Validation Results for MedicationScheme

Generated Thu Feb 13 08:17:50 UTC 2025, FHIR version 5.0.0 for ig-ee-medication-scheme#1.0.0 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.8.12
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId = ig-ee-medication-scheme, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Language Info:Stated Languages: n/a. IG Resource Lang: n/a. 36 of 129 (27%) of resources have a language. Population Policy: NONE
Publication Request:
  • Package ID mismatch. This package is ig-ee-medication-scheme but the website has null
  • Package canonical mismatch. This package canonical is but the website has null
  • No publication request found
  • Dependency on hl7.fhir.uv.extensions is to the current version - not allowed
Supressed Messages:12 Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. ig-ee-medication-scheme1.0.0R5
... hl7.terminology.r56.2.0 MR5http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions5.2.0-ballot OR5 to latest patch release (current->5.2.0-ballot). Latest Release is 5.2.0
.... hl7.terminology.r56.1.0 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.2.0
... ee.fhir.base1.1.1 UR5
.... hl7.terminology.r56.0.2 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.2.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.1.0 OR5 Release is 5.2.0
.... ee.fhir.terminology0.2.2 VR5https://fhir.ee
..... hl7.terminology.r56.0.2 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.2.0
..... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.1.0 OR5 above. Latest Release is 5.2.0
... ee.fhir.mpi1.1.1 UR5
.... hl7.terminology.r56.0.2 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.2.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.1.0 OR5 above. Latest Release is 5.2.0
.... ee.fhir.terminology0.2.2 VR5https://fhir.ee above
.... ee.fhir.base1.1.1 UR5 above
Templates: -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Mismatch canonical URL)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings
Summary: errors = 7, warn = 910, info = 276, broken links = 29.
Build Errors2940
/scratch/repo/input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1)043
/scratch/repo/input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0 (2)021

n/a Show Validation Information

output​/CodeSystem-tis-fhir-identifikaatorid​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 308, column 7errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/CodeSystem-tis-fhir-identifikaatorid​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 312, column 7errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 425, column 456errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 545, column 356errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 704, column 296errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 395, column 456errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 496, column 356errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 632, column 296errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 504, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 732, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 993, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 1820, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2048, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2308, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 554, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 832, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 1137, column 339errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2048, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2326, column 341errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2630, column 339errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 471, column 516errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 797, column 451errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-definitions​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/span​/a at Line 1260, column 296errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 546, column 296errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 963, column 298errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 1742, column 298errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2559, column 296errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 2976, column 298errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
output​/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 3754, column 298errorThe link '' for "" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml, dependency-table-nontech.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
IGwarningThe IG is not for the international realm, and it uses SNOMED CT, so it should fix the SCT edition in the expansion parameters

fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.json Show Validation Information (5)

ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[0]​/*Medication​/metformin*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l28​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 (from MSG_DRAFT
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[0]​/*Medication​/metformin*​/​.doseForm (l39​/c8)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_EXPERIMENTAL
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[0]​/*Medication​/metformin*​/​.doseForm​.coding[0]​.display (l39​/c8)information'tablett+õhukese polümeerikattega tablett' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[0]​/*Medication​/metformin*​/​.ingredient[0]​.item​.concept (l54​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 (from MSG_DRAFT
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[1]​/*Medication​/adrenalin*​/​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l91​/c12)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 (from MSG_DRAFT
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[1]​/*Medication​/adrenalin*​/​.doseForm (l114​/c8)informationReference to experimental CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_EXPERIMENTAL
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[1]​/*Medication​/adrenalin*​/​.doseForm​.coding[0]​.display (l114​/c8)information'süstelahus' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
ClinicalUseDefinition​.contained[1]​/*Medication​/adrenalin*​/​.ingredient[0]​.item​.concept (l129​/c14)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 (from MSG_DRAFT
ClinicalUseDefinition​.status​.coding[0] (l9​/c4)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-atc-ee.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c1930)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2325)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-toimeained.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2223)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2687)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_MISSING

fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-ig-ee-medication-scheme.json Show Validation Information (1)

ImplementationGuide​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c1220)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[113]​.description (l1​/c47805)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_MARKDOWN_HTML
ImplementationGuide​.definition​.resource[114]​.description (l1​/c48299)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_MARKDOWN_HTML

