QI-Core Implementation Guide
7.0.0-ballot - STU7 Ballot United States of America flag

QI-Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Quality Information. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 7.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/fhir-qi-core/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

QI Key Elements

QICore AdverseEvent

QI Elements:

  • actuality: (QI) actual | potential
  • category: (QI) product-problem | product-quality | product-use-error | wrong-dose | incorrect-prescribing-information | wrong-technique | wrong-route-of-administration | wrong-rate | wrong-duration | wrong-time | expired-drug | medical-device-use-error | problem-different-manufacturer | unsafe-physical-environment
  • event: (QI) Type of the event itself in relation to the subject
  • subject: (QI) Subject impacted by event
  • encounter: (QI) Encounter created as part of
  • recordedDate: (QI) When the event was recorded
  • resultingCondition: (QI) Effect on the subject due to this event
  • suspectEntity.instance: (QI) Refers to the specific entity that caused the adverse event

Primary code path: event
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore AllergyIntolerance

Must Have:

  • code: (QI) Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance
  • patient: (QI) Who the sensitivity is for
  • reaction.manifestation: Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event

QI Elements:

  • clinicalStatus: (QI) active | inactive | resolved
  • type: (QI) allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)
  • category: (QI) food | medication | environment | biologic
  • criticality: (QI) low | high | unable-to-assess
  • onset[x]: (QI) When allergy or intolerance was identified
  • recordedDate: (QI) Date first version of the resource instance was recorded
  • lastOccurrence: (QI) Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
  • reaction: (QI) Adverse Reaction Events linked to exposure to substance
  • reaction.severity: (QI) mild | moderate | severe (of event as a whole)

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore BodyStructure

QI Elements:

  • active: (QI) Whether this record is in active use
  • location: (QI) Body site
  • locationQualifier: (QI) Body site modifier
  • patient: (QI) Who this is about

Primary code path: location
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore CarePlan

Must Have:

  • text.status: generated | additional
  • text.div: Limited xhtml content
  • status: draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • intent: proposal | plan | order | option
  • category: (QI) Type of plan
  • category: (QI) Type of plan
  • subject: (QI) Who the care plan is for.

Primary code path: category
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore CareTeam

Must Have:

  • subject: (QI) Who the care team is for.
  • participant: Members of the team
  • participant.role: Type of involvement
  • participant.member: (QI) Who is involved

Primary code path: category
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Claim

QI Elements:

  • patient: (QI) The recipient of the products and services
  • billablePeriod: (QI) Relevant time frame for the claim
  • created: (QI) Resource creation date
  • provider: (QI) Party responsible for the claim
  • prescription: (QI) Prescription authorizing services and products
  • diagnosis.sequence: (QI) Diagnosis instance identifier
  • diagnosis.diagnosis[x]: (QI) Nature of illness or problem
  • diagnosis.onAdmission: (QI) Present on admission
  • procedure.sequence: (QI) Procedure instance identifier
  • procedure.procedure[x]: (QI) Specific clinical procedure
  • item.encounter: (QI) Encounters related to this billed item

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore ClaimResponse

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
  • type: (QI) More granular claim type
  • use: (QI) claim | preauthorization | predetermination
  • patient: (QI) The recipient of the products and services
  • created: (QI) Response creation date
  • insurer: (QI) Party responsible for reimbursement
  • requestor: (QI) Party responsible for the claim
  • request: (QI) Id of resource triggering adjudication
  • item: (QI) Adjudication for claim line items
  • item.adjudication: (QI) Adjudication details
  • item.adjudication.category: (QI) This code is fixed to 'submitted' to indicate that the adjudication result is on what was submitted.
  • item.adjudication.amount: (QI) Monetary amount
  • item.detail.detailSequence: (QI) Claim detail instance identifier

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Communication Not Done

QI Elements:

  • recorded: (QI) Extension
  • status: (QI) preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • statusReason: (QI) Reason for current status
  • subject: (QI) Focus of message
  • topic: (QI) Description of the purpose/content
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) Url of a value set of activities not requested or performed

