DEPRECATED Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - see
0.4.0 - release New Zealand flag

DEPRECATED Te Whatu Ora Shared Care FHIR API - see, published by Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.4.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Business Context
... 3 Capability Statement
... 4 Changelog
... 5 Collect Measurements
... 6 Complete Care Plan
... 7 Consent Based Access Control
... 8 Create Care Plan
... 9 Create Condition
... 10 Create Encounter
... 11 Developer Guide
... 12 Extensions
... 13 Faq
... 14 Health Checks
... 15 History
... 16 In Home Observations
... 17 Initial Assesment
... 18 Roadmap
... 19 Artifacts Summary
.... 19.1 Care In The Community ActivityDefinition Apply Operation
.... 19.2 Care In The Community PlanDefinition Apply Operation
.... 19.3 CommunicationPerson
.... 19.4 ManaakiNgaTahiAllergyIntolerance
.... 19.5 ManaakiNgaTahiCarePlan
.... 19.6 ManaakiNgaTahiCondition
.... 19.7 ManaakiNgaTahiDocumentReference
.... 19.8 ManaakiNgaTahiEncounter
.... 19.9 ManaakiNgaTahiObservation
.... 19.10 ManaakiNgaTahiPlanDefinition
.... 19.11 ManaakiNgaTahiServiceRequest
.... 19.12 ServiceRequestActivityDefinition
.... 19.13 Template for COVID-19 Care in the Community CCCM MVP Careplans
.... 19.14 Vital Signs Observation Service Request
.... 19.15 AIR - Overseas, Historic, Not Done
.... 19.16 Antiviral medication eligibility questionnaire
.... 19.17 COVID-19 RAT Result Questionnaire
.... 19.18 COVID19 Initial Health Assessment Questionnaire
.... 19.19 COVID19 Public Health History Questionnaire
.... 19.20 COVID19 Vaccination Side Effects Questionnaire
.... 19.21 Measles Daily Health Check
.... 19.22 Mental Health Assessment Survey
.... 19.23 Post Vaccine Symptom Check day 3 survey
.... 19.24 Post Vaccine Symptom Check day 42 survey
.... 19.25 Pregnancy Assessment Survey
.... 19.26 Question Template for COVID-19 Regular Health Check
.... 19.27 Report a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) result
.... 19.28 ActiveMonitoringDay3SurveyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.29 ActiveMonitoringDay42SurveyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.30 AntiviralEligibilityNoQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.31 AntiviralEligibilityYesQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.32 ConsumerCOVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.33 COVIDInitialHealthAssessmentQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.34 COVIDPublicHealthHistoryQuestionnaireResponseSherrylCarrion
.... 19.35 COVIDRATResultQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.36 COVIDRegularHealthCheckQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.37 COVIDVaccinationSurveyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.38 ImmsotVaccinationDataEntryQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.39 MeaslesHealthCheckQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.40 MentalHealthAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.41 PregnancyAssessmentSurveyQuestionnaireResponse
.... 19.42 CareyCarrington
.... 19.43 ConditionExample
.... 19.44 COVID-19 Omicron Response - Carey Carrington
.... 19.45 DocumentReferenceExample
.... 19.46 DrDottyMcStuffins
.... 19.47 EncounterExample
.... 19.48 ObservationExample
.... 19.49 ObservationsServiceRequestExample
.... 19.50 NIBSCommunicationPersonExample
.... 19.51 WhaihuaCommunicationPersonExample
.... 19.52 ActiveConsentExample
.... 19.53 ConsentByQuestionnaireExample
.... 19.54 ConsentByRelatedPersonExample
.... 19.55 ConsentExample
.... 19.56 ConsentQuestionnaireResponseExample
.... 19.57 ManaakiNgaTahiConsent
.... 19.58 ProvisionalConsentExample
.... 19.59 Question Template for COVID-19 Privacy Statement Question
.... 19.60 Shared Care FHIR Server Capability Statement
.... 19.61 HNZ Person Telecom Count Shared
.... 19.62 HNZ Person Telecom Information Source
.... 19.63 HNZ Person Telecom Invalid Indicator
.... 19.64 HNZ Person Telecom Is Message Deliveraable
.... 19.65 HNZ Person Telecom Last Contacted
.... 19.66 HNZ Person Telecom Phone Type
.... 19.67 HNZ Person Telecom Score
.... 19.68 COVID19 vaccines recognised by NZ public health
.... 19.69 Information source when using the telecom information source extension
.... 19.70 Telecom phone type indicator
.... 19.71 Telecom record delivery success indicator
.... 19.72 Telecom record score indicator
.... 19.73 Codes for Telecom Is Deliverable
.... 19.74 Codes for Telecom Phone Types
.... 19.75 Codes for Telecom Score
.... 19.76 Codes for Telecom Source Systems
.... 19.77 Codings for COVID-19 vaccination brands recognised in New Zealand public health
.... 19.78 AllergyIntoleranceExample
.... 19.79 Template for COVID-19 Care in the Community CCCM MVP Careplans