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationDispense-dispensation-alprazolam.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationDispense​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l16​/c12)information'0%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationDispense​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l28​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationDispense-dispensation-metformin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationDispense​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l16​/c12)information'90%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationDispense​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l28​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-adrenalin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[3]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l72​/c12)information'Eestis puudub haiguse/seisundi raviks müügiloaga ravim' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[3]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c12)information'Otsus negatiivne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[3]​.extension[4]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l100​/c12)information'Taotletud ravimil on kehtiv müügiluba ning seda turustatakse Eestis. Ei vaja arsti taotlust.' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l122​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l131​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.system (l152​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-adrenalin-pos-dec.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'0%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[3]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l72​/c12)information'Eestis puudub haiguse/seisundi raviks müügiloaga ravim' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[3]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c12)information'Otsus positiivne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l110​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l119​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.system (l140​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-alprazolam.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l60​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l69​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l90​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-cancelled.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.statusReason​.coding[0]​.display (l57​/c4)information'Raviskeemi muudatus: soovimatu koos- või kõrvaltoime' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l84​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationRequest​.substitution​.reason​.coding[0]​.system (l126​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-dexamethason.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l60​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l69​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l90​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationRequest​.courseOfTherapyType​.coding[0]​.display (l101​/c4)information'Fikseeritud' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.substitution​.reason​.coding[0]​.system (l232​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-metformin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'90%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l60​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l69​/c6)information'3-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l90​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationRequest​.courseOfTherapyType​.coding[0]​.display (l101​/c4)information'Pidev' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.substitution​.reason​.coding[0]​.system (l164​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-ospen.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l15​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l27​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l40​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l60​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.display (l69​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationRequest​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l90​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationRequest​.courseOfTherapyType​.coding[0]​.display (l101​/c4)information'Fikseeritud' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-complex-dosaging.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l125​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'90%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l116​/c6)information'Pidev' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l116​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l125​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l134​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l143​/c6)information'3-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l166​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-metformin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l125​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'90%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c8)information'Avalik' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l116​/c6)information'Pidev' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l116​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l125​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l134​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l143​/c6)information'3-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l166​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-ospen2.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l138​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'75%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c8)information'Volitatud' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[7]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l100​/c8)information'Raviskeemi muudatus: soovimatu koos- või kõrvaltoime' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l128​/c6)information'Fikseeritud' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l128​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l138​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l147​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l157​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l181​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAdrenalin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.extension[6] (l123​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l180​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l91​/c12)information'Eestis puudub haiguse/seisundi raviks müügiloaga ravim' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l103​/c12)information'Otsus positiivne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[7]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l138​/c8)information'Privaatne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l170​/c6)information'Ühekordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l170​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l180​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l189​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l199​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0]​.system (l228​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAlprazolam.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l126​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'50%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c8)information'Privaatne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l116​/c6)information'Ühekordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l116​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l126​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l135​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l145​/c6)information'1-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l169​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementNovorapid.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l126​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l59​/c12)information'100%' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.extension[4]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l71​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
MedicationStatement​.extension[5]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.display (l84​/c8)information'Volitatud' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l116​/c6)information'Pidev' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l116​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l126​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.category[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l135​/c6)information'tavaretsept' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[3]​.coding[0]​.display (l145​/c6)information'3-kordne' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l169​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementOTC-Aspirin.json Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationStatement​.category[1] (l37​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
MedicationStatement​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l28​/c6)information'Pidev' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
MedicationStatement​.category[0] (l28​/c6)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
MedicationStatement​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l37​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
MedicationStatement​.reason[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l60​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-confirmed-medication-scheme.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c2155)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
OperationDefinition (l1/c2582)warningConstraint failed: cnl-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-history.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c2049)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
OperationDefinition (l1/c2456)warningConstraint failed: cnl-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-validate-custom.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c2072)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
OperationDefinition (l1/c2457)warningConstraint failed: cnl-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' (defined in

fsh-generated/resources/Parameters-parameters-response.json Show Validation Information (1)

Parameters​.parameter[4]​.part[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l26​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Parameters​.parameter[4]​.part[1]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l36​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.json Show Validation Information (1)

PractitionerRole.code[1] (l29/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole.specialty[3] (l67/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole.specialty[4] (l76/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole​.code[1]​.coding[0]​.system (l29​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
PractitionerRole​.specialty[3]​.coding[0]​.system (l67​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from UNKNOWN_CODESYSTEM
PractitionerRole​.specialty[4]​.coding[0] (l76​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD98765.json Show Validation Information (1)

PractitionerRole.code[1] (l29/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole.code[2] (l38/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole.specialty[2] (l67/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole​.code[1]​.coding[0] (l29​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
PractitionerRole​.code[2]​.coding[0]​.display (l38​/c6)information'Arst' is the default display; the code system has no Display Names for the language en-US
PractitionerRole​.specialty[2]​.coding[0] (l67​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleN98765.json Show Validation Information (1)

PractitionerRole.code[1] (l29/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole.specialty[1] (l49/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning Details_for__matching_against_Profile_
PractitionerRole​.code[1]​.coding[0] (l29​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
PractitionerRole​.specialty[1]​.coding[0] (l49​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-composition.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c73683)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[32] (l1​/c118784)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[10] (l1​/c163538)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[32]​.fixed​.ofType(CodeableConcept)warningFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance SD_VALUE_COMPLEX_FIXED
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/fhir​.ee​/StructureDefinition​/ee-tis-composition')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-dosage.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c66600)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[27]​.short (l1​/c98664)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[17]​.short (l1​/c124677)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-dispensed-to-patient.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c22388)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[38]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.ingredient.strength[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-epc.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c46033)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[41]​.type[0]​.extension[1] (l1​/c97846)informationThe extension|5.2.0-ballot is deprecated with the note This was deprecated in favor of using a constraint on the element using FHIRPath, since constraints allow for the provision of a human readable message associated with the regex MSG_DEPENDS_ON_DEPRECATED_NOTE
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[9]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[24]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-extemporal.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c35922)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[44]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Medication.ingredient.strength[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-interaction.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c60958)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12] (l1​/c79644)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58] (l1​/c139346)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5] (l1​/c180262)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11] (l1​/c181329)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClinicalUseDefinition.subject.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58]​.fixed​.ofType(CodeableConcept)warningFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance SD_VALUE_COMPLEX_FIXED

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-list.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c39821)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[11] (l1​/c56826)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12] (l1​/c58428)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14] (l1​/c60565)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c78981)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c79042)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[6] (l1​/c79468)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'List.mode' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.fixed​.ofType(CodeableConcept)warningFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance SD_VALUE_COMPLEX_FIXED

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-overview.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c42947)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[6] (l1​/c56105)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[1] (l1​/c443801)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c79762)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c110452)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[71]​.short (l1​/c166244)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[15]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c209566)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[15]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c209582)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c110468)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/table/tr/td/a' for '' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-food-supplement.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c51820)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c74401)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[70]​.short (l1​/c140456)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[8]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c173614)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[8]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c173630)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c74417)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[25]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'MedicationStatement.medication.reference.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c63048)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c88727)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64]​.short (l1​/c142284)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.slicing​.discriminator[0]​.type (l1​/c184229)informationThe code 'pattern' is valid but is deprecated
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[11]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c184245)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c88743)warningThe discriminator type 'pattern' has been deprecated. Use type=value with a pattern[x] instead (if this is not an inherited slicing)
StructureDefinition.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/table/tr/td/a' for '' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c13608)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[54] (l1​/c82638)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[48]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Practitioner.qualification.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c9123)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[33] (l1​/c59164)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[45] (l1​/c73983)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58] (l1​/c90533)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[70] (l1​/c105592)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[16]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.practitioner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.organization.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[52]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c177590)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[120]​.short (l1​/c328634)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'MedicationRequest.priority' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/table/tr/td/a' for '' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-dispense.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c77951)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18] (l1​/c102196)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49]​.mapping[0]​.map (l1​/c139748)informationThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk SECURITY_STRING_CONTENT_WARNING
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[9] (l1​/c214289)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[36]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'MedicationDispense.location.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'MedicationDispense.receiver.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c15693)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Task.priority' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[31]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Task.requestedPerformer' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental SD_ED_EXPERIMENTAL_BINDING
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/fhir​.ee​/StructureDefinition​/ee-tis-reimbursement-task')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task-response-parameters.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c52014)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/fhir​.ee​/StructureDefinition​/ee-tis-reimbursement-task-response-parameters')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-related-person.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.jurisdiction[0] (l1​/c22747)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[27] (l1​/c61127)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39] (l1​/c76424)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/fhir​.ee​/StructureDefinition​/ee-tis-related-person')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c1258)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
ValueSet.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2000)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED

input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c8146)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c8854)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.property[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c10565)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Vaatamise ja muutmise õigus (va suletud dokumendid). Määratud esindaja tuleb TIS-ist\u00a0' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.definition (l1​/c11464)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Kohtu poolt määratud seaduslik esindaja ehk eestkostja. Alaealise puhul tema vanem.\u00a0' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11521)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE[1] (l1/c15491)informationThis property has only a code ('definition') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_CODE[2] (l1/c15491)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-neg-otsuse-pohjendus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c3746)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c3953)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c4782)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c6330)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-pohjendus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2889)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c3085)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3862)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c4810)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-otsus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c1865)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2066)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2876)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3247)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-staatus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2085)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2288)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3077)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3562)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/ravikuuri-tyyp--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2202)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2385)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3121)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3947)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2650)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2837)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.description (l1/c3629)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_MARKDOWN_HTML
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3724)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c4844)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0 (2).json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c944)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
ValueSet.description (l1/c1701)warningThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour TYPE_SPECIFIC_CHECKS_DT_MARKDOWN_HTML
ValueSet.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c1796)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED

input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c4571)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c4766)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c5533)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSystem​.concept[0]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c6045)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c6300)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c6635)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[3]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c6995)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c7372)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[5]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c7732)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[6]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8055)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[7]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8442)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[8]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8736)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE[0] (l1/c8909)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.description​.extension[1]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(string) (l1​/c100516)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Üldised ja detailsed ravimvormid koos nendevaheliste seostega. ' Type_Specific_Checks_DT_String_WS
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c100676)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSystem (l1/c199087)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element should be present, but it is not CODESYSTEM_SHAREABLE_EXTRA_MISSING[0] (l1/c199087)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN[1] (l1/c199087)informationThe type of property 'code' is 'code', but no ValueSet information was found, so the codes will be validated as internal codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_CODE_DEFAULT_WARNING[1] (l1/c199087)informationThis property has only a code ('groupedBy') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_CODE[2] (l1/c199087)errorWrong type 'string': The URI '' identifies a property that has the type 'code' CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_TYPE_MISMATCH
CodeSystem​.concept[0]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suposiit' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[3]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[5]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[6]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[7]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'emulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[8]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suspensioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[9]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'aerosool' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[10]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'sprei' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[11]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[12]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[13]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[14]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[15]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[16]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[17]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[18]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[19]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'plaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[20]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[21]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[22]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[23]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[24]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'test' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[25]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[26]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'käsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[27]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[28]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'muu' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[29]​.property[0] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'implantaat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[30]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'iontoforeesilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[31]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'puderhautis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[32]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kihisev pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[33]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kihisevad gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[34]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'koeliim' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[35]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemodial lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[36]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[37]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[38]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[39]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaallahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[40]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[41]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[42]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[43]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[44]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvaloputusemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[45]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[46]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[47]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[48]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[49]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[50]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[51]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[52]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[53]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[54]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[55]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatigad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[56]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[57]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'säilituslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[58]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[59]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süsteravimi lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[60]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'maoloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[61]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'mukoadh bukaaltablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[62]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahaemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[63]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahapasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[64]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[65]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[66]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[67]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei, pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[68]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[69]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[70]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahavaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[71]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[72]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[73]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[74]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[75]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[76]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[77]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[78]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[79]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[80]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[81]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[82]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[83]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'oblaat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[84]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnegeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[85]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnekapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[86]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[87]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnepasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[88]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnesusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[89]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnetilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[90]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[91]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'PDV' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[92]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne kummi' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[93]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[94]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[95]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[96]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[97]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[98]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[99]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[100]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotservikaalgeeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[101]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[102]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'koeliimi pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[103]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[104]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[105]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[106]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[107]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[108]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[109]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[110]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'põieloputuslahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[111]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaallahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[112]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[113]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'siirupipulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[114]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[115]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[116]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'põieloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[117]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'radiofarm komplekt' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[118]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'radiofarm prekursor' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[119]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'radionukliidgeneraator' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[120]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambapasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[121]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'närimiskumm' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[122]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimtaimetee' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[123]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[124]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[125]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalkreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[126]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[127]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[128]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaaltampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[129]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalvaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[130]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[131]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmainsert' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[132]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[133]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmaloputuslahuse lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[134]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[135]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[136]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[137]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilkade lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[138]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[139]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[140]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[141]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pehmekaps + tbl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[142]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[143]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaallahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[144]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsusp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[145]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuloputuslahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[146]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin lahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[147]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'modif caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[148]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'modif caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[149]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'modif tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[150]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'modif gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[151]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[152]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[153]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[154]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[155]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong silmatilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[156]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'uretraalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[157]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'uretraalpulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[158]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[159]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[160]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kihisev vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[161]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[162]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[163]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[164]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin tampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[165]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[166]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[167]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[168]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin vaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[169]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vannilisand' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[170]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[171]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[172]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[173]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[174]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[175]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[176]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suus dispergeeruv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[177]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[178]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[179]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj emuls pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[180]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[181]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[182]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[183]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaallahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[184]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj /inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[185]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intestinaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[186]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[187]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj disp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[188]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[189]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[190]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[191]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[192]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'närimiskapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[193]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[194]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[195]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemodiafiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[196]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroint emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[197]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambaproteesi lakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[198]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilkade susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[199]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'immutatud tamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[200]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[201]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'eluskoe ekvivalent' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[202]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'haavapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[203]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[204]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pillid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[205]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'disp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[206]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnekreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[207]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'krüogeenne med gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[208]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'med surugaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[209]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'med vedelgaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[210]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[211]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahavedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[212]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse/rektaalsusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[213]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl+kihisevad gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[214]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[215]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimkäsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[216]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nina-/suuõõnesprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[217]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, immutatud tamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[218]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[219]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'etalonaine' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[220]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne/rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[221]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lahus üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[222]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsusp tabl ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[223]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'koeliimilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[224]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj emuls, emuls ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[225]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse susp prolong gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[226]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemodial/hemofiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[227]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahus süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[228]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahaplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[229]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[230]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[231]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[232]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahus kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[233]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahus pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[234]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[235]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[236]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[237]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[238]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl + vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[239]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[240]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravitr impl aplikaatoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[241]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[242]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[243]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'periodontaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[244]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'bukaalravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[245]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf lahus süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[246]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'TDG' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[247]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kaetud gran kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[248]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[249]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'dentaalpasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[250]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong inj susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[251]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[252]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[253]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pressitud loseng' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[254]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suus disp. ravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[255]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'TDL' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[256]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf/rekt lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[257]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/infusiooniemulsioon süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[258]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[259]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesik susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[260]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'radiofarm prekursori lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[261]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geeli pulber ja geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[262]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[263]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[264]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'infusioonidisp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[265]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'koeliimi maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[266]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp konts pulber, disp ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[267]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesik-/süstelah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[268]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'transdermaalne sprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[269]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[270]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp suspensioon ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[271]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[272]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[273]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lahuse pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[274]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl+pol.tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[275]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'koeliimi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[276]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[277]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/infusioonidisp gaas ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[278]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[279]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[280]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'disp tabl annustis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[281]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[282]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lahus kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[283]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'infusioonilahuse konts pulber ja lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[284]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne/rektaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[285]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[286]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lahuse graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[287]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'spreisuspensioon ja -lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[288]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[289]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahus man süsteemis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[290]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kreem + vaginaalsup' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[291]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geel kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[292]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaal-/süstelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[293]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne susp aplikaatoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[294]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[295]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl maatriksi pulber, lahusti ja maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[296]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'antikoag ja veresäil lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[297]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endos lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[298]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endosin lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[299]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endosin lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[300]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endosin loputussusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[301]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[302]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotserv geeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[303]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'epilesionaallah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[304]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'epilesionaallah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[305]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'epilesionaallah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[306]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geeli geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[307]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[308]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambageeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[309]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambageeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[310]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambalah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[311]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambatsemendi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[312]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambatsemendi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[313]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambatsement' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[314]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemodial lah konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[315]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'igemegeeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[316]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'igemegeeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[317]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'imm tomp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[318]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl maatriksi maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[319]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl maatriksi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[320]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[321]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl pasta pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[322]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl pasta pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[323]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[324]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp kontsentraadi disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[325]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[326]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf disp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[327]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf emuls kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[328]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[329]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lah konts kontsentraat ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[330]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lah lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[331]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[332]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, imm tomp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[333]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, kihisev tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[334]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal pulber, tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[335]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok instill lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[336]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[337]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok instill lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[338]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok instill lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[339]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[340]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[341]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intraper lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[342]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaallah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[343]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaallah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[344]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[345]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[346]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'iontoforeesilah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[347]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kaetud graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[348]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kardiopleegialah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[349]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune ravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[350]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'Keelealune sprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[351]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune sprei, lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[352]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune sprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[353]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kolloodium' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[354]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristus-/ninaloputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[355]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kuristus-/suuloputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[356]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõri-neelulah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[357]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõri-neelusprei, lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[358]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrva-/ninatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[359]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrva-/silmasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[360]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'Kõrva-/silmatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[361]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[362]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahusti, ...' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[363]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahustuv ravimtaimetee' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[364]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'naha skar testi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[365]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'naha torketesti lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[366]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'naha torketesti lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[367]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'naha-/ninasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[368]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalahus/suuõõnelah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[369]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalah konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[370]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[371]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[372]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei konts, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[373]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[374]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahasprei, salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[375]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'neb lah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[376]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nina-/suuõõnelah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[377]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[378]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, lah/suuõõnelah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[379]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasprei, lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[380]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[381]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'periodont ins' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[382]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'periodont pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[383]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'per dial lah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[384]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pillid üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[385]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prov testi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[386]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prov testi plaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[387]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pulber koeliimi valmistamiseks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[388]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimkotike' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[389]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimniit' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[390]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimtaimetee kotis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[391]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[392]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmaravimliistak' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[393]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[394]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[395]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lah/neb lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[396]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse/rektaallah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[397]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk/rektaalsusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[398]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lah tabl ja pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[399]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp gastrores graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[400]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp graanulid ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[401]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp kihisevad graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[402]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[403]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp suspensioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[404]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, lahuse graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[405]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[406]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[407]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suulop lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[408]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõne-/kõri-neelulah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[409]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõne-/kõri-neelulahus/sprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[410]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnelah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[411]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõneplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[412]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnepulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[413]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnesalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[414]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[415]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[416]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/inf disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[417]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/inf disp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[418]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/naha torketesti lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[419]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/nahatorketesti lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[420]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstedisp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[421]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstedisp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[422]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süsteemuls emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[423]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süsteemuls pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[424]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süsteemuls susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[425]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelahuse lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[426]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[427]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp graanulid ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[428]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[429]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[430]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[431]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'modif suuk susp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[432]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[433]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vag lah graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[434]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'verefrakts modif lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[435]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'siirupi pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[436]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambatsem pulber ja lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[437]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[438]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah man süst' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[439]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk/rekt susp pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[440]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/inf lah konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[441]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[442]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, susp üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[443]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, prolong lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[444]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmageel üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[445]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmasalv üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[446]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'õhuk pol kattega tabl ja gastrores graanulid kotik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[447]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp gastrores graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[448]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geel rõhukont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[449]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[450]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[451]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk emuls kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[452]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk pasta kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[453]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[454]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah pulber ja lahusti kolbamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[455]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süste-/naha torketesti lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[456]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp prolong graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[457]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[458]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[459]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp lah ja susp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[460]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lah süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[461]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah nõelata injektoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[462]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'graanulid üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[463]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah annusti kolbamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[464]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk ravimtaimest saadud materjal' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[465]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'polümeerikattega tabl + tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[466]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõvakapsel + tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[467]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kreem + vag pehmekapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[468]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vag pehmekapsel + vag kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[469]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kreem + vaginaaltablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[470]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalahus + ravimkäsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[471]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kihisev tabl + õhukese polümeerikattega tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[472]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroresistentne tabl+ rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[473]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'intrauteriingeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[474]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong süstelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[475]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'spreisusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[476]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'spreilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[477]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'infusioonilahuse lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[478]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesuspensiooni emulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[479]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[480]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vaginaallahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[481]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp pulber ja lahusti mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[482]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[483]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[484]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp pen -süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[485]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kardiopleegia-/elundite säilituslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[486]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nahalah üheann konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[487]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'infusiooniemuls manustamissüsteemis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[488]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad, emuls üheann konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[489]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstelah eeltäidetud süstevah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[490]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[491]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'süstesusp eeltäidetud süstevahendis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[492]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'TDS' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[493]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninapul üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[494]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'uretraalemulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[495]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'siirup kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[496]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kaan' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[497]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'sens tbl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[498]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse susp kih pulb ja pulb' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[499]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[500]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahus kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[501]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'uret salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[502]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'med vaglad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[503]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong haavalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[504]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[505]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong inj disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[506]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk pulber üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[507]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'prolong suuk susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[508]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'keelealune lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[509]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'transderm geel kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[510]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj disp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[511]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj emuls konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[512]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj emuls konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[513]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[514]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gran üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[515]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suuk susp kihisevad gran ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[516]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj disp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[517]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gran avatavas kapslis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[518]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[519]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[520]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[521]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'siirup' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[522]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[523]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[524]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[525]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahustuv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[526]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[527]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsupp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[528]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[529]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[530]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[531]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin supp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[532]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[533]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[534]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[535]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[536]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[537]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[538]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrva-/silmatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[539]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[540]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[541]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudne susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[542]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[543]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kihisev tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[544]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'närimistabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[545]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[546]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'TDP' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[547]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ravimküünelakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[548]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[549]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmatilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[550]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kõrva/silma/ninatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[551]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'silmageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[552]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'iu ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[553]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'loputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[554]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'ninasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[555]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[556]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'pastill' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[557]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inf emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[558]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'tabl + vagin supp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[559]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'kaetud tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[560]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[561]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'TTS' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[562]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'nebul susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[563]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[564]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'rektaalkapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[565]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inj/inf emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[566]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'susp ja kihisevad graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[567]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'närimis/disp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[568]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'vagin kreem+vagin tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[569]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'loseng' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[570]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'šampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[571]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'annustatud inhal pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[572]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'bukaaltabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[573]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'dispergeeruv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[574]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[575]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[576]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'endotservikaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[577]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroint lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[578]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroint susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[579]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroresistentne kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[580]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroresistentne kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[581]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroresistentne tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[582]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'gastroresistentsed gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[583]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[584]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'suukaudse susp gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[585]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'siirupigraanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[586]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambaemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[587]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[588]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[589]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[590]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[591]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hambasusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[592]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemodial lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[593]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'hemofiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[594]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'igemegeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[595]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'igemelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[596]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'igemepasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[597]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl kett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[598]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'impl tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[599]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'immutatud haavaside' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[600]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aeros, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[601]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aeros, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[602]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aeros, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[603]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[604]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[605]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[606]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[607]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal aur, vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[608]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[609]​.property[1] (l1​/c199087)warningThe synonym 'inhal pulber kapslis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK

input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2943)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c3127)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3849)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c5417)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN[2] (l1/c5417)errorWrong type 'string': The URI '' identifies a property that has the type 'code' CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_TYPE_MISMATCH
CodeSystem​.concept[0]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'aastas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'väärtus on määratud kehtetuks.' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'kuus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[3]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'kvartalis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'väärtus on määratud kehtetuks.' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[5]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'päevas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[6]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'tunnis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK
CodeSystem​.concept[7]​.property[1] (l1​/c5417)warningThe synonym 'nädalas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_SYNONYM_CHECK

input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c6368)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c6560)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c7695)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSystem​.concept[0]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8183)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8374)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8559)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[3]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8723)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c8892)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[5]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9060)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[6]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9223)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[7]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9389)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[8]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9576)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[9]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9746)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[10]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c9934)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[11]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c10105)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[12]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c10276)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[13]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c10448)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[14]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c10615)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[15]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c10802)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[16]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11027)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[17]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11219)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[18]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11396)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[19]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11564)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[20]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11740)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[21]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c11902)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[22]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12062)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[23]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12229)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[24]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12393)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[25]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12585)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[26]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12748)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[27]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c12931)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE[0] (l1/c13006)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c18496)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c18689)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c19833)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED
CodeSystem​.concept[0]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c20310)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[1]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c20474)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[2]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c20646)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[3]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c20824)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[4]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c20986)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[5]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21146)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[6]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21303)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[7]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21470)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[8]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21637)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[9]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21804)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[10]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c21974)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[11]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22149)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[12]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22322)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[13]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22485)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[14]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22648)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[15]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22813)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[16]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c22976)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[17]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23144)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[18]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23309)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[19]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23479)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[20]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23645)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[21]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23815)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[22]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c23983)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[23]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c24150)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[24]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c24318)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[25]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c24510)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[26]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c24692)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[27]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c24860)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[28]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25032)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[29]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25231)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[30]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25395)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[31]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25561)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[32]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25734)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[33]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c25920)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[34]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26109)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[35]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26281)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[36]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26443)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[37]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26623)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[38]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26785)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[39]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c26955)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[40]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c27141)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[41]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c27322)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[42]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c27507)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[43]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c27691)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[44]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c27873)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[45]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28052)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[46]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28227)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[47]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28400)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[48]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28556)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[49]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28714)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[50]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c28896)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[51]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29066)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[52]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29239)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[53]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29402)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[54]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29578)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[55]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29751)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[56]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c29922)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[57]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c30089)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[58]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c30244)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[59]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c30407)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[60]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c30676)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[61]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c30832)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[62]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31001)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[63]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31178)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[64]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31378)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[65]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31560)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[66]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31753)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[67]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c31949)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[68]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32123)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[69]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32289)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[70]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32459)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[71]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32632)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[72]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32803)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[73]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c32991)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[74]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c33177)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[75]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c33368)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[76]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c33557)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[77]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c33753)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[78]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c33929)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[79]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c34107)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[80]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c34303)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[81]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c34485)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[82]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c34649)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[83]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c34823)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[84]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35013)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[85]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35198)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[86]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35369)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[87]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35548)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[88]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35730)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[89]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c35895)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[90]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36070)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[91]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36244)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[92]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36408)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[93]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36565)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[94]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36745)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[95]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c36924)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[96]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37090)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[97]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37250)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[98]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37421)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[99]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37593)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[100]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37769)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[101]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c37938)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[102]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c38112)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[103]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c38284)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[104]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c38440)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE
CodeSystem​.concept[105]​.designation[0]​.use (l1​/c38602)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided TERMINOLOGY_TX_SYSTEM_NO_CODE[0] (l1/c38677)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-annulleerimise-pohjus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2815)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c3014)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3866)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c4695)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-kordsus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c1806)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c1991)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2735)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3124)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-liik--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c1812)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c1993)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2749)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3174)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-soodustuse-maar--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2089)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2281)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3049)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3486)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-staatus--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c2426)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2610)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3374)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c4329)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/retsepti-volituse-liik--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(code) (l1​/c1888)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0 MSG_DRAFT
CodeSystem​.identifier[1]​.type​.coding[0] (l1​/c2078)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c2842)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c3242)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN

input/vocabulary/tis-fhir-identifikaatorid--1.0.0.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem.jurisdiction[0] (l1/c3480)informationReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0 (from, see log) MSG_DEPRECATED[0] (l1/c4623)informationThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_URI_UNKNOWN[1] (l1/c4623)informationThis property has only a code ('oid') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_CODE[2] (l1/c4623)informationThis property has only a code ('uri') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem CODESYSTEM_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN_CODE
CodeSystem.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/table/tr/td/a' for '' does not resolve

Editor's Comment: Externally defined ValueSets cannot be resolved
CodeSystem.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/table/tr/td/a' for '' does not resolve

Editor's Comment: Externally defined ValueSets cannot be resolved

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

Externally defined ValueSets cannot be resolved


Errors sorted by type


input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe type of property 'code' is 'code', but no ValueSet information was found, so the codes will be validated as internal codes


