ImplementationGuide for Malaysia Core (MY Core)
0.0.1 - CI Build

ImplementationGuide for Malaysia Core (MY Core), published by Malaysia Healthcare Nexus (MHN). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.


Appointment created date


Bundle composition subject


Outcome Reference


Supporting Info Reference


Payment Reconciliation Detail Request


Encounter created as part of


Allergy name


Appointment Date Start


Person identifier who made the appointment booking


Person name who made the appointment booking


Charge Item Definition Reference


Charge Item Definition Reference


Charge Item Status




Citizenship status


Communication payload reference


Communication topic


Composition custodian


A Condition code by string


Person who records this condition


Contract sub type


Contract supporting info


Contract type


Imaging Study reference


Patient Education Level


Admit source for the encounter


Encounter Date Start


Search encounter identifier value by string


Encounter NCD Diagnosis Combine


Encounter NCD Diagnosis


Specific type of service for the encounter


Outcome Reason


Priority for the encounter


Encounter Rating


Specific type of service for the encounter


Specific type of service for the encounter


Author of the note


Person who records this family member history


Category of the flag


Status of the flag


Foreigner Type


Additional info for healthcare service


If an appointment is required for access to this service


If an appointment is open for public booking for this service




Immunization Encounter




Charge Item


Location Longitude


Physical form of the location


Medication code display


Medication knowledge for this medication provided


Orgranization who provide this medication


Medication Knowledge product type


Prescription medication identifier


Person who records this medication request


Person who records a note entry in medication request


The uri for Performer


A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past


Organization Altitude


A code for the category of organization


A code of cluster facility for the organization


A code for the district of organzation


Organization Latitude


Organization longitude


A code of cluster facility for the organization


A code for the state of organzation


Patient Ethnic


A patient identifier value by string


Cmy Organization Reference


PaymentReconciliation detail type


Practitioner Role allowed orderable based on drug classification


PaymentReconciliation type


Procedure recorded date


Procedure recorder


Any report resulting from the procedure


Questionnaire Reference


Questionnaire Response Reference


QuestionnaireResponse answer code


QuestionnaireResponse answer quantity


QuestionnaireResponse answer reference


Orgranization who provide this QuestionnaireResponse


A RelatedPerson identifier value by string


A code for the district of schedule


Service Provider for schedule


A code for the state of schedule


A code for the type of schedule


ServiceRequest reason reference


ServiceRequest author reference


ServiceRequest code display


Search ServiceRequest identifier value by string


ServiceRequest location


ServiceRequest performer-facility


ServiceRequest reason reference


ServiceRequest requester-facility


ServiceRequest reason reference


ServiceRequest transit-centre


Appointment end date/time.


Specimen Request


Task Execution Date End


Search by group identifier


Task input codeableconept


Task input reference


Task locationCode


Task output reference


ServiceRequest reason reference

Knowledge Artifacts: Libraries

These define logic, asset collections and other libraries as part of content in this implementation guide.


Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


A patient's point-in-time set of recommendations (i.e. forecasting) according to a published schedule with optional supporting justification.


Dental Alert

AdverseEvent (MY Core)
AllergyIntolerance (MY Core)
AllergyIntoleranceNegation (MY Core)
Appointment (MY Core)

A booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), related person(s) and/or device(s) for a specific date/time. This may result in one or more Encounter(s).

CarePlan (MY Core)

Describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient, group or community for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions.

ChargeItem (MY Core)
ChargeItemDefinition (MY Core)
Composition (MY Core)

Composition profile for general composition use

Condition (MY Core)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Condition resource by MY Core FHIR Implementation Guide and describes the minimum expectations for the Patient resource when used in the MY Core composition or in one of the referred resources.

Consent (MY Core)
CoverageEligibilityRequest (MY Core)
DiagnosticReport (MY Core)

This profile constrains the DiagnosticReport resource to represent diagnostic test and procedure reports in a patient summary.

DocumentManifest (MY Core)
Encounter (MY Core)

An interaction during which services are provided to the patient.

FamilyMemberHistory (MY Core)
HealthcareService (MY Core)

The details of a healthcare service available at a location.

ImagingStudy (MY Core)
Immunization (MY Core)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Immunization resource by MY Core FHIR Implementation Guide. A record of an immunization is represented in the patient summary as an instance of an Immunization resource constrained by this profile. It describes the event of a patient being administered a vaccination or a record of a vaccination as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party.

