Blood Pressure Cross-Country Cross-Language Cross-Paradigm (Demo) IG
0.2.6 - ci-build

Blood Pressure Cross-Country Cross-Language Cross-Paradigm (Demo) IG, published by FO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.6 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Information Models

Blood pressure measurements seem to appear to be obiously simple. However, discussions reveal that the details allow for interpretations. An initiator for this discussion is LOINC. It represents a collection of codes whose underlying concepts are overlapping in their semantics. For example,

  • 87741-5 = systolic blood pressure - post exercise
  • 8459-0 = systolic blood pressure - sitting

can be combined w/o contradiction. In principle, it expresses "systolic bp after exercise and sitting". But how to prevent a contradictious combination like "at rest and during exercise"? And is "systolic bp sitting" and "diastolic bp standing" a combination for different components that should be allowed? And what to use as the overarching concept code then?

Probably more questions arise that require a clarification. The only way out is an exact definition in form ob class diagrams.

Base Model

First, the details from the landing page should be aggregated in form of classes and linked together now. The important items are in bold:

Blood Pressureidentifierinterpretation: codelocation: codeposition: codemethod: codeexertion: code|quantitycuffType: codecuffSize: codeconsciousness: codetilt: integercuffType: codecuffSize: codedateTime: instant|periodcomment: stringBlood Pressure Valuevalue: integerunit = mm[Hg]referenceRange: rangeinterpretation: codeSystolic BPDiastolic BPMean Arterial PressurePulse PressureReference Rangelow : integerhigh: integerage: rangeBody Weightnecessary tointerpretthe measurementMedicationAuthorPerformerRecorderSubjectnormallythe patient110..10..10..110..*10..1

To simplify abstract classes are introduced. And please recognize that the classes are on different abstraction levels.

What is a blood pressure measurement?

A big problem when storing observations in a general representation form is to identify all - or just specific - blood pressure measurements. We do need to support different levels of granularity.

An important aspect for discussion is the way a blood pressure measurement can be identified. Unfortunately, the associated LOINC code designates non-invasive measurements, leading to misunderstandings and problems when using the according profiles.

special observationsroutineinvasive MeasurementA measurement that is done inside the body,in the left or right heart.left circulationright circulationradialis arterycentral venouspressurepulmonary arterypressureintracardiacpressurearterypressurecoronaryarteryfor stentsnon-invasive Measurement"Classic" measurement that is normally expected asa blood pressure measurement, or "routine".This is normally done at an arm or wrist.Currently, the "magic code" designatesthese types of measurements.ArmWristLegFingerToeBlood PressureThe (new) base Magic Code should identify an observationas a blood pressure measurement in general.

In most use cases, probably 99%, only non-invasive measurements obtained during routine is considered or of interest resp. in scope. Nevertheless, when talking about blood pressure the remaining 1% must be considered as well.

Spot vs. Average

A total different dimension within the hierarchy shown above is a spot measurements - in contrast to an average calculated over time. Then in principle different individual measurements are performed. They can be used and calculated into an average value optionally including the used measurements:


Question: Is it safe to assume, that for vital signs only spot measurements should be considered?


Another dimension is when measurements are calculated from otherse: The pulse pressure is the result of a calculation of systolic and diastolic values. An average value is the calculation of a set of spot measurements:

measuredcalculatedaggregatedSystolicDiastolicPulse PressureAverageperiodcountValuevalueunittimestampReference Rangelowhigh110..*


In summary, we can state some high-level dimensions that affect what we measure and how it should be interpreted:

Blood Pressure DimensionsDimensionsInvasive vs. Non-invasiveMeasured vs. CalculatedSpot vs. AverageLevel of current or former physical Exertion

What is to be used for "Vital Signs"?

Some implementation guides, esp. Vital Signs, specify details for blood pressure representations (in form of profiles) as well. The meaning of those is to use the subset marked in the figure above as "routine". Consequently, those guides may just derive the appropriate subset in form of profiles as well. Eventually, vital signs may further constrain the set of measurements that should be in scope!?

