This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

FHIR Infrastructure icon Maturity Level: 1 Informative

Detailed Cross Analysis for the event.

Event.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for adverse event; ; Resource: Business identifier for the event) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this adverse event by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifiers assigned to this adverse event by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.) - no reason provided
  • ChargeItem.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for charge item; ; Resource: Business Identifier for item) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this charge item by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers assigned to this event performer or other systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the charge item as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows identification of the charge Item as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.) - no reason provided
  • ClaimResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for claim response; ; Resource: Business Identifier for a claim response) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this claim response by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this claim response.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the claim response as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows claim responses to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • ClinicalImpression.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for clinical impression; ; Resource: Business identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this clinical impression by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifiers assigned to this clinical impression by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.) - no reason provided
  • Communication.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for communication; ; Resource: Unique identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this communication by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifiers assigned to this communication by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.) - no reason provided
  • Composition.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for composition; ; Resource: Version-independent identifier for the Composition) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this composition by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A version-independent identifier for the Composition. This identifier stays constant as the composition is changed over time.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: Similar to ClinicalDocument/setId in CDA. See discussion in resource definition for how these relate.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the composition as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Consent.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for consent; ; Resource: Identifier for this record (external references)) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this consent by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Unique identifier for this copy of the Consent Statement.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This identifier identifies this copy of the consent. Where this identifier is also used elsewhere as the identifier for a consent record (e.g. a CDA consent document) then the consent details are expected to be the same.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the consent as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Contract.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for contract; ; Resource: Contract number) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this contract by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Unique identifier for this Contract or a derivative that references a Source Contract.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the contract as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: This is the business identifier of the contract content conveyed. It may be a derivative of the legally binding contract, in which case, the identifier of the basal contract is contained in the Contract.binding referenced Contract.) - no reason provided
  • Contract.term.identifier : Identifier [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for contract; ; Resource: Contract Term Number) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this contract by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Unique identifier for this particular Contract Provision.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the contract as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Coverage.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for coverage; ; Resource: Business identifier(s) for this coverage) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this coverage by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: The identifier of the coverage as issued by the insurer.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: The main (and possibly only) identifier for the coverage - often referred to as a Member Id, Certificate number, Personal Health Number or Case ID. May be constructed as the concatenation of the Coverage.SubscriberID and the Coverage.dependant. Note that not all insurers issue unique member IDs therefore searches may result in multiple responses.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the coverage as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows coverages to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for coverage eligibility response; ; Resource: Business Identifier for coverage eligiblity request) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this coverage eligibility response by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this coverage eligiblity request.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the coverage eligibility response as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows coverage eligibility requests to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • DetectedIssue.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • DeviceUsage.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for device usage; ; Resource: External identifier for this record) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this device usage by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: An external identifier for this statement such as an IRI.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the device usage as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • DiagnosticReport.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for diagnostic report; ; Resource: Business identifier for report) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this diagnostic report by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers assigned to this report by the performer or other systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: Usually assigned by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider (filler id).) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the diagnostic report as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Need to know what identifier to use when making queries about this report from the source laboratory, and for linking to the report outside FHIR context.) - no reason provided
  • DocumentReference.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for document reference; ; Resource: Business identifiers for the document) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: The structure and format of this identifier would be consistent with the specification corresponding to the format of the document. (e.g. for a DICOM standard document, a 64-character numeric UID; for an HL7 CDA format, the CDA Document Id root and extension).) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the document reference as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Document identifiers usually assigned by the source of the document, or other business identifiers such as XDS DocumentEntry.uniqueId and DocumentEntry.entryUUID. These identifiers are specific to this instance of the document.) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for encounter; ; Resource: Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this encounter by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the encounter as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • EnrollmentResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for enrollment response; ; Resource: Business Identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this enrollment response by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: The Response business identifier.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the enrollment response as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • EpisodeOfCare.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for episode of care; ; Resource: Business Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this episode of care by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: The EpisodeOfCare may be known by different identifiers for different contexts of use, such as when an external agency is tracking the Episode for funding purposes.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the episode of care as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for explanation of benefit; ; Resource: Business Identifier for the resource) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this explanation of benefit by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this explanation of benefit.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the explanation of benefit as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows EOBs to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • FamilyMemberHistory.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for family member history; ; Resource: External Id(s) for this record) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this family member history by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifiers assigned to this family member history by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.) - no reason provided
  • GuidanceResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for guidance response; ; Resource: Business identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this guidance response by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Allows a service to provide unique, business identifiers for the response.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the guidance response as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ImagingSelection.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for imaging selection; ; Resource: Business Identifiers for Imaging Selection) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this imaging selection by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Unique identifiers assigned to this imaging selection.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifiers, not a resource identifier -- see discussion under [Business Identifiers](resource.html#identifiers). ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the imaging selection as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows imaging selections to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number, or an accession number may be used to relate a Task, an ImagingStudy and a DiagnosticReport. See discussion under [Imaging Study Implementation Notes](imagingstudy.html#dicom-uids) for encoding of DICOM Study Instance UID.) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for immunization; ; Resource: Business identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this immunization by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this immunization record.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the immunization as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for immunization evaluation; ; Resource: Business identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this immunization evaluation by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this immunization evaluation record.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the immunization evaluation as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • InventoryReport.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for inventory report; ; Resource: Business identifier for the report) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this inventory report by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifier for the InventoryReport.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the inventory report as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for medication administration; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this medication administration by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers associated with this Medication Administration that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. They are business identifiers assigned to this resource by the performer or other systems and remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the medication administration as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationDispense.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for medication dispense; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this medication dispense by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers associated with this Medication Dispense that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. They are business identifiers assigned to this resource by the performer or other systems and remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the medication dispense as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for medication statement; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this medication statement by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers associated with this Medication Statement that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. They are business identifiers assigned to this resource by the performer or other systems and remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the medication statement as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • NutritionIntake.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for nutrition intake; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this nutrition intake by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifiers associated with this Nutrition Intake that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate. They are business identifiers assigned to this resource by the performer or other systems and remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the nutrition intake as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Observation.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for observation; ; Resource: Business Identifier for observation) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this observation by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this observation.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the observation as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows observations to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • PaymentNotice.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for payment notice; ; Resource: Business Identifier for the payment notice) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this payment notice by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this payment notice.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the payment notice as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows payment notices to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • PaymentReconciliation.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for payment reconciliation; ; Resource: Business Identifier for a payment reconciliation) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this payment reconciliation by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: A unique identifier assigned to this payment reconciliation.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the payment reconciliation as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: Allows payment reconciliations to be distinguished and referenced.) - no reason provided
  • Procedure.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for procedure; ; Resource: External Identifiers for this procedure) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this procedure by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifiers assigned to this procedure by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and is propagated from server to server.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and Person resource instances might share the same social insurance number.) - no reason provided
  • QuestionnaireResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for questionnaire response; ; Resource: Business identifier for this set of answers) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)).) - no reason provided
  • RiskAssessment.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for risk assessment; ; Resource: Unique identifier for the assessment) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this risk assessment by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Business identifier assigned to the risk assessment.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the risk assessment as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • SupplyDelivery.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for supply delivery; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this supply delivery by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifier for the supply delivery event that is used to identify it across multiple disparate systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This identifier is typically assigned by the supplier, and may be used to reference the delivery when exchanging information about it with other systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the supply delivery as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Task.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for task; ; Resource: Task Instance Identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this task by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: The business identifier for this task.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the task as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Transport.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Business identifier for transport; ; Resource: External identifier) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Business identifiers assigned to this transport by the performer and/or other systems. These identifiers remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.; ; Resource: Identifier for the transport event that is used to identify it across multiple disparate systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Note: This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see [discussion](resource.html#identifiers)). It is best practice for the identifier to only appear on a single resource instance, however business practices may occasionally dictate that multiple resource instances with the same identifier can exist - possibly even with different resource types. For example, multiple Patient and a Person resource instance might share the same social insurance number.; ; Resource: This identifier is typically assigned by the dispenser, and may be used to reference the delivery when exchanging information about it with other systems.) - no reason provided identifier does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows identification of the transport as it is known by various participating systems and in a way that remains consistent across servers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Event.basedOn : Reference(Request) [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AuditEvent.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Workflow authorization within which this event occurred) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this audit event.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the events and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this charge item.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the charge item and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • ClaimResponse.request : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Claim)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Id of resource triggering adjudication) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this claim response.; ; Resource: Original request resource reference.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the claim response and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this clinical impression.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the clinical impression and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • Communication.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,CommunicationRequest,DeviceRequest,ImmunizationRecommendation,MedicationRequest,NutritionOrder,ServiceRequest,Task,VisionPrescription)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request fulfilled by this communication) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this communication.; ; Resource: An order, proposal or plan fulfilled in whole or in part by this Communication.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the communication and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this composition.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the composition and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this consent.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the consent and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this coverage.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the coverage and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse.request : Reference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CoverageEligibilityRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Eligibility request reference) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this coverage eligibility response.; ; Resource: Reference to the original request resource.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the coverage eligibility response and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Needed to allow the response to be linked to the request.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this detected issue.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the detected issue and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • DeviceUsage.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this device usage.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this DeviceUsage.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the device usage and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the DeviceUsage and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • DiagnosticReport.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,ImmunizationRecommendation,MedicationRequest,NutritionOrder,ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: What was requested) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this diagnostic report.; ; Resource: Details concerning a service requested.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the diagnostic report and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: This allows tracing of authorization for the report and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • DocumentReference.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Appointment,AppointmentResponse,CarePlan,Claim,CommunicationRequest,Contract,CoverageEligibilityRequest,DeviceRequest,EnrollmentRequest,ImmunizationRecommendation,MedicationRequest,NutritionOrder,RequestOrchestration,ServiceRequest,SupplyRequest,VisionPrescription)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Procedure that caused this media to be created) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this document reference.; ; Resource: A procedure that is fulfilled in whole or in part by the creation of this media.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the document reference and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the event and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Encounter.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,DeviceRequest,MedicationRequest,ServiceRequest,RequestOrchestration,NutritionOrder,VisionPrescription,ImmunizationRecommendation)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: The request that initiated this encounter) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this encounter.; ; Resource: The request this encounter satisfies (e.g. incoming referral or procedure request).) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the encounter and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.appointment : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Appointment)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: The appointment that scheduled this encounter) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this encounter.; ; Resource: The appointment that scheduled this encounter.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the encounter and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • EnrollmentResponse.request : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(EnrollmentRequest)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Claim reference) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this enrollment response.; ; Resource: Original request resource reference.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the enrollment response and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • EpisodeOfCare.referralRequest : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Originating Referral Request(s)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this episode of care.; ; Resource: Referral Request(s) that are fulfilled by this EpisodeOfCare, incoming referrals.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the episode of care and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason providedExtension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this episode of care.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the episode of care and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this explanation of benefit.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the explanation of benefit and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this family member history.