Invoice (MY Core)
List (MY Core)
Location (MY Core)

Defines basic constraints and extensions on the Location resource for use with other MY Core resources

Medication (MY Core)

Medication catalogue for local organization

MedicationRequest (MY Core)

Defines constraints and extensions on the MedicationRequest resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve prescription information.

MedicationStatement (MY Core)

Medication history

ObservationBmi (MY Core)
ObservationBodyTemp (MY Core)

Body temperature

ObservationChestCircumference (MY Core)
ObservationDentalChart (MY Core)


ObservationDevelopmentalMilestone (MY Core)
ObservationDiastolicBp (My Core)

Diastolic blood pressure

ObservationFastingGlucose (MY Core)

Fasting glucose measurement

ObservationFoetalKick (MY Core)
ObservationHeadCircumference (MY Core)
ObservationHeartRate (MY Core)

Heart rate

ObservationHeight (MY Core)
ObservationLabResult (MY Core)

Observation Lab Result My Core

ObservationObstetricHb (MY Core)
ObservationObstetricUs (MY Core)
ObservationOxygenSat (MY Core)

Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry

ObservationPainScore (MY Core)

Pain score

ObservationPanel (MY Core)

Observation panel for HIE

ObservationRandomGlucose (MY Core)

Random glucose measurement

ObservationRespiRate (MY Core)

Respiratory rate

ObservationSocialHistory (MY Core)

Social history MY Core

ObservationSystolicBp (MY Core)

Systolic blood pressure

ObservationWaist (MY Core)
ObservationWeight (MY Core)
Organization (MY Core)

Defines basic constraints and extensions on the Organization resource for use with other MY Core resources

OrganizationAffiliation (MY Core)
Patient (MY Core)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Patient resource by MY Core FHIR Implementation Guide and describes the minimum expectations for the Patient resource when used in the MY Core composition or in one of the referred resources.

PaymentReconciliation (MY Core)
Practitioner (MY Core)

The practitioner(s) referenced in MY Core profiles.

PractitionerRole (MY Core)

The practitioner roles referenced in the MY Core profiles.

Procedure (MY Core)

An action that is or was performed on or for a patient. This can be a physical intervention like an operation, or less invasive like long term services, counseling, or hypnotherapy.

RelatedPerson (MY Core)
Schedule (MY Core)
ServiceRequest (MY Core)

A record of a request for service such as diagnostic investigations, treatments, or operations to be performed.

Slot (MY Core)

A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments.

Specimen (MY Core)
SpecimenDefinition (MY Core)
Task (MY Core)
TaskImaging (MY Core)
TaskLab (MY Core)
TaskLab (MY Core)
TaskProcedure (MY Core)

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Address (MY Core)

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Extension to reference additional relevant Resources pertaining to the HealthcareService


Extension about an individidual foreigner category


An extension whether this Resource is based on a coded concept or is a non coded Resource


Extension to define the mnemonic of a facility/organization


Extension about the type of schedule


Extension to define the system tenant


Extension about the current status of the virtual consultation session

DrugCautionary (My Core)

Extension about drug cautionary element

DrugForm (MY Core)

Extension about drug form

ExtensionAddressDistrict (MY Core)

Extension to store district address in the form of a Codeable Concept

ExtensionAddressDivision (MY Core)
Extension to store address division (For Sabah Sarawak) value
ExtensionAddressState (MY Core)

Extension to store address state in a Codeable Concept

ExtensionAddressSubDivision (MY Core)
Extension to store address sub division (for Sabah Sarawak) value
ExtensionAmended (MY Core)

Extension to add amended information of this clinical documentation

ExtensionAttachmentBoolean (MY Core)

Extension to determine whether this DiagnosticReport provides any external attachment

ExtensionAttester (MY Core)

Extension to add information related to who attested this ServiceRequest

ExtensionAudit (MY Core)

Extension of the individual who recorded and updated the date

ExtensionBooster (MY Core)

Extension to determine if the vaccine is a booster dose

ExtensionChargeItemCIDReference (MY Core)

Extension for a ChargeItem to reference a ChargeItemDefinition

ExtensionChildIdentification (MY Core)

Extension to store newborn details

ExtensionCitizenship (MY Core)

Extension to define the citizenship status of an individual

ExtensionClusterFacility (MY Core)
ExtensionClusterName (MY Core)

Extension to which cluster this organization belongs to

ExtensionCompositionSectionDate (MY Core)

