pressure Observation

Represents the patient's blood pressure.

Care Plan - ART Treatment

Used to record the ART treatment and care details for the patient.

Care Plan - Cervical Cancer

Used to record the cervical cancer details for the patient.

Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for the patient.

Care Plan - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to record the TPT details for the patient.

Care Plan - TB Treatment

Used to record the TB treatment details for the patient.

Condition - Generic

Base Condition elements that are inherited by other Condition profiles.

Condition - Opportunistic Infection

Captures the opportunistic infections that the patient is currently/was previsouly suffering from.

Diagnostic Report - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Represents the results for AST and ALT.

Diagnostic Report - CD4

Represents the results for CD4.

Diagnostic Report - Cervical Cancer

Represents the results for the cervical cancer screening.

Diagnostic Report - Creatinine

Represents the results for creatinine.

Diagnostic Report - Generic

Base DiagnosticReport elements that are inherited by other DiagnosticReport profiles.

Diagnostic Report - HGB

Represents the results for Hemoglobin (HGB).

Diagnostic Report - Viral Load

Represents the results for viral load.

Encounter - Entry Point From Outside the Current Facility

Represents the other facility where the patient did receive health services and is now continuing care at the current facility.

Encounter - Initiated By The Facility Providing the Service

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Episode of Care

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV, TB and Cervical Cancer treatment and care services.

Group - Patient's Family Members

Represents the patient and the family members being referenced as part of healthcare-related activity

List - History of Past Medication

Documents the medication history of previsouly prescribed (cotrimoxazole, isoniazid and ARV) treatment for the patient.

List - History of Presenting Symptoms

Documents the point in time symptoms presented by the patient in the context of the encounter.

List - Medical History

Documents the medical history for the patient

Location - Encounter Entry Point

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Medication - Represents Medication For Opportunistic Infections

Used to record the OI medication that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication - Represents a medication for TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to record the TPT medication that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication - Represents an ARV Regimen

Used to record the ARV regimen that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed ARV Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed ARV medication.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed cotrimoxazole preventive therapy medication.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed fluconazole preventive therapy medication.

Medication Dispense - ARV

Used to represent dispensed ARV medication prescribed to a patient.

Medication Dispense - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to represent dispensed medication prescribed to a patient receiving cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Medication Dispense - Generic

Base Medication Request elements that are inherited by other Medication Request profiles.

Medication Request - ARV

Used to record requests for ARV medication that are prescribed to a patient.

Medication Request - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to record requests for medication that are prescribed to a patient receiving cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Medication Request - Generic

Base Medication Request elements that are inherited by other Medication Request profiles.

Medication Request - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to record requests for TPT medication that are prescribed to a patient.

Medication Statement - ART

Records the medication history for the HIV+ patient.

Medication Statement - Generic

Base Medication Statement elements that are inherited by other Medication Statement profiles.

Medication Statement - Opportunisic Infections (OI)

Records the medication history for a patient suffering from OI's.

Medication Statement - TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Records the medication history for the patient receiving TPT medication.

Observation - ART Eligibility Status

Represents the patient's eligibility status for ART

Observation - ART Follow-up Status

Represents the patient's current ART follow-up status.

Observation - ART Not Started Plan For Next Step

Represents the plan for next steps for a patient who did not start ART.

Observation - ARV Adherence

Represents the patient's ARV Adherence

Observation - ARV Regimen Category Type

This is used to record the type for the ARV regimen change category.

Observation - ARV Regimen Change

This is used to capture the ARV regimen change category and its details.

Observation - ARV Regimen Change Reason

This is used to capture the reason for the ARV regimen change.

Observation - ARV Regimen Side Effects

This is used to capture the any side affects as a result of taking ARV medication.

Observation - Absolute CD4 Count

Used to record the patient's absolute CD4 count.

Observation - Active TB

Documents the whether the patient is TB Active.

Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type

Documents the alternate type of prophylaxis the patient is currently receiving.

Observation - Alternate TPT At Follow-up

Documents the alternate TPT at follow-up.

Observation - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Used to record the patient's AST and ALT.

Observation - Assessed for Pain

Documents whether the patient has been assessed for pain.

Observation - BMI

Represents the patient's BMI.

Observation - Breastfeeding Status

Represents whether the patient is currently breatfeeding.

Observation - CD4 Percentage

Used to record the patient's CD4 percentage.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening

Represents the cervical cancer screening details.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Accepted

Indicates whether the patient accepted cervical cancer screening.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Counselling Status

Indicates whether the patient was counselled for cervical cancer.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Method

This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening method.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Result

This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening result.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Type

This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening type.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Treatment Received

This is used to record the date the patient received cervical cancer treatment.

Observation - Children Developmental Milestone

Represents the child's developmental milestone.

Observation - Confirmed HIV positive

Represents the date the patient was confirmed HIV positive.

Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to indicate whether the patient has started cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence

Represents the patient's cotrimoxazole preventive therapy Adherence

Observation - Counseled for HIV

Used to determine whether the patient has been counseled for HIV testing (pre-test).

Observation - Creatinine

Used to record the patient's creatinine.

Observation - Current HIV Treatment Therapy Duration

Indicates the duration the patient has been on the current ART.

Observation - Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD)

Represents the DSD details.

Observation - Disclosure Status

Documents the disclosure of HIV status for minors.

Observation - Edema

Indicates the presence of Edema.

Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling

Indicates whether the patient has been provided with enhanced adherence counselling.

Observation - Family Member HIV Status

This is used to record the family member's HIV status.

Observation - Family Planning Method

Represents the patient's Family Planning Method.

Observation - Fluconazole Preventive Therapy

Used to indicate whether the patient has started fluconazole preventive therapy.

Observation - Future Pregnancy Plans

Represents whether the patient plans to be pregnant in the future.

Observation - Generic

Base Observation elements that are inherited by other Observation profiles.

Observation - HGB

Used to record the patient's Hemoglobin (HGB).

Observation - HIV Prevention Plan

Indicates the HIV prevention plan agreed between the clinician and the patient.

Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome

Represents the final outcome for the patient who is enrolled into the HIV program.

Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome Known

Indicates whether the final outcome is known for the patient who is enrolled into the HIV program.

Observation - HIV Program Status

Represents the patient's HIV program status.

Observation - HIV Status Disclosure At Enrollment

Used to determine whether the patient or their child's HIV Status is known, and by who.

