PanCareSurPass Project HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide
0.2.0 - CI Build 150

PanCareSurPass Project HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide, published by PanCareSurPass Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 PanCareSurPass FHIR IG - Home Page
... 2 PCSP Maturity Model
... 3 Logical Models
... 4 Sequence diagrams
... 5 Collaboration diagrams
... 6 Profiles
... 7 Terminology
... 8 Extensions
... 9 Examples
... 10 Useful Downloads
... 11 IG Change History
... 12 Artifacts Summary
.... 12.1 SurPass V2.0
.... 12.2 Bundle: Survivor Passport
.... 12.3 Care Plan
.... 12.4 Chemotherapy
.... 12.5 Diagnosis
.... 12.6 Front Line Treatment
.... 12.7 Major Surgery
.... 12.8 Metadata FSE Italy
.... 12.9 Other info and relevant events
.... 12.10 Progression-Relapse after FLT
.... 12.11 Progression-Relapse during FLT
.... 12.12 Radiotherapy
.... 12.13 Stem Cell Transplantation
.... 12.14 Subject of care
.... 12.15 Treatment Summary
.... 12.16 BiologicallyDerivedProduct: Stem Cell
.... 12.17 CarePlan: PCSP-generated plan
.... 12.18 Composition: Survivor Passport
.... 12.19 Condition: GvHD
.... 12.20 Condition: Metastatic Cancer
.... 12.21 Condition: Others
.... 12.22 Condition: Primary Cancer
.... 12.23 Condition: Severe Toxicity
.... 12.24 DocumentReference: PCSP
.... 12.25 Encounter: Treatment Center
.... 12.26 Location: PCSP
.... 12.27 MedicationAdministration: Chemotherapy
.... 12.28 MedicationStatement: Chemotherapy
.... 12.29 Observation: Blood type/RH
.... 12.30 Observation: Cancer Stage Group
.... 12.31 Observation: Chemotherapy Cumulative Dose
.... 12.32 Observation: Diagnosis details
.... 12.33 Observation: Hereditary Predisposition
.... 12.34 Observation: Radiotherapy Total Dose PCSP
.... 12.35 Observation: Risk Factor
.... 12.36 Observation: TNM Distant Metastases Category
.... 12.37 Observation: TNM Primary Tumor Category
.... 12.38 Observation: TNM Regional Nodes Category
.... 12.39 Organization: Primary Treatment Center / Center of diagnosis
.... 12.40 Patient: PCSP
.... 12.41 PlanDefinition: Front Line Treatment
.... 12.42 Procedure: Catheter
.... 12.43 Procedure: Cryopreservation
.... 12.44 Procedure: Front Line Treatment
.... 12.45 Procedure: Other Treatments
.... 12.46 Procedure: Radiotherapy
.... 12.47 Procedure: Radiotherapy Boost
.... 12.48 Procedure: Radiotherapy Shielding
.... 12.49 Procedure: SCT Prophylaxis
.... 12.50 Procedure: Stem Cell Transplantation
.... 12.51 Procedure: Surgery
.... 12.52 Procedure: Transfusion other infos
.... 12.53 Act Location
.... 12.54 Annotation Type
.... 12.55 Body Location Qualifier
.... 12.56 Condition related to resource
.... 12.57 Laterality Qualifier
.... 12.58 Not affected Organ
.... 12.59 Performed Timing
.... 12.60 Previous Status
.... 12.61 Procedure Used Reference
.... 12.62 Radiotherapy Energy or Isotope
.... 12.63 Randomization arm for trial
.... 12.64 Relapse Type
.... 12.65 Resource related information
.... 12.66 Sacrified organ
.... 12.67 Stem Cell Donor Type
.... 12.68 Stem Cell Source Type
.... 12.69 Active or resolved Condition
.... 12.70 Acute Gvhd Grade
.... 12.71 Affected Organs (surgery)
.... 12.72 Amputation Surgical Procedure Type
.... 12.73 Annotation type
.... 12.74 Antineoplastic and immunostimulating agents
.... 12.75 Before/after procedure
.... 12.76 Body Location Qualifier Value Set
.... 12.77 Body Location Qualifier Value Set
.... 12.78 Brachytherapy Type
.... 12.79 Calculated|Estimated
.... 12.80 Cancer Staging System Value Set
.... 12.81 Chemotherapy cumulative dose units
.... 12.82 Chronic Gvhd condition
.... 12.83 Colostomy Surgical Procedure Type
.... 12.84 Conditions at risk
.... 12.85 Conditions: follow up
.... 12.86 Document Type
.... 12.87 FLT Plan Type
.... 12.88 Gastrostomy Surgical Procedure Type
.... 12.89 Grade: follow up
.... 12.90 Gvhd condition
.... 12.91 Hereditary Predispositions (ICD10)
.... 12.92 Hereditary Predispositions (Orphacode)
.... 12.93 Hereditary Predispositions or Disease
.... 12.94 ICCC-3
.... 12.95 ICD-O-3 Morphology
.... 12.96 ICD-O-3 Topography
.... 12.97 Laterality Qualifier Value Set