Extension to define the date this section was created on

ExtensionEducationLevel (MY Core)

extension about an individual education level category

ExtensionEncounterOutcome (MY Core)

Extension about the outcome of an encounter

ExtensionEncounterRating (MY Core)

Extension about the rating of an encounter

ExtensionEthnic (MY Core)

Extension about the ethnic of an individual

ExtensionFacilityCategory (MY Core)

Extension to categorize the type of organization/facility category

ExtensionFormRequired (MY Core)

Extension to determine if this ServiceRequest requires a form attached to the request

ExtensionFormType (MY Core)

An extension to define the type of form this ServiceRequest uses when requesting this service

ExtensionInternalReferral (MY Core)

Extension whether this Encounter is from an internal or external referral

ExtensionListOperationStatus (MY Core)

Extension about the operational status of this List Resource

ExtensionListPeriod (MY Core)

Extension of about the active period of this List Resource

ExtensionLocationEncounter (MY Core)

Extension to reference a currently active Encounter at the Location

ExtensionLocationRecorded (MY Core)

An extension to define where the Composition was recorded (Location Resource)

ExtensionMedicationKnowledge (My Core)

Extension to reference the MedicationKnowledge (Master Drug/Medication List) Resource

ExtensionMedicationKnowledgeSetting (MY Core)

Extension to define the settings of a particular Master Drug/Medication

ExtensionMedicationRecommended (MY Core)

Extension to define the default property of a facility medication list template

ExtensionMiscRequest (MY Core)

Extension to define this medication is orderd out of the default properties specified by the master Drug/Medication list

ExtensionMonthlyHouseHoldIncome (MY Core)

Extension to define the individual monthly household income category

ExtensionNationality (MY Core)

Extension to define the nationality of a particular individual

ExtensionNcdVcDx (MY Core)

Extension to define the outcome diagnosis of a Virtual Consultation (To fulfil their analytics requirement)

ExtensionOaHsDetails (MY Core)

Extension to further detail an outsource agreement criteria

ExtensionOaMaxDaily (MY Core)

Extension to define the maxium allowed outsource request in a day for an agreed outsource arrangement

ExtensionOaRegionQuota (MY Core)

An extension to define the maximum quota of a agree outsource arrangement for a particular body/category region

ExtensionObservationContainer (MY Core)

Extension to reference a SpecimenDefinition Resource

ExtensionOccupationSector (MY Core)

Extension to categorize an individuals occupational sector

ExtensionOrganizationPkd (MY Core)

Extension to store which Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah (PKD) this facility/organization in under

ExtensionOrganizationPosition (MY Core)

Extension to store the Global Positional System (GPS) properties

ExtensionPRDrugClassification (MY Core)

Extension to define what Classification of medication is allowed for a particular PractitionerRole

ExtensionPRPrint (MY Core)

Extension to define whether this PaymentReconciliation has been printed at least once or not

ExtensionPRType (MY Core)

Extension about the type of PaymentReconciliation

ExtensionPatientContactIdentifier (My Core)

Extension to store contact identifier

ExtensionPersonTitle (MY Core)

Extension to define the title of an individual

ExtensionPoliceCase (MY Core)

Extension whether this Encounter is directly created as part of a police case investigation

ExtensionPrintedDate (MY Core)

Extension about the DiagnosticReport date printed

ExtensionProcedurePrimaryDiscipline (MY Core)

Extension about the discipline performing the procedure

ExtensionProcedureSessionType (MY Core)

Extension about the type of procedure session

ExtensionPublicBooking (MY Core)

Extension to determine if this HealthcareService is allowed to be booked publicly (through patients/customer)

ExtensionQuestionnaireReference (MY Core)

Extension to create reference to Questionnaire's QuestionnaireResponse

ExtensionRecorded (MY Core)

Extension about the date procedure was recorded

ExtensionRelatesTo (MY Core)

Extension that allows ServiceRequest to be able to reference Resources that led up to this record creation

ExtensionReligion (MY Core)

Extension about individuals religious affiliation

ExtensionRequireApproval (MY Core)

Whether an appointment booked under this schedule requires approval from the provider side prior booking

ExtensionSchedulePosition (MY Core)

Extension about the Global Positioning System (GPS) position in a Schedule

ExtensionServiceProvider (My Core)

Extension to reference the custodian of this Resource

ExtensionSlotQuota (MY Core)

Extension about the maximum quota allocated for a slot

ExtensionSpecimenCombineSample (MY Core)

