0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Base Artifacts |
3 National Directory API Use Cases |
4 National Directory API Implementation Guidance |
5 National Directory API Artifacts |
6 National Directory API Capability Satement |
7 National Directory API Examples |
8 Attestation Use Cases |
9 Attestation Flow Diagrams |
10 Attestation Implementation Guidance |
11 Attestation Artifacts |
12 Attestation CapabilityStatement |
13 Validation & Verification Use Cases |
14 Validation & Verification Flow Diagrams |
15 Validation & Verification Implementation Guidance |
16 Validation & Verification Artifacts |
17 Validation & Verification CapabilityStatement |
18 Local Directory API Use Cases |
19 Local Directory API Implementation Guidance |
20 Local Directory API Artifacts |
21 Local Directory API CapabilityStatement |
22 Local Directory API Examples |
23 Download Specification |
24 other |
25 Release Notes |
26 Artifacts Summary |
26.1 National Directory API Base Expanded Server Capability Statement |
26.2 National Directory API Base Server Capability Statement |
26.3 National Directory API Capability Statement |
26.4 NDH Attestation Server Capability Statement |
26.5 NDH Verification Server Capability Statement |
26.6 Workflow Directory Server Endpoint Basic Query Capability Statement |
26.7 Workflow Directory Server Endpoint Expanded Query Capability Statement |
26.8 Workflow Directory Server Health And Human Service Basic Query Capability Statement |
26.9 Workflow Directory Server Health And Human Service Expanded Query Capability Statement |
26.10 Workflow Directory Server Human Service Basic Query Capability Statement |
26.11 Workflow Directory Server Human Service Expanded Query Capability Statement |
26.12 Workflow Directory Server Payer Provider Network Query Capability Statement |
26.13 Workflow Directory Server Provider Basic Query Capability Statement |
26.14 Workflow Directory Server Provider Expanded Query Capability Statement |
26.15 Scheduled NDH Export Operation |
26.16 CareTeam endpoint |
26.17 CareTeam location |
26.18 CareTeam Name |
26.19 CareTeam organization |
26.20 CareTeam service |
26.21 CareTeam verification-status |
26.22 Endpoint access-control-mechanism |
26.23 Endpoint connection-type-version |
26.24 Endpoint dynamic-registration-trust-profile |
26.25 Endpoint ihe-connection-type |
26.26 Endpoint nonfhir-usecase-type |
26.27 Endpoint trust-framework-type |
26.28 Endpoint usecase-type |
26.29 Endpoint verification-status |
26.30 HealthcareService eligibility |
26.31 HealthcareService location |
26.32 HealthcareService network |
26.33 HealthcareService new patient |
26.34 HealthcareService new patient from network |
26.35 Healthcareservice new-patient-and-from-network |
26.36 HealthcareService organization |
26.37 HealthcareService program requirement age group |
26.38 HealthcareService program requirement birthsex |
26.39 HealthcareService program requirement employment status |
26.40 HealthcareService program requirement gender identity |
26.41 HealthcareService program requirement insurance status |
26.42 HealthcareService program requirement preferred language |
26.43 HealthcareService program requirement va status |
26.44 HealthcareService social service requirement age group |
26.45 HealthcareService social service requirement birthsex |
26.46 HealthcareService social service requirement employment status |
26.47 HealthcareService social service requirement gender identity |
26.48 HealthcareService social service requirement insurance status |
26.49 HealthcareService social service requirement preferred language |
26.50 HealthcareService social service requirement va status |
26.51 HealthcareService verification status |
26.52 InsurancePlan coverage-area |
