AU Core Implementation Guide
1.1.0-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Comparison with other national and international IGs

Page standards status: Informative

AU Core aligns to, and leverages, international standards and other national standards, in particular:

Relationships between AU Core, AUCDI, and the above key implementation guides is described in Relationship with other IGs.

Corresponding profiles, conformance requirements, and capability statements included in the key FHIR implementation guides were reviewed and considered during AU Core’s development to ensure alignment, and to facilitate adoption of, this standard.

The below comparison evaluates AU Core conformance requirements with the key implementation guides identifying where compliance with AU Core satisfies the expectations established by the referenced implementation guide.

At this time only profile comparison is available. Future versions of AU Core will compare capability statements.

Profile comparison

As part of profile comparison, the requirements, constraints, and standards specified in a particular FHIR profile are evaluated. These requirements can include mandatory elements, Must Support elements, cardinality constraints, data types, terminology bindings, usage rules, extensions, rules on missing or suppressed data.

The table below provides a profile only comparison from AU Core to profiles in key implementation guides. Compliance in the reverse direction is not guaranteed, i.e. a resource that is compliant with an International Patient Access profile MAY NOT be compliant with AU Core.


Compliant: An AU Core compliant resource meets all requirements of the compared profile.

Additional requirements: An AU Core compliant resource is compatible, but additional changes may be needed to meet all requirements of the compared profile. Where additional requirements are identified, more information is provided in the sections below.

Incompatible: An AU Core compliant resource is incompatible with the compared profile. A resource cannot be compliant to both. Where incompatible requirements are identified, more information is provided in the sections below.

No equivalent profile: No equivalent profile for comparison.

AU Core International Patient Access 1.0.0 International Patient Summary 1.1.0 US Core 7.0.0
AU Core AllergyIntolerance
AU Core Blood Pressure
AU Core Body Height
AU Core Body Temperature
AU Core Body Weight
AU Core Condition
AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation
AU Core Encounter
AU Core Heart Rate
AU Core Immunization
AU Core Location
AU Core Medication
AU Core MedicationRequest
AU Core MedicationStatement
AU Core Organization
AU Core Pathology Result Observation
AU Core Patient
AU Core Practitioner
AU Core PractitionerRole
AU Core Procedure
AU Core RelatedPerson
AU Core Respiration Rate
AU Core Smoking Status
AU Core Waist Circumference

International Patient Access

International Patient Access 1.0.0 describes how an application acting on behalf of a patient can access patient information from a clinical records system using a FHIR-based API.

Incompatible requirements

The following IPA profile(s) contain incompatible requirements with the equivalent AU Core profile. Implementers are advised to note that substantial code changes may be required to support these profiles.

AU Core International Patient Access 1.0.0 Element Incompatible requirements
AU Core MedicationRequest IPA-MedicationRequest MedicationRequest.requester IPA prohibits reference to Organization and RelatedPerson resources.
Additional requirements

The following IPA profile(s) contain additional requirements. Implementers are advised to note that some code changes may be required to support these profiles.

AU Core International Patient Access 1.0.0 Element Additional requirements
AU Core Immunization IPA-Immunization Immunization.statusReason Must Support element in IPA.
AU Core MedicationRequest IPA-MedicationRequest MedicationRequest.reported[x] Must Support element in IPA.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.text Must Support element in IPA.
AU Core MedicationStatement IPA-MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.statusReason Must Support element in IPA.
MedicationStatement.context Must Support element in IPA.
MedicationStatement.informationSource Must Support element in IPA.
MedicationStatement.dosage.text Must Support element in IPA.
AU Core Patient IPA-Patient Patient.identifier.value Must Support element in IPA. Must Support element in IPA. Must Support element in IPA.
Missing Data

AU Core compliant resources are compliant with IPA requirements for Missing Data.

Suppressed Data

IPA does not include requirements for Suppressed Data.

Additional profiles

This version of AU Core has no equivalent profile for the following IPA profiles:

  • IPA-DocumentReference

International Patient Summary

International Patient Summary Implementation Guide 1.1.0 describes how to represent the International Patient Summary (IPS) using HL7 FHIR. An International Patient Summary document is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information about a subject of care.

Additional requirements

The following IPS profile(s) contain additional requirements. Implementers are advised to note that some code changes may be required to support these profiles.

