Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub
1.0.10-rc1 - ci-build New Zealand flag

Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub, published by Te Whatu Ora, Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua, MidCentral. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.10-rc1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/tewhatuora/centralRegion-integrationHub-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

Central Region Integration Hub Capabilities

FHIR Endpoints as a facade on Regional HL7 Messages, powered by Smile CDR

Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.

Search by clinicType in referral flavour of ServiceRequest

This SearchParameter enables query of referral flavour of ServiceRequest by clinicType to support Subscribers receiving notifcations off a subset of referrals.

Search by consultingPractitioner in referral flavour of ServiceRequest

This SearchParameter enables query of referral flavour of ServiceRequest by consultingPractitioner to support Subscribers receiving notifcations that include the consultingPractitioner's Practitioner resource

Search by referringPractice in referral flavour of ServiceRequest

This SearchParameter enables query of referral flavour of ServiceRequest by referringPractice to support Subscribers receiving notifcations that include the referringPractice's Organization resource

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


AllergyIntolerance resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


ClinicalImpression resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region - holds mental health legal statuses


Flag resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


Organization resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


Patient resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


Patient resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with additional bindings where multple codes are required


Practitioner resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


Referral flavour of ServiceRequest resource for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region


Local flavour of Subscription for Te Whatu Ora, Central Region SmileCDR implementation.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

HAPI FHIR Payload Search Query

The value to this extension is a string containing a FHIR search expression (i.e. a URL fragment without the base URL portion). It may contain the following substitutions: ${matched_resource_id} – Will be replaced with the relative ID of the resource that matched the subscription.

HAPI FHIR REST Hook Retry Count

Defines the maximum number of retries to deliver a subscription payload to the parent chanel. Retries occur with an exponential backoff strategy. Once retries are exhausted, the failing payload will be added to the message broker's default Dead Letter Queue.

HL7 v2 Message

Base64 encoded string containing the original HL7 v2 message that was used to create / update the FHIR resource

L4H Template Version

The version number of the l4h templates used to translate the hl7v2 message into FHIR Resource

NZ Central Region Alert

Complex extension recording meta data about all alerts, on who recorded the Flag and AllergyIntolerance flavours of Alert and when.

NZ Central Region Mental Health

Complex extension recording meta data about patient's mental health, particularly legal status

NZ Central Region Referral

Complex extension recording extra data about referrals

NZ Ethnicity (Central Region Edition)

The ethnic group or groups that a person identifies with or feels they belong to. Ethnicity is a measure of cultural affiliation as opposed to race, ancestry, nationality or citizen. Ethnicity is self-perceived and a person can belong to more than one group.

The Stats New Zealand standard can be found here.

NZ Residency (Central Region Edition)

NZ Residency status, permits multiple codings from different CodeSystems

Process Client ID

The HL7v2 Source Client Id for the message/event that was translated into FHIR Resource

Process TimeStamp

Date and time the source HL7v2 message was translated into FHIR Resource

Religious Affiliation (Central Region Edition)

Patient religious affiliation extension, permits multiple codings from different CodeSystems

SmileCDR Subscription Custom Delivery Class

Defines a custom Java class that will deliver the rest-hook Subscription notification

Source Data Model Version

The HL7v2 version number for the message/event that was translated into FHIR Resource

Source Event Trigger

The HL7v2 message/event trigger that was translated into FHIR Resource (eg A31, I13, etc)

Source Record ID

The HL7v2 record ID that was translated into FHIR Resource

Source Record Type

The HL7v2 record type that was translated into FHIR Resource (eg ADT, REF, etc)

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Alert Category Value Set

Alert Category codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region that denote an AllergyIntolerance

NZ Central Region - Allergy Alert Code Value Set

Allergy alert codes (from categories H1, H3, A3 & A4) ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Reaction Value Set

Allergy Reaction codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Clinic Type Value Set

Clinic type codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Combined Alert Category Value Set

Alert Category codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region that denote a Flag or an AllergyIntolerance