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the family member history and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • GuidanceResponse.requestIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Identifier) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: The identifier of the request associated with this response, if any) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this guidance response.; ; Resource: The identifier of the request associated with this response. If an identifier was given as part of the request, it will be reproduced here to enable the requester to more easily identify the response in a multi-request scenario.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the guidance response and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingSelection.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,ServiceRequest,Appointment,Task)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Associated requests) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this imaging selection.; ; Resource: A list of the diagnostic requests that resulted in this imaging selection being performed.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the imaging selection and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • ImagingStudy.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,ServiceRequest,Appointment,Task)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Fulfills plan or order) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this imaging study.; ; Resource: A plan or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this imaging study.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Immunization.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,MedicationRequest,ServiceRequest,ImmunizationRecommendation)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Authority that the immunization event is based on) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this immunization.; ; Resource: A plan, order or recommendation fulfilled in whole or in part by this immunization.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the immunization and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this immunization evaluation.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the immunization evaluation and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this inventory report.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the inventory report and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationAdministration.request : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(MedicationRequest)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request administration performed against) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this medication administration.; ; Resource: The original request, instruction or authority to perform the administration.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the medication administration and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(MedicationRequest)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Medication order that authorizes the dispense) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this medication dispense.; ; Resource: Indicates the medication order that is being dispensed against.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the medication dispense and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this medication statement.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the medication statement and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • NutritionIntake.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(NutritionOrder,CarePlan,ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Fulfils plan, proposal or order) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this nutrition intake.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the nutrition intake and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the event and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Observation.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,DeviceRequest,ImmunizationRecommendation,MedicationRequest,NutritionOrder,ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this observation.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event. For example, a MedicationRequest may require a patient to have laboratory test performed before it is dispensed.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the observation and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the event and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • PaymentNotice.request : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request reference) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this payment notice.; ; Resource: Reference of resource for which payment is being made.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the payment notice and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason providedExtension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this payment notice.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the payment notice and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-basedOn : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this payment reconciliation.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the payment reconciliation and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • Procedure.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,ServiceRequest,MedicationRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: A request for this procedure) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this procedure.; ; Resource: A reference to a resource that contains details of the request for this procedure.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the procedure and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Provenance.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Workflow authorization within which this event occurred) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • QuestionnaireResponse.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(CarePlan,ServiceRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request fulfilled by this QuestionnaireResponse) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the questionnaire response and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Supports traceability of responsibility for the questionnaire response and allows linkage of the response to the proposals/recommendations acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • RiskAssessment.basedOn : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request fulfilled by this assessment) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this risk assessment.; ; Resource: A reference to the request that is fulfilled by this risk assessment.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the risk assessment and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • SupplyDelivery.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(SupplyRequest)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this supply delivery.; ; Resource: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this event.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the supply delivery and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: Allows tracing of authorization for the event and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Task.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request fulfilled by this task) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this task.; ; Resource: BasedOn refers to a higher-level authorization that triggered the creation of the task. It references a "request" resource such as a ServiceRequest, MedicationRequest, CarePlan, etc. which is distinct from the "request" resource the task is seeking to fulfill. This latter resource is referenced by focus. For example, based on a CarePlan (= basedOn), a task is created to fulfill a ServiceRequest ( = focus ) to collect a specimen from a patient.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the task and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Transport.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Request)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Task,ServiceRequest,DeviceRequest,MedicationRequest,RequestOrchestration,SupplyRequest,VisionPrescription)) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Fulfills plan, proposal or order; ; Resource: Request fulfilled by this transport) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A plan, proposal or order that is fulfilled in whole or in part by this transport.; ; Resource: BasedOn refers to a higher-level authorization that triggered the creation of the transport. It references a "request" resource such as a ServiceRequest or Transport, which is distinct from the "request" resource the Transport is seeking to fulfill. This latter resource is referenced by FocusOn. For example, based on a ServiceRequest (= BasedOn), a transport is created to fulfill a procedureRequest ( = FocusOn ) to transport a specimen to the lab.) - no reason provided basedOn does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows tracing of authorization for the transport and tracking whether proposals/recommendations were acted upon.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Event.partOf : Reference(Event) [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • ChargeItem.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(ChargeItem)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Part of referenced ChargeItem) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular charge item is a component or step.; ; Resource: ChargeItems can be grouped to larger ChargeItems covering the whole set.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an charge item to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Communication.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular communication is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event (e.g. Communication, Procedure) of which this particular communication is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an communication to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: The event the communication was part of - e.g. if you disclosed as "part" of counselling, it would be partOf that Procedure.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • DeviceDispense.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Procedure)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: The bigger event that this dispense is a part of) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular device dispense is a component or step.; ; Resource: The bigger event that this dispense is a part of.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an device dispense to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-partOf : Reference [0..*] Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular diagnostic report is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular event is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an diagnostic report to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: Not to be used to link an event to an Encounter - use Event.context for that. [The allowed reference resources may be adjusted as appropriate for the event resource].) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Type Mismatch.
  • Encounter.partOf : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Encounter)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Another Encounter this encounter is part of) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular encounter is a component or step.; ; Resource: Another Encounter of which this encounter is a part of (administratively or in time).) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an encounter to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: This is also used for associating a child's encounter back to the mother's encounter. Refer to the Notes section in the Patient resource for further details.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingStudy.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Procedure)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular imaging study is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular ImagingStudy is a component or step. For example, an ImagingStudy as part of a procedure.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an imaging study to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: To link an ImagingStudy to an Encounter use `encounter`.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.procedure : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(PlanDefinition,ActivityDefinition)) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Associated procedure(s)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular imaging study is a component or step.; ; Resource: A procedure or set of procedures during which this imaging study data was created.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an imaging study to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationAdministration.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(MedicationAdministration,Procedure,MedicationDispense)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular medication administration is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular event is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an medication administration to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: MedicationDispense will be used to indicate waste.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationDispense.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Procedure,MedicationAdministration)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Event that dispense is part of) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular medication dispense is a component or step.; ; Resource: The procedure or medication administration that triggered the dispense.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an medication dispense to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: While both a procedure and a medication administration may have triggered the dispense, but it is not expected that multiple procedures and/or multiple medication administrations would be triggers.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • NutritionIntake.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(NutritionIntake,Procedure,Observation)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular nutrition intake is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular event is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an nutrition intake to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Observation.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(MedicationAdministration,MedicationDispense,MedicationStatement,Procedure,Immunization,ImagingStudy,GenomicStudy)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular observation is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular Observation is a component or step. For example, an observation as part of a procedure.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an observation to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: To link an Observation to an Encounter use `encounter`. See the [Notes](observation.html#obsgrouping) below for guidance on referencing another Observation.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Procedure.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Procedure,Observation,MedicationAdministration)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an procedure to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: The MedicationAdministration resource has a partOf reference to Procedure, but this is not a circular reference. For example, the anesthesia MedicationAdministration is part of the surgical Procedure (MedicationAdministration.partOf = Procedure). For example, the procedure to insert the IV port for an IV medication administration is part of the medication administration (Procedure.partOf = MedicationAdministration).) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • QuestionnaireResponse.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Observation,Procedure)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular questionnaire response is a component or step.; ; Resource: A procedure or observation that this questionnaire was performed as part of the execution of. For example, the surgery a checklist was executed as part of.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • RiskAssessment.parent : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Part of this occurrence) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular risk assessment is a component or step.; ; Resource: A reference to a resource that this risk assessment is part of, such as a Procedure.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an risk assessment to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • SupplyDelivery.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(SupplyDelivery,Contract)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular supply delivery is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular event is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an supply delivery to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: Not to be used to link an event to an Encounter - use Event.context for that. [The allowed reference resources may be adjusted as appropriate for the event resource].) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Task.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Task)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Part of referenced event; ; Resource: Composite task) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular task is a component or step.; ; Resource: Task that this particular task is part of.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an task to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: This should usually be 0..1.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Transport.partOf : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Event)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Transport)) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A larger event of which this particular transport is a component or step.; ; Resource: A larger event of which this particular event is a component or step.) - no reason provided partOf does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Not to be used to link an transport to an Encounter - use 'context' for that.; ; Resource: Not to be used to link an event to an Encounter - use Event.context for that. [The allowed reference resources may be adjusted as appropriate for the event resource].) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Event.researchStudy : Reference(ResearchStudy) [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this composition is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the composition occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this consent is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the consent occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this device usage is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the device usage occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this diagnostic report is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the diagnostic report occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this document reference is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the document reference occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this encounter is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the encounter occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this family member history is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the family member history occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this immunization is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the immunization occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this medication administration is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the medication administration occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this medication dispense is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the medication dispense occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this medication statement is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the medication statement occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this observation is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the observation occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this procedure is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the procedure occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this questionnaire response is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the questionnaire response occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this risk assessment is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the risk assessment occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this supply delivery is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the supply delivery occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension workflow-researchStudy : Reference [0..*] researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates that this task is relevant to the specified research study(ies).; ; Resource: Indicates that this event is relevant to the specified research study(ies).) - no reason provided researchStudy does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This relevance might mean that the task occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance.; ; Resource: This relevance might mean that the event occurred as part of the study protocol, but can also include events that occurred outside the study but still have relevance (e.g. adverse events, co-occurring medications, unexpected Observations, etc.).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Event.status : code [1..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the adverse event.; ; Resource: The current state of the adverse event or potential adverse event.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This is not the reporting of the event to any regulatory or quality organization. This is not the outcome of the patient's condition. The adverse event status may be determined by the timing of the clinical trial assessments and is not necessarily the same as the condition status.) - no reason provided
  • ChargeItem.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the charge item.; ; Resource: The current state of the ChargeItem.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is. This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the code entered-in-error that marks the charge item as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • ClaimResponse.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the claim response.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • ClinicalImpression.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the clinical impression.; ; Resource: Identifies the workflow status of the assessment.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the code entered-in-error that marks the clinical impression as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Communication.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the communication.; ; Resource: The status of the transmission.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes aborted and entered-in-error that mark the communication as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Composition.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | partial | preliminary | final | amended | corrected | appended | cancelled | entered-in-error | deprecated | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the composition.; ; Resource: The workflow/clinical status of this composition. The status is a marker for the clinical standing of the document.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: If a composition is marked as withdrawn, the compositions/documents in the series, or data from the composition or document series, should never be displayed to a user without being clearly marked as untrustworthy. The flag "entered-in-error" is why this element is labeled as a modifier of other elements. Some reporting work flows require that the original narrative of a final document never be altered; instead, only new narrative can be added. The composition resource has no explicit status for explicitly noting whether this business rule is in effect. This would be handled by an extension if required.) - no reason provided
  • Consent.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: draft | active | inactive | not-done | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the consent.; ; Resource: Indicates the current state of this Consent resource.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes rejected and entered-in-error that mark the Consent as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Contract.status : code [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: amended | appended | cancelled | disputed | entered-in-error | executable +) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the contract.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the contract as not currently valid or active.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Coverage.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the coverage.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the code entered-in-error that marks the coverage as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the coverage eligibility response.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • DetectedIssue.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preliminary | final | entered-in-error | unknown | mitigated) - no reason provided