Observation - HIV Test Results

This is used to record the patient's HIV test results.

Observation - HIV Treatment Prior to Enrollment

Indicates whether the patient has ever received ART prior to enrollment in the current facility.

Observation - Head Circumference

Represents the patient's Head Circumference.

Observation - Health Status

This is used to record the individual's health status.

Observation - Heart Rate

Indicates the patient's current heart rate.

Observation - Height

Represents the patient's height.

Observation - Highest Education

Represents the patient's highest education.

Observation - INH At Follow-up

Indicates that the patient is receiving INH at follow-up.

Observation - Level of Pain

Indicates the level of pain the patient is experiencing.

Observation - MUAC

Measuring thae patient's mid upper arm circumference.

Observation - Maternal HIV Status

Documents the mother's HIV status.

Observation - Mode of Delivery

This is used to record the mode of delivery for a patient who is < 6yrs of age.

Observation - Number of Contacts Elicited For Index Case

Documents the total number of contacts elicited for the index case.

Observation - Nutritional Screening Result

Represents the patient's Nutritional Screening Result.

Observation - Nutritional Status

Represents the patient's Nutritional Status.

Observation - Nutritional Suppliments Provided

Represents the patient's Nutritional Suppliments Provided.

Observation - Operation Tripple Zero

Indicates whether the patient was enrolled into the specialised program, OTZ.

Observation - Patient Estimated Delivery Date

Represents the patient's Estimated Delivery Date.

Observation - Patient Functional Status

Represents the patient's functional status.

Observation - Patient Last Menstrual Period

Represents the patient's Last Menstrual Period.

Observation - Patient Occupation

Represents the patient's current occupation.

Observation - Physical Examinations

Documents the outcome of findings associated with physical observations asserted during the context of the encounter.

Observation - Place of Delivery

This is used to record the place of delivery for a patient who is < 6yrs of age.

Observation - Pregnancy Status Reported

Represents whether the patient is currently pregnant.

Observation - Presenting Symptoms

Indicates any symptoms presented by the patient in the context of the encounter.

Observation - Reason ART Not Started

Represents the reason for the patient not starting ART.

Observation - Reason HIV Treatment Stopped

Represents the reasons for the patient stopping HIV treatment.

Observation - Reason Not Eligibile For TPT

Documents the reason why the patient is not eligibile for TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - Reason Why Eligible for ART

Represents the reasons why a patient is considered eligibile for ART.

Observation - Reasons for ARV Adherence

Represents the reasons for poor ARV Adherence

Observation - Resides in Catchment Area

This is used to indicate whether the patient resides in the catchment area.

Observation - Respiratory Rate

Indicates the patient's current respiratory rate.

Observation - Screened For TB

Documents whether the patient was screened for TB.

Observation - TB Diagnostic Test Result

Documents the patient's diagnostic test result.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type

Documents the type of prophylaxis the patient is currently receiving.

Observation - TB Screening Result

Documents the patient's TB screening result.

Observation - TB Treatment Started

Documents whether the patient has started TB treatment.

Observation - TB Treatment Status

Documents the patient's TB treatment status.

Observation - TPT Eligibility

Documents whether the patient is eligibile for TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - TPT Started

Documents the date when the patient started TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - Target Population

Represents the patient's targeted population.

Observation - Temperature

Indicates the patient's current temperature.

Observation - Tested for HIV

Used to determine whether the patient has tested for HIV.

Observation - Therapeutic/Supplementary Food

Represents the patient's Therapeutic/Supplementary Food.

Observation - Treatment Completed

Documents the details for the patient who completed treatment.

Observation - Treatment Discontinued

Documents the details for the patient who discontinued treatment.

Observation - Viral Load Indication

This is used to represent the viral load indication.

Observation - Viral Load Performed

This is used to indicate whether a viral load was performed.

Observation - Viral Load Result

Represents the patient's Viral Load Result.

Observation - WHO HIV Stage

Represents the patient's HIV WHO stage.

Observation - Weight

Represents the patient's weight.


Organization providing health related services.


Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Practitioner - General Practitioner

Represents the practitioner who participated in the observation.

Related Person - An individual Related to The Patient

Is used to record the personal information of the person that is related to the patient.

Service Request - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Represents the service request for AST and ALT.

Service Request - CD4

Represents the service request for CD4.

Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening Method

Represents the service request for the method of cervical cancer screening.

Service Request - Cervical Cancer Treatment

Represents the service request for the cervical cancer treatment.

Service Request - Creatinine

Represents the service request for creatinine.

Service Request - Enhanced Adherence Counselling

Represents the service request for enhanced adherence counselling.

Service Request - HGB

Represents the service request for Hemoglobin (HGB).

Service Request - Incoming Referral Information

Used to capture a patient's referral information.

Service Request - PCR HIV Test

Represents the service request for PCR HIV testing.

Service Request - Patient Referral to PMTCT

Represents a service request for the patient's referral to PMTCT.

Service Request - Request for Referral

Service request used to make a request for a referral.

Service Request - TB Screening

Service request used to examine the specimen taken during TB screening.

Service Request - Viral Load

Represents the service request for viral load.

ServiceRequest - Generic

Base ServiceRequest elements that are inherited by other ServiceRequest profiles.

Specimen - TB Screening

The specimen that will be used during a TB laboratory examination.

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Strict Coding

Strict requirements for elements using the Coding data types.

Strict Quantity

Strict requirements for quantity-based measurements.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ARV Adherence

This is an extension to capture the Observation for ARV adherence.

ARV Regimen Side Effects

This is an extension to capture the side effects associated with taking the prescrived ARV regimen.

Care Plan - Next Visit Date

This is an extension to capture the next visit date for the patient's follow-up treatment.

Challenge Anticipated With Regular Follow Up

This is an extension to capture whether challenges are anticipated with patient follow up at this facility.

Cotrimoxazole Adherence

This is an extension to capture the Observation for cotrimoxazole adherence.

Date and Time Associated with the Assertion

Represents the date and time to be documented together with the assertion. This is not necessarily the same date and time the Observation was created! For example, it can be used to record a date and time in the past to indicate when a patient reached a certin clinical status.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Category

This is an extension to capture the category for the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Category Changed On Assessment Date?