Extension to determine whether the lab test allows combining the same sample with another lab test

ExtensionSystemRating (MY Core)

Extension for patient/customer to rate an Encounter

ExtensionTransitCentre (MY Core)

Extension to reference an affiliation transit centre

ExtensionVisitType (My Core)

Extension to determine the visit type

MedicationPackDescription (MY Core)

Extension to define the pack description template of this medication

PersonCategoryArmy (MY Core)

Extension about the category of the individual in respect to army benefits status

PriceComponent (MY Core)

Extension about the details of a line item in ChargeItem

Scheduling (MY Core)

Whether Schedule is allowed to be created for this Practitioner Role

SimpleRegister (MY Core)

Extension used in appointment for simple registration without having to creating a patient resource.

UseContect (MY Core)

Extension to determine the use context

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ValueSetActiveIngredient (MY Core)

Active Ingredient

ValueSetAdministrativeGender (MY Core)

Administrative gender in Malaysia

ValueSetAdverseEventEvent (MY Core)

Adverse-event event codes

ValueSetAllergyCode (MY Core)

Allergy active ingredient

ValueSetAllergyCode (MY Core)

Allergy Code

ValueSetAllergyEnvironment (MY Core)

Active Ingredient

ValueSetAllergyNegation (MY Core)

Allergy Negation Statement

ValueSetAudiologyAssessment(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Assessment

ValueSetAudiologyAuralRehabilitation(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Aural Rehabilitation

ValueSetAudiologyCochlearImplantAssessment(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Cochlear Implant Assessment

ValueSetAudiologyElectrophysiologyTest(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Electrophysiology Test

ValueSetAudiologyHearingAidAssessment(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Hearing Aid Assessment

ValueSetAudiologyNeonatalHearingScreening(MY Core)

Malaysia Audiology Neonatal Hearing Screening

ValueSetBillingType (MY Core)

Billing type

ValueSetCancelationReason (MY Core)

Appointment cancellation reason

ValueSetChildIdentificationType (MY Core)

Child identification type

ValueSetCity (MY Core)

Malaysia city List Value set

ValueSetClinicPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Clinic Physiotherapy

ValueSetClusterFacility (MY Core)

Cluster Facility Value Set

ValueSetCompositionCategory (MY Core)

Composition category

ValueSetCompositionClass (MY Core)

Composition class

ValueSetCompositionEvent (MY Core)

Composition event

ValueSetCompositionFormType (MY Core)

Composition Form Type

ValueSetCompositionSection (MY Core)

Composition section

ValueSetCompositionType (MY Core)

Composition type

ValueSetConditionCategory (MY Core)

Value set condition category in Malaysia

ValueSetConsentCategory (MY Core)

Consent Category

ValueSetContractMembershipType (MY Core)

Contract Membership Type

ValueSetCookingDemonstation (MY Core)

Cooking Demonstration

ValueSetDataType (MY Core)

Data type

ValueSetDeathCertificate (MY Core)

PIK Death Certificate Diagnosis Code

ValueSetDentalAlertCode (MY Core)

Dental Alert Code

ValueSetDentalCode (MY Core)

Dental Code

ValueSetDentalHistoryAlert (MY Core)

Dental History Alert

ValueSetDentalProcedure (MY Core)

Dental Procedure

ValueSetDentitian (MY Core)


ValueSetDevMilestone (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone

ValueSetDevelopmentalMilestone (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone

ValueSetDiagnosisRole (MY Core)

Extension from FHIR base DiagnosisRole Value Set

ValueSetDiagnosticProcedure (MY Core)

Diagnostic Procedure

ValueSetDischargeDisposition (MY Core)

Discharge Disposition

ValueSetDistrict (MY Core)

Malaysia District List Value set

ValueSetDrug (MY Core)


ValueSetDrugAllergy (MY Core)

Drug Allergy

ValueSetDrugCategory (MY Core)

Drug Category

ValueSetDrugCautionary (MY Core)

Drug Cautionary

ValueSetDrugDoseForm (MY Core)

Drug Dose Form

ValueSetDrugSchedule (MY Core)

Drug Schedule

ValueSetDrugSpecialInstruction (MY Core)

Special Instruction

ValueSetDrugSubGroup (MY Core)

Drug Sub Group

ValueSetDrugTradeName (MY Core)

Drug Trade Name

ValueSetDrugType (MY Core)

Drug Type

ValueSetEducationLevel (MY Core)

Education level in Malaysia

ValueSetEncounterCategory (MY Core)