  • DeviceDispense.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | cancelled | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | declined | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the device dispense.; ; Resource: A code specifying the state of the set of dispense events.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • DeviceUsage.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | completed | not-done | entered-in-error +) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the device usage.; ; Resource: A code representing the patient or other source's judgment about the state of the device used that this statement is about. Generally this will be active or completed.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: DeviceUseStatment is a statement at a point in time. The status is only representative at the point when it was asserted. The value set for contains codes that assert the status of the use by the patient (for example, stopped or on hold) as well as codes that assert the status of the resource itself (for example, entered in error). This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes that mark the statement as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • DiagnosticReport.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | partial | preliminary | modified | final | amended | corrected | appended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the diagnostic report.; ; Resource: The status of the diagnostic report.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • DocumentReference.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: current | superseded | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This is the status of the DocumentReference object, which might be independent from the docStatus element. This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains the codes that mark the document or reference as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: planned | in-progress | on-hold | discharged | completed | cancelled | discontinued | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the encounter.; ; Resource: The current state of the encounter (not the state of the patient within the encounter - that is subjectState).) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Note that internal business rules will determine the appropriate transitions that may occur between statuses (and also classes).) - no reason provided
  • EnrollmentResponse.status : code [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the enrollment response.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the response as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • EpisodeOfCare.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: planned | waitlist | active | onhold | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the episode of care.; ; Resource: planned | waitlist | active | onhold | finished | cancelled.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the episode as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • ExplanationOfBenefit.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the explanation of benefit.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • FamilyMemberHistory.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the family member history.; ; Resource: A code specifying the status of the record of the family history of a specific family member.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • GenomicStudy.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | available | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the genomic study.; ; Resource: The status of the genomic study.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • GuidanceResponse.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: success | data-requested | data-required | in-progress | failure | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the guidance response.; ; Resource: The status of the response. If the evaluation is completed successfully, the status will indicate success. However, in order to complete the evaluation, the engine may require more information. In this case, the status will be data-required, and the response will contain a description of the additional required information. If the evaluation completed successfully, but the engine determines that a potentially more accurate response could be provided if more data was available, the status will be data-requested, and the response will contain a description of the additional requested information.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingSelection.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: available | entered-in-error | inactive | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses SHALL apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | available | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown | inactive) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: completed | entered-in-error | not-done) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the immunization.; ; Resource: Indicates the current status of the immunization event.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Will generally be set to show that the immunization has been completed or not done. This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • ImmunizationEvaluation.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: completed | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the immunization evaluation.; ; Resource: Indicates the current status of the evaluation of the vaccination administration event.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • InventoryReport.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: draft | requested | active | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the inventory report.; ; Resource: The status of the inventory check or notification - whether this is draft (e.g. the report is still pending some updates) or active.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: in-progress | not-done | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the medication administration.; ; Resource: Will generally be set to show that the administration has been completed. For some long running administrations such as infusions, it is possible for an administration to be started but not completed or it may be paused while some other process is under way.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationDispense.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | cancelled | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | declined | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the medication dispense.; ; Resource: A code specifying the state of the set of dispense events.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: recorded | entered-in-error | draft) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the medication statement.; ; Resource: A code representing the status of recording the medication statement.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This status concerns just the recording of the medication statement. MedicationStatement.adherence should be used for indicating a patient's adherence to the information in this resource. Note, the statuses are different than in previous releases for MedicationStatement or MedicationStatement. This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • NutritionIntake.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the nutrition intake.; ; Resource: A code representing the patient or other source's judgment about the state of the intake that this assertion is about. Generally, this will be active or completed.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: NutritionIntake is a statement at a point in time. The status is only representative at the point when it was asserted. The value set for NutritionIntake.status contains codes that assert the status of the consumption of the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid), breastmilk, infant formula, supplements, enteral formula by the patient (for example, stopped or on hold) as well as codes that assert the status of the Nutrition Intake itself (for example, entered in error). This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Observation.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | specimen-in-process | preliminary | final | amended | corrected | appended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown | cannot-be-obtained) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the observation.; ; Resource: The status of the result value.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • PaymentNotice.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the payment notice.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • PaymentReconciliation.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the payment reconciliation.; ; Resource: The status of the resource instance.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Procedure.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the procedure.; ; Resource: A code specifying the state of the procedure. Generally, this will be the in-progress or completed state.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: The "unknown" code is not to be used to convey other statuses. The "unknown" code should be used when one of the statuses applies, but the authoring system doesn't know the current state of the procedure. This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • QuestionnaireResponse.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: in-progress | completed | amended | entered-in-error | stopped) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.) - no reason provided
  • RiskAssessment.status : code [1..1]
  • IsModifier differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: registered | specimen-in-process | preliminary | final | amended | corrected | appended | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown | cannot-be-obtained) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the risk assessment.; ; Resource: The status of the RiskAssessment, using the same statuses as an Observation.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • SupplyDelivery.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: in-progress | completed | abandoned | entered-in-error) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the supply delivery.; ; Resource: A code specifying the state of the dispense event.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.) - no reason provided
  • Task.status : code [1..1]
  • status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: draft | requested | received | accepted | +) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the task.; ; Resource: The current status of the task.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Transport.status : code [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | aborted | completed | entered-in-error | unknown; ; Resource: preparation | in-progress | not-done | suspended | stopped | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | unknown) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The current state of the transport.; ; Resource: A code specifying the state of the transport event.) - no reason provided status does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: A nominal state-transition diagram can be found in the (Event pattern documentation Unknown does not represent "other" - one of the defined statuses must apply. Unknown is used when the authoring system is not sure what the current status is.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
Event.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • ClinicalImpression.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the clinical impression.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the ClinicalImpression.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "on-hold" or "stopped".) - no reason provided
  • Communication.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the communication.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the Communication.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "aborted". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here.) - no reason provided
  • DeviceDispense.statusReason : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(DetectedIssue)) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Reason for current status; ; Resource: Why a dispense was or was not performed) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the device dispense.; ; Resource: Indicates the reason why a dispense was or was not performed.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
    Extension event-statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the device usage.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the resource.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. (distinct reason codes for different statuses can be enforced using invariants if they are universal bindings).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension event-statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the diagnostic report.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the resource.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. (distinct reason codes for different statuses can be enforced using invariants if they are universal bindings).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension event-statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the document reference.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the resource.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. (distinct reason codes for different statuses can be enforced using invariants if they are universal bindings).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
  • Immunization.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the immunization.; ; Resource: Indicates the reason the immunization event was not performed.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for the status of "not-done". The reason for performing the immunization event is captured in reasonCode, not here.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Reason for current status; ; Resource: Reason administration not performed) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the medication administration.; ; Resource: A code indicating why the administration was not performed.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • NutritionIntake.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the nutrition intake.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the NutritionIntake.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-taken", "on-hold", "cancelled" or "entered-in-error". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
    Extension event-statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the observation.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the resource.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. (distinct reason codes for different statuses can be enforced using invariants if they are universal bindings).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
  • Procedure.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "aborted". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here.) - no reason provided
    Extension event-statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Captures the reason for the current state of the supply delivery.; ; Resource: Captures the reason for the current state of the resource.) - no reason provided statusReason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. .; ; Resource: This is generally only used for "exception" statuses such as "not-done", "suspended" or "cancelled". The reason for performing the event at all is captured in reasonCode, not here. (distinct reason codes for different statuses can be enforced using invariants if they are universal bindings).) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Event.category : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AuditEvent.type : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DetectedIssue.category : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided
  • DocumentReference.category : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: High level categorization of document reference; ; Resource: Categorization of document) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Partitions the document reference into one or more categories that can be used to filter searching, to govern access control and/or to guide system behavior.; ; Resource: A categorization for the type of document referenced - helps for indexing and searching. This may be implied by or derived from the code specified in the DocumentReference.type.) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Categorization might be done automatically (inferred by code) or manually by user assertion. The absence of a category may limit the ability to determine when the element should be handled, so strong consideration should be given to how systems will be able to determine category values for legacy data and how data that cannot be categorized will be handled. As well, some categories might not be mutually exclusive, so systems should prepare for multiple declared categories - even within a single category 'axis'. In general, there should not be a 'strong' binding ('required' or 'extensible') on the category element overall. Instead, the element can be sliced and bindings can be asserted that apply to particular repetitions.; ; Resource: Key metadata element describing the the category or classification of the document. This is a broader perspective that groups similar documents based on how they would be used. This is a primary key used in searching.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingSelection.category : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: High level categorization of imaging selection; ; Resource: Classifies the imaging selection) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Partitions the imaging selection into one or more categories that can be used to filter searching, to govern access control and/or to guide system behavior.; ; Resource: Classifies the general purpose of the imaging selection.) - no reason provided category does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Categorization might be done automatically (inferred by code) or manually by user assertion. The absence of a category may limit the ability to determine when the element should be handled, so strong consideration should be given to how systems will be able to determine category values for legacy data and how data that cannot be categorized will be handled. As well, some categories might not be mutually exclusive, so systems should prepare for multiple declared categories - even within a single category 'axis'. In general, there should not be a 'strong' binding ('required' or 'extensible') on the category element overall. Instead, the element can be sliced and bindings can be asserted that apply to particular repetitions.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Event.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Event or incident that occurred or was averted) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Specific event that occurred or that was averted, such as patient fall, wrong organ removed, or wrong blood transfused.) - no reason provided
  • AuditEvent.subtype : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Specific type of event) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Describes what happened. The most specific codes for the event.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ChargeItem.code : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Composition.type : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Kind of composition (LOINC if possible)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Specifies the particular kind of composition (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the composition.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Consent.category : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Classification of the consent statement - for indexing/retrieval) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A classification of the type of consents found in the statement. This element supports indexing and retrieval of consent statements.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Contract.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Legal instrument category) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A high-level category for the legal instrument, whether constructed as a Contract definition, derivative, or instance in any legal state. Provides additional information about its content within the context of the Contract's scope to distinguish the kinds of systems that would be interested in the contract.) - no reason provided
  • Contract.term.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Contract Term Type or Form) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A legal clause or condition contained within a contract that requires one or both parties to perform a particular requirement by some specified time or prevents one or both parties from performing a particular requirement by some specified time.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • DetectedIssue.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Specific type of detected issue, e.g. drug-drug, duplicate therapy, etc) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A code that identifies the specific type of issue detected.) - no reason provided
  • DeviceDispense.device : CodeableReference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Device,DeviceDefinition)) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: What device was supplied) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the device being dispensed. This is either a link to a resource representing the details of the device or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the device from a known list of devices.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DiagnosticReport.code : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Name/Code for this diagnostic report) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A code or name that describes this diagnostic report.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • DocumentReference.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Kind of document (LOINC if possible)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Specifies the particular kind of document referenced (e.g. History and Physical, Discharge Summary, Progress Note). This usually equates to the purpose of making the document referenced.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Encounter.type : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Specific type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, ...)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Specific type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation).) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.serviceType : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Specific type of service) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Broad categorization of the service that is to be provided (e.g. cardiology).) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • EnrollmentResponse.disposition : string [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Disposition Message) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A description of the status of the adjudication.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • EpisodeOfCare.type : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Type/class - e.g. specialist referral, disease management) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A classification of the type of episode of care; e.g. specialist referral, disease management, type of funded care.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ExplanationOfBenefit.type : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Binding strengths differ (Pattern: example; ; Resource: extensible) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Category or discipline) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: The category of claim, e.g. oral, pharmacy, vision, institutional, professional.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingSelection.code : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Imaging Selection purpose text or code) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the type of imaging selection.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Immunization.vaccineCode : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Vaccine administered) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Vaccine that was administered or was to be administered.) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.administeredProduct : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Medication)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Product that was administered) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: An indication of which product was administered to the patient. This is typically a more detailed representation of the concept conveyed by the vaccineCode data element. If a Medication resource is referenced, it may be to a stand-alone resource or a contained resource within the Immunization resource.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Invoice.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Type of Invoice) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Type of Invoice depending on domain, realm an usage (e.g. internal/external, dental, preliminary).) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • MedicationAdministration.medication : CodeableReference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Medication)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: What was administered) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the medication that was administered. This is either a link to a resource representing the details of the medication or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the medication from a known list of medications.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • MedicationDispense.medication : CodeableReference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Medication)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: What medication was supplied) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the medication supplied. This is either a link to a resource representing the details of the medication or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the medication from a known list of medications.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • MedicationStatement.medication : CodeableReference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Medication)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: What medication was taken) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the medication being administered. This is either a link to a resource representing the details of the medication or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the medication from a known list of medications.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • MessageHeader.event[x] : Coding, uri, canonical [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Coding, canonical(EventDefinition,SubscriptionTopic), uri) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: The real world event that triggered this messsage) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Code that identifies the event this message represents and connects it with its definition. Events defined as part of the FHIR specification are defined by the implementation. Alternatively a uri , canonical uri to the EventDefinition or SubscriptionTopic.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • NutritionIntake.nutritionItem.nutritionProduct : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(NutritionProduct)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: A product used for nutritional purposes (e.g. food or supplement)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Identifies the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) product that is to be consumed. This is potentially a link to a resource representing the details of the food product or a simple attribute carrying a code that identifies the food from a known list of foods.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Observation.code : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Type of observation (code / type)) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation "name".) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Identification of the procedure) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: The specific procedure that is performed. Use text if the exact nature of the procedure cannot be coded (e.g. "Laparoscopic Appendectomy").) - no reason provided