input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suposiit' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'emulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suspensioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'aerosool' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'sprei' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'plaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'test' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'käsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'muu' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'implantaat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'iontoforeesilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'puderhautis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kihisev pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kihisevad gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'koeliim' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemodial lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaallahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvaloputusemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatigad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'säilituslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süsteravimi lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'maoloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'mukoadh bukaaltablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahaemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahapasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei, pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahavaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'oblaat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnegeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnekapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnepasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnesusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnetilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'PDV' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne kummi' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudsed tilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotservikaalgeeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'koeliimi pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'põieloputuslahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaallahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'siirupipulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'põieloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'radiofarm komplekt' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'radiofarm prekursor' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'radionukliidgeneraator' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambapasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'närimiskumm' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimtaimetee' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalkreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaaltampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalvaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmakreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmainsert' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmaloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmaloputuslahuse lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilkade lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuloputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pehmekaps + tbl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristuslahuse tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaallahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsusp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuloputuslahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin lahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'modif caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'modif caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'modif tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'modif gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong silmatilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'uretraalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'uretraalpulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kihisev vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin tampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin vaht' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vannilisand' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suus dispergeeruv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj emuls pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaallahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj /inf lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intestinaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj disp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'närimiskapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemodiafiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroint emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambaproteesi lakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilkade susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'immutatud tamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'eluskoe ekvivalent' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'haavapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pillid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'disp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnekreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'krüogeenne med gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'med surugaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'med vedelgaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahavedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse/rektaalsusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl+kihisevad gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimkäsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nina-/suuõõnesprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, immutatud tamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'etalonaine' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne/rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lahus üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsusp tabl ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'koeliimilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj emuls, emuls ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse susp prolong gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemodial/hemofiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahus süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahaplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahus kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahus pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl + vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravitr impl aplikaatoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'periodontaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'bukaalravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf lahus süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'TDG' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kaetud gran kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'dentaalpasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong inj susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pressitud loseng' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suus disp. ravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'TDL' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf/rekt lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/infusiooniemulsioon süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahuse pulber ja lahusti pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesik susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'radiofarm prekursori lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geeli pulber ja geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahuse pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'infusioonidisp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'koeliimi maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp konts pulber, disp ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesik-/süstelah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'transdermaalne sprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp suspensioon ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lahuse pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl+pol.tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'koeliimi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/infusioonidisp gaas ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'disp tabl annustis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti pen-süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lahus kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'infusioonilahuse konts pulber ja lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne/rektaallahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lahuse graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'spreisuspensioon ja -lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong inj susp pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahus man süsteemis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kreem + vaginaalsup' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geel kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaal-/süstelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne susp aplikaatoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl maatriksi pulber, lahusti ja maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'antikoag ja veresäil lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endos lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endosin lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endosin lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endosin loputussusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotserv geeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'epilesionaallah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'epilesionaallah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'epilesionaallah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geeli geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambageeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambageeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambalah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambatsemendi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambatsemendi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambatsement' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemodial lah konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'igemegeeli pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'igemegeeli pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'imm tomp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl maatriksi maatriks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl maatriksi pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl pasta pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl pasta pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp kontsentraadi disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf disp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf emuls kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahuse konts kontsentraat' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lah konts kontsentraat ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lah lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, imm tomp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, kihisev tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal pulber, tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok instill lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok instill lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok instill lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraok loputuslah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intraper lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaallah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaallah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intravesikaalsusp konts pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'iontoforeesilah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kaetud graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kardiopleegialah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune ravimkile' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'Keelealune sprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune sprei, lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune sprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kolloodium' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristus-/ninaloputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kuristus-/suuloputuslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõri-neelulah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõri-neelusprei, lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrva-/ninatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrva-/silmasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'Kõrva-/silmatilgad, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahusti, ...' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahustuv ravimtaimetee' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'naha skar testi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'naha torketesti lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'naha torketesti lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'naha-/ninasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalahus/suuõõnelah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalah konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei konts, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahasprei, salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'neb lah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nina-/suuõõnelah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, lah/suuõõnelah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasprei, lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'periodont ins' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'periodont pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'per dial lah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pillid üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prov testi lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prov testi plaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pulber koeliimi valmistamiseks' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimkotike' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimniit' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimtaimetee kotis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmaravimliistak' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lah/neb lahuse konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse/rektaallah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk/rektaalsusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lah tabl ja pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp gastrores graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp graanulid ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp kihisevad graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp suspensioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, lahuse graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, susp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk tilgad, vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suulop lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõne-/kõri-neelulah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõne-/kõri-neelulahus/sprei, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnelah konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõneplaaster' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnepulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnesalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuõõnesprei, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/inf disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/inf disp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/naha torketesti lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/nahatorketesti lah pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstedisp gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstedisp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süsteemuls emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süsteemuls pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süsteemuls susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelahuse lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp graanulid ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp pulber ja lahusti süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'modif suuk susp graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vag lah graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'verefrakts modif lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'siirupi pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambatsem pulber ja lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah man süst' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk/rekt susp pulber kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/inf lah konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrvatilgad, susp üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, prolong lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmageel üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmasalv üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'õhuk pol kattega tabl ja gastrores graanulid kotik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp gastrores graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geel rõhukont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninatilgad, lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk emuls kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk pasta kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk lah üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah pulber ja lahusti kolbamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süste-/naha torketesti lah pulber ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp prolong graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong graanulid kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp lah ja susp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lah süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah nõelata injektoris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'graanulid üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah annusti kolbamp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk ravimtaimest saadud materjal' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'polümeerikattega tabl + tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõvakapsel + tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kreem + vag pehmekapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vag pehmekapsel + vag kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kreem + vaginaaltablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalahus + ravimkäsn' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kihisev tabl + õhukese polümeerikattega tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroresistentne tabl+ rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'intrauteriingeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong süstelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'spreisusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'spreilahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'infusioonilahuse lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesuspensiooni emulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalahuse tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vaginaallahuse pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp pulber ja lahusti mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp mitmeann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong süstesusp pen -süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kardiopleegia-/elundite säilituslah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nahalah üheann konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'infusiooniemuls manustamissüsteemis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad, emuls üheann konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstelah eeltäidetud süstevah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'süstesusp eeltäidetud süstevahendis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'TDS' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninapul üheannuselises konteineris' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'uretraalemulsioon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'siirup kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kaan' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'sens tbl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse susp kih pulb ja pulb' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp pulber ja lah' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahus kolbampullis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'uret salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'med vaglad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong haavalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong inj disp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk pulber üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'prolong suuk susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'keelealune lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'transderm geel kotikeses' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj disp konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj emuls konts' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj emuls konts ja lahusti' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gran üheann kont' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suuk susp kihisevad gran ja susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj disp süstlis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gran avatavas kapslis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'caps' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'siirup' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kreem' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahustuv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsupp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'lüof' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin supp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne pasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne geel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrva-/silmatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudne susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kihisev tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'närimistabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'TDP' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ravimküünelakk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmatilgad' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kõrva/silma/ninatilgad, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'silmageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'iu ravivahend' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'loputuslahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'ninasalv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'pastill' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inf emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'tabl + vagin supp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'kaetud tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gaas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'TTS' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'nebul susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalsusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'rektaalkapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inj/inf emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'susp ja kihisevad graanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'närimis/disp tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'vagin kreem+vagin tablett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'loseng' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'šampoon' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'annustatud inhal pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'bukaaltabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'dispergeeruv tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotrahh instill susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'endotservikaalgeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroint lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroint susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroresistentne kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroresistentne kapsel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroresistentne tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'gastroresistentsed gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse lahuse gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'suukaudse susp gran' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'siirupigraanulid' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambaemuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambageel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambalahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambapulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambapulk' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hambasusp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemodial lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'hemofiltr lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'igemegeel' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'igemelahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'igemepasta' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl kett' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'impl tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'immutatud haavaside' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aeros, emuls' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aeros, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aeros, susp' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, lahus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, salv' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, tabl' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal aur, vedelik' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal pulber' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe synonym 'inhal pulber kapslis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'aastas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'väärtus on määratud kehtetuks.' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'kuus' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'kvartalis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'väärtus on määratud kehtetuks.' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'päevas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'tunnis' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe synonym 'nädalas' is not also defined in the code system. The Synonym property should only used to declare equivalence to other existing codes


input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonThis property has only a code ('definition') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThis property has only a code ('groupedBy') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem
input/vocabulary/tis-fhir-identifikaatorid--1.0.0.jsonThis property has only a code ('oid') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem
input/vocabulary/tis-fhir-identifikaatorid--1.0.0.jsonThis property has only a code ('uri') and not a URI, so it has no clearly defined meaning in the terminology ecosystem


input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonWrong type 'string': The URI '' identifies a property that has the type 'code'
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonWrong type 'string': The URI '' identifies a property that has the type 'code'


input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-neg-otsuse-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-otsus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-staatus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/ravikuuri-tyyp--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-annulleerimise-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-kordsus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-liik--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-soodustuse-maar--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-staatus--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/retsepti-volituse-liik--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully
input/vocabulary/tis-fhir-identifikaatorid--1.0.0.jsonThe property uri '|display' is not known, so the property values can not be validated fully


input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element should be present, but it is not


