AU Core Implementation Guide
1.1.0-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Declaring Conformance

Page standards status: Informative

Declaring Conformance

Systems may declare conformance to AU Core as:

FHIR Servers that implement AU Core declare conformance to one of these approaches as described in the relevant section below.

Profile Only Support

Servers that implement Profile Only Support to AU Core profiles declare conformance to each profile by hosting a CapabilityStatement resource at [server-base-url]/metadata that is available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients. The capability statement declares Profile Only Support for a resource as either a base profile using or supported profile using

Example: CapabilityStatement resource for a server supporting the AU Core Patient profile as a system-wide profile that is applied across all instances of the Patient resource:

  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "rest": [
      "mode": "server",
        "resource": [
            "type": "Patient",
            "profile": [

Example: CapabilityStatement resource for a server supporting the AU Core Waist Circumference profile as a profile for supported use cases provided by the server:

  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "rest": [
      "mode": "server",
        "resource": [
            "type": "Observation",
            "supportedProfile": [

Profile Support + Interaction Support

Servers that implement Profile Support + Interaction Support declare conformance by hosting a CapabilityStatement at [server-base-url]/metadata, available to both authenticated and unauthenticated clients. The server’s CapabilityStatement.instantiates element references the AU Core Responder Capability Statement, as shown in the following fragment:

  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "instantiates": [
  "rest": [
      "mode": "server",