This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
Financial Management ![]() | Maturity Level: 4 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Patient, Practitioner |
This resource provides eligibility and plan details from the processing of an CoverageEligibilityRequest resource.
The CoverageEligibilityResponse resource provides eligibility and plan details from the processing of an CoverageEligibilityRequest resource. It combines key information from a payor as to whether a Coverage is in-force, and optionally the nature of the Policy benefit details as well as the ability for the insurer to indicate whether the insurance provides benefits for requested types of services or requires preauthorization and if so what supporting information may be required.
The CoverageEligibilityResponse resource is a "event" resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow Event.
Additional information regarding electronic coverage eligibility content and usage may be found at:
CoverageEligibilityResponse should be used to respond to a request on whether the patient's coverage is inforce, whether it is valid at this or a specified date, or to report the benefit details or preauthorization requirements associated with a coverage.
When requesting whether the patient's coverage is inforce, whether it is valid at this or a specified date, or requesting the benefit details or preauthorization requirements associated with a coverage CoverageEligibilityRequest should be used instead.
The ClaimResponse resource is an insurer's adjudication and/or authorization of a set of healthcare-related goods and services for a patient against the patient's insurance coverages.
For reporting out to patients or transferring data to patient centered applications, such as patient health Record (PHR) application, the ExplanationOfBenefit should be used .
The Coverage resource contains the information typically found on the health insurance card for an individual used to identify the covered individual to the insurer and is referred to by the CoverageEligibilityResponse.
The eClaim domain includes a number of related resources
CoverageEligibilityResponse | Patient and insurance coverage information provided to an insurer for them to respond, in the form of an CoverageEligibilityResponse, with information regarding whether the stated coverage is valid and in-force and optionally to provide the insurance details of the policy. |
ClaimResponse | A payor's adjudication and/or authorization response to the suite of services provided in a Claim. Typically the ClaimResponse references the Claim but does not duplicate the clinical or financial information provided in the claim. |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | Patient and insurance coverage information provided to an insurer for them to respond, in the form of an CoverageEligibilityResponse, with information regarding whether the stated coverage is valid and in-force and optionally to provide the insurance details of the policy. |
Coverage | Provides the high-level identifiers and descriptors of an insurance plan, typically the information which would appear on an insurance card, which may be used to pay, in part or in whole, for the provision of health care products and services. |
ExplanationOfBenefit | This resource combines the information from the Claim and the ClaimResponse, stripping out any provider or payor proprietary information, into a unified information model suitable for use for: patient reporting; transferring information to a Patient Health Record system; and, supporting complete claim and adjudication information exchange with regulatory and analytics organizations and other parts of the provider's organization. |
Additional definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis
Path | ValueSet | Type | Documentation |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.status | FinancialResourceStatusCodes | Required | This value set includes Status codes. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.purpose | EligibilityResponsePurpose | Required | A code specifying the types of information being requested. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.event.type | DatesTypeCodes (a valid code from Dates Event Type Codes) | Example | This value set includes sample Dates Type codes. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.outcome | EligibilityOutcome (a valid code from Claim Processing Codes) | Required | The outcome of the processing. | | BenefitCategoryCodes | Example | This value set includes examples of Benefit Category codes. | | USCLSCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of USCLS codes. | | ModifierTypeCodes | Example | This value set includes sample Modifier type codes. | | NetworkTypeCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of Network type codes. | | UnitTypeCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of Unit type codes. | | BenefitTermCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of Benefit Term codes. | | BenefitTypeCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of Benefit type codes. | | CoverageEligibilityResponseAuthSupportCodes | Example | This value set includes CoverageEligibilityResponse Auth Support codes. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.form | FormCodes | Example | This value set includes a sample set of Forms codes. |
CoverageEligibilityResponse.error.code | AdjudicationErrorCodes | Example | This value set includes a smattering of adjudication codes. |
UniqueKey | Level | Location | Description | Expression |
![]() | Rule | | SHALL contain a category or a billcode but not both. | category.exists() xor productOrService.exists() |
Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Expression | In Common |
created | date | The creation date | CoverageEligibilityResponse.created | |
disposition | string | The contents of the disposition message | CoverageEligibilityResponse.disposition | |
identifier | token | The business identifier | CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier | 65 Resources |
insurer | reference | The organization which generated this resource | CoverageEligibilityResponse.insurer (Organization) |
outcome | token | The processing outcome | CoverageEligibilityResponse.outcome | |
patient | reference | The reference to the patient | CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient (Patient) |
65 Resources |
request | reference | The EligibilityRequest reference | CoverageEligibilityResponse.request (CoverageEligibilityRequest) |
requestor | reference | The EligibilityRequest provider | CoverageEligibilityResponse.requestor (Practitioner, Organization, PractitionerRole) |
status | token | The EligibilityRequest status | CoverageEligibilityResponse.status |