Encounter Category

ValueSetEncounterClass (MY Core)

additional class related to PIK code for the base FHIR codesystem encounter class

ValueSetEncounterClassFront (MY Core)

Front end value set for encounter class

ValueSetEncounterOutcome( MY Core)

Encounter outcome

ValueSetEncounterOutcomeReason( MY Core)

Encounter outcome reason

ValueSetEncounterRating (MY Core)

Encounter Rating

ValueSetEthnic (MY Core)

Common ethnic in Malaysia

ValueSetExternalReferralSourceType (MY Core)

external Referral Source Type

ValueSetFlagCategory (MY Core)

Flag Category

ValueSetForeignerType (MY Core)

Foreigner Type

ValueSetGlucoseLevel(MY Core)

Malaysia specimen type

ValueSetHealthProgramPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Health Program Physiotherapy

ValueSetHospitalPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Hospital Physiotherapy

ValueSetImaging (MY Core)

Malaysia imaging PIK code

ValueSetImagingModality (MY Core)

Malaysia imaging modality PIK code

ValueSetImagingRegion (MY Core)

Malaysia imaging region PIK code

ValueSetImmunizationRecommendationStatus (MY Core)
ValueSetInternalReferralSourceType (MY Core)

Internal Referral Source Type

ValueSetLab (MY Core)

Malaysia lab PIK code

ValueSetLabComponent (MY Core)

Malaysia lab component PIK code

ValueSetLabMethod (MY Core)

Malaysia lab method

ValueSetLabSubGroup (MY Core)

Lab Sub Group

ValueSetLocationType (MY Core)

Location Type

ValueSetLocationTypeFront (MY Core)

Location Type Front

ValueSetLoinc (MY Core)

LOINC value set

ValueSetMinorProcedure (MY Core)

Minor Procedure

ValueSetMonthlyHouseholdIncome (MY Core)

Monthly Household Income

ValueSetNationality (MY Core)


ValueSetNcdVcDx (MY Core)

NCD VC Report Dx

ValueSetNutritionScienceOfficerConsultation (MY Core)

Nutrition Science Officer Consultation

ValueSetNutritionistConsultation (MY Core)

Nutritionist Consultation

ValueSetObservationAnthropometry (MY Core)

Anthropometry panel using LOINC code - 55418-8 Weight and Height tracking panel

ValueSetObservationCategory (MY Core)

Observation category for HIE

ValueSetObservationGlucose (MY Core)

Bedside Glucose measurement

ValueSetObservationObstetricUs (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation obstetric ultrasound component

ValueSetObservationPanel (MY Core)

Observation panel for HIE

ValueSetObservationSocialHistory (MY Core)

Social history value set from snomed CT

ValueSetObservationVSCBP (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation vital sign panel LOINC 85353-1

ValueSetObservationVSCHR (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation vital sign panel LOINC 85353-1

ValueSetObservationVSCSO2 (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation vital sign panel LOINC 85353-1

ValueSetObservationVSCT (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation vital sign panel LOINC 85353-1

ValueSetObservationVitalSigns (MY Core)

Value Set for Observation vital sign panel LOINC 85353-1

ValueSetOccupationSector (MY Core)

Malaysia Occupation Sector Value set

ValueSetOccupationalSector (MY Core)

Occupational Sector

ValueSetOperationStatus (MY Core)

Operation status

ValueSetOphthalmicProcedure (MY Core)

Ophthalmic Procedure

ValueSetOrganizationCategory (MY Core)

Category of Health Care Facility Malaysia


Value set for public to book organization

ValueSetOrganizationType (MY Core)

Malaysia healthcare service organization type

ValueSetOutsourceCategory (MY Core)

Task Output Type Code System

ValueSetOutsourceFacility (MYCore)

Outsource Facility My Core

ValueSetPaymentIssuerType (MY Core)

Payment Issuer Type

ValueSetPaymentMethod (MY Core)

Payment Method

ValueSetPaymentType (MY Core)

Payment Type

ValueSetPersonCategory (MY Core)

Breakdown of individual based of military category

ValueSetPersonTitle (MY Core)

Common title/prefix in Malaysia

ValueSetPhisFrequency (MY Core)

Phis frequency

ValueSetPhisRoute (MY Core)

Phis route

ValueSetPhisUom (MY Core)

Phis uom

ValueSetPhlebotomy (MY Core)


ValueSetPostCode (MY Core)