NZ Central Region - Combined Ethnicity Value Set

Ethnicity Level 2 and Level 4 codes from Ministry of Health

NZ Central Region - Combined NZ Contact Relationship Value Set

Language Codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region + FHIR broad categories

NZ Central Region - Combined NZ Language Value Set

Language Codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region + ietf codes

NZ Central Region - Combined NZ Residency Value Set

NZ Residency Codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region + Status codes from NZBase

NZ Central Region - Combined Religion Value Set

Religion codes ex. WebPAS and HL7

NZ Central Region - Department Value Set

Department codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Ethnicity Level 2 Value Set

Ethnicity Level 2 codes from Ministry of Health

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Category Value Set

Alert Category codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region that denote a Flag

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Code Value Set

Alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Health Purchaser Value Set

Health Purchaser codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Hospital Value Set

Hospital identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Language Value Set

IETF equivalent Language codes, matching the raw codes used by WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Marital Status Value Set

Combined Marital Status value set with HL7 defined valueset plus #OTH from NullFlavor, as used in the Central Region

NZ Central Region - Mental Health Court Type Value Set

Mental Health Court Type identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Mental Health Review Location Value Set

Mental Health Review Location identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - MentalHealthLegalStatus Value Set

MentalHealthLegalStatus codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - MentalHealthReviewStatus Value Set

MentalHealthReviewStatus codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region. - denoting if the patient's mental health status review has been completed, if not the reason why.

NZ Central Region - NZ ContactRelationship Value Set

NZ ContactRelationship Codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

This codeset is to be used alongside the HL7 defined general relationship codeset http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131

NZ Central Region - NZ Residency Value Set

NZ Residency Codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Raw Language Value Value Set

Value set being the raw 3-letter (and sometimes 4-letter) raw codes in use in Central Region

NZ Central Region - Raw Marital Status Value Set

Raw Marital Status value set with values ex WebPAS

NZ Central Region - Referral Priority Value Set

Referral Priority codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, alongwith HL7 v2 defined codes from Table 0280

NZ Central Region - Referral Reason Value Set

Referral Reason codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Site Value Set

Referral Preferred Site codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Source Value Set

Referral Source codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Status Value Set

Referral Status codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Referral Type Value Set

Referral Type codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region; Union of waiting list department codes and normal referral types.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

NZ Central Region - Alert Category Code System

Alert Category codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Allergy Alert Codes (A3 & A4)

Category A3 & A4 Allergy alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Alert Codes (H1)

Category H1 Allergy alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Alert Codes (H3)

Category H3 Allergy alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Reaction (A3, A4) Code System

Allergy Reaction codes for categories A3 & A4; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Allergy Reaction (H1, H3) Code System

Allergy Reaction codes for categories H1 & H3; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Clinic Type Code System

Clinic Type codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Department Code System

Department codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Ethnicity Level 2 Code System

Ethnicity Level 2 codes from Ministry of Health

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (DA)

DA (HCP Arrangments) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H2)

H2 (medical condition) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H4)

H4 (infection prevention) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H5)

H5 (situational) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H6)

H6 (transfusion) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H7)

H7 (disability) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (H8)

H8 (care plan) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Flag Alert Codes (LS)

LS (medical condition) alert codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region, that appear in Flag resource

NZ Central Region - Health Purchaser Code System

Health Purchaser codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Hospital Code System

Hospital identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Marital Status Raw Code System

Raw HL7 v2.4 Marital Status codes that are in use in Central Region

NZ Central Region - Mental Health Court Type Code System

Mental Health Court Type identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Mental Health Review Location Code System

Mental Health Review Location identification codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - MentalHealthLegalStatus Code System

MentalHealthLegalStatus codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - MentalHealthReviewStatus Code System

MentalHealthReviewStatus codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region - denoting if the patient's mental health status review has been completed, if not the reason why.

NZ Central Region - NZ ContactRelationship Code System

More granular ContactRelationship codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

This codeset is to be used alongside the HL7 defined general relationship codeset in http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/valueset-patient-contactrelationship.html

NZ Central Region - NZ Religion Code System

Religion codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - NZ Residency Code System

Residency codes ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region

NZ Central Region - Proposed Language Code System

3 character codes denoting Language ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region; Codes are PROPOSED for ietf:bcp:47

NZ Central Region - RI Referral Type Code System

Referral Type codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region - not to be confused with Waiting List Department codes.