.... 12.98 Morphologically abnormal structure
.... 12.99 Not Applicable|Unknown
.... 12.100 Not Performed|Unknown
.... 12.101 Observation Codes for Distant Metastases Category
.... 12.102 Observation Codes for Primary Tumor Category
.... 12.103 Observation Codes for Regional Node Category
.... 12.104 Observation Codes for Stage Group Category
.... 12.105 Other Infors Condition
.... 12.106 Other/Unknown/Text
.... 12.107 Prosthesis Type
.... 12.108 Prosthetic Surgical Procedure Type
.... 12.109 Radiotherapy Device Type
.... 12.110 Radiotherapy Dose Type
.... 12.111 Radiotherapy dose units
.... 12.112 Radiotherapy Isotopes
.... 12.113 Radiotherapy sites
.... 12.114 Radiotherapy Type
.... 12.115 Recommendations
.... 12.116 Relapse type (Local/Distant/Combined)
.... 12.117 Risk Factors
.... 12.118 Route of administration
.... 12.119 Sacrified Organs (surgery)
.... 12.120 SCT Prophylaxis Cathegory
.... 12.121 SCT Prophylaxis Type
.... 12.122 Shunt Procedure Type
.... 12.123 Stage Group Value Set
.... 12.124 Stem Cell Donor type
.... 12.125 Stem Cell Source type
.... 12.126 Stem Cell Transplantation type
.... 12.127 Surgical Actions
.... 12.128 Surgical Procedure Type
.... 12.129 TNM Distant Metastases Category Value Set
.... 12.130 TNM Primary Tumor Category Value Set
.... 12.131 TNM Regional Nodes Category Value Set
.... 12.132 Toxicity Severity
.... 12.133 Unknown|Other
.... 12.134 PCSP Code System
.... 12.135 PCSP Conditions at risk
.... 12.136 PCSP Recommendations
.... 12.137 Radiotherapy sites
.... 12.138 Risk Factors
.... 12.139 21982
.... 12.140 21983
.... 12.141 21984
.... 12.142 21985
.... 12.143 21986
.... 12.144 21987
.... 12.145 21988
.... 12.146 21992
.... 12.147 3974
.... 12.148 3975
.... 12.149 3976
.... 12.150 3978
.... 12.151 3980
.... 12.152 3982
.... 12.153 3985
.... 12.154 3986
.... 12.155 3992
.... 12.156 3993
.... 12.157 3996
.... 12.158 3998
.... 12.159 46bee55b-5cd0-4727-86a5-3f9317a5d7d9
.... 12.160 4952
.... 12.161 4953
.... 12.162 4955
.... 12.163 5008
.... 12.164 5062
.... 12.165 BiologicallyDerivedProduct: Stem Cell Transplantation
.... 12.166 CarePlan: Automatically Generated Example
.... 12.167 Composition: SurPass
.... 12.168 Condition: complete metastatic site Condition example (TBC)
.... 12.169 Condition: complete Primary Cancer Condition example (TBC)
.... 12.170 Condition: Primary Diagnosis Hulafe
.... 12.171 Condition: Sample from Mainz
.... 12.172 DocumentReference: Preliminary SurPass
.... 12.173 Encounter: Primary Diagnosis Hulafe (Encounter)
.... 12.174 Encounter: Sample from Mainz
.... 12.175 Encounter: Sample from Mainz (Zeisig)
.... 12.176 Location: Chemotherapy Hulafe
.... 12.177 Location: Stem Cell Transplantation
.... 12.178 MedicationAdministration: Chemotherapy Hulafe Ciclofosfamide
.... 12.179 MedicationAdministration: Chemotherapy Hulafe Citarabina
.... 12.180 MedicationAdministration: Chemotherapy Hulafe Metotrexato
.... 12.181 MedicationAdministration: Chemotherapy Hulafe Vincristina
.... 12.182 MedicationStatement: Chemotherapy Hulafe Corticosteroids
.... 12.183 Observation: Blood type/RH before the SCT
.... 12.184 Observation: Chemotherapy Hulafe Ciclofosfamide Cumulative Dose
.... 12.185 Observation: Chemotherapy Hulafe Citarabina Cumulative Dose
.... 12.186 Observation: Chemotherapy Hulafe Metotrexato Cumulative Dose
.... 12.187 Observation: Chemotherapy Hulafe Vincristina Cumulative Dose
.... 12.188 Observation: Radiotherapy Total Dose
.... 12.189 Observation: Risk Factor
.... 12.190 Observation: Risk Factor
.... 12.191 Observation: Risk Factor
.... 12.192 Observation: Risk Factor
.... 12.193 Observation: Sample from Mainz (Zeisig)
.... 12.194 Organization: Primary Diagnosis Hulafe (Organization)
.... 12.195 Patient: Hulafe
.... 12.196 Patient: Sample created on Mainz data (Fischer)
.... 12.197 Patient: Sample created on Mainz data (Zeisig)
.... 12.198 Patient: Sample created on Vulsk data
.... 12.199 Patient: Sample from Cineca
.... 12.200 Patient: Sample from Hulafe
.... 12.201 Procedure: Radiotherapy
.... 12.202 Procedure: Stem Cell Transplantation
.... 12.203 Procedure: Transfusion
.... 12.204 ROTSurPass
..... 12.204.1 ValueSet