Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub
1.0.10-rc1 - ci-build New Zealand flag

Te Whatu Ora, Central Region Integration Hub, published by Te Whatu Ora, Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua, MidCentral. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.10-rc1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/tewhatuora/centralRegion-integrationHub-ig/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Release Notes

Change history for this FHIR Implementation Guide is as follows:











  • Patient.communication[].langauge.text is used to record "Other" language code as ietf language codes don't include an OTHER value.
  • Patient.communication[].preferred is optional, as it can't be set when language is OTHER.



  • Added Subscription profile requiring:
    • Subscription.type is required and can only be rest-hook
    • Subscription.channel.payload is required and can only be application/json (The field states the mime-type of the payload)
    • Subscription.extension[subscription-payload-search-criteria].valueString allows API clients to be notified with whole bundles.
    • Subscription.channel.extension[subscription-delivery-retry-count].valueString allows API clients to limit the number of retries a subscription notification will conduct, before placing the notification into the Dead Letter Queue.
  • Added code I for Inactive to ReferralStatus to account for delete referrals received in REF^I14 messages.



  • Renamed (the human readable names) of nzcr-clinic-vs and nzcr-clinic-cs to ClinicTypeCodeSystem and ClinicTypeValueSet to distinguish clinicId field from clinicType field.
  • Added ServiceRequest.extension[referral].extension[clinicId] as a valueString extension field to hold the clinicId along-side clinicType. There are more than 1300 unique clinicIds, and they change regularly; so it is not practible to add this as a valueCoding field.
  • Added ServiceRequest.extension[referral].extension[healthSpeciality] to hold required field PV1-10. Codings not currently known, so only available as valueString
  • Added ServiceRequest.extension[referral].extension[financialClass] to hold required field PV1-20. Codings not currently known, so only available as valueString


  • Updated Marital Status ConceptMap as some codes in WebPAS do not conform to HL70002 marital status codes table.
    • code C is for Civil union and is mapped to OTH



  • No change to IG - HL7 mapping template change.


  • Added SearchParameter clinicType on ServiceRequest
  • Added Z05 for Zuclopenthixol to H1 Alert Codes
  • Field Flag.period is now optional as very occasionally we don't get given a start date in ZAL.5 or start date is after end date in ZAL.9
  • Field AllergyIntolerance.onset is now optional as very occaisionally we don't get given a start date in ZAL.5 or start date is after end date in ZAL.9
  • Added OTH and UNK from Null Flavour to the Marital Status Value Set
  • Added Marital Status ConceptMap to map marital status codes from HL7 v2.4
  • ClinicalImpression.status is derived from the legal status startDate (ZLS-3) and endDate (ZLS-4) fields.
  • Fields Patient.communication.language and Patient.maritalStatus holding multiple codings.
  • Updated Patient with Additional Bindings profile to have additional binding on Patient.maritalStatus


  • Added code LABOUR for Term Labour Assessment to Referral Reason codes
  • Updated display string for ietf:bcp:47#cmn to Mandarin Chinese


  • No change to IG - HL7 mapping template change.


  • Updated rc no to match l4h-templates:
    • Flag.extension[recordingHospital] already allows NP-Not Present value
  • Removed Subscription DELETE operation, as it breaks notification engine; please set Subscription.status to off when Subscription is no-longer used
  • Added value UNC for Unencoded to Hospital ValueSet to record codes that are not defined.


  • extension[recordingHospital].coding.display is now populated and is no longer missing for NHIMWS, MA and MC category Flags


  • Some Hospital Code values from field ZAL-13 are not defined; in which case the value will be placed in the text field, rather than coding.
  • Added mapping descriptions for:
    • AllergyIntolerance
      • default values on type, category and criticality fields when field ZAL-4.1 is missing.
      • extension[recordingHospital] can have a simple text value when the code in ZAL-13.1 is unknown.
    • Flag
      • extension[allergyReaction] can be populated for some Flag alerts
      • extension[recordingHospital] can have a simple text value when the code in ZAL-13.1 is unknown.


  • Added documentation of $trigger-subscription operation to Subscription api endpoint and developer's guide.



