Standardized Medication Profile (SMP) FHIR IG, published by HL7 International / Pharmacy. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.
smp-client |
This resource defines the expected capabilities of the SMP Server actor when conforming to the SMP IG and It is expected that it will be used in conjunction with the US Core CapabilityStatement. Together they describe the complete list of actual profiles and RESTful operations supported by SMP clients. SMP Client requirements may also be impacted by the rules of local jurisdictions or other contextual requirements. |
smp-server |
This resource defines the expected capabilities of the SMP Server actor when conforming to the SMP IG and It is expected that it will be used in conjunction with the US Core CapabilityStatement. Together they describe the complete list of actual profiles and RESTful operations supported by SMP servers. SMP Server requirements may also be impacted by the rules of local jurisdictions or other contextual requirements. |
These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
SMP Operation Retrieve |
Optional operation to request an individual patient's medication history |
SMP Operation Submit |
Optional operation to submit an individual patient's medication history list for storage |
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
SMP Parameters - Outcome |
This profile tailors the Parameters resource to convey status result of request to store medication history. |
SMP Parameters - Query |
This profile tailors the Parameters resource to convey medication History operation inputs. |
SMP Parameters - Response |
This profile tailors the Parameters resource to convey medication History operation outputs. |
SMP Parameters - Submit |
This profile tailors the Parameters resource to convey medication History operation inputs for storage. |
Standardized Medication Profile - Bundle Medication List |
A single package that contains a specific kind of medication list with all supporting MedicationStatements and possibly other supporting resources. |
Standardized Medication Profile - Bundle Medication List Maintenance |
A way to define and create a specific kind of medication list and the various medications that are on the list in a single transaction. |
Standardized Medication Profile - Medication |
A description of a patient medication, may be used for non-prescription medications. Contains specifics about the type and strength that can be used to inform medication reconciliation. |
Standardized Medication Profile - Medication List |
A related set of descriptions of individual medications a patient is or has received. May be a currently being administered list, a list of medications for discharge or a list of discontinued medications (with reasons). The list is point in time. |
Standardized Medication Profile - MedicationAdministration |
Defines the actual giving of a drug or compound to a patient for the purposes of treatment. |
Standardized Medication Profile - MedicationStatement |
The description of a medication or drug that a patient is taking or prescribed. Or a medication or drug that a patient did take or was prescribed in the past. MedicationStatement can be created from a number of sources and may be anecdotal which can be useful in the recording of non-prescription, over-the-counter items. MedicationRequest and MedicationAdministration are a formal record of medications prescribed and given. |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
Hospital Medication Administration List |
Example of a List resource for a patient's SMP list |
smp-bundle-1 |
Example of a Bundle resource used to transmit a patient's SMP medication list and contents |
smp-bundle-tx-1 |
Example of a Bundle resource used to create a medication list with a single entry |
smp-history-input-parameters-1 |
Example of a Parameters resource used to request a patient's medication history |
smp-history-output-parameters-1 |
Example of a Parameters resource used to respond to a request a patient's medication history |
smp-med-1 |
Example of a Medication resource in a patient's SMP list |
smp-medadm-1 |
Example of a MedicationAdministration resource for a patient's SMP list |
smp-medstmt-1 |
Example of a MedicationStatement resource in a patient's SMP list |
smp-medstmt-2 |
Example of a MedicationStatement resource in a patient's SMP list with a reference to a MedicationAdministration |
smp-submit-input-parameters-1 |
Example of a Parameters resource used to submit a patient's medication history |
smp-submit-outcome-parameters-1 |
Example of a Parameters resource used to respond to a submission of a patient's medication history |