Primary code path: reasonCode
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Communication

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) preparation | in-progress | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • subject: (QI) Focus of message
  • topic: (QI) Description of the purpose/content
  • sent: (QI) When sent
  • received: (QI) When received
  • recipient: (QI) Message recipient
  • sender: (QI) Message sender

Primary code path: reasonCode
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore CommunicationRequest

QI Elements:

  • status: draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: Message category
  • doNotPerform: True if request is prohibiting action
  • subject: Focus of message
  • encounter: Encounter created as part of
  • recipient: Message recipient
  • sender: Message sender

Primary code path: category
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Condition Encounter Diagnosis

Must Have:

  • category: category codes
  • category: encounter-diagnosis
  • code: Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis
  • subject: (QI) Who has the condition?

QI Elements:

  • encounter: (QI) Encounter created as part of
  • onset[x]: (QI) Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age
  • abatement[x]: (QI) When in resolution/remission

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Condition Problems Health Concerns

Must Have:

  • category: category codes
  • category: problem-list-item | health-concern
  • code: (QI) Identification of the condition, problem or diagnosis
  • subject: (QI) Who has the condition?

QI Elements:

  • clinicalStatus: (QI) active | recurrence | relapse | inactive | remission | resolved
  • verificationStatus: (QI) unconfirmed | provisional | differential | confirmed | refuted | entered-in-error
  • severity: (QI) Subjective severity of condition
  • onset[x]: (QI) Estimated or actual date, date-time, or age
  • abatement[x]: (QI) When in resolution/remission
  • recordedDate: (QI) Date record was first recorded

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Coverage

Must Have:

  • identifier.type: Member Number identifier type
  • status: active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
  • beneficiary: (QI) Plan beneficiary
  • relationship: Beneficiary relationship to the subscriber
  • payor: (QI) Issuer of the policy
  • class.value: Group Number
  • class.value: Plan Number

QI Elements:

  • type: (QI) Coverage category such as medical or accident
  • policyHolder: Owner of the policy
  • subscriberId: (QI) ID assigned to the subscriber
  • period: (QI) Coverage start and end dates

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Device Not Requested

QI Elements:

  • doNotPerformReason: (QI) Extension
  • modifierExtension: (QI) Extension
  • modifierExtension.value[x]: (QI) Value of extension
  • status: (QI) draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • code[x]: (QI) Device requested
  • doNotPerformValueSet: (QI) What was not done
  • subject: (QI) Focus of request
  • authoredOn: (QI) When recorded

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Device

QI Elements:

  • patient: (QI) Patient to whom Device is affixed

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore DeviceRequest

QI Elements:

  • modifierExtension: (QI) Extension
  • modifierExtension.value[x]: (QI) Value of extension
  • identifier: (QI) External Request identifier
  • status: (QI) draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • code[x]: (QI) Device requested
  • subject: (QI) Focus of request
  • authoredOn: (QI) When recorded

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore DeviceUseStatement

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) active | completed | entered-in-error +
  • subject: (QI) Patient using device
  • timing[x]: (QI) How often the device was used
  • recordedOn: (QI) When statement was recorded
  • device: (QI) Reference to device used
  • bodySite: (QI) Target body site

Primary code path: device.type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting

Must Have:

  • status: registered | partial | preliminary | final +
  • category: (QI) Service category
  • category: (QI) Service category
  • code: US Core Laboratory Report Order Code
  • subject: (QI) The subject of the report - usually, but not always, the patient

QI Elements:

  • basedOn: What was requested
  • effective[x]: (QI) Diagnostically relevant time (typically the time of specimen collection)
  • performer: (QI) Responsible Diagnostic Service
  • result: (QI) Observations

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange

Must Have:

  • status: registered | partial | preliminary | final +
  • category: (QI) Service Category
  • code: (QI) QI-Core Report Code
  • subject: (QI) The subject of the report - usually, but not always, the patient
  • media.link: Reference to the image source

