Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide
1.1.0-cibuild - cibuild International flag

Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0-cibuild built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Library: FHIR Common (Example) (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 1.1.0-cibuild
Active as of 2022-11-16 Computable Name: FHIRCommon
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.

This library defines terminologies and functions commonly used in FHIR-based CQL artifacts.

Generated Narrative: Library FHIRCommon

Language: en

Profile: CRMI Computable Library

Depends OnFHIR model information|4.0.1
Depends OnLibrary FHIRHelpers|4.0.1
Depends OnCode system LOINCLogical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)
Depends OnCode system SNOMEDCTSNOMED CT (all versions)
Depends OnCode system RoleCodeRoleCode
Depends OnCode system Diagnosis RoleDiagnosis Role
Depends OnCode system RequestIntent
Depends OnCode system MedicationRequestCategoryMedicationRequest Category Codes
Depends OnCode system ConditionClinicalStatusCodesCondition Clinical Status Codes
Depends OnCode system ConditionVerificationStatusCodesConditionVerificationStatus
Depends OnCode system AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodesAllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes
Depends OnCode system AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodesAllergyIntolerance Verification Status



Data Requirements

Type: Patient (Patient)



library FHIRCommon version '4.1.000'

using FHIR version '4.0.1'

include FHIRHelpers version '4.1.000'

codesystem "LOINC": ''
codesystem "SNOMEDCT": ''
codesystem "RoleCode": ''
codesystem "Diagnosis Role": ''
codesystem "RequestIntent": ''
codesystem "MedicationRequestCategory": ''
codesystem "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "ConditionVerificationStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes": ''

//Currently unresolveable in VSAC:
//valueset "Active Condition": ''
//valueset "Inactive Condition": ''

code "Birthdate": '21112-8' from "LOINC" display 'Birth date'
code "Dead": '419099009' from "SNOMEDCT" display 'Dead'
code "ER": 'ER' from "RoleCode" display 'Emergency room'
code "ICU": 'ICU' from "RoleCode" display 'Intensive care unit'
code "Billing": 'billing' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Billing'

// Condition Clinical Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "active": 'active' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "recurrence": 'recurrence' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "relapse": 'relapse' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "inactive": 'inactive' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "remission": 'remission' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "resolved": 'resolved' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"

// Condition Verification Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "unconfirmed": 'unconfirmed' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "provisional": 'provisional' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "differential": 'differential' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "confirmed": 'confirmed' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "refuted": 'refuted' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "entered-in-error": 'entered-in-error' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes

code "allergy-active": 'active' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"
code "allergy-inactive": 'inactive' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"
code "allergy-resolved": 'resolved' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"

// Allergy/Intolerance Verification Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "allergy-unconfirmed": 'unconfirmed' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes
code "allergy-confirmed": 'confirmed' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes
code "allergy-refuted": 'refuted' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes

// MedicationRequest Category Codes
code "Community": 'community' from "MedicationRequestCategory" display 'Community'
code "Discharge": 'discharge' from "MedicationRequestCategory" display 'Discharge'

// Diagnosis Role Codes
code "AD": 'AD' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Admission diagnosis'
code "DD": 'DD' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Discharge diagnosis'
code "CC": 'CC' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Chief complaint'
code "CM": 'CM' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Comorbidity diagnosis'
code "pre-op": 'pre-op' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'pre-op diagnosis'
code "post-op": 'post-op' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'post-op diagnosis'
code "billing": 'billing' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'billing diagnosis'

context Patient

@description: Normalizes a value that is a choice of timing-valued types to an equivalent interval
@comment: Normalizes a choice type of FHIR.dateTime, FHIR.Period, FHIR.Timing, FHIR.instance, FHIR.string, FHIR.Age, or FHIR.Range types
to an equivalent interval. This selection of choice types is a superset of the majority of choice types that are used as possible
representations for timing-valued elements in FHIR, allowing this function to be used across any resource. NOTE: Due to the
complexity of determining a single interval from a Timing or String type, this function will throw a run-time exception if it is used
with a Timing or String.
define function ToInterval(choice Choice<FHIR.dateTime, FHIR.Period, FHIR.Timing, FHIR.instant, FHIR.string, FHIR.Age, FHIR.Range>):
	  when choice is FHIR.dateTime then
    	Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.dateTime), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.dateTime)]
		when choice is FHIR.Period then
  		FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(choice as FHIR.Period)
		when choice is FHIR.instant then
			Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.instant), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.instant)]
		when choice is FHIR.Age then
		  Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(choice as FHIR.Age),
			  FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(choice as FHIR.Age) + 1 year)
		when choice is FHIR.Range then
		  Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((choice as FHIR.Range).low),
			  FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((choice as FHIR.Range).high) + 1 year)
		when choice is FHIR.Timing then
		  Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a single interval from a Timing type')
    when choice is FHIR.string then
      Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute an interval from a String value')
			null as Interval<DateTime>

