National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot United States of America flag

National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Patient Administration. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Base Artifacts
... 3 National Directory API Use Cases
... 4 National Directory API Implementation Guidance
... 5 National Directory API Artifacts
... 6 National Directory API Capability Satement
... 7 National Directory API Examples
... 8 Attestation Use Cases
... 9 Attestation Flow Diagrams
... 10 Attestation Implementation Guidance
... 11 Attestation Artifacts
... 12 Attestation CapabilityStatement
... 13 Validation & Verification Use Cases
... 14 Validation & Verification Flow Diagrams
... 15 Validation & Verification Implementation Guidance
... 16 Validation & Verification Artifacts
... 17 Validation & Verification CapabilityStatement
... 18 Local Directory API Use Cases
... 19 Local Directory API Implementation Guidance
... 20 Local Directory API Artifacts
... 21 Local Directory API CapabilityStatement
... 22 Local Directory API Examples
... 23 Download Specification
... 24 other
... 25 Release Notes
... 26 Artifacts Summary
.... 26.1 National Directory API Base Expanded Server Capability Statement
.... 26.2 National Directory API Base Server Capability Statement
.... 26.3 National Directory API Capability Statement
.... 26.4 NDH Attestation Server Capability Statement
.... 26.5 NDH Verification Server Capability Statement
.... 26.6 Workflow Directory Server Endpoint Basic Query Capability Statement
.... 26.7 Workflow Directory Server Endpoint Expanded Query Capability Statement
.... 26.8 Workflow Directory Server Health And Human Service Basic Query Capability Statement
.... 26.9 Workflow Directory Server Health And Human Service Expanded Query Capability Statement
.... 26.10 Workflow Directory Server Human Service Basic Query Capability Statement
.... 26.11 Workflow Directory Server Human Service Expanded Query Capability Statement
.... 26.12 Workflow Directory Server Payer Provider Network Query Capability Statement
.... 26.13 Workflow Directory Server Provider Basic Query Capability Statement
.... 26.14 Workflow Directory Server Provider Expanded Query Capability Statement
.... 26.15 Scheduled NDH Export Operation
.... 26.16 CareTeam endpoint
.... 26.17 CareTeam location
.... 26.18 CareTeam Name
.... 26.19 CareTeam organization
.... 26.20 CareTeam service
.... 26.21 CareTeam verification-status
.... 26.22 Endpoint access-control-mechanism
.... 26.23 Endpoint connection-type-version
.... 26.24 Endpoint dynamic-registration-trust-profile
.... 26.25 Endpoint ihe-connection-type
.... 26.26 Endpoint nonfhir-usecase-type
.... 26.27 Endpoint trust-framework-type
.... 26.28 Endpoint usecase-type
.... 26.29 Endpoint verification-status
.... 26.30 HealthcareService eligibility
.... 26.31 HealthcareService location
.... 26.32 HealthcareService network
.... 26.33 HealthcareService new patient
.... 26.34 HealthcareService new patient from network
.... 26.35 Healthcareservice new-patient-and-from-network
.... 26.36 HealthcareService organization
.... 26.37 HealthcareService program requirement age group
.... 26.38 HealthcareService program requirement birthsex
.... 26.39 HealthcareService program requirement employment status
.... 26.40 HealthcareService program requirement gender identity
.... 26.41 HealthcareService program requirement insurance status
.... 26.42 HealthcareService program requirement preferred language
.... 26.43 HealthcareService program requirement va status
.... 26.44 HealthcareService social service requirement age group
.... 26.45 HealthcareService social service requirement birthsex
.... 26.46 HealthcareService social service requirement employment status
.... 26.47 HealthcareService social service requirement gender identity
.... 26.48 HealthcareService social service requirement insurance status
.... 26.49 HealthcareService social service requirement preferred language
.... 26.50 HealthcareService social service requirement va status
.... 26.51 HealthcareService verification status
.... 26.52 InsurancePlan coverage-area
.... 26.53 InsurancePlan coverage-benefit-type