26.53 InsurancePlan coverage-benefit-type |
26.54 InsurancePlan coverage-network |
26.55 InsurancePlan coverage-type |
26.56 InsurancePlan network |
26.57 InsurancePlan plan-network |
26.58 InsurancePlan plan-type |
26.59 InsurancePlan verification-status |
26.60 Location accessibility |
26.61 Location contains |
26.62 Location new-patient |
26.63 Location new-patient-and-from-network |
26.64 Location new-patient-from-network |
26.65 Location verification-status |
26.66 Network coverage-area |
26.67 Organization or Network verification-status |
26.68 OrganizationAffiliation location |
26.69 OrganizationAffiliation participating organization |
26.70 OrganizationAffiliation primary organization |
26.71 OrganizationAffiliation verification-status |
26.72 OrganizationAffiliation via-intermediary |
26.73 Practitioner endpoint |
26.74 Practitioner qualification-code |
26.75 Practitioner qualification-issuer |
26.76 Practitioner verification-status |
26.77 PractitionerRole location |
26.78 PractitionerRole network |
26.79 PractitionerRole new-patient |
26.80 Practitionerrole new-patient-and-from-network |
26.81 PractitionerRole new-patient-from-network |
26.82 PractitionerRole organization |
26.83 PractitionerRole verification-status |
26.84 VerificationResult attestation-communication-method |
26.85 VerificationResult attestation-onbehalfof |
26.86 VerificationResult attestation-who |
26.87 VerificationResult primarysource-type |
26.88 VerificationResult primarysource-validation-date |
26.89 VerificationResult primarysource-validation-status |
26.90 VerificationResult primarysource-who |
26.91 VerificationResult status |
26.92 VerificationResult status-date |
26.93 VerificationResult target |
26.94 VerificationResult validator-organization |
26.95 National Directory API CareTeam Profile |
26.96 National Directory API Endpoint Profile |
26.97 National Directory API HealthcareService Profile |
26.98 National Directory API InsurancePlan Profile |
26.99 National Directory API Location Profile |
26.100 National Directory API Network Profile |
26.101 National Directory API Organization Profile |
26.102 National Directory API OrganizationAffiliation Profile |
26.103 National Directory API Practitioner Profile |
26.104 National Directory API PractitionerRole |
26.105 NDH Base CareTeam Profile |
26.106 NDH Base Endpoint Profile |
26.107 NDH Base HealthcareService Profile |
26.108 NDH Base InsurancePlan Profile |
26.109 NDH Base Location Profile |
26.110 NDH Base Network Profile |
26.111 NDH Base Organization Profile |
26.112 NDH Base OrganizationAffiliation Profile |
26.113 NDH Base Practitioner Profile |
26.114 NDH Base PractitionerRole |
26.115 NDH Base Restriction |
26.116 NDH Base Verification |
26.117 Payer Provider Network Local Directory API Endpoint Profile |
26.118 Payer Provider Network Query HealthcareService Profile |
26.119 Payer Provider Network Query InsurancePlan Profile |
26.120 Payer Provider Network Query Location Profile |
26.121 Payer Provider Network Query Network Profile |
26.122 Payer Provider Network Query Organization Profile |
26.123 Payer Provider Network Query OrganizationAffiliation Profile |
26.124 Payer Provider Network Query Practitioner Profile |
26.125 Payer Provider Network Query PractitionerRole |
26.126 NDH Accessibility |
26.127 NDH Age Group |
26.128 NDH Age Range |
26.129 NDH Associated Servers |
26.130 NDH Combined Payload And MimeType |
26.131 NDH Communication Proficiency |
26.132 NDH Contactpoint Availabletime |
26.133 NDH Delivery Method |
26.134 NDH Digitalcertificate |
26.135 NDH Dynamic Registration |
26.136 NDH Endpoint Access Control Mechanism |
26.137 NDH Endpoint Connection Type Version |
26.138 NDH Endpoint EnvironmentType |
26.139 NDH Endpoint IHE Specific Connection Type |
