WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API, published by Uppsala Monitoring Centre. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/Uppsala-Monitoring-Centre/WHO-UMC-IDMP-Service/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Operating model

Operating model

Following is a picture of the operating model for requesting and publishing PhPIDs. The process is similar for GSIDs.

The PhPID operating model


  1. A requester in need for a PhPID sends a request containing the product information.
  2. The sent in request is validated by pharmacists in the maintenance organisation.
  3. The validated and harmonized dose form, substance and strength information is used as input string in the generation of PhPIDs.
  4. The requester receives the PhPIDs, levels 1-4, for their medicinal product.
  5. The generated PhPIDs are stored in the PhPID repository.

Corresponding FHIR operations

  1. A FHIR Task is used to request a new PhPID where necessary information to complete the request is embedded in the contains section of the Task. See PhPID request model for details.
  2. While validating the request the status of the Task indicates to progress.
  3. The Task is ready and transits to completed via in-progress.
  4. The new (or already existing) PhPID is published in the output section of the Task and is thereafter publically available as an AdministrativeProductDefinition resource.
  5. Searching for an existing PhPID can be done using standard search functionality. Search and filter parameters is available in the Capability Statement.