Malaysia postcode

ValueSetPractitionerRole (MY Core)

Practitioner Role My Core

ValueSetPriority (MY Core)

Composition section

ValueSetPriority (MY Core)

Composition section

ValueSetProcedureCategory (MY Core)

Procedure Category

ValueSetProcedureCode (MY Core)

Procedure Code

ValueSetProcedureComplication (MY Core)

Procedure complication my core

ValueSetProcedurePerformerRole (MY Core)

PIK procedure performer role

ValueSetProcedureSessionType (MY Core)

Procedure Session Type

ValueSetQuickScheduling (MY Core)

Composition section

ValueSetReasonCode (MY Core)

Reason encounter occured in Malaysia

ValueSetReferralForm (MY Core)

Task Output Type Code System

ValueSetRelatedPersonRelationship (MY Core)

Related Person Relationship My Core

ValueSetRelationship (MY Core)

Code System PIK Relationship My Core

ValueSetReligion (MY Core)

Common religion in Malaysia

ValueSetRevenueCode (MY Core)

Revenue Code

ValueSetScheduleType (MY Core)

Schedule Type

ValueSetServiceRequestCategory( MY Core)

Service Request Category Value Set


Service request type in Malaysia

ValueSetServiceType (MY Core)

Malaysia Healthcare Service Type

ValueSetSide (MY Core)

SnomedCT side

ValueSetSite (MY Core)

SnomedCT site

ValueSetSourceSystem (MY Core)

Source System

ValueSetSpecialty (MYCore)

Specialty My Core

ValueSetSpecimenContainerType (MY Core)

Malaysia specimen container type

ValueSetSpecimenType (MY Core)

Malaysia specimen type

ValueSetState (MY Core)
ValueSetSubRecordType (MY Core)

Sub Record Type

ValueSetSurface (MY Core)


ValueSetSurfaceCode (MY Core)

Surface Code

ValueSetTaskBusinessStatus (MY Core)

Codes indicating the type of action that is expected to be performed

ValueSetTaskCode (MY Core)

Type of task

ValueSetTaskInputType (MY Core)

Task Input Type Code System

ValueSetTaskNursingInput (MY Core)

Task Output Type Code System

ValueSetTaskOutputType (MY Core)

Task Output Type Code System

ValueSetTaskStatusLab (MY Core)

Lab Business Status

ValueSetTdmRecommendedType (MY Core)

Observation panel for HIE

ValueSetTdmSampleType (MY Core)

Observation panel for HIE

ValueSetTreatmentProcedure (MY Core)

Treatment Procedure

ValueSetVaccineChildCode (MY Core)

Malaysia vaccine child code system

ValueSetVaccineCode (MY Core)

Malaysia vaccine code system

ValueSetVisitType (MY Core)

Encounter Visit Type PIK code

ValueSetWardCategory (MY Core)

Ward Category

ValueSetWardClass (MY Core)

Ward Class

ValueSetWardSpecialty (MY Core)

Ward Specialty

Dev Milestone

Dev Milestone

Dev Milestone

Dev Milestone


Encounter priority value set


Encounter priority value set

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Encounter Class list

CodeSystemActiveIngredient (MY Core)

Active Ingredient

CodeSystemAllergyCode (MY Core)

Allergy Code

CodeSystemAllergyEnvironment (MY Core)

Active Ingredient

CodeSystemAudiologyAssessment (MY Core)

Audiology Assessment

CodeSystemAudiologyAuralRehabilitation(MY Core)

Audiology Aural Rehabilitation

CodeSystemAudiologyCochlearImplantAssessment(MY Core)

Audiology Cochlear Implant Assessment

CodeSystemAudiologyElectrophysiologyTest(MY Core)

Audiology Electrophysiology Test

CodeSystemAudiologyHearingAidAssessment (MY Core)

Audiology Hearing Aid Assessment

CodeSystemAudiologyNeonatalHearingScreening (MY Core)

Audiology Neonatal Hearing Screening

CodeSystemBillingType (MY Core)

Billing type

CodeSystemCancelationReason (MY Core)

Appointment cancellation reason

CodeSystemCity (MY Core)
CodeSystemClinicPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Clinic Physiotherapy

CodeSystemClusterFacility (MY Core)

Cluster Facility Code System

CodeSystemCompositionCategory (MYCore)

Composition category

CodeSystemCompositionClass (MYCore)

Composition class

CodeSystemCompositionEvent (MYCore)