.... 26.54 InsurancePlan coverage-network
.... 26.55 InsurancePlan coverage-type
.... 26.56 InsurancePlan network
.... 26.57 InsurancePlan plan-network
.... 26.58 InsurancePlan plan-type
.... 26.59 InsurancePlan verification-status
.... 26.60 Location accessibility
.... 26.61 Location contains
.... 26.62 Location new-patient
.... 26.63 Location new-patient-and-from-network
.... 26.64 Location new-patient-from-network
.... 26.65 Location verification-status
.... 26.66 Network coverage-area
.... 26.67 Organization or Network verification-status
.... 26.68 OrganizationAffiliation location
.... 26.69 OrganizationAffiliation participating organization
.... 26.70 OrganizationAffiliation primary organization
.... 26.71 OrganizationAffiliation verification-status
.... 26.72 OrganizationAffiliation via-intermediary
.... 26.73 Practitioner endpoint
.... 26.74 Practitioner qualification-code
.... 26.75 Practitioner qualification-issuer
.... 26.76 Practitioner verification-status
.... 26.77 PractitionerRole location
.... 26.78 PractitionerRole network
.... 26.79 PractitionerRole new-patient
.... 26.80 Practitionerrole new-patient-and-from-network
.... 26.81 PractitionerRole new-patient-from-network
.... 26.82 PractitionerRole organization
.... 26.83 PractitionerRole verification-status
.... 26.84 VerificationResult attestation-communication-method
.... 26.85 VerificationResult attestation-onbehalfof
.... 26.86 VerificationResult attestation-who
.... 26.87 VerificationResult primarysource-type
.... 26.88 VerificationResult primarysource-validation-date
.... 26.89 VerificationResult primarysource-validation-status
.... 26.90 VerificationResult primarysource-who
.... 26.91 VerificationResult status
.... 26.92 VerificationResult status-date
.... 26.93 VerificationResult target
.... 26.94 VerificationResult validator-organization
.... 26.95 National Directory API CareTeam Profile
.... 26.96 National Directory API Endpoint Profile
.... 26.97 National Directory API HealthcareService Profile
.... 26.98 National Directory API InsurancePlan Profile
.... 26.99 National Directory API Location Profile
.... 26.100 National Directory API Network Profile
.... 26.101 National Directory API Organization Profile
.... 26.102 National Directory API OrganizationAffiliation Profile
.... 26.103 National Directory API Practitioner Profile
.... 26.104 National Directory API PractitionerRole
.... 26.105 NDH Base CareTeam Profile
.... 26.106 NDH Base Endpoint Profile
.... 26.107 NDH Base HealthcareService Profile
.... 26.108 NDH Base InsurancePlan Profile
.... 26.109 NDH Base Location Profile
.... 26.110 NDH Base Network Profile
.... 26.111 NDH Base Organization Profile
.... 26.112 NDH Base OrganizationAffiliation Profile
.... 26.113 NDH Base Practitioner Profile
.... 26.114 NDH Base PractitionerRole
.... 26.115 NDH Base Restriction
.... 26.116 NDH Base Verification
.... 26.117 Payer Provider Network Local Directory API Endpoint Profile
.... 26.118 Payer Provider Network Query HealthcareService Profile
.... 26.119 Payer Provider Network Query InsurancePlan Profile
.... 26.120 Payer Provider Network Query Location Profile
.... 26.121 Payer Provider Network Query Network Profile
.... 26.122 Payer Provider Network Query Organization Profile
.... 26.123 Payer Provider Network Query OrganizationAffiliation Profile
.... 26.124 Payer Provider Network Query Practitioner Profile
.... 26.125 Payer Provider Network Query PractitionerRole
.... 26.126 NDH Accessibility
.... 26.127 NDH Age Group
.... 26.128 NDH Age Range
.... 26.129 NDH Associated Servers
.... 26.130 NDH Combined Payload And MimeType
.... 26.131 NDH Communication Proficiency
.... 26.132 NDH Contactpoint Availabletime
.... 26.133 NDH Delivery Method
.... 26.134 NDH Digitalcertificate
.... 26.135 NDH Dynamic Registration
.... 26.136 NDH Endpoint Access Control Mechanism
.... 26.137 NDH Endpoint Connection Type Version
.... 26.138 NDH Endpoint EnvironmentType
.... 26.139 NDH Endpoint IHE Specific Connection Type
.... 26.140 NDH Endpoint Non FHIR Usecase
.... 26.141 NDH Endpoint Rank
.... 26.142 NDH Endpoint Reference
.... 26.143 NDH Endpoint Testing Certification
.... 26.144 NDH Endpoint Usecase
.... 26.145 NDH FHIR IG
.... 26.146 NDH Funding Source