@description: Returns an interval representing the normalized Abatement of a given Condition resource.
@comment: NOTE: Due to the complexity of determining an interval from a String, this function will throw
a run-time exception if used with a Condition instance that has a String as the abatement value.
define function ToAbatementInterval(condition Condition):
	if condition.abatement is FHIR.dateTime then
	  Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(condition.abatement as FHIR.dateTime), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(condition.abatement as FHIR.dateTime)]
	else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Period then
	  FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(condition.abatement as FHIR.Period)
	else if condition.abatement is FHIR.string then
    Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute an interval from a String value')
	else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Age then
		Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(condition.abatement as FHIR.Age),
			FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(condition.abatement as FHIR.Age) + 1 year)
	else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Range then
	  Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((condition.abatement as FHIR.Range).low),
		  FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((condition.abatement as FHIR.Range).high) + 1 year)
	else if condition.abatement is FHIR.boolean then
	  Interval[end of ToInterval(condition.onset), condition.recordedDate)
	else null

@description: Returns an interval representing the normalized prevalence period of a given Condition resource.
@comment: Uses the ToInterval and ToAbatementInterval functions to determine the widest potential interval from
onset to abatement as specified in the given Condition.
define function ToPrevalenceInterval(condition Condition):
if condition.clinicalStatus ~ "active"
  or condition.clinicalStatus ~ "recurrence"
  or condition.clinicalStatus ~ "relapse" then
  Interval[start of ToInterval(condition.onset), end of ToAbatementInterval(condition)]
  Interval[start of ToInterval(condition.onset), end of ToAbatementInterval(condition))

@description: Returns any extensions defined on the given resource with the specified url.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
CQL model info.
define function Extensions(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
  domainResource.extension E
	  where E.url = url
		return E

@description: Returns the single extension (if present) on the given resource with the specified url.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function Extension(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
  singleton from "Extensions"(domainResource, url)

@description: Returns any extensions defined on the given element with the specified url.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function Extensions(element Element, url String):
  element.extension E
	  where E.url = url
		return E

@description: Returns the single extension (if present) on the given element with the specified url.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function Extension(element Element, url String):
  singleton from Extensions(element, url)

@description: Returns any modifier extensions defined on the given resource with the specified url.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
CQL model info.
define function ModifierExtensions(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
  domainResource.modifierExtension E
	  where E.url = url
		return E

@description: Returns the single modifier extension (if present) on the given resource with the specified url.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function ModifierExtension(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
  singleton from ModifierExtensions(domainResource, url)

@description: Returns any modifier extensions defined on the given element with the specified url.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function ModifierExtensions(element BackboneElement, url String):
  element.modifierExtension E
	  where E.url = url
		return E

@description: Returns the single modifier extension (if present) on the given element with the specified url.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function ModifierExtension(element BackboneElement, url String):
  singleton from ModifierExtensions(element, url)

@description: Returns any base-FHIR extensions defined on the given resource with the specified id.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function BaseExtensions(domainResource DomainResource, id String):
  domainResource.extension E
	  where E.url = ('' + id)
		return E

@description: Returns the single base-FHIR extension (if present) on the given resource with the specified id.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function BaseExtension(domainResource DomainResource, id String):
  singleton from BaseExtensions(domainResource, id)

@description: Returns any base-FHIR extensions defined on the given element with the specified id.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function BaseExtensions(element Element, id String):
  element.extension E
	  where E.url = ('' + id)
		return E

@description: Returns the single base-FHIR extension (if present) on the given element with the specified id.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function BaseExtension(element Element, id String):
  singleton from BaseExtensions(element, id)

@description: Returns any base-FHIR modifier extensions defined on the given resource with the specified id.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function BaseModifierExtensions(domainResource DomainResource, id String):
  domainResource.modifierExtension E
	  where E.url = ('' + id)
		return E

@description: Returns the single base-FHIR modifier extension (if present) on the given resource with the specified id.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function BaseModifierExtension(domainResource DomainResource, id String):
  singleton from BaseModifierExtensions(domainResource, id)

@description: Returns any base-FHIR modifier extensions defined on the given element with the specified id.
@comment: NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the CQL model info.
define function BaseModifierExtensions(element BackboneElement, id String):
  element.modifierExtension E
	  where E.url = ('' + id)
		return E

@description: Returns the single base-FHIR extension (if present) on the given element with the specified id.
@comment: This function uses singleton from to ensure that a run-time exception is thrown if there
is more than one extension on the given resource with the specified url.
define function BaseModifierExtension(element BackboneElement, id String):
  singleton from BaseModifierExtensions(element, id)

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