This is an extension to capture whether the category for DSD was changed on the same day as the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Details

This is an extension to capture all the details regarding the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change

This is an extension to capture the reason for the change in category for the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Status

This is an extension to capture the status of the DSD assessment.

Encounter Visit Type

This is an extension to capture whether the visit is scheduled or unscheduled.

Family Planning Method

This is an extension to capture family planning methods.

HIV Prevention Plan

This is an extension to capture the patient's plan for the prevention of HIV being transmitted to others.

Patient Relationship

This is an extension to capture the relationship of the person with whom the HIV status was disclosed.

Reasons ART Stopped

This is an extension to capture the reasons for stopping ART.

Reasons For Poor ARV Adherence

This is an extension to capture the reasons for poor ARV adherence.

Reasons Why Eligible for ART

This is an extension to capture the reasons why the patient is considered eligible for ART.

Residential Type

This is an extension to capture the residential type associated with the address.

Resource Value Reference

This is an extension to assoiciate a referenced resource to support the answer to the questionnaire resource question.

Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure

This is an extension to capture the classification of the Viral Load/CD4 treatment failure.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ART Eligibility Status

ART Eligibility Status

ART Not Started - Plan For Next Step

Codes used for representing the plan for next steps when a patient didn't start ART the same day.

ARV Adherence

ARV Adherence

ARV Drugs

A list of codes describing the ARV Drugs.

ARV Regimen Change Category

Codes used for representing the category for the ARV regimen change.

ARV Regimen Change Type

Codes used for representing the type of change associated with the ARV regimen (Switch or Substitute).

ARV Side Effects

Codes used for representing any side effects of the ARV medication prescribed to the patient.

Active TB Diagnosis Codes

A list of codes describing whether the patient is infected with active TB.

Alternate TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes

A list of codes describing the alternate TPT prophylaxis types to INH.

Cervical Cancer Screened

Codes used for representing whether screening for cervical cancer was done.

Cervical Cancer Screening Method

Cervical Cancer Screening Method.

Cervical Cancer Screening Results

A list of codes describing the Cervical Cancer Screening Results

Cervical Cancer Screening Type

Codes used for representing the cervical screening type.

Cervical Cancer Treatment Received

Cervical Cancer Treatment Received

Children Developmental Milestone

Children Developmental Milestone

Differentiated Service Delivery - Assessment Status

Code used for indicating the status of the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Category

Code used for indicating the category for the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change

Code used for indicating the reason for the category change for the DSD assessment.

Disclosure Stage

Codes used for representing the stages of disclosure for the patient's current HIV status.

EAC Given

Codes used for representing the EAC given.

Edema Codes

Observation codes used for indicating the prescence of Edema.

Encounter Locations

Code used for representing the location where the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter Type

Codes used for indicating the type of encounter.

Family Planning Method

Family Planning Method

Final Outcome

Final Outcome

Follow Up Status

FollowUp Status

HIV Postive Tracking Care Plan Activivity Codes

Codes used for representing activity in the Care Plan.

HIV Prevention Plan

Codes used for representing the patient's plan for the prevention of HIV being transmitted to others.

HIV Status Codes

A list of codes describing the patient's HIV status.

HIV Test Results

Codes used for representing a patient HIV test results.

HIV Test Results

HIV Test Results

HIV Test Types

HIV Test Types

Health Status

Codes used for representing a patient health status.

Mode Of Delivery

Codes used for representing mode of delivery.

Month Ordinal Codes

A list of codes indicating the month ordinals.

Nature of Encounter

A list of codes describing the nature of the patient visit to the health facility

Nutritional Screening Result

Nutritional Screening Result

Nutritional Status

Nutritional Status

Nutritional Suppliments Provided

Nutritional Suppliments Provided

Opportunistic Infection Medication Codes

A list of codes describing the medication for opportunistic infections related to the patient.

Opportunistic Infections

Codes used for representing opportunistic infections.

Pain Scale

Codes used for representing level of pain (pain scale).

Partner Case Closure Status

Codes used for indicating the closure status for partner services.

Partner Notification Plan

Codes used for indicating the plan for notifying the partner regarding the index case's HIV status.

Patient Education Level

Codes used for indicating the patient's highest qualification.

Patient Functional Status

Patient Functional Status

Period of HIV Exposure

Codes used for indicating the period when last the individual was exposed to HIV.

Physical Examinations

Codes used for representing a physical examination.

Physical Examinations Interpretation

Codes used for interpreting the finding associated with the physical examination.

Place Of Delivery

Codes used for representing place of delivery.

Presenting Symptoms

Codes used for representing the symptoms currently being experienced by the patient.

Reason For ARV Regimen Change

Codes used for representing the reasons for changing the ARV regimen.

Reason For Stopping ART

Codes used for representing the reasons for stopping ART.

Reason Index Case Not Interviewed

Codes used for indicating the reason why the index case was not interviewed.

Reason Not Eligible for TPT Codes

A list of codes used for indicating the reason why the patient is not eligible for TPT.

Reason Not Linked to Partner Services

Codes used for indicating the reason why the partner was not linked to partner services.

Reason Not Started ART

Reason Not Started ART

Reason Partner Not Contacted

Codes used for indicating the reason why the partner was not contacted.

Reason Partner Not Notified

Codes used for indicating the reason why the partner was not notified about the index case's HIV status.

Reasons For ART Eligibility

Reasons For ART Eligibility

Reasons For Poor ARV Adherence

Codes used for representing the reasons for poor ARV adherence.

Referral Reason

Codes used for representing the reason for referral.

Residential Type

Codes used for representing patient residential type.

Service Providers

Code used for representing the classification of organizations providing health services.

TB Diagnostic Test Result Codes

A list of codes describing a TB diagnostic test result.

TB Screening Diagnostic Test Type Codes

A list of codes describing the types of diagnostic tests that can be peformed on the specimen taken during TB screening.

TB Screening Result Codes

A list of codes describing the result of the TB Screening.

TB Screening Specimen Type Codes

A list of codes describing the specimen types that can be taken during TB Screening for the laboratory examination.

TB Screening Type Codes

A list of codes describing the Type of TB Screening.

TB Treatment Status Codes

A list of codes describing the status of TB treatment.

TPT Prophylaxis Codes For Medication Requests

A list of codes describing the different codes used during a request for TPT medication.

TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes

A list of codes describing the TPT prophylaxis type.

Target Population Category

Codes used for representing the patient's target population category

Treatment Outcome Codes

A list of codes indicating the status of the treatment.

