0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Conformance |
   2.1 General Requirements |
   2.2 Declaring Conformance |
  3 Guidance |
   3.1 General Guidance |
   3.2 Medicine Information |
   3.3 Sex and Gender |
   3.4 AU Core Data for Interoperability |
   3.5 Relationship with other IGs |
   3.6 Comparison with other national and international IGs |
   3.7 AU Variance Statement |
   3.8 Future of AU Core |
  4 Security and Privacy |
  5 FHIR Artefacts |
   5.1 Artefacts Summary |
    5.1.1 AU Core Responder |
    5.1.2 AU Core Requester |
    5.1.3 AU Core Responder CapabilityStatement |
    5.1.4 AU Core Requester CapabilityStatement |
    5.1.5 AUCoreClinicalPatient |
    5.1.6 AUCorePractitionerRolePractitioner |
    5.1.7 AU Core AllergyIntolerance |
    5.1.8 AU Core Condition |
    5.1.9 AU Core Encounter |
    5.1.10 AU Core Immunization |
    5.1.11 AU Core Location |
    5.1.12 AU Core Medication |
    5.1.13 AU Core MedicationRequest |
    5.1.14 AU Core Organization |
    5.1.15 AU Core Patient |
    5.1.16 AU Core Practitioner |
    5.1.17 AU Core PractitionerRole |
    5.1.18 AU Core Procedure |
    5.1.19 AU Core Blood Pressure |
    5.1.20 AU Core Body Height |
    5.1.21 AU Core Body Weight |
    5.1.22 AU Core Body Temperature |
    5.1.23 AU Core Respiration Rate |
    5.1.24 AU Core Heart Rate |
    5.1.25 AU Core Waist Circumference |
    5.1.26 AU Core Smoking Status |
    5.1.27 AU Core Pathology Result Observation |
    5.1.28 AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation |
    5.1.29 AU Core MedicationStatement |
    5.1.30 AU Core RelatedPerson |
    5.1.31 AU Core Sex Assigned At Birth |
    5.1.32 AllergyIntolerance - Lactose intolerance |
    5.1.33 AllergyIntolerance - No known allergy |
    5.1.34 AllergyIntolerance - Penicillin allergy |
    5.1.35 Condition - Chronic Kidney Disease |
    5.1.36 Condition - Urinary tract infection |
    5.1.37 Condition - Data suppressed for category and code |
    5.1.38 Condition - No known condition |
    5.1.39 Encounter - COVID 19 Vaccine Administration Dose 1 |
    5.1.40 Encounter - Discharge |
    5.1.41 Encounter - telehealth |
    5.1.42 Immunization - COVID Dose 1 |
    5.1.43 Immunization - Administration of Zoster vaccination refused |
    5.1.44 Location - Tindal Building |
    5.1.45 Location - Patient home |
    5.1.46 Location - Murrabit Public Hospital |
    5.1.47 Medication - Branded pack with one active ingredient |
    5.1.48 Medication - Product with two active ingredients |
    5.1.49 Medication - Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet |
    5.1.50 MedicationRequest - prescription, paracetamol 500 mg + codeine phosphate hemihydrate 30 mg (missing data for status and requester) |
    5.1.51 MedicationRequest - active prescription, Reaptan |
    5.1.52 MedicationRequest - active prescription, Simvastatin |
    5.1.53 MedicationStatement - active use of Bisoprolol 2.5mg |
    5.1.54 MedicationStatement - completed use of Bactrim DS |
    5.1.55 MedicationStatement - completed use of Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment |
    5.1.56 MedicationStatement - patient has taken Diflucan in the past but is not taking it any more |
    5.1.57 Observation - Blood Pressure (systolic and diastolic) |
    5.1.58 Observation - Blood Pressure (data absent for diastolic) |
    5.1.59 Observation - Height |
    5.1.60 Observation - Temperature |
    5.1.61 Observation - Body weight |
    5.1.62 Observation - Hearing threshold Ear (left) 500 Hz |
    5.1.63 Observation - Heart rate |
    5.1.64 Observation - Pulse rate |
    5.1.65 Observation - HDL |
    5.1.66 Observation - LDL |
    5.1.67 Observation - Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio |
    5.1.68 Observation - Triglyceride |
    5.1.69 Observation - COVID Pathology Result (Not detected) |
    5.1.70 Observation - Respiration rate |
    5.1.71 Observation - Current smoker |
    5.1.72 Observation - Waist Circumference |
    5.1.73 Observation - Data suppressed for category, code, effective[x] and value[x] |
    5.1.74 Organization - Bobrester Medical Centre |
    5.1.75 Organization - Murrabit Public Hospital |
    5.1.76 Organization - Mitchells Hill Audiology |
    5.1.77 Patient - Ronny Lawrence Irvine (missing data for birth date) |
    5.1.78 Patient - Mrs. Anne Bennelong |
    5.1.79 Patient - Mr. Li Wang |
    5.1.80 Patient - Mia Leanne Banks |
    5.1.81 Patient - Deangelo HOWE |
    5.1.82 Practitioner - Dr. Bob Bobrester |
    5.1.83 Practitioner - Dr. Sallie Sutherland |
    5.1.84 Practitioner - Dr. Chau FRYER |
    5.1.85 Practitioner - Darleen MACKAY |
    5.1.86 PractitionerRole - General practitioner |
    5.1.87 PractitionerRole - Cardiologist |
    5.1.88 PractitionerRole - Surgeon |
    5.1.89 PractitionerRole - Nephrologist |
    5.1.90 Procedure - Dialysis |
    5.1.91 Procedure - Stent insertion |
    5.1.92 RelatedPerson - Father of Mia Leanne Banks |
    5.1.93 RelatedPerson - Friend of Mr. Li Wang |
    5.1.94 Specimen - Naso swab (COVID test) |
   5.2 Profiles and Extensions |
   5.3 Search Parameters |
   5.4 Terminology |
   5.5 Capability Statements |
   5.6 Actor Definitions |
  6 Examples |
  7 Support |
   7.2 License and Legal |
  8 Change Log |