26.140 NDH Endpoint Non FHIR Usecase |
26.141 NDH Endpoint Rank |
26.142 NDH Endpoint Reference |
26.143 NDH Endpoint Testing Certification |
26.144 NDH Endpoint Usecase |
26.145 NDH FHIR IG |
26.146 NDH Funding Source |
26.147 NDH HealthcareService or Program Requirement |
26.148 NDH Healthcareservice Reference |
26.149 NDH Identifier Status |
26.150 NDH InsurancePlan Reference |
26.151 NDH Language Speak |
26.152 NDH Location Reference |
26.153 NDH Logo |
26.154 NDH Network Reference |
26.155 NDH New Patients |
26.156 NDH New Patients Characteristics |
26.157 NDH Org Description |
26.158 NDH Organization Alias Period |
26.159 NDH Organization Alias Type |
26.160 NDH Payment Accepted |
26.161 NDH Practitioner Qualification |
26.162 NDH Qualification |
26.163 NDH Rating |
26.164 NDH Rating Details |
26.165 NDH Required Document |
26.166 NDH Secure Exchange Artifacts |
26.167 NDH Supported IG |
26.168 NDH Supported IG Actor |
26.169 NDH Trust Framework |
26.170 NDH Usage Restriction |
26.171 NDH usage restriction fhir path |
26.172 NDH Verification Status |
26.173 NDH Via Intermediary |
26.174 Accepting Patients Codes Value Set |
26.175 Accessibility Value Set |
26.176 Age Range Value Set |
26.177 Associated Servers Type Value Set |
26.178 Consent Policy Rules Value Set |
26.179 Digital Certificate Use Value Set |
26.180 Employment Status Value Set |
26.181 Endpoint Access Control Mechanism Value Set |
26.182 Endpoint common mimetype Value Set |
26.183 Endpoint Connection Types Value Set |
26.184 Endpoint FHIR Mimetype Value Set |
26.185 Endpoint IHE Specific Connection Types Value Set |
26.186 Endpoint Payload Type Value Set |
26.187 Endpoint Testing Method Value Set |
26.188 Healthcare Service Category Value Set |
26.189 Healthcare Service Eligibility Code Value Set |
26.190 HealthcareService Type Value Set |
26.191 IG Actor Value Set |
26.192 Individual and Group Specialties |
26.193 Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set |
26.194 Insurance Status Value Set |
26.195 NDH Benefit Type Value Set |
26.196 NDH Care Team Category Value Set |
26.197 NDH Consent Category Value Set |
26.198 NDH Consent Scope Value Set |
26.199 NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase Value Set |
26.200 NDH Direct Trust Payload Type Value Set |
26.201 NDH Endpoint Environment Value Set |
26.202 NDH FHIR Endpoint Usecase Value Set |
26.203 NDH Verification Process Value Set |
26.204 NDH Verification Status Value Set |
26.205 Network Type Value Set |
26.206 Non-Individual Specialties |
26.207 Organization Alias Type Value Sete |
26.208 Organization Type Value Set |
26.209 OrganizationAffiliation Roles |
26.210 PractitionerRole Code Value Set |
26.211 Qualification Status Value Set |
26.212 Secure Exchange Artifacts Value Set |
26.213 Specialties Value Set |
26.214 Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set |
26.215 Trust Framework Type Value Set |
26.216 Trust Profile Value Set |
26.217 Virtual Modalities Value Set |
26.218 Accepting Patients Codes Code System |
26.219 Accessibility Code System |
26.220 Age Range Code System |
26.221 Digitalcertificate Use Code System |
26.222 Endpoint Access Control Mechanism Code System |
26.223 Endpoint Connection Types (additional) Code System |
26.224 Endpoint Testing Method Code System |
26.225 Healthcare Service Category Code System |
26.226 IG Actor Code System |
26.227 Insurance Status Code System |
26.228 National Healthcare Directory Consent Category Code System |
26.229 National Healthcare Directory ConsentPolicyRules Code System |
26.230 NDH Associated Servers Type Code System |
26.231 NDH ConsentScopeCodes Code System |
26.232 NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase Code System |
26.233 NDH Direct Trust Payload Type Code System |