NZ Central Region - Raw Language Code System

3 and 4 character codes denoting Language ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region; Codes are NOT from ietf:bcp:47

NZ Central Region - Referral Category Code System

Referral Category Type codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region; used as referral type, when no referral type provided.

NZ Central Region - Referral Priority Code System

Referral Priority codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Reason Code System

Referral Reason codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Site Code System

Referral Preferred Site codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Source Code System

Referral Source codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - Referral Status Code System

Referral Status codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

NZ Central Region - WU Referral Type Code System

Waiting List Department Referral Type codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

NZ Central Region Allergy Reaction to Category Concept Map

Concept map mapping allergy reaction codes ex. WebPAS to FHIR allergy category codes. Added complexity as we have codes from two different code-systems

NZ Central Region Allergy Reaction to Criticality Concept Map

Concept map mapping allergy reaction codes ex. WebPAS to FHIR allergy criticality codes. Added complexity as we have codes from two different code-systems

NZ Central Region Allergy Reaction to Type Concept Map

Concept map mapping allergy reaction codes ex. WebPAS to FHIR allergy type codes. Added complexity as we have codes from two different code-systems

NZ Central Region Ethnicity Concept Map

Concept map mapping level 2 ethnicity codes ex. WebPAS to proper level 4 ethnicity codes

NZ Central Region Flag Category Concept Map

Concept map mapping alert category codes ex. WebPAS to FHIR Flag category codes.

NZ Central Region Language Concept Map

Concept map mapping raw Language codes ex. WebPAS to proper ietf:bcp:47 language codes

NZ Central Region Marital Status Concept Map

Concept map mapping raw marital status codes ex. WebPAS to (slightly expanded) FHIR Terminology marital status codes

NZ Central Region NZ Residency Concept Map
Concept map mapping raw detailed NZ Residency codes ex. WebPAS to yes no unknown codes from NZ Base
NZ Central Region Referral Priority Concept Map

Concept map mapping referral priority codes ex. WebPAS to FHIR ServiceRequest priority codes

NZ Central Region Religion Concept Map

Concept map mapping raw religion codes ex. WebPAS to proper FHIR religion codes

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with address containing suburb field, and mappings to Domicile and DHB codes.


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with Contact that has multiple codings for the relationship


An example of an rest-hook type Subscription with custom query and retry-count fields


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with multiple ethnicity codings included, using additionalBindings on nzEthnicity


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with multiple ethnicity codings included, using nzcrEthnicity extension


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with General Practitioner element


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, including the source HL7 v2 message and l4h processing meta data


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with a single language of communication


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with C for Common Law which is an R5 code. This will validate with the FHIR core validator, and fail with the HAPI-FHIR validator


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with one of the HL7 v3 marital status codes


An example of a mental health legal status review ClinicalImpression derived from ZLS custom segment, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of a Organization resource, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of a Flag alert derived from ZAL custom segment, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of an allergy/intolerance alert derived from ZAL custom segment, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of a Practitioner resource, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of a Referral flavour of ServiceRequest resource, in Te Whatu Ora Central Region


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with religious affiliation 'Objects to question' Which means there is no equivalent coding from http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ReligiousAffiliation


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with religious affiliation 'Objects to question' Which means there is no equivalent coding from http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ReligiousAffiliation


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with religious affiliation requiring two codings:

  • The raw coding from WebPAS with coding from https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/central-region/patient-religion
  • Equivalent coding from http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ReligiousAffiliation

An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with religious affiliation requiring two codings:

  • The raw coding from WebPAS with coding from https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/central-region/patient-religion
  • Equivalent coding from http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ReligiousAffiliation

An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region,with multiple residency codings included, using additionalBindings on nz-residency


An example of a patient from Te Whatu Ora, Central Region, with multiple residency codings included, using nzcrResidency extension