WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API, published by Uppsala Monitoring Centre. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/Uppsala-Monitoring-Centre/WHO-UMC-IDMP-Service/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

API to allow for Requests and Publishing of PhPIDs and GSIDs

The WHO-UMC API supports management and publishing of OhPIDs and GSIDs as part of the ISO IDMP standard

Behavior: Search Parameters

These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.

Parent PhPID

Search PhPIDs based on 'parent' PhPIDs

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

AdministrableProductDefinition (WHO PhP)

This profile specified how the AdministrableProductDefinition is published by the WHO-UMC IDMP Service

Ingredient (WHO PhP publish)

This profile specified how the Ingredient is used in PhPID publishing (as contained resource in a MedicinalProductDefinition) by the WHO-UMC PhP HL7 FHIR Service

Ingredient (WHO PhP)

This profile specified how the Ingredient is used in a PhPID request (as contained resource in a MedicinalProductDefinition) by the WHO-UMC PhP HL7 FHIR Service

Marketing Authorization Holder

Marketing Authorization Holder of medicinal product

MedicinalProductDefinition for PhPID request

This profile specified how the MedicinalProductDefinition is used in request (for a new PhPID) (as contained resource) by the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service

MedicinalProductDefinition for publication

This profile specifies how the MedicinalProductDefinition is published by the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service representing the WHODrug dictionary

Organization authorized to use the WHO-UMC IDMP service

Organization making the request, not necessarily the same organization as the one sending the task

Subscription for event notifications

Subscription for event notifications

SubstanceDefinition for publication

This profile specified how the SubstanceDefinition is published by the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service

SubstanceDefinition for request

This profile specified how the SubstanceDefinition is used in request (for a new GSID) (as contained resource) by the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service

Task GSID request

This profile specified how to use the Task resource to request (via POST) the generation of a GSID by using the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service

Task GSID request status

This profile specified how to use the Task resource to request status of a previously sent request

Task PhPID request

This profile specified how to use the Task resource to request (via POST) the generation of a PhPID by using the WHO-UMC IDMP FHIR Service

Task PhPID request status

This profile specified how to use the Task resource to request status of a previously sent request

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Parent PhP

This extension applies to the ADP resource and is used to refer the parent ADPs representing the upper level PhP.

Pharmaceutical dose form - AdministrationMethod

This extension is use to display the AdministrationMethod for an AdministrableProductDefinition

Pharmaceutical dose form - BasicDoseForm

This extension is use to display the BasicDoseForm for an AdministrableProductDefinition

Pharmaceutical dose form - IntendedSite

This extension is use to display the IntendedSite for an AdministrableProductDefinition

Pharmaceutical dose form - ReleaseCharacteristics

This extension is use to display the ReleaseCharacteristics for an AdministrableProductDefinition

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Channel Type Value Set

Channel type Value Set accepted by the IDMP Service

EDQM PDF characteristics: Administration Method

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Administration Method

EDQM PDF characteristics: Basic Dose Form

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Basic Dose Form

EDQM PDF characteristics: Intended Site

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Intended Site

EDQM PDF characteristics: Release Characteristics

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Release Characteristics

EDQM Pharmaceutical Form

EDQM Pharmaceutical Forms

GSID request input type value set

GSID request input type value set

GSID request output type value set

GSID request output type value set

Identifier Type Value Set

Identifier Type Value Set

Jurisdiction Value Set

Jurisdiction Value Set

MPID system

Medicinal Product identification systems

PhPID request input type value set

PhPID request input type value set

PhPID request output type value set

PhPID request output type value set

Request Status Value Set

Request Status Value Set

Route Of Administration

Route Of Administration

Strength Unit Value Set

Strength Unit Value Set




World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Additional jurisdictional areas compolementing the ISO 3166 country codes

Additional jurisdictional areas compolementing the ISO 3166 country codes.

Pdf Characteristics

This system lists the available pharmaceutical dose form characteristics

PhPId level

This system lists PhPID types: level and stratum

Strength units applicable in the IDMP PhPID service

This code system lists applicable strength units in the IDMP PhPID service. They are a sub set of the unum units with some additions.

Task input type

This system lists the available input types for a task

Task output type

This system lists the available output types for a task

Task request code

This code system lists Task request codes in the IDMP PhPID service.

WHODrug DrugCode

Description of WHODrug DrugCode code system (B-format)

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Administrable Product Definition Event

An APD has triggered an event

AdministrableProductDefinition level 1

AdministrableProductDefinition on level 1. Linked from a level 4, 3 and 2 APD.

AdministrableProductDefinition level 2

AdministrableProductDefinition on level 2. Linked from a level 4 APD.

AdministrableProductDefinition level 3

AdministrableProductDefinition on level 3. Linked from a level 4 APD.

AdministrableProductDefinition level 4

Example of AdministrableProductDefinition returned by the server on level 4.

Example of a completed Task

An example of a completed task with output.

MedicinalProductDefinition (Auro methotrexate)

Example of a WHODrug product published as a MedicinalProductDefinition.

MedicinalProductDefinition (Methotrexaat sandoz)

Example of a WHODrug product published as a MedicinalProductDefinition.

Subscription for MedicinalProductDefinition changes

A template for how to create a subscription for a MPD change with a rest hook

Subscription for PhPID changes

A template for how to create a subscription for a PhPID change with an email hook


An example of a GSID (salt variant) publisehed as a SubstanceDefinition


An example of a GSID publisehed as a SubstanceDefinition

Substance (OMEPRAZOLE)

An example of a GSID publisehed as a SubstanceDefinition

Task example from DataPharm (UK)

An example developed by DataPharm while testing PhPID request API.

Task example from Felleskatalogen (NO)

An example developed by Felleskatalogen while testing PhPID request API.

Task to request a new GSID

A template for how a Task that is used to request a new GSID (SubstanceDefinition) can be structured.

Task to request a new PhPID

A template for how a Task that is used to request a new PhPID (AdministrableProductDefinition) can be structured.