Viral Load Indication

Codes used for representing viral load indication.

Viral Load Indication

Codes used for representing the indication type for the viral load.

Viral Load Status

Codes used for representing patient's viral load status.

Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure

Codes used for indicating the classification for the Viral Load/CD4 count treatment failure.

WHO Stage

WHO Stage

Yes/No Codes

Yes/No Codes Represented as Boolean.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ARV Drugs

A list of codes describing the ARV Drugs.

ARV Regimen Change Category

Codes used for representing the category for the ARV regimen change.

ARV Regimen Substitue Type

Codes used for representing the type for the ARV regimen substitued.

ARV Regimen Switch Type

Codes used for representing the type for the ARV regimen switched.

Absent or Unknown

Codes used for indicating when a value is absent or unknown.

Cervical Cancer Screening Method

A list of codes describing the Cervical Cancer Screening Method

Cervical Cancer Screening Results - HPV

A list of codes describing the Cervical Cancer Screening Results

Cervical Cancer Screening Results - VIA

A list of codes describing the Cervical Cancer Screening Results

Cervical Cancer Screening Type

Codes used for representing the cervical screening type.

Children Developmental Milestone Codes

Code used for representing the child's developmental milestone.

Differentiated Service Delivery

Code used for indicating a DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Category

Code used for indicating the category for the DSD assessment.

Differentiated Service Delivery - Reason For Category Change

Code used for indicating the reason for the category change for the DSD assessment.

EAC Given

Codes used for representing the EAC given.

Eligility Status for ART Codes

Observation codes used for indicating patient eligibility for ART.

Eligility Status for TPT Codes

Observation codes used for indicating whether the patient is eligible for TPT.

Encounter Type Code For Entry From Outside Facility

Code used for indicating that an encounter was captured to represent an entry point from outside the facility.

Index Case Sex Partner Questionnaire

Proprietary Codes used in the Index Case Partner Questionnaire.

Nature of Encounter

A list of codes describing the nature of the patient visit to the health facility

Nutritional Screening Result Codes

Codes used for representing the patient's nutritional screening result.

Nutritional Suppliments Provided Codes

Code used for representing the patient's nutritional suppliments provided.

Partner Notification Plan

Codes used for indicating the plan for notifying the partner regarding the index case's HIV status.

Partner and Family-based Index Case Testing (FBICT)

Codes used for indicating the patient's status for partner and FBICT.

Period of HIV Exposure

Codes used for indicating the period when last the individual was exposed to HIV.

Precancerous Lesion Treatment Received

A list of codes describing the precancerous lesion treatment received

Proprietary Service Type

Codes used for indicating a proprietary encounter service type.

Reasons For ART Eligibility

Reasons For ART Eligibility

Routine Indication Viral Load

Codes used for representing routine indication for viral load.

Suspicious Cancerous Treatment

A list of codes describing the suspicious Cancerous treatment

TB Screening Diagnostic Test Type Codes

A list of codes describing the types of diagnostic tests that can be peformed on the specimen taken during TB screening.

TB Treatment Status Codes

A list of codes describing the status of TB treatment.

TPT Alternate Follow-Up Codes

A code indicating that the follow-up is for an alternate TPT prophylaxis.

TPT Prophylaxis Type Codes

A list of codes describing the TPT prophylaxis type.

Target Population Category Codes

Codes used for representing the patient's target population category

Targeted Indication Viral Load

Codes used for representing targeted indication for viral load.

Viral Load/CD4 Count Classifications Indicating Treatment Failure

Codes used for indicating the classification for the Viral Load/CD4 count treatment failure.

WHO Stage Codes

Code used for representing the patient's WHO stage.

Yes/No Codes

Yes/No Codes Represented as Boolean.

Terminology: Structure Maps

These define transformations to convert between data structures used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Map Breastfeeding Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Breastfeeding status to an Observation Resource

Map Estimated Delivery Date Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Estimated Delivery Date to an Observation Resource

Map Family Planning Method Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Family Planning Method to an Observation Resource

Map Last Menstrual Period Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Last Menstrual Period to an Observation Resource

Map Observation Propietary Value CodeableConcept to a Standard CodeableConcept

Maps Observation propietary value to standard value

Map Pregnancy Future Plans Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Pregnancy Future Plans to an Observation Resource

Map Pregnancy Status Question to an Observation

Maps Questionnaire Response Resource for Pregnancy status to an Observation Resource

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

Proprietary Breastfeeding Status to LOINC equivalent

Mapping to and from Proprietary Breastfeeding Status to LOINC equivalent.

Proprietary Pregnancy Future Plans to LOINC equivalent

Mapping to and from Proprietary Pregnancy Future Plans to LOINC equivalent.

Proprietary Pregnancy Status to LOINC equivalent

Mapping to and from Proprietary Pregnancy Status to LOINC equivalent.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART

Used to record the ART treatment and care details for the patient who is alive on ART.

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART With Adherence Indication

Used to record the ART treatment and care details for the patient who is alive on ART (incl. adherence).

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Alive on ART and Regimen Switched

Used to record the ART treatment and care details for the patient who is alive on ART and received a regimen switch.

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Initiated ART

Used to record the ART treatment and care details for the patient who initiated ART.

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Request For CD4

Used to request CD4 as part of ART.

ART Follow-up Care Plan - Request For a Routine Viral Load

Used to request a routine viral load as part of ART.

Bundle - NDR "Proposed Closest" Equivalent to the CDR (A "CLEAN" Representation)

A bundle containing the NDR requirements that the CDR payload will need to be compliant with.

Note: This bundle excludes references to the Resources for Patient, Encounter and Related Person!
Bundle - NDR "Proposed Closest" Equivalent to the CDR (A "FULL" Representation)

A bundle containing the NDR requirements that the CDR payload will need to be compliant with.

Note: This bundle includes references to the Resources for Patient, Encounter and Related Person which will ALWAYS create a new version for the Resource, whether there is new data or not! Be sure that this is intended.
Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for the patient.

Care Plan - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy With Adherence Indication

Used to record the cotrimoxazole preventive therapy details for the patient (incl. adherence).

Care Plan - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to add the details regarding the request for INH medication to the TPT care plan for the patient.

Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (HPV Method)

Indicates the activity associated with the request for cervical cancer screening using HPV as the method of screening.

Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (HPV Method) - Incl. the Service Request For Cryotherapy Treatment

Indicates the activities associated with the requests for cervical cancer screening (using HPV as the method) and cryotherapy as the received treatment.

Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (VIA Method)

Indicates the activity associated with the request for cervical cancer screening using VIA as the method of screening.

Care Plan - Request for Cervical Cancer Screening (VIA Method) - Incl. the Service Request For Cryotherapy Treatment

Indicates the activities associated with the requests for cervical cancer screening (using VIA as the method) and cryotherapy as the received treatment.

Care Plan - TB Treatment

Used to record the TB treatment details for the patient.

Condition - Bacterial Pneumonia

Indicates that the patient did suffer from bacterial pneumonia in the past.

Condition - Chronic Diarrhea

Indicates that the patient is currently suffering from chronic diarrhea.

Condition - Fever (Current)

Indicates that the patient is suffering from a recurrent fever.

Condition - Fever (Past)

Indicates that the patient did suffer from a fever in the past.

Condition - Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Indicates that the patient is currently suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.

Diagnostic Report - Absolute CD4

Represents the absolute CD4 count.

Diagnostic Report - Absolute CD4 with Percentage

Represents the absolute CD4 together with the CD4 percentage.

Diagnostic Report - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Represents the results for AST and ALT.

Diagnostic Report - CD4 Percentage

Represents the CD4 percentage (usually taken at the same time as Absolute CD4).

Diagnostic Report - Creatinine

Represents the results for creatinine.

Diagnostic Report - HGB

Represents the results for Hemoglobin (HGB).

Diagnostic Report - Routine Viral Load

Represents the results for a routine viral load as unsuppressed.

Diagnostic Report - Targeted Viral Load

Represents the results for a targeted viral load as suppressed.

Diagnostic Report - Tested Positive for Cervical Cancer (HPV)

Indicates that the patient tested HPV positive for cervical cancer.

Diagnostic Report - Tested Positive for Cervical Cancer (VIA)

Indicates that the patient tested VIA positive for cervical cancer.

Encounter - Patient Coming From Another Facility

Represents the other facility where the patient did receive health services and is now continuing care at the current facility.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (Which References RelatedPerson) With Entry From Within the Facility (ANC).

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (With Absent or Unknown Class)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient (With Service Type)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient Receiving ART and TB Treatment (Episode Of Care)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Referencing a General Patient With Entry From Within the Facility (TB Clinic).

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Outside the Facility is Now Referred Out)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Outside the Facility)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Episode of Care - ART (Incoming Referral From Within Facility)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Episode of Care - ART (No Referral)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Episode of Care - ART (Outgoing Referral)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Episode of Care - HIV+ Patient Receiving ART and TB Treatment (Inlc. Episode of Care Identifier)

Records the health related activities for patients associated with HIV treatment and care services.

Group - Patient and Child Relation (Not yet a patient)

Represents the patient and the child being referenced as part of healthcare-related activity

Group - Patient and Child Relation (Registered as a patient)

Represents the patient and the child being referenced as part of healthcare-related activity

List - History of Past Medication

Documents the medication history of previsouly prescribed (cotrimoxazole, isoniazid and ARV) treatment for the patient.

List - History of Presenting Symptoms

Documents the point in time symptoms presented by the patient in the context of the encounter.

List - Medical History

Documents the medical history for the patient

Location - ANC

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Location - HIV Services

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Location - OPD1

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Location - Pediatrics

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Location - TB Clinic

Physical location type where health services are provided.

Medication - Represents Cotrimoxazole For Opportunistic Infections

Used to record the OI medication (Cotrimoxazole) that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication - Represents Fluconazole For Opportunistic Infections

Used to record the OI medication (Fluconazole) that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication - Represents a medication for TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to record the TPT medication that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication - Represents an ARV Regimen

Used to record the ARV regimen that will be prescribed to the patient.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed ARV Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed ARV medication.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed cotrimoxazole preventive therapy medication.

Medication Administration - For Prescribed Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Medication

Used to record the medication administration period for prescribed fluconazole preventive therapy medication.

Medication Dispense - ARV Regimen Prescribed For Status "ART Initiated"

Indicates ARV prescribed to a patient who initiated on ART.

Medication Dispense - ARV Regimen Prescribed For Status "Alive on ART"

Indicates ARV prescribed to a patient who is alive on ART.

Medication Dispense - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to represent dispensed medication prescribed to a patient receiving cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Medication Request - ARV Prescribed to a Patient Who Initiated ART

This is to record requests for medication that are prescribed to a patient (Initiated on ART).

Medication Request - ARV Prescribed to a Patient Who is Alive On ART

This is to record requests for medication that are prescribed to a patient (Alive on ART).

Medication Request - ARV Regimen Switch

This is to record requests for medication that are prescribed to a patient (who is Alive on ART) during a regimen switch.

Medication Request - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy

Used to record requests for medication that are prescribed to a patient receiving cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Medication Request - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Used to indicate a request for INH medication to be prescribed to a patient.

Medication Statement - ARV Treatment Follow Up

Records the ARV Treatment details for the patient during an ART follow-up.

Medication Statement - Cotrimoxazole

Records the Cotrimoxazole details for the patient.

Medication Statement - Fluconazole

Records the Fluconazole details for the patient.

Medication Statement - INH For TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)

Adds the prescribed medication of INH to the medication history for the patient.

Medication Statement - Initiated ARV Treatment

Records the ARV Treatment details for the patient initiated on ART.

Medication Statement - Past ARV Treatment Initiated On (Still active)

Records the ARV Treatment details for the patient who was initiated on ART in the past and still active.

Medication Statement - Past ARV Treatment Initiated On (Stopped)

Records the ARV Treatment details for the patient who was initiated on ART in the past but stopped treatment

Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Completed)

Records the Cotrimoxazole details for the patient that was prescribed in the past and completed.

Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Still active)

Records the Cotrimoxazole details for the patient that was prescribed in the past and still active.

Medication Statement - Past Cotrimoxazole (Stopped)

Records the Cotrimoxazole details for the patient that was prescribed in the past and stopped.

Medication Statement - Past INH (Completed)

Records the INH details for the patient that was prescribed in the past and completed.

Medication Statement - Past INH (Still active)

Records the INH details for the patient that was prescribed in the past and still active.

Nutritional Status

Represents the patient's Nutritional Status.