  • Provenance.activity : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Activity that occurred) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • RiskAssessment.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Type of assessment) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: The type of the risk assessment performed.) - no reason provided
  • SupplyDelivery.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Binding strengths differ (Pattern: example; ; Resource: extensible) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Category of supply event) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: Indicates the type of supply being provided. Examples include: Medication, Device, Biologically Derived Product.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Task.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: boolean) - no reason provided IsModifier differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: True if Task is prohibiting action) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: If true indicates that the Task is asking for the specified action to *not* occur.) - no reason provided
  • Task.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • Binding strengths differ (Pattern: example; ; Resource: extensible) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Task Type) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A name or code (or both) briefly describing what the task involves.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Transport.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • code does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: What service was done; ; Resource: Transport Type) - no reason provided code does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: A code that identifies the specific service or action that was or is being performed.; ; Resource: A name or code (or both) briefly describing what the transport involves.) - no reason provided
Event.product : CodeableReference(BiologicallyDerivedProduct|Device|DeviceDefinition|Medication|NutritionProduct|Substance) [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
Event.subject : Reference(Patient|Group) [1..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Subject impacted by event) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: This subject or group impacted by the event.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the adverse event to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Allows for exposure of biohazard (such as legionella) to a group of individuals in a hospital.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • AuditEvent.patient : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The patient is the subject of the data used/created/updated/deleted during the activity) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient element is available to enable deterministic tracking of activities that involve the patient as the subject of the data used in an activity.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the audit event to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: When the .patient is populated it shall be accurate to the subject of the used data. The .patient shall not be populated when the used data used/created/updated/deleted (.entity) by the activity does not involve a subject. Note that when the patient is an agent, they will be recorded as an agent. When the Patient resource is Created, Updated, or Deleted it will be recorded as an entity. May also affect access control.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ChargeItem.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the charge item to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Links the event to the Patient context.) - no reason provided
  • ClinicalImpression.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Patient or group assessed) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient or group of individuals assessed as part of this record.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the clinical impression to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Group is typically for veterinary and/or public health purposes.) - no reason provided
  • Communication.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Focus of message) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient or group that was the focus of this communication.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the communication to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • Composition.subject : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who and/or what the composition is about) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: Who or what the composition is about. The composition can be about a person, (patient or healthcare practitioner), a device (e.g. a machine) or even a group of subjects (such as a document about a herd of livestock, or a set of patients that share a common exposure).) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the composition to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Essential metadata for searching for the composition. Identifies who and/or what the composition/document is about.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Consent.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner,ResearchSubject)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who the consent applies to) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient, healthcare practitioner, research subject, or a group of persons to whom this consent applies.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the consent to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Contract.subject : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Contract Target Entity) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The target entity impacted by or of interest to parties to the agreement.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the contract to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: The Contract.subject is an entity that has some role with respect to the Contract.topic and Contract.topic.term, which is of focal interest to the parties to the contract and likely impacted in a significant way by the Contract.action/Contract.action.reason and the Contract.term.action/Contract.action.reason. In many cases, the Contract.subject is a Contract.signer if the subject is an adult; has a legal interest in the contract; and incompetent to participate in the contract agreement.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Coverage.beneficiary : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Plan beneficiary) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The party who benefits from the insurance coverage; the patient when products and/or services are provided.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the coverage to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: This is the party who receives treatment for which the costs are reimbursed under the coverage.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Intended recipient of products and services) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The party who is the beneficiary of the supplied coverage and for whom eligibility is sought.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the coverage eligibility response to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Required to provide context and coverage validation.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DetectedIssue.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device,Location,Organization,Procedure,Practitioner,Medication,Substance,BiologicallyDerivedProduct,NutritionProduct)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Associated subject) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: Indicates the subject whose record the detected issue is associated with.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the detected issue to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: While the subject could be inferred by tracing the subject of the implicated resources, it's useful to have a direct link for query purposes.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DeviceDispense.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who the dispense is for) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: A link to a resource representing the person to whom the device is intended.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the device dispense to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • DeviceUsage.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Patient using device) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient who used the device.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the device usage to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DiagnosticReport.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device,Location,Organization,Practitioner,Medication,Substance,BiologicallyDerivedProduct)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The subject of the report - usually, but not always, the patient) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The subject of the report. Usually, but not always, this is a patient. However, diagnostic services also perform analyses on specimens collected from a variety of other sources.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the diagnostic report to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: SHALL know the subject context.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DocumentReference.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who/what is the subject of the document) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: Who or what the document is about. The document can be about a person, (patient or healthcare practitioner), a device (e.g. a machine) or even a group of subjects (such as a document about a herd of farm animals, or a set of patients that share a common exposure).) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the document reference to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Encounter.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The patient or group related to this encounter) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient or group related to this encounter. In some use-cases the patient MAY not be present, such as a case meeting about a patient between several practitioners or a careteam.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the encounter to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • EpisodeOfCare.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The patient/group who is the focus of this episode of care) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient/group who is the focus of this episode of care.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the episode of care to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ExplanationOfBenefit.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The recipient of the products and services) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The party to whom the professional services and/or products have been supplied or are being considered and for whom actual for forecast reimbursement is sought.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the explanation of benefit to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: The patient must be supplied to the insurer so that confirmation of coverage and service history may be considered as part of the authorization and/or adjudiction.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • FamilyMemberHistory.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Patient history is about) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The person who this history concerns.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the family member history to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • GuidanceResponse.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Patient the request was performed for) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient for which the request was processed.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the guidance response to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingSelection.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device,Procedure,Practitioner,Medication,Substance,Specimen)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Subject of the selected instances) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient, or group of patients, location, device, organization, procedure or practitioner this imaging selection is about and into whose or what record the imaging selection is placed.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the imaging selection to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingStudy.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who or what is the subject of the study) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The subject, typically a patient, of the imaging study.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the imaging study to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Immunization.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who was immunized) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient who either received or did not receive the immunization.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the immunization to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ImmunizationEvaluation.patient : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who this evaluation is for) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The individual for whom the evaluation is being done.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the immunization evaluation to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Invoice.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Recipient(s) of goods and services) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The individual or set of individuals receiving the goods and services billed in this invoice.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the invoice to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Links the event to the Patient context.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • MedicationAdministration.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who received medication) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The person or animal or group receiving the medication.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication administration to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationDispense.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who the dispense is for) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: A link to a resource representing the person or the group to whom the medication will be given.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication dispense to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who is/was taking the medication) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The person, animal or group who is/was taking the medication.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication statement to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • NutritionIntake.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who is/was consuming the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The person or group who is/was consuming the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid).) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the nutrition intake to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Observation.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device,Location,Organization,Procedure,Practitioner,Medication,Substance,BiologicallyDerivedProduct,NutritionProduct)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who and/or what the observation is about) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient, or group of patients, location, device, organization, procedure or practitioner this observation is about and into whose or what record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the `focus` element or the `code` itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the observation to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Observations have no value if you don't know who or what they're about.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Device,Practitioner,Organization,Location)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Individual or entity the procedure was performed on) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: On whom or on what the procedure was performed. This is usually an individual human, but can also be performed on animals, groups of humans or animals, organizations or practitioners (for licensing), locations or devices (for safety inspections or regulatory authorizations). If the actual focus of the procedure is different from the subject, the focus element specifies the actual focus of the procedure.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the procedure to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Provenance.patient : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The patient is the subject of the data created/updated (.target) by the activity) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient element is available to enable deterministic tracking of activities that involve the patient as the subject of the data used in an activity.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the provenance to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: When the .patient is populated it shall be accurate to the subject of the target data. The .patient shall not be populated when the target data created/updated (.target) by the activity does not involve a subject. Note that when the patient is an agent, they will be recorded as an agent. When the Patient resource is Created, Updated, or Deleted it will be recorded as an entity. May also affect access control.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • QuestionnaireResponse.subject : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: The subject of the questions) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The subject of the questionnaire response. This could be a patient, organization, practitioner, device, etc. This is who/what the answers apply to, but is not necessarily the source of information.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • RiskAssessment.subject : Reference [1..1]
  • subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Who/what does assessment apply to?) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The patient or group the risk assessment applies to.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the risk assessment to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • SupplyDelivery.patient : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Patient for whom the item is supplied) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: A link to a resource representing the person whom the delivered item is for.) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the supply delivery to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Task.for : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Beneficiary of the Task) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The entity who benefits from the performance of the service specified in the task (e.g., the patient).) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the task to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Used to track tasks outstanding for a beneficiary. Do not use to track the task owner or creator (see owner and creator respectively). This can also affect access control.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Transport.for : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Group)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Individual service was done for/to; ; Resource: Beneficiary of the Transport) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.; ; Resource: The entity who benefits from the performance of the service specified in the transport (e.g., the patient).) - no reason provided subject does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the transport to the Patient context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Used to track transports outstanding for a beneficiary. Do not use to track the transport owner or creator (see owner and creator respectively). This can also affect access control.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
Event.encounter : Reference(Encounter) [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the adverse event is part of; ; Resource: The Encounter associated with the start of the AdverseEvent) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this adverse event was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The Encounter associated with the start of the AdverseEvent.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the adverse event was created during, but some adverse events may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter. For example, if a medication administration was considered an adverse event because it resulted in a rash, then the encounter when the medication administration was given is the associated encounter. If the patient reports the AdverseEvent during a second encounter, that second encounter is not the associated encounter.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the adverse event to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • AuditEvent.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the audit event is part of; ; Resource: Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this audit event was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred, but some events may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).) - no reason provided
  • ChargeItem.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the charge item is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with this ChargeItem) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this charge item was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: This ChargeItem has the details of how the associated Encounter should be billed or otherwise be handled by finance systems.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the charge item was created during, but some charge items may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This ChargeItem may be recorded during planning, execution or after the actual encounter takes place.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the charge item to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ClinicalImpression.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the clinical impression is part of; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this ClinicalImpression was created) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this clinical impression was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this ClinicalImpression was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the clinical impression was created during, but some clinical impressions may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the clinical impression to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Communication.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the communication is part of; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this Communication was created) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this communication was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this Communication was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the communication was created during, but some communications may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the communication to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Composition.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the composition is part of; ; Resource: Context of the Composition) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this composition was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: Describes the clinical encounter or type of care this documentation is associated with.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the composition was created during, but some compositions may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the composition to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Provides context for the composition and supports searching.) - no reason provided
  • DetectedIssue.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • DeviceDispense.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the device dispense is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with event) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this device dispense was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter that establishes the context for this event.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the device dispense was created during, but some device dispenses may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the device dispense to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • DeviceUsage.context : Reference [0..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(EpisodeOfCare)) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the device usage is part of; ; Resource: The encounter or episode of care that establishes the context for this device use statement) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this device usage was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter or episode of care that establishes the context for this device use statement.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the device usage was created during, but some device usages may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the device usage to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DiagnosticReport.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the diagnostic report is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with the DiagnosticReport) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this diagnostic report was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) that is associated with the DiagnosticReport.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the diagnostic report was created during, but some diagnostic reports may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter, when it exists, during which the data or specimens (e.g. imaging, blood draw, or assessment procedure) that are being reported by the DiagnosticReport were obtained/acquired. When a DiagnosticReport is based on a ServiceRequest (order), the ServiceRequest.encounter referenced in DiagnosticReport.basedOn may be used to associate the two.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the diagnostic report to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: Links the request to the Encounter context.) - no reason provided