  • Updated Hospital Codes to no-longer be a fragment; We shall update the code system as new codes come to light.
  • Updated mapping for Flag Mapping as status is derived from ZAL-5 and ZAL-9 fields and current dateTime, rather than ZAL-8


  • Updated mapping for AllergyIntolerance Mapping as clinicalStatus is derived from ZAL-5 and ZAL-9 fields and current dateTime, rather than ZAL-8


  • Re-labelled codes R86 and R87 codes, and added codes R88 and R89 in the Mental Health Legal Status codes:
    • #R86 "MHA S29 (do not use)"
    • #R87 "MHA S30 (do not use)"
    • #R88 "MHA S29 CTO 12-Month"
    • #R89 "MHA S30 CTO 12-Month"
  • Added R - Routine to Referral Priority codes
  • Flag.extension[flag-alert].extension[allergyReaction] is optional for Flag resource; as it is used by some H2 Medical Condition alerts.


  • Flag.extension[flag-alert].extension[allergyReaction] is not populated for Flag resource.


  • Aded codes to Mental Health Review Location
    • #M33 "ACT"
    • #M34 "OH"
    • #M28 "Ward 25"
    • #M29 "Ward 26"
    • #YAH "WR Allied Health Gym"
  • Added codes to H1 Alert Codes
    • #A33 "Anaesthetic agent"
    • #A35 "Antiinflammatories"
    • #A36 "Atomoxetine"
    • #A38 "Awaiting CARM reply"
    • #B16 "Benzalkonium"
    • #C51 "Caffeine"
    • #C52 "Cefotaxime"
    • #D19 "Donepezil"
    • #G11 "Gadobutrol"
    • #g12 "GTN spray"
    • #H7 "Hydroxychloroquine"
    • #L12 "Labetalol"
    • #L13 "Lurasidone"
    • #L15 "Lidocaine/prilocaine"
    • #L17 "Lisinopril"
    • #L18 "Loratadine"
    • #N15 "Neostigmine"
    • #O11 "Ornidazole"
    • #P34 "Patent Blue"
    • #Q07 "QT-prolonging drugs"
    • #s11 "Sulfa drug"
    • #S21 "SSRIs"
    • #s21 "Sotalol"
    • #T26 "Thiazide"
    • #T27 "Tamsulosin"
    • #U1 "Unclear agent"
    • #V09 "Varenicline"


  • Added codes to H1 Alert Codes
    • A34 - Alcohol contain meds
    • A39 - Adalimumab
    • B15 - Benzydamine
    • H08 - Hyoscine
    • L14 - Lorazepam
    • L16 - Leflunomide



  • Added codes to Rerral Reason based upon messages from PROD
    • BPPET - Hypertension or PET Assessment
    • MOVEMENT - Concern with fetal movements


  • Added codes to Rerral Reason based upon messages from PROD
    • ANTENATAL - Antenatal
    • MATCARE - Maternity Care
  • Added codes to Referral Priority codes
    • NPR - Not prioritised
    • STP - Staged procedure
  • Added codes to the H1 Alert Codes
    • A37 - Alteplase
    • T28 - Ticagrelor


  • Updated Rerral Reason code system with all of it's correct 745 codes
  • Added codes to the Mental Health Legal Status codes.
    • R75 - MHA S09 DAO notice
    • R76 - MHA S11(5)(b)
    • R77 - MHA S13(5)(b)
    • R78 - MHA S109 Police
    • R79 - Notice of death S132
    • R80 - Cust Sent S36(2)(b))
    • R82 - CPMIP S25(1)a UTST
    • R83 - S11(4) Cancel Leave
    • R84 - S13(4) Ntce Can Leav
    • R85 - S16 Withdrawn
    • R86 - MHA S29 CTO 12-Month
  • Added codes to the H4 Alert Codes
    • B02 - Brugada syndrome
  • Patient and Subject links in Flag, AllergyIntolerance, ClinicalImpression and ServiceRequest resources can be non-NHI, when there is only a temp patient identifier available. Added code IN for NZ Indian to Level 2 Ethnicity codes
  • Patient.extension[nzCitizenship] is optional
  • Added field extension[allergy-alert].extension[webPASCategory] to AllergyIntolerance and Flag resources to hold the original value of field ZAL.2.1 the alert category.
  • Added code F for De Facto to Marital Status codes
  • Added code R40 for Seventh Day Advents to Patient Relgion codes
  • Added codes to the H1 Alert Codes
    • B13 - Benzodiazepines
  • Added codes to Mental Health Review Location codes
    • M35 for Levin Police
    • M31 for Star 1
    • M38 for OTHER
  • Added codes to Referral Priority codes
    • U for Urgent
    • S for Semi-urgent
  • Added 229 codes for all the Private Hospitals, DHB based Mental Health facilities, and many Non-Hospital Mental Health facilites to Hospital Codes as recording locations for NHIMWS warnings
  • Admitted defeat and down-graded Hospital Codes to example in Flag & AllergyIntolerance extension
  • Added codes to H1 Alert Codes
    • P33 for Pregabalin