The specific clinical service or event being documented

CodeSystemCompositionType (MY Core)

Composition type code system

CodeSystemConditionCategory (MY Core)

Code System condition category in Malaysia

CodeSystemConsentCategory (MY Core)

Consent category

CodeSystemContractMembershipType (MY Core)

Contract Membership Type

CodeSystemCookingDemonstration (MY Core)

Cooking Demonstration

CodeSystemDataType (MY Core)

Data Type

CodeSystemDentalAlertCode (MY Core)

Dental Alert Code

CodeSystemDentalCode (MY Core)

Dental code

CodeSystemDentalHistoryAlert (MY Core)

Dental history Alert

CodeSystemDentalProcedure (MY Core)

Dental Procedure

CodeSystemDentitian (MY Core)


CodeSystemDevMilestoneFineMotor (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone Fine Motor

CodeSystemDevMilestoneGrossMotor (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone Gross Motor

CodeSystemDevMilestoneSocial (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone Social Motor

CodeSystemDevMilestoneSpeech (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone Speech Motor

CodeSystemDevelopmentalMilestone (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone

CodeSystemDevelopmentalMilestone (MY Core)

Developmental Milestone

CodeSystemDiagnosisRole (MY Core)

SMRP Diagnosis Code

CodeSystemDiagnosticProcedure (MY Core)

Diagnostic Procedure

CodeSystemDischargeDisposition (MY Core)

Discharge disposition

CodeSystemDistrict (My Core)

Malaysia District List

CodeSystemDrug (MY Core)


CodeSystemDrugAllergy (MY Core)


CodeSystemDrugCategory (MY Core)

Drug Category

CodeSystemDrugCautionary (MY Core)

Drug Cautionary

CodeSystemDrugDoseForm (MY Core)

Drug Dose Form

CodeSystemDrugSchedule (MY Core)

Drug Schedule

CodeSystemDrugSpecialInstruction (MY Core)

Drug Special Instruction

CodeSystemDrugSubGroup (MY Core)

Drug Sub Group

CodeSystemDrugTradeName (MY Core)

Drug Trade Name

CodeSystemDrugType (MY Core)

Drug Type

CodeSystemEducationLevel (MY Core)

Education Level for Malaysia

CodeSystemEncounterCategory (MY Core)

Encounter Category

CodeSystemEncounterOutcome (MY Core)

Encounter outcome

CodeSystemEncounterOutcomeReason (MY Core)

Encounter outcome reason

CodeSystemEncounterRating (MY Core)
CodeSystemEthnic (MY Core)
CodeSystemExternalReferralSourceType (MY Core)

Internal Referral Source Type

CodeSystemFlagCategory (MY Core)

Flag Category

CodeSystemForeignerType (MY Core)

Foreinger Type

CodeSystemHealthProgramPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Health Program Physiotherapy

CodeSystemHospitalPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Malaysia Hospital Physiotherapy

CodeSystemImaging (MY Core)

Malaysia imaging code system

CodeSystemImagingModality (MY Core)

PIK imaging modality code

CodeSystemImagingRegion (MY Core)

Malaysia imaging region code system

CodeSystemImmunizationRecommendationStatus (MY Core)
CodeSystemInternalReferralSourceType (MY Core)

Internal Referral Source Type

CodeSystemLab (MY Core)

Malaysia PIK Lab Code System

CodeSystemLabComponent (MY Core)

Malaysia PIK Lab Component Code System

CodeSystemLabMethod (MY Core)

Malaysia Lab method

CodeSystemLabSubGroup (MY Core)

Malaysia Lab Sub Group

CodeSystemLocationType (MY Core)

Location Type

CodeSystemMinorProcedure (MY Core)

Minor Procedure

CodeSystemMonthlyHouseholdIncome (MY Core)

Monthly Household Income

CodeSystemNationality (My Core)


CodeSystemNcdVcDx (MY Core)

NCD VC Report Dx

CodeSystemNonDrugAllergyCode (MY Core)

Non Drug Allergy Code

CodeSystemNutritionScienceOfficer (MY Core)

Nutrition Science Officer Consultation

CodeSystemNutritionistConsultation (MY Core)

Nutritionist Consultation

CodeSystemObservationCategory (MY Core)

Observation category

CodeSystemObservationPanel (MY Core)

Additonal Observation panel code

CodeSystemOccupationSector (MY Core)

Occupation Sector

CodeSystemOperationStatus (MY Core)

Operation Status

CodeSystemOphthalmicProcedure (MY Core)

Ophthalmic Procedure

CodeSystemOrganizationCategory (MY Core)

Category of Health Care organization Malaysia

CodeSystemOrganizationType (MY Core)

Type of Health Care organization Malaysia

CodeSystemOutcomeAnxietyDass21 (MY Core)

Depression and Anxiety Stress Scale Scoring Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeAudit10 (MY Core)

Audit 10 Outcome Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeAuditC (MY Core)

Audit C Outcome Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeDepressionDass21 (MY Core)

Depression Scale Scoring Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeGenCvs (MY Core)

General CVD Risk Prediction Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomePhq9 (MY Core)

PHQ 9 Outcome Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeStressDass21 (MY Core)

Stress Scale Scoring Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutcomeWhooley (MY Core)

Whooley Outcome Questionnaire

CodeSystemOutsourceFacility (MY Core)

Outsource facility

CodeSystemPaymentIssuerType (MY Core)

Payment Issuer Type

CodeSystemPaymentMethod (MY Core)

Payment Method

CodeSystemPaymentType (MY Core)

Payment Type

CodeSystemPersonCategory (My Core)

Breakdown of individual based of military category

CodeSystemPersonTitle (MY Core)
CodeSystemPhisFrequency (MY Core)

Phis Frequency

CodeSystemPhisRoute (MY Core)

Phis Route

CodeSystemPhisUom (MY Core)

Occupational Sector

CodeSystemPhlebotomy (MY Core)


CodeSystemPikProcedure (MY Core)

ICD9 procedure code

CodeSystemPostCode (MY Core)

Malaysia Postcode

CodeSystemPractitionerRoleCode (MY Core)

Malaysia list of practitioner role

CodeSystemPrimaryCareType (MY Core)

Primary care type

CodeSystemProblemList (MY Core)

Phis Frequency

CodeSystemProcedure (MY Core)

Procedures ICD9 from PIK

CodeSystemProcedureCategory (MY Core)

Procedure Category

CodeSystemProcedureComplication (MY Core)

Procedure complication my core

CodeSystemProcedurePerformerRole (My Core)

PIK procedure performer role

CodeSystemProcedureSessionType (MY Core)

Procedure session type

CodeSystemReasonCode (MY Core)

Reason for encounter codes in Malaysia

CodeSystemReferralForm (MY Core)

Task output type code system

CodeSystemReferralType (MY Core)

Referral Type code system

CodeSystemRelationship (MY Core)

Code System PIK Relationship My Core

CodeSystemReligion (MY Core)

Malaysia Common Religion

CodeSystemRevenueCode (MY Core)

Revenue Code

CodeSystemScheduleType (MYCore)

Schedule & Appointment Type

CodeSystemSecondaryCareType (MY Core)

Secondary care type of healthcare service

CodeSystemServiceOutsourceCategory (MY Core)

Outsource Category My Core

CodeSystemServiceRequestCategory (MY Core)

Service Request Category My Core

CodeSystemServiceType (MY Core)
CodeSystemSourceSMyCore (MY Core)

Source System Code

CodeSystemSpecialty (MY Core)

Code System Specialty My Core

CodeSystemSpecimenContainerType (MY Core)

Malaysia specimen container type

CodeSystemSpecimenType (MY Core)

Malaysia specimen type

CodeSystemState (MY Core)
CodeSystemSubRecordType (MY Core)

Sub Record Type

CodeSystemSurface (MY Core)


CodeSystemSurfaceCode (MY Core)


CodeSystemTaskBusinessStatusCode (MY Core)

Codes indicating the type of action that is expected to be performed

CodeSystemTaskCode (MY Core)

Type of task

CodeSystemTaskInputType (MY Core)

Task input type code system

CodeSystemTaskOutputType (MY Core)

Task output type code system

CodeSystemTdmRecommededType (MY Core)

TDM recommended type

CodeSystemTdmSampleType (MY Core)

TDM sample type

CodeSystemTertiaryCareType (MY Core)

Tertiary care healthcare service type in Malaysia

CodeSystemTreatmentProcedure (MY Core)

Treatment Procedure

CodeSystemVaccineCode (MY Core)

Malaysia vaccine code system

CodeSystemVisitType (MY Core)

Encounter Visit Type PIK code

CodeSystemWardCategory (MY Core)

Ward Category

CodeSystemWardClass (MY Core)

Ward Class

CodeSystemWardSpecialty (MY Core)

Appointment cancellation reason


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.