QI Elements:

  • encounter: (QI) Health care event when test ordered
  • effective[x]: (QI) Diagnostically relevant time (typically the time of the procedure)
  • issued: (QI) DateTime this version was made
  • performer: (QI) Responsible Diagnostic Service
  • result: (QI) Observations
  • imagingStudy: Reference to full details of imaging associated with the diagnostic report
  • media: (QI) Key images associated with this report

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Encounter

Must Have:

  • identifier.system: The namespace for the identifier value
  • identifier.value: The value that is unique
  • status: (QI) planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
  • class: Classification of patient encounter
  • type: (QI) Specific type of encounter
  • subject: (QI) The patient or group present at the encounter
  • location.location: (QI) Location the encounter takes place

QI Elements:

  • participant: (QI) List of participants involved in the encounter
  • participant.individual: (QI) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
  • period: (QI) The start and end time of the encounter
  • reasonCode: (QI) Coded reason the encounter takes place
  • reasonReference: (QI) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
  • hospitalization: (QI) Details about the admission to a healthcare service
  • hospitalization.dischargeDisposition: (QI) Category or kind of location after discharge
  • location: (QI) List of locations where the patient has been
  • location.period: (QI) Time period during which the patient was present at the location
  • serviceProvider: (QI) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore FamilyMemberHistory

QI Elements:

  • patient: (QI) Patient history is about
  • date: (QI) When history was recorded or last updated
  • relationship: (QI) Relationship to the subject
  • age[x]: (QI) (approximate) age
  • deceased[x]: (QI) Dead? How old/when?
  • condition.code: (QI) Condition suffered by relation

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Flag

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) active | inactive | entered-in-error
  • category: (QI) Clinical, administrative, etc.
  • code: (QI) Coded or textual message to display to user
  • subject: (QI) Who/What is flag about?
  • period: (QI) Time period when flag is active

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Goal

Must Have:

  • lifecycleStatus: proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected
  • description: Code or text describing goal
  • subject: (QI) Who this goal is intended for

QI Elements:

  • start[x]: (QI) When goal pursuit begins
  • target: (QI) Target outcome for the goal

Primary code path: category
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore ImagingStudy

QI Elements:

  • subject: (QI) Who or what is the subject of the study
  • encounter: Encounter with which this imaging study is associated
  • started: (QI) When the study was started
  • basedOn: (QI) Request fulfilled
  • procedureReference: (QI) The performed Procedure reference

Primary code path: procedure
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Immunization Not Done

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) completed | entered-in-error | not-done
  • statusReason: (QI) Reason not done
  • vaccineCode: Vaccine Product Type (bind to CVX)
  • patient: (QI) Who was immunized
  • occurrence[x]: Vaccine administration date

QI Elements:

  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) What wasn't administered
  • recorded: (QI) When the immunization was first captured in the subject's record

Primary code path: vaccineCode
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Immunization

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) completed | entered-in-error
  • vaccineCode: (QI) Vaccine Product Type (bind to CVX)
  • patient: (QI) Who was immunized
  • occurrence[x]: (QI) Vaccine administration date

QI Elements:

  • statusReason: (QI) Reason not done
  • recorded: (QI) When the immunization was first captured in the subject's record

Primary code path: vaccineCode
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore ImmunizationEvaluation

QI Elements:

  • identifier: (QI) Business identifier
  • status: (QI) completed | entered-in-error
  • patient: (QI) Who this evaluation is for
  • date: (QI) Date evaluation was performed
  • targetDisease: (QI) Evaluation target disease
  • immunizationEvent: (QI) Immunization being evaluated
  • doseStatus: (QI) Status of the dose relative to published recommendations
  • doseStatusReason: (QI) Reason for the dose status

Primary code path: targetDisease
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore ImmunizationRecommendation

QI Elements:

  • patient: (QI) Who this profile is for
  • recommendation: (QI) Vaccine administration recommendations
  • recommendation.vaccineCode: (QI) Vaccine or vaccine group recommendation applies to
  • recommendation.doseNumber[x]: (QI) Recommended dose number within series

Primary code path: recommendation.vaccineCode
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Laboratory Result Observation

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) registered | prliminary | final | amended | corrected | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Laboratory Test Name
  • subject: (QI) Who and/or what the observation is about

QI Elements:

  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • issued: (QI) Date/Time this version was made available
  • value[x]: (QI) Result Value
  • interpretation: (QI) High, low, normal, etc.

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Location

Must Have:

  • name: Name by which a facility or location is known.

QI Elements:

  • type: (QI) Category of service or resource available in a location.
  • telecom: (QI) Contact details of the location
  • managingOrganization: (QI) Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Medication Not Requested

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) active | on-hold | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • medication[x]: (QI) Medication to be taken
  • subject: (QI) Who or group medication request is for
  • authoredOn: (QI) When request was initially authored

QI Elements:

  • doNotPerform: (QI) True if medication was not requested
  • reported[x]: (QI) Reported rather than primary record
  • encounter: (QI) Encounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
  • requester: (QI) Who/What requested the Request
  • reasonCode: (QI) Reason or indication for ordering or not ordering the medication
  • reasonReference: (QI) US Core Condition or Observation that supports the prescription

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Medication

Must Have:

  • code: Codes that identify this medication

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationAdministration Not Done

QI Elements:

  • implicitRules: (QI) A set of rules under which this content was created
  • recorded: (QI) Extension
  • status: (QI) in-progress | not-done | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | unknown
  • statusReason: (QI) Reason administration not performed
  • medication[x]: (QI) What was administered
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) Url of a value set of activities not requested or performed
  • subject: (QI) Who received medication
  • context: (QI) Encounter or Episode of Care administered as part of
  • effective[x]: (QI) Start and end time of administration
  • request: (QI) Request administration performed against

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationAdministration

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) in-progress | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | unknown
  • medication[x]: (QI) What was administered
  • subject: (QI) Who received medication
  • context: (QI) Encounter or Episode of Care administered as part of
  • effective[x]: (QI) Start and end time of administration
  • request: (QI) Request administration performed against
  • dosage: (QI) Details of how medication was taken
  • dosage.route: (QI) Path of substance into body
  • dosage.dose: (QI) Amount of medication per dose

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationDispense Declined

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) preparation | in-progress | cancelled | on-hold | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | declined | unknown
  • medication[x]: (QI) What medication was supplied
  • subject: (QI) Who the dispense is for
  • performer.actor: Individual who was performing

QI Elements:

  • recorded: (QI) Extension
  • statusReason[x]: (QI) Why a dispense was not performed
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) Url of a value set of activities not requested or performed
  • dosageInstruction.text: (QI) Free text dosage instructions e.g. SIG
  • dosageInstruction.timing: (QI) When medication should be administered
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate: (QI) Amount of medication administered
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.type: (QI) The kind of dose or rate specified
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]: (QI) Amount of medication per dose

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationDispense

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) preparation​ | in-progress​ | cancelled​ | on-hold​ | completed​ | entered-in-error​ | stopped​ | unknown
  • medication[x]: (QI) What medication was supplied
  • subject: (QI) Who the dispense is for
  • performer.actor: Individual who was performing

QI Elements:

  • authorizingPrescription: (QI) Medication order that authorizes the dispense
  • type: (QI) Trial fill, partial fill, emergency fill, etc.
  • quantity: (QI) Amount dispensed
  • daysSupply: (QI) Amount of medication expressed as a timing amount
  • whenPrepared: (QI) When product was packaged and reviewed
  • whenHandedOver: (QI) When product was given out or mailed
  • dosageInstruction: (QI) How the medication is to be used by the patient or administered by the caregiver
  • dosageInstruction.text: (QI) Free text dosage instructions e.g. SIG
  • dosageInstruction.timing: (QI) When medication should be administered
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate: (QI) Amount of medication administered
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]: (QI) Amount of medication per dose