Observation - 3HP At Follow-up

Documents the TPT as 3HP at follow-up.

Observation - 3HP Completed At Follow-up

Indicates that the patient has completed 3HP at follow-up.

Observation - 3HR At Follow-up

Documents the TPT as 3HR at follow-up.

Observation - 3HR Discontinued At Follow-up

Indicates that the patient has discontinued 3HR at follow-up.

Observation - A Related Person Who is Now a Patient, Started ART With Entry Point Within Facility (TB Clinic)

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who started ART within the facility.

Observation - ART Not Started

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who did not start ART.

Observation - ART Not Started Plan For Next Step

Represents the plan for next steps for a patient who did not start ART.

Observation - ART Not Started With Specified Reasons

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who did not start ART (Incl. Reasons For Not Starting ART).

Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Clinical failure

This indicates that the ARV regimen was changed due to clinical failure (CD4 levels below 100 cells/mm3).

Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Immunologic failure

This indicates that the ARV regimen was changed due to immunologic failure (CD4 levels below 250 cells/mm3).

Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To New Drug Availability

This indicates that the ARV regimen was changed due to new drug availability.

Observation - ARV Regimen Changed Due To Virologic failure

This indicates that the ARV regimen was changed due to virologic failure (viral load exceeding 1000 copies/mL).

Observation - ARV Regimen Side Effects

This is used to capture the any side affects as a result of taking ARV medication.

Observation - ARV Regimen Substituted

This is used to indicate the type for the ARV regimen change as a substitution.

Observation - ARV Regimen Substituted

This is used to capture the ARV regimen substitute details.

Observation - ARV Regimen Switched

This is used to indicate the type for the ARV regimen change as a switch.

Observation - ARV Regimen Switched

This is used to capture the ARV regimen switch details.

Observation - ARV Regimen Switched (incl. change reason)

This is used to capture the ARV regimen switch details.

Observation - Absolute CD4 Count

Used to record the patient's absolute CD4 count.

Observation - Absolute CD4 Count Including Initiation of ART

Used to record the patient's absolute CD4 count and ART initiation.

Observation - Active TB

Documents the whether the patient is TB Active.

Observation - Active TB Completed

Documents the details for the patient who completed TB treatment.

Observation - Active TB Discontinued

Documents the details for the patient who discontinued TB treatment.

Observation - Alive and on ART

Indicates that the patient is alive and on ART.

Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HP"

Indicates that the patient is currently receiving 3HP.

Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HP" and TPT was Completed

Indicates that the patient has completed 3HP.

Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HR"

Indicates that the patient is currently receiving 3HR.

Observation - Alternate TB Prophylaxis Type is "3HR" and TPT was Discontinued

Indicates that the patient has discontinued 3HR.

Observation - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Used to record the patient's AST and ALT.

Observation - Assessed for Pain

Indicates that the patient has been assessed for pain.

Observation - BMI

Represents the patient's BMI.

Observation - Blood Pressure

Represents the Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure for the patient.

Observation - CD4 Percentage

Used to record the patient's CD4 percentage.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Negative Screening Result (HPV)

Indicates that the patient has a negative screening for HPV.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Negative Screening Result (VIA)

Indicates that the patient has a negative screening for VIA.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Positive Screening Result (HPV)

Indicates that the patient has a positive screening for HPV.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Positive Screening Result (VIA)

Indicates that the patient has a positive screening for VIA.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Accepted

The patient accepted screening for cervical cancer.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Done

Indicates that the patient was screened for cervical cancer.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening HPV Method

This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening method as HPV.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Not Accepted

The patient did not accept screening for cervical cancer.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Not Done

Indicates that the patient was not screened for cervical cancer.

Observation - Cervical Cancer Screening Type

This is used to record the patient's cervical cancer screening type.

Observation - Children Developmental Milestone

Represents the child's developmental milestone.

Observation - Confirmed HIV positive After PCR Testing

Represents the patient's PCR HIV test result.

Observation - Confirmed HIV positive After Rapid Testing

Represents the patient's rapid HIV test result.

Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Not Started

Used to indicate that the patient has not started cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Observation - Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Started

Used to indicate that the patient has started cotrimoxazole preventive therapy.

Observation - Counseled For Cervical Cancer Screening

The patient was counselled for cervical cancer.

Observation - Counseled for HIV

Indicates that the patient has received counselling for HIV.

Observation - Counseled for HIV (Excl. Date Counselled)

Indicates that the patient has received counselling for HIV but the counselling date was not recorded (possibly not known).

Observation - Counseled for HIV Then Tested for HIV

Indicates that the patient has received counselling for HIV testing and the HIV test that follows is assoicated with this event.

Observation - Creatinine

Used to record the patient's creatinine.

Observation - Current HIV Treatment Therapy Duration

Indicates the duration the patient has been on the current ART.

Observation - DSD Assessment (Status and Category only)

Represents the DSD details.

Observation - Disclosure Status

Documents the disclosure of HIV status for minors.

Observation - Does Not Reside Within Catchment Area

Indicates that the patient does not reside within the catchment area.

Observation - Eligible For ART (With Reasons For Eligibility)

Indicates that the patient is eligibile for ART

Observation - Eligible For ART (Without Reasons For Eligibility)

Indicates that the patient is eligibile for ART

Observation - Eligible For TPT

Documents whether the patient is eligibile for TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Not Provided

Indicates that the patient did not receive enhanced adherence counselling.

Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Provided

Indicates that the patient did receive enhanced adherence counselling.

Observation - Enhanced Adherence Counselling Provided As a Step In the ART Care Plan

Indicates that the patient did receive enhanced adherence counselling as part of the ART Care Plan.

Observation - Enrolled to Operation Tripple Zero

Indicates that the patient is enrolled into the specialised program, OTZ.

Observation - Estimated Delivery Date

Represents the patient's Estimated Delivery Date.

Observation - Examination of HEENT

Indicates that the findings of the HEENT examination appear to be Normal.

Observation - Examination of Lymph node

Indicates that the findings of the lymph node examination appear to be Abnormal.

Observation - Fair ARV Adherence

Indicates that the patient has fair ARV adherence

Observation - Family Member HIV Status (FULL)

This is used to record the family member's HIV status.

Observation - Final Outcome is "Confirmed Referral"

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who has received a final outcome that is a confirmed referral.