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-atc-ee.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-toimeained.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-complex-dosaging.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-metformin.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-ospen2.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAdrenalin.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAdrenalin.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAlprazolam.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementNovorapid.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementOTC-Aspirin.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD98765.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD98765.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD98765.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleN98765.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleN98765.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.1.1 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-pharmacistKristiina.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|1.0.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-epc.jsonThe extension|5.2.0-ballot is deprecated with the note This was deprecated in favor of using a constraint on the element using FHIRPath, since constraints allow for the provision of a human readable message associated with the regex


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-atc-ee.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-toimeained.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-ig-ee-medication-scheme.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Interactions.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-confirm.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-confirmed-medication-scheme.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-history.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-MedicationStatement-validate-custom.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-Task-reimbursements.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-additional-information-link.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-affected-medication-statements.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-buyer-epc.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-cancelled-status-reason.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-composition.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-consent-with-interactions.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-course-of-therapy-type.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-dispensation-authorization.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-dosage.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-lock-status.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-dispensed-to-patient.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-epc.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-extemporal.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-interaction.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-list.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-overview.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-remainder.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-food-supplement.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medicinal-product-classification.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medicinal-product-name.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-organization.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-pharmacy-location.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-change.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-dispense.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-intent.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-validity-time.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-rate.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task-response-parameters.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-related-person.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-size-of-item.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-substitution.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-total-prescribed-amount.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-unauthorized-product-request.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-verification.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-atc-ee.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ravimvormid.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-toimeained.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-neg-otsuse-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-neg-otsuse-pohjendus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-pohjendus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-otsus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-otsus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-staatus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-staatus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravikuuri-tyyp--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravikuuri-tyyp--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0 (2).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-annulleerimise-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-annulleerimise-pohjus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-kordsus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-kordsus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-liik--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-liik--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-soodustuse-maar--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-soodustuse-maar--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-staatus--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-staatus--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-volituse-liik--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-volituse-liik--1.0.0 (1).jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/tis-fhir-identifikaatorid--1.0.0.jsonReference to deprecated ValueSet|5.0.0


fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-TiamiinPyridoksiinTsyanokobalamiinLidokaiin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-TiamiinPyridoksiinTsyanokobalamiinLidokaiin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-TiamiinPyridoksiinTsyanokobalamiinLidokaiin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-TiamiinPyridoksiinTsyanokobalamiinLidokaiin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-TiamiinPyridoksiinTsyanokobalamiinLidokaiin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-adrenalin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-adrenalin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-alprazolam.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-alprazolam.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-aspirin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-aspirin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-dexamethason.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-dexamethason.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-fenoksymetyylpenitsilliin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-fenoksymetyylpenitsilliin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-metformin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-metformin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-novorapid.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/Medication-novorapid.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-complex-dosaging.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-metformin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatement-ospen2.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAdrenalin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAlprazolam.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementFoodSupplementRaud.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementNovorapid.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementOTC-Aspirin.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-neg-otsuse-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-pohjendus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-otsus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/myygiloata-ravimi-taotluse-staatus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravikuuri-tyyp--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-ajayhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-annulleerimise-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-kordsus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-liik--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-soodustuse-maar--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-staatus--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0
input/vocabulary/retsepti-volituse-liik--1.0.0.jsonReference to draft CodeSystem|5.0.0


fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to experimental CodeSystem|1.0.0
fsh-generated/resources/ClinicalUseDefinition-medication-interaction1.jsonReference to experimental CodeSystem|1.0.0


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-dispensed-to-patient.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.ingredient.strength[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-epc.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-epc.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-extemporal.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-extemporal.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.doseForm' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-extemporal.jsonThe definition for the element 'Medication.ingredient.strength[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-interaction.jsonThe definition for the element 'ClinicalUseDefinition.subject.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-list.jsonThe definition for the element 'List.mode' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-food-supplement.jsonThe definition for the element 'MedicationStatement.medication.reference.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner.jsonThe definition for the element 'Practitioner.qualification.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.practitioner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.organization.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-practitioner-role.jsonThe definition for the element 'PractitionerRole.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription.jsonThe definition for the element 'MedicationRequest.priority' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-dispense.jsonThe definition for the element 'MedicationDispense.location.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-dispense.jsonThe definition for the element 'MedicationDispense.receiver.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task.jsonThe definition for the element 'Task.priority' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-reimbursement-task.jsonThe definition for the element 'Task.requestedPerformer' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-composition.jsonFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-interaction.jsonFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-list.jsonFor the complex type CodeableConcept, consider using a pattern rather than a fixed value to avoid over-constraining the instance


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription-dispense.jsonThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk


input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/ravimi-asendamatuse-pohjus--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-annustamise-yhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
input/vocabulary/retsept-mahu-ja-massiyhik--1.0.0.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided


fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-ig-ee-medication-scheme.jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
fsh-generated/resources/ImplementationGuide-ig-ee-medication-scheme.jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0.jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour
input/vocabulary/ravimi-andmete-tyyp--4.0.0 (2).jsonThe markdown contains content that appears to be an embedded HTML tag starting at 'Di'. This will (or SHOULD) be escaped by the presentation layer. The content should be checked to confirm that this is the desired behaviour


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-dosage.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-dosage.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-food-supplement.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-medication-statement-otc.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ee-tis-prescription.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' If one or more days of week is provided, then the action happens only on the specified day(s).'
input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Vaatamise ja muutmise õigus (va suletud dokumendid). Määratud esindaja tuleb TIS-ist\u00a0'
input/vocabulary/autoriseerimismooduli-kasutajarollid--1.0.0 (1).jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Kohtu poolt määratud seaduslik esindaja ehk eestkostja. Alaealise puhul tema vanem.\u00a0'
input/vocabulary/ravimvormid.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Üldised ja detailsed ravimvormid koos nendevaheliste seostega. '


fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-adrenalin.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-adrenalin-pos-dec.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-cancelled.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-dexamethason.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationRequest-prescription-metformin.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/MedicationStatement-MedicationStatementAdrenalin.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-pat1MatiMeri.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/PractitionerRole-PractRoleD12345.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-atc-ee.jsonThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment'
fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-toimeained.jsonThe value set references CodeSystem '' which has status 'fragment'