For vital signs the following subdimensions seem to be in scope:

  • non-invasive
  • measured
  • spot
  • no exertion

Consequence: If this assertion is correct, then the vital signs guide should select the appropriate profile including the corresponding value sets by reference.

Do we need a "magic code"?

As indicated already, it would be good to have a single generic code, that allows to identify all observations that are blood pressure measurements. However, that should not falsify the description of the observation itself. Within "FHIR US Core r4" profiles, this is indicated by a so-called "magic Code". There is no doubt that such a code is necessary in order to identify all observations in question with a single and simple query.

Question: Would it make sense that this code can be specialized (as an ontology?) to identify the subdimension in scope?

Interpretation of Measurements

An important aspect is the interpretation of values that depends on certain context details:

MedicationMedicationrelevantirrelevantBlood PressureBody Weightnecessary to interpretthe measurement, butin the sense of overweightExertionPositioningCuff Sizenormally, the cuffsoize does not matter,but in rare circumstancesit is relevant to know(eg. too small for an athletic person)0..*
  • Some medication reduces the blood pressure to protect against strokes etc., but not all medications have an impact on the blood pressure.
  • Physical exertions like riding a bike increases the blood pressure.
  • The positioning of the body has a direct impact on the result.
  • A wrong cuff size may lead to wrong measurements.

Equivalence of Models

An important question is to identify different way to represent the same concept. In other words, how to identify that different statements express the same?

In previous discussions in Germany we have stated, that it is the task of the consumer to identify that. As a precondition he can rely on the exactness and correctness of the statement. Therefore, it must be clear and precise, without allowing for ambiguities and misinterpretations.

Pre- vs. Post-Coordination

An important aspect is the transformation between pre- and postcoordinated forms. A single precoordinated concept can express and convey the same semantics as postcoordinated terms, or using the logical models from above, the combination of certain attributes.

The following table should help with that although the best presentation and appropriate details are still to be elaborated.

post-coordinated base addt'l details LOINC
in rest and sitting standard no addt'l details because this represents what is expected  
sitting   unclear whether it is in rest or not  
systolic + sitting   component = systolic 8459-0
systolic + after exercise   component = systolic + exertion = after (whatever that means) 87741-5
in rest and standing standard position = standing + exterion = at-rest  
walking standard position = walking + exertion = 25W  
jogging standard position = walking + exertion = 100W  
biking uphill standard position = sitting + exertion = 200W  

In principle, a function like this one is necessary:

f(pre-coordination) = Base(concept) + Set(attributeValue)

The problem is that this function is self-defining and recursive in the sense of a taxonomy.

Within Snomed CT, the expression language in combination with a reasoner allows for identifying illegal combinations. Unfortunately, LOINC does not provide such a machinery. (Or does it?)

In addition, it may help to identify whether the values are relevant for a correct interpretation or not. The following bullet list provides an (draft) overview:

  • relevant
    • exertion
    • position
    • tilt
  • not relevant (only within exceptional circumstances)
    • cuff size
    • cuff type
  • questionable
    • method

Consequently, a transformation in between becomes necessary. It is expressed as a formula to indicate the idea:

f (concept1, position1, tilt1, exertion1) = f (concept2, position2, tilt2, exertion2)

Maybe more parameters are necessary. If the relevance shown above is not correct then modifications are necessary to this formula are necessary as well.


Another problem is the granularity of details that are provided. When is it safe to assume something for a correct interpretation of the observation? For example, "sitting at-rest" seems to be clear, "exercising" (perhaps with some further details) makes the knowledge of sitting/standing/walking less important.


If an interpretation is included, like "too high", does it matter, when the specifity of the measurement is not provided? For example, does a statement of "200/160 as normal" makes it irrelevant to mention that the patient is exercising? Or does it raise some concerns about a possible wrong interpretation?