Blood Pressure Cross-Country Cross-Language Cross-Paradigm (Demo) IG
0.2.6 - ci-build

Blood Pressure Cross-Country Cross-Language Cross-Paradigm (Demo) IG, published by FO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.6 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CDA Profiling

Step 4b: Template (with CDA)

Unfortunately, PlantUML does not allow for drawing the classes as it has been done with Visio. Therefore, it has been adopted and colorized as closely as possible.

Blood Pressure represented as CDA template«Foo»Blood Pressure ObservationclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNid: IIcode = $LOINC#85354-9effectiveTime: IVL<TS>text: EDstatusCode: CNE <= ActStatusinterpretation'Code: CEmethodCode: CEtargetSiteCode: CWE«Foo»ReferenceRangeclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNvalue«Foo»ReferenceRangeclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNcode = $LOINCvalue«Foo»ReferenceRangeclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNvalue«Foo2»observationRangetypeCode = REFV«Foo2»observationRangetypeCode = REFV«Foo2»observationRangetypeCode = REFV«Foo»systolic BPclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNcode = $LOINC#8480-6value: PQinterpretationCode«Foo»diastolic BPclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNcode = $LOINC#8462-4value: PQinterpretationCode«Foo»ExertionclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNcode = #exertionvalue: NM«Foo»PositionclassCode = OBSmoodCode = EVNcode = #positionvalue: CWE«Foo»MedicationclassCode = SUBSTADMmoodCode = EVNcode = #substanceadministrationvalue: CWE«Foo2»componenttypeCode = COMPcontextConductionInd = trueseparatableInd = false«Foo2»componenttypeCode = COMPcontextConductionInd = trueseparatableInd = false«Foo2»componenttypeCode = COMPcontextConductionInd = trueseparatableInd = false«Foo2»componenttypeCode = COMPcontextConductionInd = trueseparatableInd = false«Foo2»componenttypeCode = COMPcontextConductionInd = trueseparatableInd = false«Foo3»AuthortypeCode = AUTHOR«Foo4»AssignedEntityclassCode = ASSIGNEDcode = AUTHORid: identifieraddr: addresstelecom: telecom«Foo5»AuthorclassCode = PSNdeterminerCode = INSTANCEcode: CWEid: identifiername: PN10..10..10..10..10..1playingEntity0..10..1


  • Not all entries are added into this drawing.