.... 26.147 NDH HealthcareService or Program Requirement
.... 26.148 NDH Healthcareservice Reference
.... 26.149 NDH Identifier Status
.... 26.150 NDH InsurancePlan Reference
.... 26.151 NDH Language Speak
.... 26.152 NDH Location Reference
.... 26.153 NDH Logo
.... 26.154 NDH Network Reference
.... 26.155 NDH New Patients
.... 26.156 NDH New Patients Characteristics
.... 26.157 NDH Org Description
.... 26.158 NDH Organization Alias Period
.... 26.159 NDH Organization Alias Type
.... 26.160 NDH Payment Accepted
.... 26.161 NDH Practitioner Qualification
.... 26.162 NDH Qualification
.... 26.163 NDH Rating
.... 26.164 NDH Rating Details
.... 26.165 NDH Required Document
.... 26.166 NDH Secure Exchange Artifacts
.... 26.167 NDH Supported IG
.... 26.168 NDH Supported IG Actor
.... 26.169 NDH Trust Framework
.... 26.170 NDH Usage Restriction
.... 26.171 NDH usage restriction fhir path
.... 26.172 NDH Verification Status
.... 26.173 NDH Via Intermediary
.... 26.174 Accepting Patients Codes Value Set
.... 26.175 Accessibility Value Set
.... 26.176 Age Range Value Set
.... 26.177 Associated Servers Type Value Set
.... 26.178 Consent Policy Rules Value Set
.... 26.179 Delivery Methods Value Set
.... 26.180 Digital Certificate Use Value Set
.... 26.181 Employment Status Value Set
.... 26.182 Endpoint Access Control Mechanism Value Set
.... 26.183 Endpoint common mimetype Value Set
.... 26.184 Endpoint Connection Types Value Set
.... 26.185 Endpoint FHIR Mimetype Value Set
.... 26.186 Endpoint IHE Specific Connection Types Value Set
.... 26.187 Endpoint Payload Type Value Set
.... 26.188 Endpoint Testing Method Value Set
.... 26.189 Healthcare Service Category Value Set
.... 26.190 Healthcare Service Eligibility Code Value Set
.... 26.191 HealthcareService Type Value Set
.... 26.192 Identifier Status Value Set
.... 26.193 IG Actor Value Set
.... 26.194 Individual and Group Specialties
.... 26.195 Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set
.... 26.196 Insurance Plan Type Value Set
.... 26.197 Insurance Product Type Value Set
.... 26.198 Insurance Status Value Set
.... 26.199 Language Proficiency Value Set
.... 26.200 NDH Benefit Type Value Set
.... 26.201 NDH Care Team Category Value Set
.... 26.202 NDH Consent Category Value Set
.... 26.203 NDH Consent Scope Value Set
.... 26.204 NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase Value Set
.... 26.205 NDH Direct Trust Payload Type Value Set
.... 26.206 NDH Endpoint Environment Value Set
.... 26.207 NDH FHIR Endpoint Usecase Value Set
.... 26.208 NDH Insurance Coverage Type Value Set
.... 26.209 NDH Verification Process Value Set
.... 26.210 NDH Verification Status Value Set
.... 26.211 Network Type Value Set
.... 26.212 Non-Individual Specialties
.... 26.213 Organization Alias Type Value Sete
.... 26.214 Organization Type Value Set
.... 26.215 OrganizationAffiliation Roles
.... 26.216 PractitionerRole Code Value Set
.... 26.217 Qualification Status Value Set
.... 26.218 Secure Exchange Artifacts Value Set
.... 26.219 Specialties Value Set
.... 26.220 Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates Value Set
.... 26.221 Trust Framework Type Value Set
.... 26.222 Trust Profile Value Set
.... 26.223 Virtual Modalities Value Set
.... 26.224 Accepting Patients Codes Code System
.... 26.225 Accessibility Code System
.... 26.226 Age Range Code System
.... 26.227 Credential Status Code System
.... 26.228 Delivery Methods Code System
.... 26.229 Digitalcertificate Use Code System
.... 26.230 Endpoint Access Control Mechanism Code System
.... 26.231 Endpoint Connection Types (additional) Code System
.... 26.232 Endpoint Testing Method Code System
.... 26.233 Healthcare Service Category Code System
.... 26.234 IG Actor Code System
.... 26.235 Insurance Plan Type Code System
.... 26.236 Insurance Product Type Code System
.... 26.237 Insurance Status Code System
.... 26.238 Language Proficiency Code System
.... 26.239 National Healthcare Directory Consent Category Code System
.... 26.240 National Healthcare Directory ConsentPolicyRules Code System
.... 26.241 NDH Associated Servers Type Code System
.... 26.242 NDH ConsentScopeCodes Code System