AU Core International Patient Summary 1.1.0 Element Additional requirements
AU Core AllergyIntolerance Allergy Intolerance (IPS) AllergyIntolerance.patient.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
AllergyIntolerance.type Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Condition Condition (IPS) Condition.clinicalStatus IPS requires minimum of 1.
Condition.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation Observation Results (IPS) Observation.status IPS requires value 'final'.
Observation.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Immunization Immunization (IPS) Immunization.patient.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Medication Medication (IPS) Medication.ingredient.strength IPS requires UCUM for coded quantity units.
Medication.form Must Support element in IPS.
Medication.ingredient Must Support element in IPS.
Medication.ingredient.item[x] Must Support element in IPS.
Medication.ingredient.strength Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core MedicationRequest Medication Request (IPS) MedicationRequest.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.text Must Support element in IPS.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core MedicationStatement Medication Statement (IPS) MedicationStatement.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
MedicationStatement.effective[x].extension.where (url='') Must Support element in IPS.
MedicationStatement.dosage.text Must Support element in IPS.
MedicationStatement.dosage.timing Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation Results: laboratory (IPS) Observation.status IPS requires value 'final'.
Observation.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
Observation.performer IPS requires minimum of 1.
Observation.value IPS requires UCUM for coded quantity units.
Observation Results: pathology (IPS) Observation.status IPS requires value 'final'.
Observation.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
Observation.performer IPS requires minimum of 1.
Observation.value IPS requires UCUM for coded quantity units.
AU Core Patient Patient (IPS) Patient.generalPractitioner Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Practitioner Practitioner (IPS) Practitioner.telecom Must Support element in IPS.
Practitioner.address Must Support element in IPS.
AU Core Procedure Procedure (IPS) Procedure.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
Procedure.performed[x] IPS requires minimum of 1.
AU Core Smoking Status Observation - SH: tobacco use Observation.subject.reference IPS requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in IPS.
Observation.code IPS requires LOINC code 72166-2.
Observation.value[x] IPS requires value from Current Smoking Status - IPS.
AU Core Waist Circumference Observation Results (IPS) Observation.subject.reference Must Support element in IPS.
Missing Data

AU Core compliant resources are compliant with IPS requirements for Missing Data.

Suppressed Data

IPS does not include requirements for Suppressed Data.

Additional profiles

This version of AU Core has no equivalent profile for the following IPS profiles:

  • Bundle - IPS
  • Composition (IPS)
  • Device (IPS)
  • Device - performer, observer
  • Device Use Statement (IPS)
  • DiagnosticReport (IPS)
  • Imaging Study (IPS)
  • Media observation (Results: laboratory, media)
  • Observation - Pregnancy: EDD
  • Observation - Pregnancy: outcome
  • Observation - Pregnancy: status
  • Observation - SH: alcohol use
  • Observation Results: radiology (IPS)
  • Specimen (IPS)

US Core

US Core Implementation Guide 7.0.0 serves as the foundation for FHIR implementation guides in the US Realm. It establishes the minimum constraints on FHIR resources to define US Core Profiles, specifying the required elements, extensions, vocabularies, and value sets, as well as their usage. It also outlines the minimum FHIR RESTful interactions needed to access patient data for each US Core Profile.

Additional requirements

The following US Core profile(s) contain additional requirements. Implementers are advised to note that some code changes may be required to support these profiles.