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationRequest

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) active | on-hold | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • medication[x]: (QI) Medication to be taken
  • subject: (QI) Who or group medication request is for

QI Elements:

  • doNotPerform: (QI) True if medication was not requested
  • reported[x]: (QI) Reported rather than primary record
  • encounter: (QI) Encounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
  • authoredOn: (QI) When request was initially authored
  • requester: (QI) Who/What requested the Request
  • reasonCode: (QI) Reason or indication for ordering or not ordering the medication
  • reasonReference: (QI) QI-Core Condition or Observation that supports the prescription
  • dosageInstruction: (QI) How medication should be taken
  • dosageInstruction.timing: (QI) When medication should be administered
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat: (QI) When the event is to occur
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.bounds[x]: (QI) Length/Range of lengths, or (Start and/or end) limits
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequency: (QI) Event occurs frequency times per period
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequencyMax: (QI) Event occurs frequencyMax times per period
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.period: (QI) Event occurs frequency times per period
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodMax: (QI) Upper limit of period (3-4 hours)
  • dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodUnit: (QI) s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
  • dosageInstruction.asNeeded[x]: (QI) Take "as needed" (for x)
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate: (QI) Amount of medication administered
  • dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]: (QI) Amount of medication per dose
  • dispenseRequest: (QI) Medication supply authorization
  • dispenseRequest.dispenseInterval: (QI) Minimum period of time between dispenses
  • dispenseRequest.validityPeriod: (QI) Time period supply is authorized for
  • dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed: (QI) Number of refills authorized
  • dispenseRequest.quantity: (QI) Amount of medication to supply per dispense
  • dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration: (QI) Number of days supply per dispense

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore MedicationStatement

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) active | completed | entered-in-error | intended | stopped | on-hold | unknown | not-taken
  • medication[x]: (QI) What medication was taken
  • subject: (QI) Who is/was taking the medication
  • effective[x]: (QI) The date/time or interval when the medication is/was/will be taken
  • dateAsserted: (QI) When the statement was asserted?
  • informationSource: (QI) Person or organization that provided the information about the taking of this medication
  • derivedFrom: (QI) Additional supporting information
  • dosage.timing: (QI) When medication should be administered
  • dosage.route: (QI) How drug should enter body
  • dosage.doseAndRate: (QI) Amount of medication administered
  • dosage.doseAndRate.dose[x]: (QI) Amount of medication per dose

Primary code path: medication
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore NonPatient Observation

QI Elements:

  • status: (QI) registered | prliminary | final | amended | corrected | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Type of observation (code / type)
  • subject: (QI) The device/location/implantable device the observation is about
  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • performer: (QI) Who is responsible for the observation
  • value[x]: (QI) Actual result
  • value[x]: (QI) actual | potential
  • interpretation: (QI) High, low, normal, etc.
  • derivedFrom: (QI) QI Core Profiles or other resource the observation is made from

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore NutritionOrder

QI Elements:

  • patient: (QI) The person who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement

QICore Observation Cancelled

QI Elements:

  • notDoneReason: (QI) Extension
  • status: (QI) registered | preliminary | final | amended +
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Type of observation (code / type)
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) What was not done
  • subject: (QI) Who and/or what the observation is about
  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • issued: (QI) Date/Time this version was made available
  • value[x]: (QI) Actual result
  • value[x]: (QI) Actual result
  • interpretation: (QI) High, low, normal, etc.