Observation - Final Outcome is "Started ART"

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who has received a final outcome.

Observation - Fluconazole Preventive Therapy Started

Used to indicate that the patient has started fluconazole preventive therapy.

Observation - Full DSD Assessment (All Details)

Represents the DSD details.

Observation - Future Pregnancy Plans

Represents whether the patient plans to be pregnant in the future.

Observation - Good ARV Adherence

Indicates that the patient has Good ARV adherence

Observation - Good Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence

Represents the patient's cotrimoxazole preventive therapy Adherence

Observation - HGB

Used to record the patient's Hemoglobin (HGB).

Observation - HIV Prevention Plan

Indicates the HIV prevention plan agreed between the clinician and the patient.

Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known"

Indicates that the final outcome is known for the patient who is enrolled into the HIV program.

Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known" With an Outcome of "Confirmed Referral"

Indicates that the final outcome is known for the patient who is enrolled into the HIV program.

Observation - HIV Program Final Outcome is "Known" With an Outcome of "Started ART"

Indicates that the final outcome is known for the patient who is enrolled into the HIV program.

Observation - HIV Status Disclosure At Enrollment

Used to determine whether the patient's or their child's HIV Status is known, and by who.

Observation - HIV Test Results

This is used to record the patient's HIV test results.

Observation - HIV Treatment Prior to Enrollment

Indicates whether the patient has ever received ART prior to enrollment in the current facility.

Observation - Head Circumference

Represents the patient's Head Circumference.

Observation - Health Status

This is used to record the patient's health status.

Observation - Health Status (Index Case Contact - Family Member)

This is used to record the health status for the index case contact.

Observation - Health Status (Index Case Contact - Sex Partner)

This is used to record the health status for the index case contact.

Observation - Heart Rate

Indicates the patient's current heart rate.

Observation - Height

Represents the patient's height.

Observation - Highest Education

Represents the patient's highest education.

Observation - INH Completed At Follow-up

Indicates that the patient has completed INH at follow-up.

Observation - INH1 At Follow-up

Indicates that the patient is receiving INH1 at follow-up.

Observation - Initiated On ART

Indicates that the patient is initiated on ART.

Observation - Last Menstrual Period

Represents the patient's Last Menstrual Period.

Observation - Level of Pain

Indicates the level of pain the patient is experiencing.

Observation - Linked To Care

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who has been linked to care.

Observation - Linked To Care and initiated ART

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who has been linked to care and initiated on ART.

Observation - Lost to ART

Indicates that the patient is lost to follow-up.

Observation - Maternal HIV Status is Known Positive

Indicates that the mother already knows her HIV status.

Observation - Maternal HIV Status is Unknown

Indicates that the mother's HIV status is unknown.

Observation - Mode of Delivery

This is used to record the mode of delivery for a patient who is < 6yrs of age.

Observation - Not Assessed for Pain

Indicates that the patient has not been assessed for pain.

Observation - Not Counseled For Cervical Cancer Screening

The patient was not counselled for cervical cancer.

Observation - Not Eligible For ART

Indicates that the patient is not eligibile for ART

Observation - Not Eligible For TPT

Documents whether the patient is eligibile for TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - Not Enrolled to Operation Tripple Zero

Indicates that the patient was not enrolled into the specialised program, OTZ.

Observation - Not Screened For TB

Indicates that the patient was not screened for TB.

Observation - Number of Contacts Elicited For Index Case

Documents the total number of contacts elicited for the index case.

Observation - Nutritional Screening Result

Represents the patient's Nutritional Screening Result.

Observation - Nutritional Suppliments Provided

Represents the patient's Nutritional Suppliments Provided.

Observation - Patient Edema

Indicates the presence of Edema.

Observation - Patient Family Planning Method

Represents the patient's Family Planning Method.

Observation - Patient Functional Status

Represents the patient's functional status.

Observation - Patient MUAC

Measuring thae patient's mid upper arm circumference.

Observation - Patient Occupation

Represents the patient's current occupation.

Observation - Patient WHO Stage

Represents the patient's WHO stage.

Observation - Place of Delivery

This is used to record the place of delivery for a patient who is < 6yrs of age.

Observation - Pregnancy Status

Represents whether the patient is currently pregnant.

Observation - Presenting Symptoms (Fever)

Indicates fever as a symptom presented by the patient in the context of the encounter.

Observation - Presenting Symptoms (Nausea)

Indicates nausea as a symptom presented by the patient in the context of the encounter.

Observation - Reason ART Not Started

Represents the reason for the patient not starting ART as being "Referred".

Observation - Reason ART Not Started With Plan For Next Steps

Represents the reason for the patient not starting ART as being "Referred" and also includes the plan or next steps.

Observation - Reason For Stopping ART

Represents the reasons for the patient stopping ART.

Observation - Reason Not Eligibile For TPT

Documents the reason why the patient is not eligibile for TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - Reason Why Eligible for ART

Represents the reasons why a patient is considered eligibile for ART.

Observation - Reasons for ARV Adherence

Represents the reasons for poor ARV Adherence

Observation - Received Cryotherapy Treatment For the HPV+ Diagnosis

Indicates that the patient received cryotherapy as treatment after being diagnosed psoitive for cervical cancer (using HPV as the method).

Observation - Received Cryotherapy Treatment For the VIA+ Diagnosis

Indicates that the patient received cryotherapy as treatment after being diagnosed psoitive for cervical cancer (using VIA as the method).

Observation - Resides in Catchment Area

Indicates that the patient resides in the catchment area.

Observation - Respiratory Rate

Indicates the patient's current respiratory rate.

Observation - Restart

Indicates that the patient has restarted ART.

Observation - Routine Viral Load

This is used to represent a routine viral load exam.

Observation - Routine Viral Load As a Step In the ART Care Plan

This is used to represent a routine viral load exam as an event initiated as part of the ART Care Plan.

Observation - Screened For TB (TB Positive)

Indicates that the patient was screened for TB and the screening result is positive.

Observation - Started ART

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who started ART.

Observation - Started ART With Entry Point From Outside the Facility

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who started ART outside the facility.

Observation - Started ART With Entry Point Within Facility (TB Clinic)

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who started ART within the facility.

Observation - Started ART and The Final Outcome Is Known

Used to record the HIV+ tracking details for the patient who started ART (Incl. Final Outcome Details).

Observation - Stopped ART

Indicates that the patient stopped ART.