.... 26.243 NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase Code System
.... 26.244 NDH Direct Trust Payload Type Code System
.... 26.245 NDH Endpoint Environment Code System
.... 26.246 NDH FHIR Endpoint Use Case Code System
.... 26.247 NDH Organization Affiliation Role for HIE
.... 26.248 NDH Payer Characteristics Code System
.... 26.249 NDH Resource Instance Verification Status Code System
.... 26.250 NDH Secure Exchange Artifacts Code System
.... 26.251 NDH Verification Process Code System
.... 26.252 Organization Affiliation Role
.... 26.253 Organization Alias Type Code System
.... 26.254 Organization Type Code System
.... 26.255 Practitioner Role Codes Code System
.... 26.256 Qualification Status Code System
.... 26.257 Trust FrameworkType Code System
.... 26.258 Trust Profile Code System
.... 26.259 Virtual Modalities Code System
.... 26.260 Acme
.... 26.261 AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint
.... 26.262 AcmeofCTPremNet
.... 26.263 AcmeofCTStdNet
.... 26.264 AcmeofCTStdNet2
.... 26.265 AcmeQHPBronze
.... 26.266 AcmeQHPBronze3
.... 26.267 AcmeQHPGold
.... 26.268 Backport Subscription for Practitioner Qualification Change
.... 26.269 BigBox
.... 26.270 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT
.... 26.271 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT-ORG
.... 26.272 BlueCrossBlueShield-CT-PPO
.... 26.273 BurrClinic
.... 26.274 BurrClinicAffil
.... 26.275 BurrClinicAffil2
.... 26.276 BurrClinicServices
.... 26.277 BurrClinicServices2
.... 26.278 CareTeam1
.... 26.279 CareTeam2
.... 26.280 CoordinationOfCareEndpoint
.... 26.281 diamond-mtls-endpoint2
.... 26.282 diamondonyxhealth2
.... 26.283 DirectTrustEndpointAdtNotifications
.... 26.284 DirectTrustEndpointReferrals
.... 26.285 Example-license
.... 26.286 GaryGroup
.... 26.287 HamiltonClinic
.... 26.288 HansSolo
.... 26.289 HansSoloClinic
.... 26.290 HansSoloDirectTrustEndpointReferrals
.... 26.291 HansSoloPatientAccessEndpoint
.... 26.292 HansSoloRole
.... 26.293 HansSoloRole2
.... 26.294 HansSoloService
.... 26.295 HartfordOrthopedics
.... 26.296 HartfordOrthopedicServices
.... 26.297 HealthcareService-Social-Hope-CBO
.... 26.298 HealthcareService-Social-Towson-Food
.... 26.299 HealthcareServiceHomelessAssistance
.... 26.300 HealthcareServiceWomenShelter
.... 26.301 HealthcareServiceWomenShelterAll
.... 26.302 Hospital
.... 26.303 Hospital2
.... 26.304 HospLoc1
.... 26.305 HospLoc2
.... 26.306 HospLoc3
.... 26.307 IheEndpoint
.... 26.308 JoeSmith
.... 26.309 JoeSmithHospitalRole
.... 26.310 JoeSmithRole2
.... 26.311 JoeSmithRole3
.... 26.312 location-bundle
.... 26.313 Location-Social-Hope-CBO
.... 26.314 Location-Social-Towson-Food
.... 26.315 LocationGen1
.... 26.316 LocationGen2
.... 26.317 LocationWelcomeHome
.... 26.318 LocationWomenShelter
.... 26.319 LocationWomenShelterAll
.... 26.320 MedicareAdvantage
.... 26.321 MedicareAdvantageHMO
.... 26.322 MilitaryHealthcareOrganization
.... 26.323 Network1
.... 26.324 Network2
.... 26.325 NetworkGen1
.... 26.326 NetworkGen2
.... 26.327 Organization-Social-Hope-CBO
.... 26.328 Organization-Social-Towson-Food
.... 26.329 OrganizationGen1
.... 26.330 OrganizationGen2
.... 26.331 OrganizationStateMedicaidAgencyAlabama
.... 26.332 OrganizationWelcomeHome
.... 26.333 OrgHousingAssistanceHubManagement
.... 26.334 OrgManageNetwork
.... 26.335 OrgOneNetwork1Affiliation
.... 26.336 OrgOneNetwork2Affiliation
.... 26.337 OrgOneWithNetwork1AndNetwork2
.... 26.338 Parameters - US SNOMED
.... 26.339 PatientConsent
.... 26.340 PharmChain
.... 26.341 PharmChainAffil1
.... 26.342 PharmChainRetailService
.... 26.343 PharmLoc1
.... 26.344 PharmLoc2
.... 26.345 PharmLoc3
.... 26.346 PharmLoc4
.... 26.347 PractitionerOneNetwork1Role
.... 26.348 PractitionerOneNetwork2Role
.... 26.349 PractitionerOneWithNetwork1AndNetwork2
.... 26.350 PractitionerRestrict
.... 26.351 PractitionerTwoNetwork1LeftAfterSixMonthRole
.... 26.352 PractitionerTwoWithNetwork1LeftAfterSixMonths
.... 26.353 SocialServiceHousingNetwork
.... 26.354 StateOfCTLocation
.... 26.355 StateOfIllinoisLicBoard
.... 26.356 Verify-Hospital
.... 26.357 Verify-Hospital-2
.... 26.358 Verify-JoeSmith
.... 26.359 Verify-JoeSmith-2
.... 26.360 Verify-JoeSmithHospitalRole