  • DocumentReference.context : Reference [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Appointment,EpisodeOfCare)) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • GuidanceResponse.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the guidance response is part of; ; Resource: Encounter during which the response was returned) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this guidance response was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter during which this response was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the guidance response was created during, but some guidance responses may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official copmletion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the guidance response to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the imaging study is part of; ; Resource: Encounter with which this imaging study is associated) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this imaging study was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this ImagingStudy is made.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the imaging study was created during, but some imaging studys may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some events MAY be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission test).) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the imaging study to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the immunization is part of; ; Resource: Encounter immunization was part of) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this immunization was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The visit or admission or other contact between patient and health care provider the immunization was performed as part of.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the immunization was created during, but some immunizations may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the immunization to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the medication administration is part of; ; Resource: Encounter administered as part of) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this medication administration was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The visit, admission, or other contact between patient and health care provider during which the medication administration was performed.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the medication administration was created during, but some medication administrations may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication administration to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationDispense.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the medication dispense is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with event) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this medication dispense was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter that establishes the context for this event.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the medication dispense was created during, but some medication dispenses may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication dispense to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the medication statement is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with MedicationStatement) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this medication statement was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter that establishes the context for this MedicationStatement.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the medication statement was created during, but some medication statements may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the medication statement to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • NutritionIntake.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the nutrition intake is part of; ; Resource: Encounter associated with NutritionIntake) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this nutrition intake was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter that establishes the context for this NutritionIntake.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the nutrition intake was created during, but some nutrition intakes may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the nutrition intake to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Observation.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the observation is part of; ; Resource: Healthcare event during which this observation is made) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this observation was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the observation was created during, but some observations may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some events may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission laboratory tests).) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the observation to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: For some observations it may be important to know the link between an observation and a particular encounter.) - no reason provided
  • Procedure.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the procedure is part of; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this Procedure was created) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this procedure was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The Encounter during which this Procedure was created or performed or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the procedure was created during, but some procedures may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the procedure to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Provenance.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the provenance is part of; ; Resource: Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this provenance was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the event occurred, but some events may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).) - no reason provided
  • QuestionnaireResponse.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the questionnaire response was created during, but some questionnaire responses may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: This will typically be the encounter the questionnaire response was created during, but some questionnaire responses may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission forms). A questionnaire that was initiated during an encounter but not fully completed during the encounter would still generally be associated with the encounter.) - no reason provided
  • RiskAssessment.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the risk assessment is part of; ; Resource: Where was assessment performed?) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this risk assessment was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The encounter where the assessment was performed.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the risk assessment was created during, but some risk assessments may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the risk assessment to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Task.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the task is part of; ; Resource: Healthcare event during which this task originated) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this task was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this task was created.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the task was created during, but some tasks may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the task to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: For some tasks it may be important to know the link between the encounter the task originated within.) - no reason provided
  • Transport.encounter : Reference [0..1]
  • encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Encounter the transport is part of; ; Resource: Healthcare event during which this transport originated) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The Encounter during which this transport was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.; ; Resource: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this transport was created.) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This will typically be the encounter the transport was created during, but some transports may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter (e.g. pre-admission lab tests).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided encounter does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Links the transport to the Encounter context. May also affect access control.; ; Resource: For some transports it may be important to know the link between the encounter the transport originated within.) - no reason provided
Event.occurrence[x] : dateTime|Period|Timing [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.cause[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When adverse event occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the cause of the AdverseEvent occurred) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the adverse event did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date (and perhaps time) when the cause of the AdverseEvent occurred.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • AdverseEvent.effect[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When adverse event occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the effect of the AdverseEvent occurred) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the adverse event did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date (and perhaps time) when the effect of the AdverseEvent occurred.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • AuditEvent.occurred[x] : Period, dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When audit event occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the activity occurred) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the audit event did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time or period during which the activity occurred.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: The time or period can be a little arbitrary; where possible, the time should correspond to human assessment of the activity time.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ChargeItem.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
  • occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When charge item occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the charged service was applied) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the charge item did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was applied.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: The list of types may be constrained as appropriate for the type of charge item.) - no reason provided
  • ClaimResponse.created : dateTime [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When claim response occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Response creation date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the claim response did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date this resource was created.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ClinicalImpression.effective[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When clinical impression occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Time of assessment) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the clinical impression did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The point in time or period over which the subject was assessed.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: This SHOULD be accurate to at least the minute, though some assessments only have a known date.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Communication.sent : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When communication occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When sent) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the communication did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time when this communication was sent.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Communication.received : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When communication occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When received) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the communication did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time when this communication arrived at the destination.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Composition.date : dateTime [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When composition occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Composition editing time) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the composition did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The composition editing time, when the composition was last logically changed by the author.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: The Last Modified Date on the composition may be after the date of the document was attested without being changed. This means that the date on an amended document is the date of the amendment, not the date of original authorship.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Consent.date : date [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Period, Timing) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When consent occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Fully executed date of the consent) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the consent did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Date the consent instance was agreed to.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Contract.applies : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When contract occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Effective time) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the contract did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Relevant time or time-period when this Contract is applicable.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Contract.term.applies : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When contract occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Contract Term Effective Time) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the contract did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Relevant time or time-period when this Contract Provision is applicable.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Coverage.period : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When coverage occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Coverage start and end dates) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the coverage did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Time period during which the coverage is in force. A missing start date indicates the start date isn't known, a missing end date means the coverage is continuing to be in force.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DetectedIssue.identified[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
Names are different.
  • DeviceDispense.whenHandedOver : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When device dispense occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When product was given out) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the device dispense did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time the dispensed product was made available to the patient or their representative.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DeviceUsage.timing[x] : Timing, Period, dateTime [0..1]
  • occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When device usage occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: How often the device was used) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the device usage did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: How often the device was used.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • DiagnosticReport.effective[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When diagnostic report occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Clinically relevant time/time-period for report) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the diagnostic report did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time or time-period the observed values are related to. When the subject of the report is a patient, this is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection(s), but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: If the diagnostic procedure was performed on the patient, this is the time it was performed. If there are specimens, the diagnostically relevant time can be derived from the specimen collection times, but the specimen information is not always available, and the exact relationship between the specimens and the diagnostically relevant time is not always automatic.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DocumentReference.period : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When document reference occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Time of service that is being documented) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the document reference did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time period over which the service that is described by the document was provided.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Encounter.actualPeriod : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When encounter occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: The actual start and end time of the encounter) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the encounter did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The actual start and end time of the encounter.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: If not (yet) known, the end of the Period may be omitted.) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.length : Duration [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Period, Timing) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Duration) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When encounter occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Actual quantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the encounter did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Actual quantity of time the encounter lasted. This excludes the time during leaves of absence. When missing it is the time in between the start and end values.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: If the precision on these values is low (e.g. to the day only) then this may be considered was an all day (or multi-day) encounter, unless the duration is included, where that amount of time occurred sometime during the interval. May differ from the time in `Encounter.period` due to leave of absence(s).) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • EnrollmentResponse.created : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When enrollment response occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Creation date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the enrollment response did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date when the enclosed suite of services were performed or completed.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • EpisodeOfCare.period : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When episode of care occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Interval during responsibility is assumed) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the episode of care did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The interval during which the managing organization assumes the defined responsibility.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ExplanationOfBenefit.created : dateTime [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When explanation of benefit occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Response creation date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the explanation of benefit did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date this resource was created.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • GuidanceResponse.occurrenceDateTime : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When guidance response occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the guidance response was processed) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the guidance response did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Indicates when the guidance response was processed.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ImagingStudy.started : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When imaging study occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the study was started) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the imaging study did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Date and time the study started.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Immunization.occurrence[x] : dateTime, string [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When immunization occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Vaccine administration date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the immunization did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Date vaccine administered or was to be administered.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: When immunizations are given, a specific date and time should always be recorded if known. If the time is not known, it should not be included. However, systems primarily rely on the date component of the immunization record for determining dose validity and future dose forecasting. For this reason, immunization records should preserve the immunization date as recorded for the time zone where the dose was administered. Care should be taken when recording and transmitting time and time zone information, as adjustments based on time zone can shift the recorded date. Additionally, because Patient.birthDate does not include a time component, systems should ensure that comparisons between occurrence date and birth date do not introduce inconsistencies in determining patient age at vaccination. When immunizations are patient reported, a specific date might not be known. Although partial dates are allowed, an adult patient might not be able to recall the year a childhood immunization was given. An exact date is always preferable, but the use of the String data type is acceptable when an exact date is not known. A small number of vaccines (e.g. live oral typhoid vaccine) are given as a series of patient self-administered dose over a span of time. In cases like this, often, only the first dose (typically a provider supervised dose) is recorded with the occurrence indicating the date/time of the first dose.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImmunizationEvaluation.date : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When immunization evaluation occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Date evaluation was performed) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the immunization evaluation did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date the evaluation of the vaccine administration event was performed.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationAdministration.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When medication administration occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Specific date/time or interval of time during which the administration took place (or did not take place)) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the medication administration did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: A specific date/time or interval of time during which the administration took place (or did not take place). For many administrations, such as swallowing a tablet the use of dateTime is more appropriate.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • MedicationDispense.whenHandedOver : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When medication dispense occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When product was given out) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the medication dispense did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time the dispensed product was provided to the patient or their representative.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationStatement.effective[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
  • occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When medication statement occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: The date/time or interval when the medication is/was/will be taken) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the medication statement did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was/will be taking the medication (or was not taking, when the MedicationStatement.adherence element is Not Taking).) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: This attribute reflects the period over which the patient consumed the medication and is expected to be populated on the majority of Medication Statements. If the medication is still being taken and is expected to continue indefinitely at the time the usage is recorded, the "end" date will be omitted. If the end date is known, then it is included as the "end date". The date/time attribute supports a variety of dates - year, year/month and exact date. If something more than this is required, this should be conveyed as text.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • NutritionIntake.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When nutrition intake occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: The date/time or interval when the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) is/was consumed) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the nutrition intake did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The interval of time during which it is being asserted that the patient is/was consuming the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid).) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: This attribute reflects the period over which the patient consumed the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) and is expected to be populated on the majority of NutritionIntake. If the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) is still being taken and is expected to continue indefinitely at the time the usage is recorded, the "end" date will be omitted. If the end date is known, then it is included as the "end date". The date/time attribute supports a variety of dates - year, year/month and exact date. If something more than this is required, this should be conveyed as text.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Observation.effective[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing, instant [0..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: instant) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When observation occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the observation did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the "physiologically relevant time". This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: At least a date should be present unless this observation is a historical report. For recording imprecise or "fuzzy" times (For example, a blood glucose measurement taken "after breakfast") use the [Timing](datatypes.html#timing) datatype which allow the measurement to be tied to regular life events.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • PaymentNotice.created : dateTime [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When payment notice occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Creation date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the payment notice did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date when this resource was created.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • PaymentReconciliation.created : dateTime [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When payment reconciliation occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Creation date) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the payment reconciliation did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date when the resource was created.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, string, Age, Range, Timing [0..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string, Range, Age) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When procedure occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the procedure occurred or is occurring) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the procedure did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Estimated or actual date, date-time, period, or age when the procedure did occur or is occurring. Allows a period to support complex procedures that span more than one date, and also allows for the length of the procedure to be captured.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: This indicates when the procedure actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this Procedure is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. Age is generally used when the patient reports an age at which the procedure was performed. Range is generally used when the patient reports an age range when the procedure was performed, such as sometime between 20-25 years old. dateTime supports a range of precision due to some procedures being reported as past procedures that might not have millisecond precision while other procedures performed and documented during the encounter might have more precise UTC timestamps with timezone.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Provenance.occurred[x] : Period, dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When provenance occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When the activity occurred) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the provenance did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The period during which the activity occurred.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: The period can be a little arbitrary; where possible, the time should correspond to human assessment of the activity time.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • RiskAssessment.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When risk assessment occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When was assessment made?) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the risk assessment did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date (and possibly time) the risk assessment was performed.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • SupplyDelivery.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
  • occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When supply delivery occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: When event occurred) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the supply delivery did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: The date or time(s) the activity occurred.) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: [The list of types may be constrained as appropriate for the type of event].) - no reason provided
  • Task.executionPeriod : Period [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: dateTime, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When task occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Start and end time of execution) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the task did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Identifies the time action was first taken against the task (start) and/or the time final action was taken against the task prior to marking it as completed (end).) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Transport.completionTime : dateTime [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Period, Timing) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When transport occurred/is occurring; ; Resource: Completion time of the event (the occurrence)) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date, period or timing when the transport did occur or is occurring.; ; Resource: Identifies the completion time of the event (the occurrence).) - no reason provided occurrence[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: This indicates when the activity actually occurred or is occurring, not when it was asked/requested/ordered to occur. For the latter, look at the occurence element of the Request this {{event}} is "basedOn". The status code allows differentiation of whether the timing reflects a historic event or an ongoing event. Ongoing events should not include an upper bound in the Period or Timing.bounds. .; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Event.recorded : dateTime [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.recordedDate : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When adverse event was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: When the event was recorded) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the adverse event was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: The date on which the existence of the AdverseEvent was first recorded.) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: The recordedDate represents the date when this particular AdverseEvent record was created in the system, not the date of the most recent update. The date of the last record modification can be retrieved from the resource metadata.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Contract.issued : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When contract was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: When this Contract was issued) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the contract was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: When this Contract was issued.) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Contract.term.issued : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When contract was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: Contract Term Issue Date Time) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the contract was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: When this Contract Provision was issued.) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • DocumentReference.date : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When document reference was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: When this document reference was created) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the document reference was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: When the document reference was created.) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: Referencing/indexing time is used for tracking, organizing versions and searching. Provide the most precise timestamp available.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Procedure.recorded : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When procedure was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: When the procedure was first captured in the subject's record) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the procedure was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: The date the occurrence of the procedure was first captured in the record regardless of Procedure.status (potentially after the occurrence of the event).) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • QuestionnaireResponse.authored : dateTime [0..1]
  • recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: When questionnaire response was first captured in the subject's record; ; Resource: Date the answers were gathered) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The date the occurrence of the questionnaire response was first captured in the record - potentially significantly after the occurrence of the event.; ; Resource: The date and/or time that this questionnaire response was last modified by the user - e.g. changing answers or revising status.) - no reason provided recorded does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: The recorded date indicates the date when the data was placed in the record maintained by the performing practitioner, or the date of disclosure by Patient or RelatedPerson, not a date of record transfer. If the record is transferred from one system to another (in paper or electronic form), it does not create a distinct recorded date. In most cases, performing practitioners will record on the same date the event occurred, but sometimes there are delays. If information is being relayed second-hand, the recorded date indicates when the system is first made aware of the data. The recorded date is NOT intended to be the same as a database.createdTimestamp - that would be captured as part of resource.meta or possibly Provenance. It is possible for the same event to be disclosed to different systems at different times. E.g. a patient might tell two different clinicians about a historical event at different visits. If the disclosure is from the patient rather than record transfer from clinician A to B, the recorded date would be the date each respective clinician put the data in their record. If the data flowed from clinician A to B, the recorded date would remain the recorded date as initially set in clinician A's system.; ; Resource: May be different from the lastUpdateTime of the resource itself, because that reflects when the data was known to the server, not when the data was captured. This element is optional to allow for systems that might not know the value, however it SHOULD be populated if possible.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Event.reported[x] : boolean|Reference(Patient|RelatedPerson|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization) [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • Immunization.primarySource : boolean [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,RelatedPerson,Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization)) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Reported rather than primary record; ; Resource: Indicates context the data was captured in) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates if this record was captured as a secondary 'reported' record rather than as an original primary source-of-truth record. It may also indicate the source of the report.; ; Resource: Indicates whether the data contained in the resource was captured by the individual/organization which was responsible for the administration of the vaccine rather than as 'secondary reported' data documented by a third party. A value of 'true' means this data originated with the individual/organization which was responsible for the administration of the vaccine.) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Reported data may have different rules on editing and may be visually distinguished from primary data.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.informationSource : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: boolean, Reference(Patient,RelatedPerson,Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Patient,Practitioner,PractitionerRole,RelatedPerson,Organization)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Reported rather than primary record; ; Resource: Indicates the source of a reported record) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates if this record was captured as a secondary 'reported' record rather than as an original primary source-of-truth record. It may also indicate the source of the report.; ; Resource: Typically the source of the data when the report of the immunization event is not based on information from the person who administered the vaccine.) - no reason provided reported[x] does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Reported data may have different rules on editing and may be visually distinguished from primary data.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • Procedure.reported[x] : boolean, Reference [0..1]
Event.performer : [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.participant : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed adverse event and what they did; ; Resource: Who was involved in the adverse event or the potential adverse event and what they did) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the adverse event and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what participated in the adverse event and how they were involved.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • AuditEvent.agent : BackboneElement [1..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed audit event and what they did; ; Resource: Actor involved in the event) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the audit event and how they were involved.; ; Resource: An actor taking an active role in the event or activity that is logged.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ChargeItem.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed charge item and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed charged service) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the charge item and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what performed or participated in the charged service.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • ClaimResponse.insurer : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Organization)) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed claim response and what they did; ; Resource: Party responsible for reimbursement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the claim response and how they were involved.; ; Resource: The party responsible for authorization, adjudication and reimbursement.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Composition.author : Reference [1..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Device,Patient,RelatedPerson,Organization)) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed composition and what they did; ; Resource: Who and/or what authored the composition) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the composition and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Identifies who is responsible for the information in the composition, not necessarily who typed it in.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Contract.term.action.type : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed contract and what they did; ; Resource: Type or form of the action) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the contract and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Activity or service obligation to be done or not done, performed or not performed, effectuated or not by this Contract term.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DeviceDispense.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed device dispense and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed event) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the device dispense and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what performed the event.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Encounter.participant : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed encounter and what they did; ; Resource: List of participants involved in the encounter) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the encounter and how they were involved.; ; Resource: The list of people responsible for providing the service.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ImagingSelection.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed imaging selection and what they did; ; Resource: Selectors of the instances (human or machine)) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the imaging selection and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Selectors of the instances – human or machine.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • ImagingStudy.series.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed imaging study and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed the series) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the imaging study and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what performed the series and how they were involved.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Immunization.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed immunization and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed event) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the immunization and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who performed the immunization event.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationAdministration.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed medication administration and what they did; ; Resource: Who or what performed the medication administration and what type of performance they did) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the medication administration and how they were involved.; ; Resource: The performer of the medication treatment. For devices this is the device that performed the administration of the medication. An IV Pump would be an example of a device that is performing the administration. Both the IV Pump and the practitioner that set the rate or bolus on the pump can be listed as performers.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationDispense.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed medication dispense and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed event) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the medication dispense and how they were involved.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what performed the event.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • PaymentNotice.reporter : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed payment notice and what they did; ; Resource: Responsible practitioner) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the payment notice and how they were involved.; ; Resource: The party who reports the payment notice.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.performer : BackboneElement [0..*]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed procedure and what they did; ; Resource: Who performed the procedure and what they did) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Provenance.agent : BackboneElement [1..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: BackboneElement) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed provenance and what they did; ; Resource: Actor involved) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the provenance and how they were involved.; ; Resource: An actor taking a role in an activity for which it can be assigned some degree of responsibility for the activity taking place.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • SupplyDelivery.supplier : Reference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed supply delivery and what they did; ; Resource: The item supplier) - no reason provided performer does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the supply delivery and how they were involved.; ; Resource: The individual or organization responsible for supplying the delivery.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
Event.performer.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.participant.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: Type of involvement) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the adverse event..; ; Resource: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the actor in the adverse event, such as contributor or informant.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • AuditEvent.agent.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: How agent participated) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the audit event..; ; Resource: The Functional Role of the user when performing the event.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: Functional roles reflect functional aspects of relationships between entities. Functional roles are bound to the realization/performance of acts, where actions might be concatenated to an activity or even to a process. This element will hold the functional role that the agent played in the activity that is the focus of this Provenance. Where an agent played multiple functional roles, they will be listed as multiple .agent elements representing each functional participation. See ISO 21298:2018 - Health Informatics - Functional and structural roles, and ISO 22600-2:2014 - Health Informatics - Privilege Management and Access Control - Part 2: formal models.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • ChargeItem.performer.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: What type of performance was done) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the charge item..; ; Resource: Describes the type of performance or participation(e.g. primary surgeon, anesthesiologiest, etc.).) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.participant.type : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Binding strengths differ (Pattern: example; ; Resource: extensible) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: Role of participant in encounter) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the encounter..; ; Resource: Role of participant in encounter.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Immunization.performer.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • Binding strengths differ (Pattern: example; ; Resource: extensible) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the immunization..; ; Resource: Describes the function played by the performer in the immunization event (e.g. ordering provider, administering provider, etc.).) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.performer.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the medication administration..; ; Resource: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the medication administration.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Procedure.performer.function : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the procedure..; ; Resource: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the procedure. For example, surgeon, anaesthetist, endoscopist.) - no reason provided
  • Provenance.agent.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: How the agent participated) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the provenance..; ; Resource: The Functional Role of the agent with respect to the activity.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: Functional roles reflect functional aspects of relationships between entities. Functional roles are bound to the realization/performance of acts, where actions might be concatenated to an activity or even to a process. This element will hold the functional role that the agent played in the activity that is the focus of this Provenance. Where an agent played multiple functional roles, they will be listed as multiple .agent elements representing each functional participation. See ISO 21298:2018 - Health Informatics - Functional and structural roles, and ISO 22600-2:2014 - Health Informatics - Privilege Management and Access Control - Part 2: formal models.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Task.requestedPerformer : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization,CareTeam,HealthcareService,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: Who should perform the Task) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the task..; ; Resource: The kind of participant or specific participant that should perform the task.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: Use to distinguish tasks on different activity queues.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Transport.performerType : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Type of performance; ; Resource: Requested performer) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Distinguishes the type of involvement of the performer in the transport..; ; Resource: The kind of participant that should perform the transport.) - no reason provided function does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Allows disambiguation of the types of involvement of different performers.; ; Resource: Use to distinguish transports on different activity queues.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Cardinality Problem.