  • Added codes to Rerral Reason code system.
    • AMBBP for Ambulatory BP Machine
    • ECV for External Cephalic Version
    • GENCARD for General Cardiology
    • PLP for Planned Procedure
    • CLINIC for Antenatal Clinic Obstetric
  • Added codes to Referral Status code system
    • AR for Active review
    • PLP for Planned procedure
  • Field Patient.active is now optional, as it is used when ADT^A40 PatientMerge messages are received.
  • Field ServiceRequest.reasonCode bound to Referral Reason value set.
  • Field ServiceRequest.authoredOn is now optional, as field ZXV.9 may not be present in source HL7 message.
  • Field ServiceRequest.requester is now optional, as fields PV1.8 and PV1.9 may not be present in source HL7 message.
  • Field ServiceRequest.performer is now optional, as fields PV1.7 and PV1.9 may not be present in source HL7 message.
  • Field ServiceRequest.locationCode is now optional, as field ZXV.40 may not be present in source HL7 message.


  • Added code M32 for PN Emergency Dept in Mental Health Review Location code system.
  • Added nzcrRelgion combined value set to also allow us to have multiple codings and not break the validator.
  • Fields Patient.communication.language and Patient.contact.relationship no-longer permit alternate codings.




  • Field AllergyIntolerance.recorder field is now optional, as field ZAL.10 may not be present in source HL7 message.
  • Added http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-NullFlavor#NP to Allergy Reaction Code to denote when field ZAL.4.1 is not present in the source HL7 message.
  • Added http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-NullFlavor#NP to Flag Alert Code to denote when ZAL segment is denotes an NHIMWS category alert that has only free-text rather than a code value in the source HL7 message
  • Field ClinicalImpression.effectiveDateTime is now optional, as field ZLS-8 may not be present in the source HL7 message.
  • Added codes #WRH and #WHN for Wairarapa Hospital and Whanganui Hospital, as well as #5750 Whanganui Mental Health Services, #1234 New Zealand Health Information Service, #6001 Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring to Hospital Codes
  • Contact RelationshipCodes 1 Mother through 9 Nephew are actually 01 through 09.
  • Cardinality of Patient.Adress.line updated to 0..2 as can get lines from PID-11.1 and PID-11.2
  • Added code #X Separated to Marital Codes to sit alongside #L Legally Separated
  • Corrected typo in R01 Drug anaphylaxis from Allergy Reaction
  • Added http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-NullFlavor#NP to Hospital Codes to denote when field ZAL.13.1 is not present in the source HL7 message.


  • Rules requiring multiple coding entries on Flag.category, Patient.extension[ethnicity] etc are done using array slicing rather than FHIR AdditionalBinding extension. This means the original ValueSet bindings are removed.
  • Patient.telecom cardinality put back to 0..*


We turned on FHIR validation, which required the following fixes in the ImplementationGuide:

  • Flag.extension[alert].extension[allergyReaction] changed from valueCoding to valueCodeableConcept
  • Flag.extension[alert].extension[recordingHospital] changed from valueCoding to valueCodeableConcept
  • Flag.category has two codings 'https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/central-region/alert-category' and 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/flag-category'
  • AllergyIntolerance.note is optional, it may not be populated in ZAL.14
  • AllergyIntolerance.extension[severityLevel] is optional, it may not be populated in ZAL.6
  • Added numeric codes for Hospitals from Te Whatu Ora's Facility Code Tables to Hospital Codes as they are used to identify recording hospital for NHIMWS based alerts.
  • Display text for Alert Category codes now match what actually appears in source HL7 messages.
  • Display text for Referral Status code #A is Accepted rather than Active and now matches what actually appears in source HL7 messages.
  • meta.extension fields recording the HL7 version number, triggering event/message, and l4h templates version number are now defined
  • ServiceRequest.identifier.type is #FILL - Filler Identifier - denoting that PAS has assigned identifier.
  • Added ServiceRequest.extension[referral].extension[dateReceived] field to Referral profile.
  • Added Referral Category codes to use in ServiceRequest.code when no specific referral type is provided.
  • ServiceRequest.reasonCode is optional as field ZXV-7 is optional in the source HL7 messages.
  • ServiceRequest.performer.display, ServiceRequest.requestor.display, ServiceRequest.extension[consultingPractitioner].display, and ServiceRequest.extension[referringPractice].display are marked as unused.
  • ClinicalImpression.note is optional, it may not be populated in ZLS.10
  • Patient.extension[ethnicity], Patient.extension[nz-residency].extension[status], and Patient.extension[patient-religion] all have two bindings, the original from NZBase and a CentralRegion defined alternative which holds the (usually) finer grained original value received from source HL7 message.
  • Patient.address.country is optional, it may not be populated in PID.11.6
  • Patient.address.extension[domicile-code] is optional, it may not be populated in PID.12


  • Changed status of all the CodeSystems and ValueSets to active and published as the first edition.


  • Added Referral Status code system so that we can include raw referral Priority and Status values in referrals.
  • Added Alert Category concept map so that we can map WebPAS alert categories to appropriate FHIR Flag categories.



  • Added Organization to the supported resources data model to hold referringPractice field from Referrals.

  • Adjustments of which alert type/category values in field ZAL-2 denote AllergyIntolerance, and which denote Flag. Alert category codes A3, A4, H1 & H3 map to AllergyIntolerance all other allert category codes, including DA & FA map to Flag

  • Alert type/category codes NHIMWS, MA and MC are non-coded alerts; the matching Alert field in ZAL-3 is free text; therefore code systems nzcr-flag-alert-code-nhimws-cs, nzcr-flag-alert-code-ma-cs and nzcr-flag-alert-code-mc-cs have been removed

  • Inclusion of the follwing Flag Alert type code systems:
    • Alert category DA now has 2 codes S00 General Surgery and S75 Vascular Surgery
    • Alert category H2 now has 14 codes from A01 - Adrenal insufficienc to T01 - Transplant patient
    • Alert category H4 now has 16 codes from C01 - CRE to V01 - CVRE
    • Alert category H5 now has 16 codes from C01 - Child abuse to R02 - Reserve for NHI
    • Alert category H6 now has 4 codes from V01 - Blood group antibodi to T01 - Transfusion reaction
    • Alert category H7 now has 7 codes from D01 - Intellectual disabil to P01 - ParentalSupport reqd
    • Alert category H8 now has 6 codes from A01 - Advance care plan to T01 - Treat/managt plan
    • Alert category LS now has 86 codes from R01 - Informal patient to R87 - MHA S30 1 yr CTO
  • Inclusion of the following Allergy Alert type code systems:
    • Allergy category H1 now has 316 codes ranging from A01 - ACE Inhibitors to Z - Zinc
    • Allergy category H3 now has 24 codes ranginge from A01 - Alcohol Wipes to W01 - Wheat/gluten
    • Alert categories A3 & A4 now have 2 codes R03 - Unknown and R05 - Medication
  • Valid Referral Type codes are union of RI and WU type codes



  • Added HL7 v2 Referral Priority code system to Referral Priority Value Set and the matching Concept Map as we have codes from multiple systems in use.

  • Removed category field from Referral ServiceRequest mapping; category is implied by the use of Referral profile.

  • Added consultingPractitioner field to referral extension of Referral profile; populated from PV1-9




  • The first of the almost useful editions of the Integration Guide.