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Observation Clinical Result

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) registered | prliminary | final | amended | corrected | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Clinical Test or Procedure Name
  • subject: (QI) Who and/or what the observation is about

QI Elements:

  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • value[x]: (QI) Result Value
  • dataAbsentReason: (QI) Why the result is missing

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Observation Screening Assessment

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) registered | prliminary | final | amended | corrected | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Type of observation (code / type)
  • subject: (QI) Who and/or what the observation is about

QI Elements:

  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • performer: (QI) Who is responsible for the observation
  • value[x]: (QI) Actual result
  • dataAbsentReason: (QI) Why the result is missing
  • interpretation: (QI) High, low, normal, etc.
  • hasMember: (QI) Reference to panel or multi-select responses
  • derivedFrom: (QI) Related Observations or QuestionnaireResponses that the observation is made from

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Organization

Must Have:

  • active: Whether the organization's record is still in active use
  • name: Name used for the organization

QI Elements:

  • identifier: (QI) CMS Certification Number
  • identifier.use: (QI) usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
  • identifier.value: (QI) The value that is unique
  • identifier: (QI) Employer Identification Number
  • identifier.use: (QI) usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
  • identifier.value: (QI) The value that is unique

Primary code path: type
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Patient

Must Have:

  • identifier: An identifier for this patient
  • identifier.system: The namespace for the identifier value
  • identifier.value: The value that is unique within the system.
  • name: A name associated with the patient
  • telecom.system: phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
  • telecom.value: The actual contact point details
  • gender: male | female | other | unknown
  • communication.language: The language which can be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health

QI Elements:

  • race: (QI) US Core Race Extension
  • ethnicity: (QI) US Core ethnicity Extension
  • tribalAffiliation: (QI) Tribal Affiliation Extension
  • sex: (QI) Sex Extension
  • genderIdentity: (QI) The individual's gender identity
  • name.use: (QI) usual | official | temp | nickname | anonymous | old | maiden
  • name.suffix: (QI) Parts that come after the name
  • name.period: (QI) Time period when name was/is in use
  • telecom: (QI) A contact detail for the individual
  • birthDate: (QI) The date of birth for the individual
  • deceased[x]: (QI) Indicates if the individual is deceased or not
  • address: (QI) An address for the individual
  • address.use: (QI) home | work | temp | old | billing - purpose of this address
  • address.period: (QI) Time period when address was/is in use
  • communication: (QI) A language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health

QICore Practitioner

Must Have:

  • identifier: (QI) An identifier for the person as this agent
  • identifier.system: (QI) The namespace for the identifier value
  • identifier.value: (QI) The value that is unique
  • name: The name(s) associated with the practitioner
  • name.family: Family name (often called 'Surname')

QI Elements:

  • identifier: (QI) An identifier for the person as this agent
  • identifier: (QI) There is not a general Tax Identifier Numer (TIN) OID. There is an SSN, a PTIN, and an ITIN, but no TIN generally. So the only slice specified here is EIN, if consumers determine a need for an SSN, submit a comment to that effect.
  • identifier.use: (QI) usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
  • identifier.value: (QI) The value that is unique

QICore PractitionerRole

Must Have:

  • telecom.system: (QI) phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other
  • telecom.value: (QI) The actual contact point details

QI Elements:

  • identifier: (QI) Business Identifiers that are specific to a role/location
  • identifier.use: (QI) usual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
  • identifier.system: (QI) The namespace for the identifier value
  • identifier.value: (QI) The value that is unique
  • active: (QI) Whether this practitioner role record is in active use
  • period: (QI) The period during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)
  • practitioner: (QI) Practitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization
  • organization: (QI) Organization where the roles are available
  • code: (QI) Roles which this practitioner may perform
  • specialty: (QI) Specific specialty of the practitioner
  • location: (QI) The location(s) at which this practitioner provides care
  • telecom: (QI) Contact details that are specific to the role/location/service
  • endpoint: (QI) Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the practitioner with this role

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Procedure Not Done

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • code: (QI) Identification of the procedure
  • subject: (QI) Who the procedure was performed on

QI Elements:

  • recorded: (QI) When the procedure was first captured in the subject's record
  • basedOn: (QI) A request for this procedure
  • statusReason: (QI) Reason for the current status
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) What was not performed
  • performed[x]: (QI) When the procedure was performed