AU Core US Core 7.0.0 Element Additional requirements
AU Core Condition US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile Condition.category US Core requires category of 'problem-list-item' or 'health-concern'.
Condition.meta Must Support element in US Core.
Condition.meta.lastUpdated Must Support element in US Core.
Condition.assertedDate Must Support element in US Core.
Condition.recordedDate Must Support element in US Core.
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile Condition.assertedDate Must Support element in US Core.
Condition.encounter Must Support element in US Core.
Condition.recordedDate Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Diagnostic Result Observation US Core Observation Clinical Result Profile Observation.code US Core extensible binding to LOINC Codes.
Observation.value[x] US Core requires UCUM for coded quantity units.
Observation.encounter Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Encounter US Core Encounter Profile Encounter.type US Core requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.meta Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.meta.lastUpdated Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.identifier Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.identifier.system Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.identifier.value Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.participant.period Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.hospitalization Must Support element in US Core.
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Immunization US Core Immunization Profile Immunization.vaccineCode US Core extensible binding to CVX Vaccines Administered Vaccine Set.
Immunization.statusReason Must Support element in US Core.
Immunization.encounter Must Support element in US Core.
Immunization.location Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Location US Core Location Profile US Core requires minimum of 1.
Location.identifier Must Support element in US Core.
Location.status Must Support element in US Core.
Location.telecom Must Support element in US Core.
Location.address.line Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
Location.address.state Must Support element in US Core.
Location.address.postalCode Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Medication US Core Medication Profile Medication.code US Core extensible binding to Medication Clinical Drug.
AU Core MedicationRequest US Core MedicationRequest Profile MedicationRequest.medicationCodeableConcept US Core extensible binding to Medication Clinical Drug.
MedicationRequest.category Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.reported[x] Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.text Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x] Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed Must Support element in US Core.
MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.quantity Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Organization US Core Organization Profile US Core requires minimum of 1. Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.telecom.system Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.telecom.system Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.telecom.value Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.address.line Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.address.state Must Support element in US Core.
Organization.address.postalCode Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Pathology Result Observation US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile Observation.code US Core extensible binding to US Core Laboratory Test Codes.
Observation.referenceRange US Core requires UCUM for coded quantity units.
Observation.meta Must Support element in US Core.
Observation.meta.lastUpdated Must Support element in US Core.
Observation.encounter Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Patient US Core Patient Profile Patient.identifier US Core requires all identifiers to have system and value.
Patient.identifier.system Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.identifier.value Must Support element in US Core. US Core requires all name to have family or given or Data Absent Reason extension.
Gender identity US Core requires US Core Gender Identity extension.
Patient.telecom US Core requires all telecom to have system and value.
Patient.telecom.system Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.telecom.value Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.telecom.use Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.telecom.line Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.telecom.state Must Support element in US Core.
Patient.telecom.postalCode Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Practitioner US Core Practitioner Profile Practitioner.identifier US Core requires minimum of 1, and all identifiers to have system and value.
Practitioner.identifier.system Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.identifier.value Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.telecom Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.telecom.system Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.telecom.value Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.address Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.address.line Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.address.state Must Support element in US Core.
Practitioner.address.postalCode Must Support element in US Core. Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core PractitionerRole US Core PractitionerRole Profile PractitionerRole.telecom, PractitionerRole.endpoint US Core requires telecom or endpoint to be present (pd-1).
PractitionerRole.location Must Support element in US Core.
PractitionerRole.telecom US Core requires all telecom to have system and value.
PractitionerRole.telecom.system Must Support element in US Core.
PractitionerRole.telecom.value Must Support element in US Core.
PractitionerRole.endpoint Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core RelatedPerson US Core RelatedPerson Profile Must Support element in US Core and requires minimum of 1.
AU Core Smoking Status US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Observation.status US Core requires status of 'final' or 'entered-in-error'.
Observation.code US Core extensible binding to Smoking Status Type.
Observation.value[x]:valueCodeableConcept Must Support element in US Core. US Core extensible binding to Smoking status comprehensive.
Observation.value[x]:valueQuantity Must Support element in US Core.
AU Core Waist Circumference US Core Simple Observation Profile Observation.performer Must Support element in US Core.
Missing Data

AU Core compliant resources are compliant with US Core requirements for Missing Data.

Suppressed Data

AU Core compliant resources are compliant with US Core requirements for Suppressed Data.

Additional profiles

This version of AU Core has no equivalent profile for the following US Core profiles:

  • US Core CarePlan Profile
  • US Core CareTeam Profile
  • US Core Coverage Profile
  • US Core Implantable Device Profile
  • US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting Profile
  • US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange Profile
  • US Core DocumentReference Profile
  • US Core Goal Profile
  • US Core MedicationDispense Profile
  • US Core Average Blood Pressure Profile
  • US Core Care Experience Preference Profile
  • US Core Observation Occupation Profile
  • US Core Observation Pregnancy Intent Profile
  • US Core Observation Pregnancy Status Profile
  • US Core Observation Screening Assessment Profile
  • US Core Observation Sexual Orientation Profile
  • US Core Simple Observation Profile
  • US Core Treatment Intervention Preference Profile
  • US Core Provenance Profile
  • US Core QuestionnaireResponse Profile
  • US Core ServiceRequest Profile
  • US Core Specimen Profile