26.234 NDH Endpoint Environment Code System |
26.235 NDH FHIR Endpoint Use Case Code System |
26.236 NDH Organization Affiliation Role for HIE |
26.237 NDH Payer Characteristics Code System |
26.238 NDH Resource Instance Verification Status Code System |
26.239 NDH Secure Exchange Artifacts Code System |
26.240 NDH Verification Process Code System |
26.241 Organization Affiliation Role |
26.242 Organization Alias Type Code System |
26.243 Organization Type Code System |
26.244 Practitioner Role Codes Code System |
26.245 Qualification Status Code System |
26.246 Trust FrameworkType Code System |
26.247 Trust Profile Code System |
26.248 Virtual Modalities Code System |
26.249 Acme |
26.250 AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint |
26.251 AcmeofCTPremNet |
26.252 AcmeofCTStdNet |
26.253 AcmeofCTStdNet2 |
26.254 AcmeQHPBronze |
26.255 AcmeQHPBronze3 |
26.256 AcmeQHPGold |
26.257 Backport Subscription for Practitioner Qualification Change |
26.258 BigBox |
26.259 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT |
26.260 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT-ORG |
26.261 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT-PPO |
26.262 BurrClinic |
26.263 BurrClinicAffil |
26.264 BurrClinicAffil2 |
26.265 BurrClinicServices |
26.266 BurrClinicServices2 |
26.267 CareTeam1 |
26.268 CareTeam2 |
26.269 CoordinationOfCareEndpoint |
26.270 diamond-mtls-endpoint2 |
26.271 diamondonyxhealth2 |
26.272 DirectTrustEndpointAdtNotifications |
26.273 DirectTrustEndpointReferrals |
26.274 Example-license |
26.275 GaryGroup |
26.276 HamiltonClinic |
26.277 HansSolo |
26.278 HansSoloClinic |
26.279 HansSoloDirectTrustEndpointReferrals |
26.280 HansSoloPatientAccessEndpoint |
26.281 HansSoloRole |
26.282 HansSoloRole2 |
26.283 HansSoloService |
26.284 HartfordOrthopedics |
26.285 HartfordOrthopedicServices |
26.286 HealthcareService-Social-Hope-CBO |
26.287 HealthcareService-Social-Towson-Food |
26.288 HealthcareServiceHomelessAssistance |
26.289 HealthcareServiceWomenShelter |
26.290 HealthcareServiceWomenShelterAll |
26.291 Hospital |
26.292 Hospital2 |
26.293 HospLoc1 |
26.294 HospLoc2 |
26.295 HospLoc3 |
26.296 IheEndpoint |
26.297 JoeSmith |
26.298 JoeSmithHospitalRole |
26.299 JoeSmithRole2 |
26.300 JoeSmithRole3 |
26.301 location-bundle |
26.302 Location-Social-Hope-CBO |
26.303 Location-Social-Towson-Food |
26.304 LocationGen1 |
26.305 LocationGen2 |
26.306 LocationWelcomeHome |
26.307 LocationWomenShelter |
26.308 LocationWomenShelterAll |
26.309 MedicareAdvantage |
26.310 MedicareAdvantageHMO |
26.311 MilitaryHealthcareOrganization |
26.312 Network1 |
26.313 Network2 |
26.314 NetworkGen1 |
26.315 NetworkGen2 |
26.316 Organization-Social-Hope-CBO |
26.317 Organization-Social-Towson-Food |
26.318 OrganizationGen1 |
26.319 OrganizationGen2 |
26.320 OrganizationStateMedicaidAgencyAlabama |
26.321 OrganizationWelcomeHome |
26.322 OrgHousingAssistanceHubManagement |
26.323 OrgManageNetwork |
26.324 OrgOneNetwork1Affiliation |
26.325 OrgOneNetwork2Affiliation |
26.326 OrgOneWithNetwork1AndNetwork2 |
26.327 Parameters - US SNOMED |
26.328 PatientConsent |
26.329 PharmChain |
26.330 PharmChainAffil1 |
26.331 PharmChainRetailService |
26.332 PharmLoc1 |
26.333 PharmLoc2 |
26.334 PharmLoc3 |
26.335 PharmLoc4 |
26.336 PractitionerOneNetwork1Role |
26.337 PractitionerOneNetwork2Role |
26.338 PractitionerOneWithNetwork1AndNetwork2 |
26.339 PractitionerRestrict |
26.340 PractitionerTwoNetwork1LeftAfterSixMonthRole |
26.341 PractitionerTwoWithNetwork1LeftAfterSixMonths |
26.342 SocialServiceHousingNetwork |
26.343 StateOfCTLocation |
26.344 StateOfIllinoisLicBoard |
26.345 Verify-Hospital |
26.346 Verify-Hospital-2 |
26.347 Verify-JoeSmith |
26.348 Verify-JoeSmith-2 |
26.349 Verify-JoeSmithHospitalRole |