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Patient Care ![]() | Maturity Level: 2 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson |
An event (i.e. any change to current patient status) that may be related to unintended effects on a patient or research participant. The unintended effects may require additional monitoring, treatment, hospitalization, or may result in death. The AdverseEvent resource also extends to potential or avoided events that could have had such effects. There are two major domains where the AdverseEvent resource is expected to be used. One is in clinical care reported adverse events and the other is in reporting adverse events in clinical research trial management. Adverse events can be reported by healthcare providers, patients, caregivers or by medical products manufacturers. Given the differences between these two concepts, we recommend consulting the domain specific implementation guides when implementing the AdverseEvent Resource. The implementation guides include specific extensions, value sets and constraints.
AdverseEvent is an event resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow Event. A single Adverse Event may need to be reported in multiple ways. Choosing the appropriate form of the reporting is dependent upon workflow patterns. In particular, the implementation guides for Clinical Care adverse events and Clinical Research adverse events
provide important extensions, value-sets and examples for implementing AdverseEvent.
The guides reflect that adverse event tracking in clinical care and clinical research settings can differ. In the former case, the event is tracked to meet business safety concerns and incident reporting. There is a strong interest in factors surrounding the event, if it was prevented, what happened, and if it occurred, how it was resolved or managed. In the clinical research setting, the event is additionally tracked and evaluated as part of the clinical research process for the research study, since the occurrence of an adverse event may surface a potential confounder or a potential side-effect of the study treatment. In clinical research trials, serious adverse events are usually required to be reported to the respective health authorities (e.g., U.S. FDA). For Clinical Care or Clinical Research, the Vulcan accelerator project suggests two AdverseEvent Resource profiles.
This resource applies to events that occur during the course of medical care or medical research which may impact an individual as the recipient of care or the participant in a research study. There are also events that occur within a care setting that might or might not impact an individual but had the potential to cause an adverse event. Health care organizations monitor and report both adverse events as well as events that had the potential to cause patient harm. Data are often aggregated for reporting purposes and quality improvement initiatives.
An adverse event is the result of an intervention that caused unintentional harm to a specific subject or group of subjects. Examples of adverse events include the administration of an incorrect drug or an incorrect dose of a drug causing an adverse reaction, the use of an implanted device that causes an infection, or a biologic used during a research study that causes unanticipated renal failure. These events are characterized by the need to capture cause-and-effect (although they might not be known at the time of the event), severity, and outcome.
The context of an adverse event is also important. A subject may have condition(s) or current treatments (medications, diet, devices) that impact their response to a newly introduced medication, device or procedure. Knowledge of these variables is essential in establishing a cause-and-effect relationship for an adverse event.
In clinical care, a potential adverse event may also be called a near miss or an error. These are also events but, since they were detected, did not cause harm to a subject. Examples of potential adverse events include a product problem such as a faulty pacemaker that is detected prior implantation, a doctor working simultaneously on two electronic health records realizing the order for a drug was entered on the incorrect patient and then canceling the order, or a patient with a peanut allergy notices that his hospital dinner tray includes peanuts, and he does not eat the peanuts.
For examples and further guidance, it is strongly suggested that an implementer consult the Clinical Care AdverseEvent Implementation Guide and the Clinical Research AdverseEvent Implementation Guide
They contain valuable extensions, value sets and, importantly, examples.
The AdverseEvent resource is designed to represent events that had a harmful impact on a subject, or had the potential to cause harm to a subject but were avoided. In the course of medical care, there are many actions that may impact how a subject responds to a particular treatment impacting patient safety. Therefore, the AdverseEvent resource may reference multiple other resources to represent the context or details of an adverse event such as Observation, Condition, MedicationAdministration, Immunization, Procedure, or ResearchStudy.
The AdverseEvent resource should not be used when a more specific resource exists.
Additional definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis
Path | ValueSet | Type | Documentation |
AdverseEvent.status | AdverseEventStatus | Required | Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of an adverse event. |
AdverseEvent.actuality | AdverseEventActuality | Required | Overall nature of the adverse event, e.g. real or potential. |
AdverseEvent.category | AdverseEventCategory | Example | Overall categorization of the event, e.g. product-related or situational. |
AdverseEvent.code | AdverseEventType | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the adverse event or incident that occurred or was averted. |
AdverseEvent.resultingEffect | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | Example | This value set includes all the "Clinical finding" SNOMED CT |
AdverseEvent.seriousness | AdverseEventSeriousness | Example | Overall seriousness of this event for the patient. |
AdverseEvent.outcome | AdverseEventOutcome | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the type of outcome from the adverse event. |
AdverseEvent.participant.function | AdverseEventParticipantFunction | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the type of involvement of the actor in the adverse event. |
AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality.assessmentMethod | AdverseEventCausalityMethod | Example | Codes for the method of evaluating the relatedness of the suspected entity to the adverse event |
AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality.entityRelatedness | AdverseEventCausalityAssessment | Example | Codes for the assessment of whether the entity caused the event. |
AdverseEvent.contributingFactor | AdverseEventContributingFactor | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the contributing factors suspected to have increased the probability or severity of the adverse event. |
AdverseEvent.preventiveAction | AdverseEventPreventiveAction | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the preventive actions that contributed to avoiding the adverse event. |
AdverseEvent.mitigatingAction | AdverseEventMitigatingAction | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the ameliorating actions taken after the adverse event occurred in order to reduce the extent of harm. |
AdverseEvent.supportingInfo | AdverseEventSupportingInforation | Example | This value set includes codes that describe the supporting information relevant to the event. |
Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Expression | In Common |
actuality | token | actual | potential | AdverseEvent.actuality | |
category | token | wrong-patient | procedure-mishap | medication-mishap | device | unsafe-physical-environment | hospital-aquired-infection | wrong-body-site | AdverseEvent.category | |
cause | date | When the cause of the event occurred | AdverseEvent.cause.ofType(dateTime) | AdverseEvent.cause.ofType(Period) | |
code | token | Event or incident that occurred or was averted | AdverseEvent.code | 21 Resources |
effect | date | When the effect of the event occurred | AdverseEvent.effect.ofType(dateTime) | AdverseEvent.effect.ofType(Period) | |
identifier | token | Business identifier for the event | AdverseEvent.identifier | 65 Resources |
location | reference | Location where adverse event occurred | AdverseEvent.location (Location) |
patient | reference | Subject impacted by event | AdverseEvent.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) (Patient) |
65 Resources |
recorder | reference | Who recorded the adverse event | AdverseEvent.recorder (Practitioner, Patient, PractitionerRole, RelatedPerson) |
resultingeffect-code | token | Effect on the subject due to this event | AdverseEvent.resultingEffect.concept | |
resultingeffect-reference | reference | Effect on the subject due to this event | AdverseEvent.resultingEffect.reference | |
seriousness | token | Seriousness or gravity of the event | AdverseEvent.seriousness | |
status | token | in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | unknown | AdverseEvent.status | |
study | reference | Research study that the subject is enrolled in | (ResearchStudy) |
subject | reference | Subject impacted by event | AdverseEvent.subject (Practitioner, Group, Patient, RelatedPerson) |
substance | reference | Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.instance.reference |