Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)
4.0.0-ballot - STU4 Ballot United States of America flag

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), published by Health Level Seven. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 4.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: Vital Signs Section

Official URL: Version: 4.0.0-ballot
Draft as of 2024-12-19 Computable Name: VitalSignsSection
Other Identifiers: urn:ietf:rfc:3986#Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)#urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883.

The Vital Signs Section contains relevant vital signs for the context and use case of the document type, such as blood pressure (including average blood pressure), heart rate, respiratory rate, height, weight, body mass index, head circumference, pulse oximetry, temperature, and body surface area. The section should include notable vital signs such as the most recent, maximum and/or minimum, baseline, or relevant trends. Vital signs are represented in the same way as other results, but are aggregated into their own section to follow clinical conventions.


Formal Views of Template Content

Description of Template, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Section C 1..1 Section XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @ID, @classCode, @moodCode, id, code, title, text, confidentialityCode, languageCode, subject, author, informant, entry, component
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
shall-vital-signs-org: If section/@nullFlavor is not present, SHALL contain at least one Vital Signs Organizer or Average Blood Pressure Organizer
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs If a required section contains no information, the @nullFlavor MAY be set to NI
Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... realmCode 0..* CS
... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
.... @displayable 0..1 bl
.... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
.... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId:section 1..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @ID 0..1 xs:ID
... @classCode 0..1 cs Binding: ActClassRecordOrganizer (required)
Fixed Value: DOCSECT
... @moodCode 0..1 cs Binding: CDAActMood (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... id 0..1 II
... code 1..1 CE Vital signs
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 8716-3
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
.... @codeSystemName 0..1 st
.... @codeSystemVersion 0..1 st
.... @displayName 0..1 st
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... originalText 0..1 ED
.... translation 0..* CD
... title 1..1 ST
... text 1..1 xhtml
... confidentialityCode 0..1 CE
... languageCode 0..1 CS Binding: AllLanguages (required)
... subject 0..1 Subject
... author 0..* Author
... informant 0..* Informant
... Slices for entry 0..* Entry If section/@nullFlavor is not present:
Slice: Unordered, Open by profile:organizer
.... entry:vitalsOrg 0..* Entry
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 0..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntry (required)
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl Fixed Value: true
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer C 1..1 VitalSignsOrganizer Base for all types and resources
should-sdtctext-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entry:averageBPOrg 0..* Entry Used to represent average blood pressure
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 0..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntry (required)
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl Fixed Value: true
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer C 1..1 AverageBloodPressureOrganizer Base for all types and resources
should-sdtctext-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
... component 0..* InfrastructureRoot
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... realmCode 0..* CS
.... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
..... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId 0..* II
.... @typeCode 0..1 cs Fixed Value: COMP
.... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl Fixed Value: true
.... section 1..1 Section

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Section.classCoderequiredFixed Value: DOCSECT
Section.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN
from the FHIR Standard


II-1errorSection.typeId, Section.entry:vitalsOrg.typeId, Section.entry:averageBPOrg.typeId, Section.component.typeIdAn II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
: root.exists() or nullFlavor.exists()
shall-vital-signs-orgerrorSectionIf section/@nullFlavor is not present, SHALL contain at least one Vital Signs Organizer or Average Blood Pressure Organizer
: nullFlavor.exists() or entry.where(organizer.hasTemplateIdOf('')).exists() or entry.where(organizer.hasTemplateIdOf('')).exists()
should-authorwarningSection.entry:vitalsOrg.organizer, Section.entry:averageBPOrg.organizerSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-sdtctext-ref-valuewarningSection.entry:vitalsOrg.organizer, Section.entry:averageBPOrg.organizerSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: sdtcText.reference.value.exists()


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel