Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)
4.0.0-ballot - STU4 Ballot United States of America flag

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), published by Health Level Seven. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 4.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: Social History Observation

Official URL: Version: 4.0.0-ballot
Draft as of 2024-12-19 Computable Name: SocialHistoryObservation
Other Identifiers: urn:ietf:rfc:3986#Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)#urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883.

This template represents a patient's job (occupation and industry), lifestyle, and environmental health risk factors. Demographic data (e.g., marital status, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation) are captured in the header. Though tobacco use and exposure may be represented with a Social History Observation, it is recommended to use the Current Smoking Status template or the Tobacco Use template instead, to represent smoking or tobacco habits. There are supplemental templates and guidance for observations of Occupational Data for Health, nutrition and pregnancy that could be captured in the Social History Observation, and implementers may want to consider using those more specific templates in the Social History section.


Formal Views of Template Content

Description of Template, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Observation C 1..1 Observation XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, sdtcCategory, code, derivationExpr, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, repeatNumber, languageCode, value, interpretationCode, methodCode, targetSiteCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, referenceRange, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-value: SHOULD contain value
4515-8555: If Observation/value is a physical quantity (xsi:type="PQ"): This value SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @unit, which SHOULD be selected from ValueSet UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12839 DYNAMIC. Note: Base CDA requires that all @unit values SHALL be drawn from UCUM.
should-sh-author: SHOULD contain author
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... realmCode 0..* CS
... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
.... @displayable 0..1 bl
.... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
.... @extension 1..1 st
... Slices for templateId 1..* II Slice: Unordered, Open by value:root, value:extension
.... templateId:social-history-obs 1..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2022-06-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Binding: CDAActClassObservation (required)
Fixed Value: OBS
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Binding: XActMoodDocumentObservation (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... @negationInd 0..1 bl
... id 1..* II
... sdtcCategory 0..* CD XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: category (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... code C 1..1 CD Binding: Social History Type . (preferred)
4515-32956: If @codeSystem is not LOINC, then this code **SHALL** contain at least one [1..*] translation, which **SHOULD** be selected from CodeSystem LOINC (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.1) (CONF:4515-32956).
... derivationExpr 0..1 ST
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @compression 0..1 cs Binding: CDACompressionAlgorithm (required)
.... @integrityCheck 0..1 bin
.... @integrityCheckAlgorithm 0..1 cs Binding: IntegrityCheckAlgorithm (2.0.0) (required)
.... @language 0..1 cs
.... @mediaType 0..1 cs Binding: MediaType (example)
.... @representation 0..1 cs Binding: CDABinaryDataEncoding (required)
.... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content. If @representation='B64', this SHALL be a base64binary string.
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
.... thumbnail 0..1 ED
... statusCode 1..1 CS Binding: ActStatus (required)
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... effectiveTime 1..1 IVL_TS
... priorityCode 0..1 CE Binding: ActPriority (example)
... repeatNumber 0..1 IVL_INT
... languageCode 0..1 CS Binding: AllLanguages (required)
... Slices for value 0..1 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Alcohol Use, Substance Use, SDOH Problems/Health Concerns
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
.... value ANY
.... value BL
.... value ED
.... value ST
.... value CD
.... value CV
.... value CE
.... value CO
.... value SC
.... value II
.... value TEL
.... value AD
.... value EN
.... value INT
.... value REAL
.... value PQ
.... value MO
.... value TS
.... value IVL_PQ
.... value IVL_TS
.... value PIVL_TS
.... value EIVL_TS
.... value SXPR_TS
.... value RTO_PQ_PQ
.... value:physical-quantity 0..1 PQ
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @unit 1..1 cs Binding: UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive (preferred)
..... @value 0..1 real
..... translation 0..* PQR
.... value:coded 0..1 CD Binding Description (No ValueSet): (example): See additional binding

Additional BindingsPurposeDocumentation
Social Determinants of Health Conditions . Preferred
Social Determinant of Health Observations

... interpretationCode 0..* CE Binding: CDAObservationInterpretation (required)
... methodCode 0..* CE Binding: ObservationMethod (example)
... targetSiteCode 0..* CD
... subject 0..1 Subject
... specimen 0..* Specimen
... performer 0..* Performer2
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... informant 0..* Informant
... participant 0..* Participant2
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by profile:act, profile:observation
.... entryRelationship:supportingObs 0..* EntryRelationship When an Assessment Scale Observation is contained in a Social History Observation instance that is a Social Determinant of Health Social History Observation, that Assessment Scale Observation MAY contain Assessment Scale Supporting Observations that contain LOINC question and answer pairs from SDOH screening instruments.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: SPRT
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation C 1..1 AssessmentScaleObservation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:entryReference 0..* EntryRelationship When an Entry Reference is contained in a Social History Template instance that is a Social Determinant of Health Social History, that Entry Reference **MAY** reference an Assessment Scale Observation elsewhere in the document that represent LOINC question and answer pairs from SDOH screening instruments.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: SPRT
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
... reference 0..* Reference
... precondition 0..* Precondition
... sdtcPrecondition2 0..* Precondition2 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: precondition2 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... referenceRange 0..* InfrastructureRoot
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... realmCode 0..* CS
.... typeId C 0..1 II II-1: An II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
..... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId 0..* II
.... @typeCode 0..1 cs Binding: CDAActRelationshipType (required)
Fixed Value: REFV
.... observationRange 1..1 ObservationRange
... sdtcInFulfillmentOf1 0..* InFulfillmentOf1 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: inFulfillmentOf1 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Observation.classCoderequiredFixed Value: OBS
Observation.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN|2.0.0
Observation.codepreferredSocialHistoryType .
from the FHIR Standard
Observation.value:physical-quantity.unitpreferredUnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive (a valid code from UCUM)
Observation.entryRelationship:supportingObs.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: SPRT
Observation.entryRelationship:entryReference.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: SPRT
Observation.referenceRange.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFV


4515-8555errorObservationIf Observation/value is a physical quantity (xsi:type="PQ"): This value SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] @unit, which SHOULD be selected from ValueSet UnitsOfMeasureCaseSensitive urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.12839 DYNAMIC. Note: Base CDA requires that all @unit values SHALL be drawn from UCUM.
4515-32956warningObservation.codeIf @codeSystem is not LOINC, then this code **SHALL** contain at least one [1..*] translation, which **SHOULD** be selected from CodeSystem LOINC (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.1) (CONF:4515-32956).
: codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1' or translation.where(codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1').exists()
II-1errorObservation.typeId, Observation.entryRelationship:supportingObs.typeId, Observation.entryRelationship:entryReference.typeId, Observation.referenceRange.typeIdAn II instance must have either a root or an nullFlavor.
: root.exists() or nullFlavor.exists()
should-sh-authorwarningObservationSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningObservationSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningObservation.entryRelationship:supportingObs.observation, Observation.entryRelationship:entryReference.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-valuewarningObservationSHOULD contain value
: value.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorObservation.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel