ImplementationGuide for Malaysia Core (MY Core)
0.0.1 - CI Build

ImplementationGuide for Malaysia Core (MY Core), published by Malaysia Healthcare Nexus (MHN). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: ValueSetClinicPhysiotherapy (MY Core)

Official URL: Version: 0.0.1
Active as of 2024-02-12 Responsible: Malaysia Healthcare Nexus (MHN) Realm: International flag Computable Name: ValueSetClinicPhysiotherapyMyCore

Malaysia Clinic Physiotherapy


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet value-set-clinic-physiotherapy-my-core

  • Include these codes as defined in
    00SWD (Shortwave Diarthermy)LAIN-LAIN
    01ShockWT (Shockwave Therapy)SWD (Shortwave Diarthermy)
    02US (Ultrasound Therapy)ShockWT (Shockwave Therapy)
    03IT (Interferential Therapy)US (Ultrasound Therapy)
    04TENS/EMSIT (Interferential Therapy)
    05Laser (Laser Therapy)TENS/EMS
    06Myofeedback / Biofeedback (EMG)Laser (Laser Therapy)
    07Exs-A (Exercise - Active)Myofeedback / Biofeedback (EMG)
    08Exs-P (Exercise - Passive)Exs-A (Exercise - Active)
    09Exs-R (Exercise - Resisted)Exs-P (Exercise - Passive)
    10GE (Group Exs)Exs-R (Exercise - Resisted)
    11CTE (Circuit Training Exs)GE (Group Exs)
    12AMB (Ambulation)CTE (Circuit Training Exs)
    13FA (Functional Activities)AMB (Ambulation)
    14BAT (Balance Training)FA (Functional Activities)
    15G (Gait Training)BAT (Balance Training)
    16TBE (Therapeutic Ball Exs)G (Gait Training)
    17APNE (Ante Post Natal Exs)TBE (Therapeutic Ball Exs)
    18PFME (Pelvic Floor Mus. Exs)APNE (Ante Post Natal Exs)
    19Mat ActivityPFME (Pelvic Floor Mus. Exs)
    20ME (Mechanical Exs)Mat Activity
    21Bicycle (Ergometer / Recumbent Bike)ME (Mechanical Exs)
    22T (Treadmill)Bicycle (Ergometer / Recumbent Bike)
    23Motorised cycleT (Treadmill)
    24STH (Suspension Therapy)Motorised cycle
    25Tilt table ActivitySTH (Suspension Therapy)
    26Cryotherapy by AirTilt table Activity
    27C (Cryocuff)Cryotherapy by Air
    28IP (Ice Pack)C (Cryocuff)
    29HP (Hotpack)IP (Ice Pack)
    30WB (Wax Bath)HP (Hotpack)
    31IRR (Infrared Therapy)WB (Wax Bath)
    32CT (Cervical Traction)IRR (Infrared Therapy)
    33LTR (Lumbar Traction)CT (Cervical Traction)
    34CPM (Cont. Pass. Motion)LTR (Lumbar Traction)
    35SupportiveCPM (Cont. Pass. Motion)
    38BE (Breathing Exs)Taping
    39ACBT (Act. Cycle Breath. Tech)BE (Breathing Exs)
    40PD (Postural Drainage)ACBT (Act. Cycle Breath. Tech)
    41PVS (Percus / Vibrat / Shaking)PD (Postural Drainage)
    42Mechanical Chest PercussionPVS (Percus / Vibrat / Shaking)
    43SUCTIONMechanical Chest Percussion
    44IMT (Inspiratory Muscle Training)SUCTION
    45IS (Incentive Spirometer)IMT (Inspiratory Muscle Training)
    46Use of Adjuncts In Respiratory CareIS (Incentive Spirometer)
    47JM (Joint Mobilization)Use of Adjuncts In Respiratory Care
    48MT (McKenzie / Maitland Technique)JM (Joint Mobilization)
    49NT (Neurodevelopmental Therapy)MT (McKenzie / Maitland Technique)
    50A (Acupressure)NT (Neurodevelopmental Therapy)
    51Icing and BrushingA (Acupressure)
    52STM (Soft Tissue Manipulation)Icing and Brushing
    53MFR (Myofascial Release)STM (Soft Tissue Manipulation)
    54SR (Sensory Reeducation)MFR (Myofascial Release)
    55SHER (Special Hand Exercise Regime)SR (Sensory Reeducation)
    56Bladder / Bowel TrainingSHER (Special Hand Exercise Regime)
    57LCS (Lumbar / Cervical Stabilisation)Bladder / Bowel Training
    58MET (Muscle Energy Technique)LCS (Lumbar / Cervical Stabilisation)
    59PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fasilitation)MET (Muscle Energy Technique)
    60Mobilization with MovementPNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fasilitation)
    61ViR (Virtual Reality)Mobilization with Movement
    62VR (Vestibular Rehabilitation)ViR (Virtual Reality)
    63PE (Patient Education)VR (Vestibular Rehabilitation)
    64CFE (Carer / Family Education)PE (Patient Education)
    65HEP (Home Exercise Programme)CFE (Carer / Family Education)
    66TeleconsultationHEP (Home Exercise Programme)