Event.performer.actor : Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|CareTeam|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson) [1..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.participant.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed adverse event; ; Resource: Who was involved in the adverse event or the potential adverse event) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the adverse event.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what participated in the event.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • AuditEvent.agent.who : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(DeviceDefinition,Group,HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed audit event; ; Resource: Identifier of who) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the audit event.; ; Resource: Reference to who this agent is that was involved in the event.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ChargeItem.performer.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed charge item; ; Resource: Individual who was performing) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the charge item.; ; Resource: The device, practitioner, etc. who performed or participated in the service.) - no reason provided
  • ChargeItem.performingOrganization : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed charge item; ; Resource: Organization providing the charged service) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the charge item.; ; Resource: The organization performing the service.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ClinicalImpression.performer : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Organization,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed clinical impression; ; Resource: The clinician performing the assessment) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the clinical impression.; ; Resource: The clinician performing the assessment.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Communication.recipient : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group,HealthcareService,Location,Endpoint)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed communication; ; Resource: Who the information is shared with) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the communication.; ; Resource: The entity (e.g. person, organization, clinical information system, care team or device) which is the target of the communication.) - no reason provided
  • Communication.sender : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService,Endpoint)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed communication; ; Resource: Who shares the information) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the communication.; ; Resource: The entity (e.g. person, organization, clinical information system, or device) which is the source of the communication.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Contract.signer.party : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(CareTeam,Device)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed contract; ; Resource: Contract Signatory Party) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the contract.; ; Resource: Party which is a signator to this Contract.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DetectedIssue.author : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Organization,CareTeam)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed detected issue; ; Resource: The provider or device that identified the issue) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the detected issue.; ; Resource: Individual or device responsible for the issue being raised. For example, a decision support application or a pharmacist conducting a medication review.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DeviceDispense.performer.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed device dispense; ; Resource: Individual who was performing) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the device dispense.; ; Resource: The device, practitioner, etc. who performed the action. It should be assumed that the actor is the dispenser of the device.) - no reason provided
  • DeviceUsage.informationSource : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(CareTeam,Device)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed device usage; ; Resource: Who made the statement) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the device usage.; ; Resource: Who reported the device was being used by the patient.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DiagnosticReport.performer : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed diagnostic report; ; Resource: Responsible Diagnostic Service) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the diagnostic report.; ; Resource: The diagnostic service that is responsible for issuing the report.) - no reason provided
  • DiagnosticReport.resultsInterpreter : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed diagnostic report; ; Resource: Primary result interpreter) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the diagnostic report.; ; Resource: The practitioner or organization that is responsible for the report's conclusions and interpretations.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DocumentReference.author : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed document reference; ; Resource: Who and/or what authored the document) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the document reference.; ; Resource: Identifies who is responsible for adding the information to the document.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Encounter.serviceProvider : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed encounter; ; Resource: The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the encounter.; ; Resource: The organization that is primarily responsible for this Encounter's services. This MAY be the same as the organization on the Patient record, however it could be different, such as if the actor performing the services was from an external organization (which may be billed seperately) for an external consultation. Refer to the colonoscopy example on the Encounter examples tab.) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.participant.actor : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Organization,CareTeam)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group,HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed encounter; ; Resource: The individual, device, or service participating in the encounter) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the encounter.; ; Resource: Person involved in the encounter, the patient/group is also included here to indicate that the patient was actually participating in the encounter. Not including the patient here covers use cases such as a case meeting between practitioners about a patient - non contact times.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • EnrollmentResponse.organization : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed enrollment response; ; Resource: Insurer) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the enrollment response.; ; Resource: The Insurer who produced this adjudicated response.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • EpisodeOfCare.managingOrganization : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed episode of care; ; Resource: Organization that assumes responsibility for care coordination) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the episode of care.; ; Resource: The organization that has assumed the specific responsibilities for care coordination, care delivery, or other services for the specified duration.) - no reason provided
  • EpisodeOfCare.careManager : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Organization,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed episode of care; ; Resource: Care manager/care coordinator for the patient) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the episode of care.; ; Resource: The practitioner that is the care manager/care coordinator for this patient.) - no reason provided
  • EpisodeOfCare.careTeam : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed episode of care; ; Resource: Other practitioners facilitating this episode of care) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the episode of care.; ; Resource: The list of practitioners that may be facilitating this episode of care for specific purposes.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • GuidanceResponse.performer : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization,CareTeam,Patient,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed guidance response; ; Resource: Device returning the guidance) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the guidance response.; ; Resource: Provides a reference to the device that performed the guidance.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Immunization.performer.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(CareTeam,Device)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed immunization; ; Resource: Individual or organization who was performing) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the immunization.; ; Resource: The practitioner or organization who performed the action.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationAdministration.performer.actor : CodeableReference [1..1]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Organization,CareTeam,Patient,Device,RelatedPerson)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,Patient,RelatedPerson,Device,Group)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed medication administration; ; Resource: Who or what performed the medication administration) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • MedicationDispense.performer.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed medication dispense; ; Resource: Individual who was performing) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the medication dispense.; ; Resource: The device, practitioner, etc. who performed the action. It should be assumed that the actor is the dispenser of the medication.) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Observation.performer : Reference [0..*]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Device)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed observation; ; Resource: Who is responsible for the observation) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the observation.; ; Resource: Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as "true".) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • PaymentReconciliation.paymentIssuer : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Practitioner,PractitionerRole,CareTeam,Device)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed payment reconciliation; ; Resource: Party generating payment) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the payment reconciliation.; ; Resource: The party who generated the payment.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.performer.actor : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed procedure; ; Resource: Who performed the procedure) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
  • Provenance.agent.who : Reference [1..1]
  • Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Group,HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed provenance; ; Resource: The agent that participated in the event) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the provenance.; ; Resource: Indicates who or what performed in the event.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • QuestionnaireResponse.author : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(CareTeam)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed questionnaire response; ; Resource: The individual or device that received and recorded the answers) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the questionnaire response.; ; Resource: The individual or device that received the answers to the questions in the QuestionnaireResponse and recorded them in the system.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • RiskAssessment.performer : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Organization,CareTeam)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed risk assessment; ; Resource: Who did assessment?) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the risk assessment.; ; Resource: The provider, patient, related person, or software application that performed the assessment.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Task.owner : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(Device)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed task; ; Resource: Responsible individual) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the task.; ; Resource: Party responsible for managing task execution.) - no reason providedExtension task-candidateList : Reference [0..*] Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: *) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Reference(PractitionerRole,CareTeam)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed task; ; Resource: List of possible owners of Task) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the task.; ; Resource: Identifies the individuals who are candidates for being the owner of the task.) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Transport.owner : Reference [0..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 1; ; Resource: 0) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(HealthcareService)) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Who performed transport; ; Resource: Responsible individual) - no reason provided actor does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Indicates who or what performed the transport.; ; Resource: Individual organization or Device currently responsible for transport execution.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
Event.location : Reference(Location) [0..1]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AdverseEvent.location : Reference [0..1]
  • location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where adverse event occurred; ; Resource: Location where adverse event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the adverse event was performed.; ; Resource: The information about where the adverse event occurred.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • AuditEvent.agent.location : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where audit event occurred; ; Resource: The agent location when the event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the audit event was performed.; ; Resource: Where the agent location is known, the agent location when the event occurred.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where diagnostic report occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the diagnostic report was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where document reference occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the document reference was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
  • Encounter.location.location : Reference [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where encounter occurred; ; Resource: Location the encounter takes place) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the encounter was performed.; ; Resource: The location where the encounter takes place.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
  • ImagingStudy.location : Reference [0..1]
  • Immunization.location : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where immunization occurred; ; Resource: The service delivery location) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the immunization was performed.; ; Resource: The service delivery location where the vaccine administration occurred.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where medication administration occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the medication administration was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where medication dispense occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the medication dispense was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where observation occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the observation was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
  • Provenance.location : Reference [0..1]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where provenance occurred; ; Resource: Where the activity occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the provenance was performed.; ; Resource: Where the activity occurred.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
    Extension event-location : Reference [0..1] IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Where supply delivery occurred; ; Resource: Where event occurred) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: The principal physical location where the supply delivery was performed.; ; Resource: The principal physical location where the event was performed.) - no reason provided location does not contain the recommended logical text for requirements (Pattern: Ties the event to where the records are likely kept and provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
(as an extension)
Event.reason : CodeableReference(Condition|Observation|DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference) [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • AuditEvent.authorization : CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableReference(Condition,Observation,DiagnosticReport,DocumentReference)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was audit event performed?; ; Resource: Authorization related to the event) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the audit event occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this audit event.; ; Resource: The authorization (e.g., PurposeOfUse) that was used during the event being recorded.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: Use AuditEvent.agent.authorization when you know that it is specific to the agent, otherwise use AuditEvent.authorization. For example, during a machine-to-machine transfer it might not be obvious to the audit system who caused the event, but it does know why.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • ChargeItem.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was charge item performed?; ; Resource: Why was the charged service rendered?) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the charge item occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this charge item.; ; Resource: Describes why the event occurred in coded or textual form.) - no reason provided
  • ChargeItem.service : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was charge item performed?; ; Resource: Which rendered service is being charged?) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the charge item occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this charge item.; ; Resource: Indicated the rendered service that caused this charge.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • Communication.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was communication performed?; ; Resource: Indication for message) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the communication occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this communication.; ; Resource: The reason or justification for the communication.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: Textual reasons can be captured using reason.concept.text.) - no reason provided
  • Contract.term.action.intent : CodeableConcept [1..1]
  • Minimum Cardinality differs (Pattern: 0; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableReference(Condition,Observation,DiagnosticReport,DocumentReference)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was contract performed?; ; Resource: Purpose for the Contract Term Action) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the contract occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this contract.; ; Resource: Reason or purpose for the action stipulated by this Contract Provision.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DetectedIssue.implicated : Reference [0..*]
  • Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableReference(Condition,Observation,DiagnosticReport,DocumentReference)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: Reference(Resource)) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was detected issue performed?; ; Resource: Problem resource) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the detected issue occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this detected issue.; ; Resource: Indicates the resource representing the current activity or proposed activity that is potentially problematic.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: There's an implicit constraint on the number of implicated resources based on DetectedIssue.type; e.g. For drug-drug, there would be more than one. For timing, there would typically only be one.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • DeviceUsage.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was device usage performed?; ; Resource: Why device was used) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the device usage occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this device usage.; ; Resource: Reason or justification for the use of the device. A coded concept, or another resource whose existence justifies this DeviceUsage.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: When the status is not done, the reason code indicates why it was not done.) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.reason.value : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was encounter performed?; ; Resource: Reason the encounter takes place (core or reference)) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the encounter occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this encounter.; ; Resource: Reason the encounter takes place, expressed as a code or a reference to another resource. For admissions, this can be used for a coded admission diagnosis.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Encounter.diagnosis.condition : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was encounter performed?; ; Resource: The diagnosis relevant to the encounter) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the encounter occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this encounter.; ; Resource: The coded diagnosis or a reference to a Condition (with other resources referenced in the evidence.detail), the use property will indicate the purpose of this specific diagnosis.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • EpisodeOfCare.reason.value : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was episode of care performed?; ; Resource: Medical reason to be addressed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the episode of care occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this episode of care.; ; Resource: The medical reason that is expected to be addressed during the episode of care, expressed as a text, code or a reference to another resource.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • EpisodeOfCare.diagnosis.condition : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was episode of care performed?; ; Resource: The medical condition that was addressed during the episode of care) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the episode of care occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this episode of care.; ; Resource: The medical condition that was addressed during the episode of care, expressed as a text, code or a reference to another resource.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
  • FamilyMemberHistory.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the family member history occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this family member history.; ; Resource: Describes why the family member history occurred in coded or textual form, or Indicates a Condition, Observation, AllergyIntolerance, or QuestionnaireResponse that justifies this family member history event.) - no reason provided
  • GuidanceResponse.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was guidance response performed?; ; Resource: Why guidance is needed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the guidance response occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this guidance response.; ; Resource: Describes the reason for the guidance response in coded or textual form, or Indicates the reason the request was initiated. This is typically provided as a parameter to the evaluation and echoed by the service, although for some use cases, such as subscription- or event-based scenarios, it may provide an indication of the cause for the response.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: Although this reference can be used to point to any resource, it is typically expected to refer to subject-specific data appropriate to the subject of the guidance. For example, patient-based decision support would be expected to reference patient-level data. In addition, implementations should provide as much detail as possible by using the [http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/targetElement](https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-extensions/StructureDefinition-targetElement.html) and [http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/targetPath](https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-extensions/StructureDefinition-targetPath.html) extensions to indicate the specific elements relevant to providing the reason for the guidance.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the imaging study occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this imaging study.; ; Resource: Describes why the imaging study occurred in coded or textual form or indicates another resource whose existence justifies this imaging study.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was immunization performed?; ; Resource: Why immunization occurred) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the immunization occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this immunization.; ; Resource: Describes why the immunization occurred in coded or textual form, or Indicates another resource (Condition, Observation or DiagnosticReport) whose existence justifies this immunization.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was medication administration performed?; ; Resource: Reason that supports why the medication was administered) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the medication administration occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this medication administration.; ; Resource: A code, Condition or observation that supports why the medication was administered.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was medication statement performed?; ; Resource: Reason for why the medication is being/was taken) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the medication statement occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this medication statement.; ; Resource: A concept, Condition or observation that supports why the medication is being/was taken.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: This could be a diagnosis code. If a full condition record exists or additional detail is needed, use reasonForUseReference.) - no reason provided
  • MessageHeader.reason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableReference(Condition,Observation,DiagnosticReport,DocumentReference)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableConcept) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was message header performed?; ; Resource: Cause of event) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the message header occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this message header.; ; Resource: Coded indication of the cause for the event - indicates a reason for the occurrence of the event that is a focus of this message.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • NutritionIntake.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was nutrition intake performed?; ; Resource: Reason for why the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) is /was consumed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the nutrition intake occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this nutrition intake.; ; Resource: A reason, Condition or observation for why the food (i.e. solid and/or liquid) is /was consumed.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Procedure.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was procedure performed?; ; Resource: The justification that the procedure was performed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the procedure occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this procedure.; ; Resource: The coded reason or reference why the procedure was performed. This may be a coded entity of some type, be present as text, or be a reference to one of several resources that justify the procedure.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: Use Procedure.reason.concept when a code sufficiently describes the reason. Use Procedure.reason.reference when referencing a resource, which allows more information to be conveyed, such as onset date. For a single Procedure.reason, if both Procedure.reason.concept and Procedure.reason.reference are present, they are expected to be consistent with each other.) - no reason provided
  • Provenance.authorization : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was provenance performed?; ; Resource: Authorization (purposeOfUse) related to the event) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the provenance occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this provenance.; ; Resource: The authorization (e.g., PurposeOfUse) that was used during the event being recorded.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Provenance.why : markdown [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: CodeableReference(Condition,Observation,DiagnosticReport,DocumentReference)) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: markdown) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was provenance performed?; ; Resource: Why was the event performed?) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the provenance occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this provenance.; ; Resource: Describes why the event recorded in this provenenace occurred in textual form.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • RiskAssessment.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was risk assessment performed?; ; Resource: Why the assessment was necessary?) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the risk assessment occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this risk assessment.; ; Resource: The reason the risk assessment was performed.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: ) - no reason provided
  • Task.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was task performed?; ; Resource: Why task is needed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the task occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this task.; ; Resource: A description, code, or reference indicating why this task needs to be performed.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: This will typically not be present for Tasks with a code of 'please fulfill' as, for those, the reason for action is conveyed on the Request pointed to by Task.focus. Some types of tasks will not need a 'reason'. E.g. a request to discharge a patient can be inferred to be 'because the patient is ready' and this would not need a reason to be stated on the Task.) - no reason provided
  • Transport.reason : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: true; ; Resource: false) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Why was transport performed?; ; Resource: Why transport is needed) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Describes why the transport occurred in coded or textual form or Indicates another resource whose existence justifies this transport.; ; Resource: A resource reference indicating why this transport needs to be performed.) - no reason provided reason does not contain the recommended logical text for comments (Pattern: Textual reasons can be captured using reasonCode.text.; ; Resource: Transports might be justified based on an Observation, a Condition, a past or planned procedure, etc. This should only be included if there is no focus or if it differs from the reason indicated on the focus. Use the CodeableConcept text element in `Transport.reasonCode` if the data is free (uncoded) text.) - no reason provided
Cardinality Problem.
Event.note : Annotation [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes
  • ChargeItem.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the ChargeItem) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the charge item by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Comments made about the event by the performer, subject or other participants.) - no reason provided
  • ClaimResponse.disposition : string [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Disposition Message) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the claim response by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: A human readable description of the status of the adjudication.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • ClinicalImpression.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the ClinicalImpression) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the clinical impression by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Commentary about the impression, typically recorded after the impression itself was made, though supplemental notes by the original author could also appear.) - no reason provided
  • Communication.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the communication) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the communication by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Additional notes or commentary about the communication by the sender, receiver or other interested parties.) - no reason provided
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse.disposition : string [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Disposition Message) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the coverage eligibility response by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: A human readable description of the status of the adjudication.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DetectedIssue.detail : markdown [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: markdown) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Description and context) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the detected issue by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: A textual explanation of the detected issue.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • DeviceDispense.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Information about the dispense) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the device dispense by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Extra information about the dispense that could not be conveyed in the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • DeviceUsage.bodySite : CodeableReference [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: CodeableReference(BodyStructure)) - no reason provided IsSummary differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided Only one element has bindings (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Target body site) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the device usage by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Indicates the anotomic location on the subject's body where the device was used ( i.e. the target).) - no reason provided
  • DeviceUsage.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Addition details (comments, instructions)) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the device usage by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Details about the device statement that were not represented at all or sufficiently in one of the attributes provided in a class. These may include for example a comment, an instruction, or a note associated with the statement.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
  • FamilyMemberHistory.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: General note about related person) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the family member history by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: This property allows a non condition-specific note to the made about the related person. Ideally, the note would be in the condition property, but this is not always possible.) - no reason provided
  • GuidanceResponse.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Additional notes about the response) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the guidance response by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Provides a mechanism to communicate additional information about the response.) - no reason provided
  • ImagingStudy.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the imaging study) - no reason provided
  • Immunization.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • IsSummary differs (Pattern: false; ; Resource: true) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Additional immunization notes) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the immunization by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Extra information about the immunization that is not conveyed by the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • ImmunizationEvaluation.description : markdown [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: markdown) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Evaluation notes) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the immunization evaluation by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Additional information about the evaluation.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Invoice.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the invoice) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the invoice by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Comments made about the invoice by the issuer, subject, or other participants.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationAdministration.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Information about the administration) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the medication administration by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Extra information about the medication administration that is not conveyed by the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationDispense.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Information about the dispense) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the medication dispense by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Extra information about the dispense that could not be conveyed in the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • MedicationStatement.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Further information about the usage) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the medication statement by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Provides extra information about the Medication Statement that is not conveyed by the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • NutritionIntake.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Further information about the consumption) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the nutrition intake by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Provides extra information about the Nutrition Intake that is not conveyed by the other attributes.) - no reason provided
  • PaymentReconciliation.disposition : string [0..1]
  • Maximum Cardinality differs (Pattern: *; ; Resource: 1) - no reason provided Resource does not support types that are part of the pattern (Pattern: Annotation) - no reason provided Resource supports types that are not part of the pattern (; Resource: string) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Disposition message) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the payment reconciliation by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: A human readable description of the status of the request for the reconciliation.) - no reason provided
Names are different.
Type Mismatch.
Cardinality Problem.
  • Procedure.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Additional information about the procedure) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the procedure by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Any other notes and comments about the procedure.) - no reason provided
  • RiskAssessment.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments on the risk assessment) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the risk assessment by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Additional comments about the risk assessment.) - no reason provided
  • Task.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the task) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the task by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Free-text information about the task during its lifecycle.) - no reason provided
  • Transport.note : Annotation [0..*]
  • note does not contain the recommended logical text for short (Pattern: Comments made about the event; ; Resource: Comments made about the transport) - no reason provided note does not contain the recommended logical text for definition (Pattern: Comments made about the transport by the performer, subject or other participants.; ; Resource: Free-text information captured about the transport as it progresses.) - no reason provided
Event.relevantHistory : Reference(Provenance) [0..*]
Resource Matches Issues Tasks Status Notes