Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub
1.0.11-rc1 - ci-build New Zealand flag

Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub, published by Te Whatu Ora, Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua, MidCentral. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.11-rc1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/tewhatuora/centralRegion-integrationHub-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: NZ Central Region - Department Code System

Official URL: https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/central-region/department-code Version: 1.0.11-rc1
Active as of 2024-09-11 Computable Name: NZCentralRegionDepartmentCodeSystem

Department codes; ex. WebPAS in NZ Central Region.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem nzcr-department-cs

This case-sensitive code system https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/central-region/department-code defines the following codes:

MAE MC Anaesthetics
MAG MC Aged ATR ElderHth
MAU MC Audiology
MCA MC Cardiology
MCD MC Child Development
MCH MC Comm Health Serv
MCP MC Comm Paediatrics
MCT MC Cardiothoracic
MDE MC Dental
MDI MC Diabetes
MDR MC Dermatology
MDT MC Dietetics
MED MC Endocrinology
MEN MC Ear Nose Throat
MEY MC Ophthalmology
MGA MC Gastroenterology
MGE MC General Surgery
MGI MC GI Endoscopy
MGY MC Gynaecology
MHA MC Haematology
MIF MC Infectious Diseas
MIN MC General Medicine
MNB MC Newborn Hear Scr
MNE MC Neurology
MNS MC Neurosurgery
MOB MC Obstetrics
MOM MC Oral MaxFacial
MON MC Medical Oncology
MOR MC Orthopaedics
MOT MC Occupat Therapy
MPA MC Pain Management
MPC MC Paed Comm Nursing
MPH MC PublicHealth Unit
MPL MC PlasSurg ex Burns
MPM MC Paediatric Med
MPR MC Podiatry
MPT MC Physiotherapy
MPV MC Palliative Med
MRA MC Radiology
MRD MC RadiationOncology
MRE MC Renal Medicine
MRH MC Rheumatology
MRL MC Respiratory Sleep
MRO MC Under 65 ATR
MRP MC Respiratory Lab
MRS MC Respiratory
MSH MC Sexual Health
MSL MC Speech Language
MSW MC Social Work
MUR MC Urology
MWH MC Whanau Care Serv
WAE WH Anaesthetics
WAN WH Anaes Pre-asess
WAT WH ATR Outpatients
WAU WH Audiology
WBS WH Bowel Screening
WCA WH Cardiology
WCD WH Child Development
WCH WH Commun Health Ser
WCM WH Cancer Commun Nur
WCO WH Colposcopy
WCP WH Comm Paediatrics
WCR WH Card Rehab Nurses
WCW WH CNS Wound Care
WDE WH Dental
WDI WH Diabetes
WDR WH Dermatology
WDT WH Dietetics
WEN WH Ear Nose Throat
WEY WH Ophthalmology
WFO WH Orthotics
WGE WH General Surgery
WGI WH GI Endoscopy
WGS WH Gastro Surgery
WGT WH Genetics
WGY WH Gynaecology
WHA WH Haematology
WIF WH InfectiousDisease
WIN WH General Medicine
WMD WH Multidisciplinary
WNB WH Newborn Hear Scr
WNS WH Neurosurgery
WO1 WH Mat mthrNoCmtyLMC
WO2 WH Mat mthr cmty LMC
WOB WH Obstetrics
WOM WH Oral Max-facial
WON WH Medical Oncology
WOR WH Orthopaedics
WOT WH Occupat Therapy
WPA WH Pain Management
WPC WH Paed Comm Nursing
WPD WH Paed Diabetology
WPH WH PublicHealth Unit
WPL WH Plastic Surgery
WPM WH Paediatric Med
WPO WH Spec Paed Oncol
WPS WH Paed Spec Surgery
WPT WH Physiotherapy
WRA WH Radiology
WRD WH RadiationOncology
WRE WH Under 65 AT&R Com
WRH WH Rheumatology
WRN WH Renal Medicine
WRO WH Under 65 AT&R Out
WRS WH Respiratory
WSH WH Sexual Health
WSL WH Speech-language
WSW WH Social Work
WUR WH Urology
WWH WH Whanau Care Serv
YAE WR Anaesthetics
YAG WR Aged ATR/ElderHth
YAN WR AnaestheticPreAss
YAT WR ATR Outpatients
YAU WR Audiology
YBS WR Bowel screening
YCA WR Cardiology
YCC WR Occupat Health
YCD WR Child Development
YCH WR Community Health
YCM WR CancerCmty Nurses
YCO WR Colposcopy
YCP WR Cmty Paediatrics
YCR WR Cardiac Rehab Nrs
YCW WR CNS Wound Care
YDE WR Dental
YDI WR Diabetes
YDT WR Dietetics
YED WR Endocrinology
YEN WR Ear Nose & Throat
YEY WR Ophthalmology
YFO WR Orthotics
YFR WR Fracture Clinic
YGA WR Gastroenterology
YGE WR General Surgery
YGS WR Gastro Surgery
YGY WR Gynaecology
YHA WR Haematology
YIN WR General Medicine
YMD WR Multi-discip meet
YN1 WR Neonate SCBU L1
YNB WR Newborn Hear. Scr
YNE WR Neurology
YO1 WR Mat MthrNoCmtyLMC
YO2 WR Mat Mthr Cmty LMC
YOB WR Obstetrics
YON WR Medical Oncology
YOR WR Orthopaedics
YOT WR Occupat Therapy
YPA WR Pain Management
YPC WR Paed Cmty Nursing
YPD WR Paed Diabetology
YPG WR Psychogeriatric
YPH WR Public HealthUnit
YPL WR PlasSurg ex Burns
YPM WR Paediatric Med
YPR WR Podiatry
YPS WR Paed Spec Surgery
YPT WR Physiotherapy
YPV WR Palliative Med
YRA WR Radiology
YRD WR RadiationOncology
YRE WR Renal Medicine
YRN WR Under 65 ATR Cmty
YRO WR Under 65 AT&R OP
YRS WR Respiratory
YSL WR Speech-language
YSW WR Social Work
YUR WR Urology
WSK WH Skin lesions
MNN MC Neonatal Unit
WDN WH District Nursing
MCC MC Child Health Comm