Observation - Stopped Cotrimoxazole Preventive Therapy Adherence

Represents the patient's cotrimoxazole preventive therapy Adherence

Observation - Suppressed Viral Load Result

Represents the patient's viral load result as suppressed.

Observation - TB Diagnostic Test Result

Documents the patient's diagnostic test result.

Observation - TB Negative Screening

Indicates that the patient has a negative TB screening result.

Observation - TB Positive Screening

Indicates that the patient has a positive TB screening result.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Alternate" (3HP)

Indicates that the patient will be receiving an alternate TPT as 3HP.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Alternate" (3HR)

Indicates that the patient will be receiving an alternate TPT as 3HR.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)"

Indicates that the patient is currently receiving INH.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)" at Follow-up

Indicates that the patient is receiving another dose of INH at follow-up.

Observation - TB Prophylaxis Type is "Isoniazid (INH)" at Follow-up and TPT was completed

Indicates that the patient has completed INH at follow-up.

Observation - TB Treatment Not Started

Indicates that the patient did not start TB treatment.

Observation - TB Treatment Not Started After Diagnostic Test

Indicates that the patient did not start TB treatment after being tested.

Observation - TB Treatment Started

Indicates that the patient did start TB treatment.

Observation - TB Treatment Started After Diagnostic Test

Indicates that the patient did start TB treatment after being tested.

Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx-completed)

Indicates that the patient's current TB treatment status is TBRx-completed.

Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx-discontinued)

Indicates that the patient's current TB treatment status is TBRx-discontinued.

Observation - TB Treatment Status (TBRx1)

Indicates that the patient's current TB treatment status is TBRx1.

Observation - TPT Completed

Documents the details for the patient who completed TPT.

Observation - TPT Discontinued

Documents the details for the patient who discontinued TPT.

Observation - TPT Started

Documents the date when the patient started TB Prevention Therapy (TPT).

Observation - TPT Started with INH

Documents the date when the patient started TB Prevention Therapy (TPT) and in this case, with INH.

Observation - Target Population

Represents the patient's targeted population.

Observation - Targeted Viral Load

This is used to represent a targeted viral load exam.

Observation - Temperature

Indicates the patient's current temperature.

Observation - Tested for HIV

Indicates that the patient has been tested for HIV.

Observation - Tested for HIV (Excl. Date When Last Tested)

Indicates that the patient has been tested for HIV but the HIV test date was not recorded (possibly not known).

Observation - Tested for HIV (Inlc. HIV Confirmation Test)

Indicates that the patient has been tested for HIV and also received an HIV confirmation test that was associated with this event.

Observation - Therapeutic/Supplementary Food

Represents the patient's Therapeutic/Supplementary Food.

Observation - Unsuppressed Viral Load Result

Represents the patient's viral load result as unsuppressed followed by enhanced adherence counselling.

Observation - Viral Load Not Performed

This is used to indicate that a viral load was not performed.

Observation - Viral Load Performed

This is used to indicate that a routine viral load was not performed.

Observation - Weight

Represents the patient's weight.

Observation Breastfeeding Status

Represents whether the patient is currently breatfeeding.

Organization - Current Facility

Current organization providing health related services.

Organization - Outreach Facility

Outreach facility providing health related services.

Patient - Child, Related to the Patient, Becomes a Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - General

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - Sexual Partner Related to the Index Case is Registered as a Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - With Child Relationship

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - With Partner Relationship

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Practitioner - General Practitioner

Represents the practitioners who participated in the observation.

Pregnancy Status Reported - Not Pregnant

Represents whether the patient is currently pregnant.

Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Example 1)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding the HIV and health status for index case contacts.

Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Example 2)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding the HIV and health status for index case contacts.

Questionnaire Response - Family Index Case Contacts (Full Example)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding the HIV and health status for index case contacts.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 1)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 2)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 3)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Example 4)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Assessment (Full Example)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions that assesses the index case during interviews.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Example 1)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the eligibility criteria for the index case screening questions.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Example 2)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the eligibility criteria for the index case screening questions.

Questionnaire Response - Index Case Screening (Full Example)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the eligibility criteria for the index case screening questions.

Questionnaire Response - Pregnancy Status and Family Planning Method (FPM)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the pregnancy status and FPM questions.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 1)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 10)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 2)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 3)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 4)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 5)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 6)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 7)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 8)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

Questionnaire Response - Sex Partner Information (Example 9)

A questionaire response that documents the answers to the questions regarding index case sex partners.

RelatedPerson - Child Relation

Is used to record the personal information of the person that is related to the patient.

RelatedPerson - Family Member Relation

Is used to record the personal information of the person that is related to the patient.

RelatedPerson - Sexual Partner

Is used to record the personal information of the person that is related to the patient.

Service Request - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

Represents the service request for AST and ALT.

Service Request - CD4

Represents the service request for CD4.

Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening HPV Method

Represents the service request for the HPV method of cervical cancer screening.

Service Request - Cervical Cancer Screening VIA Method

Represents the service request for the VIA method of cervical cancer screening.

Service Request - Creatinine

Represents the service request for creatinine.

Service Request - Enhanced Adherence Counselling

Represents the service request for enhanced adherence counselling.

Service Request - HGB

Represents the service request for Hemoglobin (HGB).

Service Request - Incoming Referral From Outside Facility - (New ART Client)

Used to capture a pateint's referral information.

Service Request - Incoming Referral From Within Facility - (Existing ART Client)

Used to capture a pateint's referral information.

Service Request - PCR HIV Test

Represents the service request for PCR HIV testing.

Service Request - Referred to PMTCT

Represents a service request for the patient's referral to PMTCT.

Service Request - Request for Cryotherapy as Treatment for Cervical Cancer (HPV Positive)

Indicates that a request was made for cryotherapy as the targeted treatment for the HPV positive patient

Service Request - Request for Cryotherapy as Treatment for Cervical Cancer (VIA Positive)

Indicates that a request was made for cryotherapy as the targeted treatment for the VIA positive patient

Service Request - Request for Referral

Service request used to make a request for a referral.

Service Request - Routine Viral Load

Represents the service request for a routine viral load.

Service Request - TB Screening

Service request used to examine the specimen taken during TB screening.

Service Request - Targeted Viral Load

Represents the service request for a targeted viral load.

Specimen - TB Screening

The specimen that will be used in a laboratory examination for TB.