WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API, published by Uppsala Monitoring Centre. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/Uppsala-Monitoring-Centre/WHO-UMC-IDMP-Service/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Task: Task example from Felleskatalogen (NO)

Generated Narrative: Task Task-Felleskatalogen-CPOD-MPD-1

status: Requested

intent: proposal

priority: Routine

authoredOn: 2023-08-28

lastModified: 2023-08-28


type: Medicinal Product for PhPID request

value: MedicinalProductDefinition: identifier = http://legemiddelverket.no/FEST/LegemiddelMerkevareID#ID_ACC470D6-0B3C-4082-9494-775FB6D2048C; type = Medicinal Product; domain = Human use; status = Active; combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm = Subkutan bruk


type: Ingredient for PhPID request

value: Ingredient: status = draft; role = Active


type: Marketing Auth Holder for PhPID request

value: Organization MAH 1

Generated Narrative: MedicinalProductDefinition #ID-ACC470D6-0B3C-4082-9494-775FB6D2048C

identifier: http://legemiddelverket.no/FEST/LegemiddelMerkevareID/ID_ACC470D6-0B3C-4082-9494-775FB6D2048C

type: Medicinal Product

domain: Human use

status: Active

combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm: Subkutan bruk

attachedDocument: SPC/123


*Organization MAH 1


productName: Eklira Genuair



Generated Narrative: Ingredient #ID-1C149B52-D662-4CE0-9FA3-79865521F9C6

status: Draft

for: MedicinalProductDefinition: identifier = http://legemiddelverket.no/FEST/LegemiddelMerkevareID#ID_ACC470D6-0B3C-4082-9494-775FB6D2048C; type = Medicinal Product; domain = Human use; status = Active; combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm = Subkutan bruk

role: Active





*322 ug/1 IU322 µg

Generated Narrative: Organization #mah1

active: true

type: Non-Healthcare Business or Corporation

name: MAH 1