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Procedure

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) preparation | in-progress | ​on-hold​ | stopped​ | completed | entered-in-error​ | unknown​
  • code: (QI) Identification of the procedure
  • subject: (QI) Who the procedure was performed on

QI Elements:

  • implicitRules: (QI) A set of rules under which this content was created
  • recorded: (QI) When the procedure was first captured in the subject's record
  • basedOn: (QI) A request for this procedure
  • performed[x]: (QI) When the procedure was performed
  • reasonCode: (QI) Coded reason procedure performed
  • reasonReference: (QI) The justification that the procedure was performed

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore QuestionnaireResponse

Must Have:

  • questionnaire: Form being answered
  • status: in-progress | completed | amended | entered-in-error | stopped
  • subject: (QI) The subject of the questions
  • authored: Date the answers were gathered
  • item.linkId: (QI) Pointer to specific item from Questionnaire

QI Elements:

  • author: (QI) Person who received and recorded the answers
  • item: (QI) Groups and questions
  • item.answer.value[x]: (QI) Single-valued answer to the question

QICore RelatedPerson

Must Have:

  • active: (QI) Whether this related person's record is in active use
  • patient: (QI) The patient this person is related to

QI Elements:

  • relationship: (QI) The nature of the relationship
  • name: (QI) A name associated with the person

Primary code path: relationship
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Service Not Requested

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • code: What is being requested/ordered
  • subject: (QI) Individual or Entity the service is ordered for
  • authoredOn: (QI) Date request signed

QI Elements:

  • reasonRefused: (QI) Extension
  • doNotPerform: (QI) True if service/procedure should not be performed
  • notDoneValueSet: (QI) What was not requested
  • occurrence[x]: (QI) When service should occur
  • reasonCode: (QI) Explanation/Justification for procedure or service
  • reasonReference: (QI) Explanation/Justification for service or service

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore ServiceRequest

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
  • intent: (QI) proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
  • code: (QI) What is being requested/ordered
  • subject: (QI) Individual or Entity the service is ordered for

QI Elements:

  • doNotPerform: (QI) True if service/procedure should not be performed
  • occurrence[x]: (QI) When service should occur
  • authoredOn: (QI) Date request signed
  • reasonCode: (QI) Explanation/Justification for procedure or service
  • reasonReference: (QI) Explanation/Justification for service or service

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Simple Observation

Must Have:

  • status: (QI) registered | prliminary | final | amended | corrected | entered-in-error | unknown
  • category: (QI) Classification of type of observation
  • code: (QI) Type of observation (code / type)
  • subject: (QI) Who and/or what the observation is about

QI Elements:

  • partOf: (QI) Part of referenced event
  • effective[x]: (QI) Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation
  • performer: (QI) Who is responsible for the observation
  • value[x]: (QI) Actual result
  • value[x]: (QI) actual | potential
  • interpretation: (QI) High, low, normal, etc.
  • derivedFrom: (QI) US Core Profiles or other resource the observation is made from

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Substance

QI Elements:

  • code: (QI) If this describes a specific package/container of the substance
  • instance.quantity: (QI) Amount of substance in the package
  • ingredient.quantity: (QI) Optional amount (concentration)
  • ingredient.substance[x]: (QI) A component of the substance

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Task Rejected

QI Elements:

  • executionPeriod: (QI) The timing the task was rejected and the reason.

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve

QICore Task

QI Elements:

  • identifier: Task Instance Identifier
  • basedOn: (QI) Request fulfilled by this task
  • status: draft​ | requested​ | received​ | accepted​ | ready​ | cancelled​ | in-progress​ | on-hold​ | failed​ | completed | entered-in-error
  • intent: unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance
  • priority: routine | urgent | asap | stat
  • code: Task Type
  • executionPeriod: (QI) Start and end time of execution

Primary code path: code
(PCPath) This element is the primary code path for this resource CQL Retrieve