This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Orders and Observations icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 5 Trial UseSecurity Category: Not Classified Compartments: Device, Encounter, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the DocumentReference resource.

Element Id DocumentReference

A reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. While the term “document” implies a more narrow focus, for this resource this "document" encompasses any serialized object with a mime-type, it includes formal patient-centric documents (CDA), clinical notes, scanned paper, non-patient specific documents like policy text, as well as a photo, video, or audio recording acquired or used in healthcare. The DocumentReference resource provides metadata about the document so that the document can be discovered and managed. The actual content may be inline base64 encoded data or provided by direct reference.

Short Display A reference to a document
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false

Usually, this is used for documents other than those defined by FHIR.

Defined on this element
docRef-1Warning facilityType SHALL only be present if context is not an encounterfacilityType.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
docRef-2Warning practiceSetting SHALL only be present if context is not presentpracticeSetting.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
Element Id DocumentReference.identifier

Business identifiers assigned to this document reference by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.

Short Display Business identifiers for the document
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier

Document identifiers usually assigned by the source of the document, or other business identifiers such as XDS DocumentEntry.uniqueId and DocumentEntry.entryUUID. These identifiers are specific to this instance of the document.

Summary true

The structure and format of this identifier would be consistent with the specification corresponding to the format of the document. (e.g. for a DICOM standard document, a 64-character numeric UID; for an HL7 CDA format, the CDA Document Id root and extension).

Element Id DocumentReference.version

An explicitly assigned identifier of a variation of the content in the DocumentReference.

Short Display An explicitly assigned identifier of a variation of the content in the DocumentReference
Note This is a business versionId, not a resource version id (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

While each resource, including the DocumentReference itself, has its own version identifier, this is a formal identifier for the logical version of the DocumentReference as a whole. It would remain constant if the resources were moved to a new server, and all got new individual resource versions, for example.

Element Id DocumentReference.basedOn

A procedure that is fulfilled in whole or in part by the creation of this media.

Short Display Procedure that caused this media to be created
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Appointment | AppointmentResponse | CarePlan | Claim | CommunicationRequest | Contract | CoverageEligibilityRequest | DeviceRequest | EnrollmentRequest | ImmunizationRecommendation | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | RequestOrchestration | ServiceRequest | SupplyRequest | VisionPrescription)

Allows tracing of authorization for the event and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.

Alternate Names fulfills
Summary false
Element Id DocumentReference.status

The current state of the document reference.

Short Display current | superseded | entered-in-error
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding DocumentReferenceStatus (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid)
Summary true

This is the status of the DocumentReference object, which might be independent from the docStatus element.

This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes that mark the document or reference as not currently valid.

Element Id DocumentReference.docStatus

The status of the underlying document.

Short Display registered | partial | preliminary | final | amended | corrected | appended | cancelled | entered-in-error | deprecated | unknown
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Composition Status (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid)
Summary true

The document that is pointed to might be in various lifecycle states.

Element Id DocumentReference.modality

Imaging modality used. This may include both acquisition and non-acquisition modalities.

Short Display Imaging modality used
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Modality icon (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.type

Specifies the particular kind of document referenced (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the document referenced.

Short Display Kind of document (LOINC if possible)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding FHIR Document Type Codes (Preferred)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

Key metadata element describing the document that describes he exact type of document. Helps humans to assess whether the document is of interest when viewing a list of documents.

Element Id DocumentReference.category

A categorization for the type of document referenced - helps for indexing and searching. This may be implied by or derived from the code specified in the DocumentReference.type.

Short Display Categorization of document
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Referenced Item Category Value Set (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Alternate Names class; classCode
Summary true

Key metadata element describing the the category or classification of the document. This is a broader perspective that groups similar documents based on how they would be used. This is a primary key used in searching.

Element Id DocumentReference.subject

Who or what the document is about. The document can be about a person, (patient or healthcare practitioner), a device (e.g. a machine) or even a group of subjects (such as a document about a herd of farm animals, or a set of patients that share a common exposure).

Short Display Who/what is the subject of the document
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Any)
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.context

The Encounter during which this document reference was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.

Short Display Encounter the document reference is part of
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Appointment | Encounter | EpisodeOfCare)

Links the document reference to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.

Summary true

This will typically be the encounter the document reference was created during, but some document references may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).

Affect this element
docRef-1Warning facilityType SHALL only be present if context is not an encounterfacilityType.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
docRef-2Warning practiceSetting SHALL only be present if context is not presentpracticeSetting.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
Element Id DocumentReference.event

This list of codes represents the main clinical acts, such as a colonoscopy or an appendectomy, being documented. In some cases, the event is inherent in the type Code, such as a "History and Physical Report" in which the procedure being documented is necessarily a "History and Physical" act.

Short Display Main clinical acts documented
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding v3 Code System ActCode icon (Example)
Type CodeableReference(Any)
Summary false

An event can further specialize the act inherent in the type, such as where it is simply "Procedure Report" and the procedure was a "colonoscopy". If one or more event codes are included, they shall not conflict with the values inherent in the class or type elements as such a conflict would create an ambiguous situation.

Element Id DocumentReference.related

Any other resource this document reference was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.

Short Display Related identifiers or resources associated with the document reference
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Any)
Summary false

Use only for references not covered by other elements.

Element Id DocumentReference.bodySite

The anatomic structures included in the document.

Short Display Body part included
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)
Type CodeableReference(BodyStructure)
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.facilityType

The kind of facility where the patient was seen.

Short Display Kind of facility where patient was seen
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Facility Type Code Value Set (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Affect this element
docRef-1Warning facilityType SHALL only be present if context is not an encounterfacilityType.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
Element Id DocumentReference.practiceSetting

This property may convey specifics about the practice setting where the content was created, often reflecting the clinical specialty.

Short Display Additional details about where the content was created (e.g. clinical specialty)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Practice Setting Code Value Set (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

This is an important piece of metadata that providers often rely upon to quickly sort and/or filter out to find specific content.

Summary false

This element should be based on a coarse classification system for the class of specialty practice. Recommend the use of the classification system for Practice Setting, such as that described by the Subject Matter Domain in LOINC.

Affect this element
docRef-2Warning practiceSetting SHALL only be present if context is not presentpracticeSetting.empty() or context.where(resolve() is Encounter).empty()
Element Id DocumentReference.period

The time period over which the service that is described by the document was provided.

Short Display Time of service that is being documented
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.date

When the document reference was created.

Short Display When this document reference was created
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Alternate Names indexed
Summary true

Referencing/indexing time is used for tracking, organizing versions and searching. Provide the most precise timestamp available.

Element Id DocumentReference.author

Identifies who is responsible for adding the information to the document.

Short Display Who and/or what authored the document
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Device | Patient | RelatedPerson | CareTeam)
Summary true

Not necessarily who did the actual data entry (i.e. typist) or who was the source (informant).

Element Id DocumentReference.attester

A participant who has authenticated the accuracy of the document.

Short Display Attests to accuracy of the document
Cardinality 0..*

Identifies responsibility for the accuracy of the document content.

Summary false

Only list each attester once.

Element Id DocumentReference.attester.mode

The type of attestation the authenticator offers.

Short Display personal | professional | legal | official
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Composition Attestation Mode (Preferred)
Type CodeableConcept

Indicates the level of authority of the attestation.

Summary false
Element Id DocumentReference.attester.time

When the document was attested by the party.

Short Display When the document was attested
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime

Identifies when the information in the document was deemed accurate. (Things may have changed since then.).

Summary false
Element Id DocumentReference.attester.party

Who attested the document in the specified way.

Short Display Who attested the document
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)

Identifies who has taken on the responsibility for accuracy of the document content.

Summary false
Element Id DocumentReference.custodian

Identifies the organization or group who is responsible for ongoing maintenance of and access to the document.

Short Display Organization which maintains the document
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Organization)
Summary false

Identifies the logical organization (software system, vendor, or department) to go to find the current version, where to report issues, etc. This is different from the physical location (URL, disk drive, or server) of the document, which is the technical location of the document, which host may be delegated to the management of some other organization.

Element Id DocumentReference.relatesTo

Relationships that this document has with other document references that already exist.

Short Display Relationships to other documents
Cardinality 0..*
Summary true

This element is labeled as a modifier because documents that append to other documents are incomplete on their own.

Element Id DocumentReference.relatesTo.code

The type of relationship that this document has with anther document.

Short Display The relationship type with another document
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Document Relationship Type (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

If this document appends another document, then the document cannot be fully understood without also accessing the referenced document.

Element Id DocumentReference.relatesTo.target

The target document of this relationship.

Short Display Target of the relationship
Cardinality 1..1
Type Reference(DocumentReference)
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.description

Human-readable description of the source document.

Short Display Human-readable description
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Helps humans to assess whether the document is of interest.

Summary true

What the document is about, a terse summary of the document.

Element Id DocumentReference.securityLabel

A set of Security-Tag codes specifying the level of privacy/security of the Document found at DocumentReference.content.attachment.url. Note that DocumentReference.meta.security contains the security labels of the data elements in DocumentReference, while DocumentReference.securityLabel contains the security labels for the document the reference refers to. The distinction recognizes that the document may contain sensitive information, while the DocumentReference is metadata about the document and thus might not be as sensitive as the document. For example: a psychotherapy episode may contain highly sensitive information, while the metadata may simply indicate that some episode happened.

Short Display Document security-tags
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Example set of Security Labels (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

Use of the Health Care Privacy/Security Classification (HCS) system of security-tag use is recommended.

Summary true

The confidentiality codes can carry multiple vocabulary items. HL7 has developed an understanding of security and privacy tags that might be desirable in a Document Sharing environment, called HL7 Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System (HCS). The following specification is recommended but not mandated, as the vocabulary bindings are an administrative domain responsibility. The use of this method is up to the policy domain such as the XDS Affinity Domain or other Trust Domain where all parties including sender and recipients are trusted to appropriately tag and enforce.

In the HL7 Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification (HCS) there are code systems specific to Confidentiality, Sensitivity, Integrity, and Handling Caveats. Some values would come from a local vocabulary as they are related to workflow roles and special projects.

Element Id DocumentReference.content

The document and format referenced. If there are multiple content element repetitions, these must all represent the same document in different format, or attachment metadata.

Short Display Document referenced
Cardinality 1..*

Note that .relatesTo may also include references to other DocumentReference with a transforms relationship to represent the same document in multiple formats.

Summary true

content element shall not contain different versions of the same content. For version handling use multiple DocumentReference with .relatesTo.

Element Id DocumentReference.content.attachment

The document or URL of the document along with critical metadata to prove content has integrity.

Short Display Where to access the document
Cardinality 1..1
Type Attachment
Summary true
Element Id DocumentReference.content.profile

An identifier of the document constraints, encoding, structure, and template that the document conforms to beyond the base format indicated in the mimeType.

Short Display Content profile rules for the document
Cardinality 0..*
Alternate Names format; formatCode
Summary true

Note that IHE often issues URNs for formatCode codes, not all documents can be identified by a URI.

For FHIR content, .profile should indicate the structureDefinition profile canonical URI(s) that the content complies with.

Element Id DocumentReference.content.profile.value[x]


Short Display Code|uri|canonical
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding HL7 ValueSet of Format Codes for use with Document Sharing icon (Preferred)
Type Coding|uri|canonical
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true