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on codesystem CodeSystemClinicPhysiotherapy (MY Core) v0.0.1 (CodeSystem)

This value set contains 68 concepts

  00 (Shortwave Diarthermy)


  01 (Shockwave Therapy)

SWD (Shortwave Diarthermy)

  02 (Ultrasound Therapy)

ShockWT (Shockwave Therapy)

  03 (Interferential Therapy)

US (Ultrasound Therapy)


IT (Interferential Therapy)

  05 (Laser Therapy)


  06 / Biofeedback (EMG)

Laser (Laser Therapy)

  07 (Exercise - Active)

Myofeedback / Biofeedback (EMG)

  08 (Exercise - Passive)

Exs-A (Exercise - Active)

  09 (Exercise - Resisted)

Exs-P (Exercise - Passive)

  10 (Group Exs)

Exs-R (Exercise - Resisted)

  11 (Circuit Training Exs)

GE (Group Exs)

  12 (Ambulation)

CTE (Circuit Training Exs)

  13 (Functional Activities)

AMB (Ambulation)

  14 (Balance Training)

FA (Functional Activities)

  15 (Gait Training)

BAT (Balance Training)

  16 (Therapeutic Ball Exs)

G (Gait Training)

  17 (Ante Post Natal Exs)

TBE (Therapeutic Ball Exs)

  18 (Pelvic Floor Mus. Exs)

APNE (Ante Post Natal Exs)

  19 Activity

PFME (Pelvic Floor Mus. Exs)

  20 (Mechanical Exs)

Mat Activity

  21 (Ergometer / Recumbent Bike)

ME (Mechanical Exs)

  22 (Treadmill)

Bicycle (Ergometer / Recumbent Bike)

  23 cycle

T (Treadmill)

  24 (Suspension Therapy)

Motorised cycle

  25 table Activity

STH (Suspension Therapy)

  26 by Air

Tilt table Activity

  27 (Cryocuff)

Cryotherapy by Air

  28 (Ice Pack)

C (Cryocuff)

  29 (Hotpack)

IP (Ice Pack)

  30 (Wax Bath)

HP (Hotpack)

  31 (Infrared Therapy)

WB (Wax Bath)

  32 (Cervical Traction)

IRR (Infrared Therapy)

  33 (Lumbar Traction)

CT (Cervical Traction)

  34 (Cont. Pass. Motion)

LTR (Lumbar Traction)


CPM (Cont. Pass. Motion)





  38 (Breathing Exs)


  39 (Act. Cycle Breath. Tech)

BE (Breathing Exs)

  40 (Postural Drainage)

ACBT (Act. Cycle Breath. Tech)

  41 (Percus / Vibrat / Shaking)

PD (Postural Drainage)

  42 Chest Percussion

PVS (Percus / Vibrat / Shaking)


Mechanical Chest Percussion

  44 (Inspiratory Muscle Training)


  45 (Incentive Spirometer)

IMT (Inspiratory Muscle Training)

  46 of Adjuncts In Respiratory Care

IS (Incentive Spirometer)

  47 (Joint Mobilization)

Use of Adjuncts In Respiratory Care

  48 (McKenzie / Maitland Technique)

JM (Joint Mobilization)

  49 (Neurodevelopmental Therapy)

MT (McKenzie / Maitland Technique)

  50 (Acupressure)

NT (Neurodevelopmental Therapy)

  51 and Brushing

A (Acupressure)

  52 (Soft Tissue Manipulation)

Icing and Brushing

  53 (Myofascial Release)

STM (Soft Tissue Manipulation)

  54 (Sensory Reeducation)

MFR (Myofascial Release)

  55 (Special Hand Exercise Regime)

SR (Sensory Reeducation)

  56 / Bowel Training

SHER (Special Hand Exercise Regime)

  57 (Lumbar / Cervical Stabilisation)

Bladder / Bowel Training

  58 (Muscle Energy Technique)

LCS (Lumbar / Cervical Stabilisation)

  59 (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fasilitation)

MET (Muscle Energy Technique)

  60 with Movement

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Fasilitation)

  61 (Virtual Reality)

Mobilization with Movement

  62 (Vestibular Rehabilitation)

ViR (Virtual Reality)

  63 (Patient Education)

VR (Vestibular Rehabilitation)

  64 (Carer / Family Education)

PE (Patient Education)

  65 (Home Exercise Programme)

CFE (Carer / Family Education)


HEP (Home Exercise Programme)



Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code