AU Core Implementation Guide
1.1.0-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

AU Core Data for Interoperability

Page standards status: Informative

Australian Core Data for Interoperability (AUCDI) and AU Core complement each other assisting in common understanding of clinical data concepts when implemented in systems and exchanged between systems.

AUCDI is the product of a national clinician focussed requirements gathering project operating as part of the Sparked FHIR Accelerator. It defines data groups made up of data elements and references clinical terminology concepts which address the definition of suitable, coherent and reusable information building blocks for clinical data. AUCDI clinical information requirements for information capture, storage and sharing may define information models that are future focussed and as yet do not align with system implementation of the clinical concept.

AU Core is a technical specification that addresses constraints and obligations on data representation for exchange. AU Core enables system data to be mapped to an agreed FHIR format and defines capability requirements to share data via FHIR RESTful API interactions.

AUCDI and AU Core Development Approach

Figure 1: AUCDI and AU Core Development Approach

An interpretation of AUCDI clinical information requirements through community consensus is undertaken to define support for the exchange of clinical and administrative data within technical constraints. Note that:

  • In any particular release, AU Core may not cover all AUCDI data concepts, especially when AUCDI data concepts are not supported in existing systems.
  • AU Core includes exchange for concepts that are commonly implemented in systems and not included in AUCDI e.g., Practitioner.identifier, Procedure.encounter.
  • AU Core includes exchange for clinical concepts not yet included in AUCDI e.g. MedicationRequest
  • AU Core includes data elements not included in AUCDI that are required to make FHIR implementable e.g. Observation.status, MedicationRequest.intent, Provenance.
  • Neither AUCDI nor AU Core are required to be implemented as a whole single product. Parts can be implemented as required for specific use cases.

AUCDI mappings into AU Core

The table below shows the relationship between data defined in the AUCDI Data Groups and Elements and expected usage in AU Core profiles.
Column attribute descriptions are as follows:

  • AUCDI Data Group: The name of the AUCDI data group.
  • AUCDI Data Element: The name of the AUCDI data element within an AUCDI data group.
  • AU Core Profile(s): The title of the AU Core profile relevant for exchange.
  • FHIR Path: The FHIRPath expression to the FHIR element relevant for exchange, i.e. the FHIR element that can be populated with data from a source system that represents the clinical concept expressed in the AUCDI data element.
  • Comment: Additional information about the mapping including an explanation of where an element or group is not yet mapped.
AUCDI Data Group AUCDI Data Element AU Core Profile(s) FHIR Path Comment
Adverse reaction risk summary Substance name AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance.code
Manifestation AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyInterolance.reaction
Comment AU Core AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance.note
Last updated - - This AUCDI element is a Future Candidate Requirement Under Consideration. Future versions of AU Core will develop and test approaches to addressing Last Updated.
Problem/Diagnosis summary Problem / Diagnosis name AU Core Condition Condition.code
Body site/laterality AU Core Condition Condition.code
Status AU Core Condition Condition.clinicalStatus
Comment AU Core Condition Condition.note
Last updated - - This AUCDI element is a Future Candidate Requirement Under Consideration. Future versions of AU Core will develop and test approaches to addressing Last Updated.
Procedure completed event Procedure name AU Core Procedure Procedure.code
Clinical indication AU Core Procedure Procedure.reasonCode | Procedure.reasonReference[x]
Body site/laterality AU Core Procedure Procedure.code
Date performed AU Core Procedure Procedure.performed[x] | Procedure.performedDateTime
Comment AU Core Procedure Procedure.note
Vaccination administered event Vaccine name AU Core Immunization Immunization.vaccineCode
Sequence number AU Core Immunization Immunization.protocolApplied.doseNumber[x]
Date of administration AU Core Immunization Immunization.occurenceDateTime
Comment AU Core Immunization Immunization.note
Tobacco smoking summary Overall status AU Core Smoking Status Observation
Last updated - - This AUCDI element is a Future Candidate Requirement Under Consideration. Future versions of AU Core will develop and test approaches to addressing Last Updated.
Medication use statement Medication name AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication MedicationStatement.medication[x] | Medication.code See Medicine Information guidance.
Clinical indication AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.reasonCode | MedicationStatement.reasonReference
Strength AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication MedicationStatement.medication[x] | Medication.code | Medication.ingredient
Form AU Core MedicationStatement | AU Core Medication MedicationStatement.medication[x] | Medication.form
Dose amount AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.dosage.doseAndRate
Route of administration AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.dosage.route
Dose timing AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.dosage.timing
Comment AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.note
Date of assertion AU Core MedicationStatement MedicationStatement.dateAsserted
Sex and gender summary Sex assigned at birth AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='') The Person Recorded Sex or Gender extension is profiled by AU Core Sex Assigned At Birth (RSG) to represent the concept of Sex assigned at birth.
Gender identity AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='')
Pronoun/s AU Core Patient Patient.extension.where(url='')
Last updated - - This AUCDI element is a Future Candidate Requirement Under Consideration. Future versions of AU Core will develop and test approaches to addressing Last Updated.
Encounter – clinical context Reason for encounter AU Core Encounter Encounter.reasonCode | Encounter.reasonReference
Modality AU Core Encounter Encounter.class
Measurements and vital signs Blood pressure Systolic pressure AU Core Blood Pressure Observation
Diastolic pressure AU Core Blood Pressure Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Blood Pressure Observation.effectiveDateTime
Pulse Rate AU Core Heart Rate Observation
Date/Time of observation AU Core Heart Rate Observation.effectiveDateTime
Body temperature Temperature AU Core Body Temperature Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Body Temperature Observation.effectiveDateTime
Respiration Rate AU Core Respiration Rate Observation
Date/Time of observation AU Core Respiration Rate Observation.effectiveDateTime
Body height Height / Length AU Core Body Height Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Body Height Observation.effectiveDateTime
Body weight Weight AU Core Body Weight Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Body Weight Observation.effectiveDateTime
Waist circumference Waist circumference AU Core Waist Circumference Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Waist Circumference Observation.effectiveDateTime
Biomarkers Lipids HDL cholesterol AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
LDL cholesterol AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Total cholesterol AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Triglycerides AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation.effectiveDateTime
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) HbA1c AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation.effectiveDateTime
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) eGFR AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation.effectiveDateTime
Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR) uACR AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation
Date/Time of measurement AU Core Pathology Result Observation Observation.effectiveDateTime