QI-Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Quality Information. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 7.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/fhir-qi-core/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
The patterns described here have been developed through usage of QI-Core profiles in the development of CQL-based quality measures and decision support. CMS program measures can be accessed at HealthIT.gov. Multiple repositories of draft FHIR-based measures have been developed and are indexed in the eCQM Content Index repository.
NOTE: The examples in this section follow recommended best-practices as of the time of publication. However, these practices are constantly being revised based on implementer and community feedback. For a complete discussion of authoring patterns, see the Authoring Patterns topic in the CQL Formatting and Usage Wiki.
The QI-Core model info represents FHIR primitive elements using the system types directly, so when using QI-Core, no .value
accessor is required.
To facilitate implementation in FHIR, references to primitive elements are translated to the FHIR representation using the same FHIRHelpers
library used for pure-FHIR artifacts, so this library is still required as a runtime, rather than a compile-time dependency for profile-informed authoring models.
In profile-informed authoring, the primitive type is mapped to the CQL type and represented with the CQL type in the model. So a FHIR.string
element is modeled as a System.String
, and the translator maps that to the FHIR.string
value using the FHIRHelpers
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'
Note that the FHIRHelpers version must be consistent with the FHIR version being used.
Extensions in FHIR provide a standard mechanism to describe additional content that is not part of the base FHIR resources. By defining extensions in a uniform way as part of the base specification, FHIR enables extension-based functionality to be introduced through the use of profiles and implementation guidance. QI-Core includes several extensions related to quality improvement applications.
With profile-informed authoring in QI-Core, extensions and slices defined in profiles are represented directly as elements in the types. For example:
define TestSlices:
[USCoreBloodPressure] BP
where BP.systolic.value < 140 'mm[Hg]'
and BP.diastolic.value < 90 'mm[Hg]'
define TestSimpleExtensions:
Patient P
where P.birthsex = 'M'
define TestComplexExtensions:
Patient P
where P.race.ombCategory contains "American Indian or Alaska Native"
and P.race.detailed contains "Alaska Native"
FHIR includes the notion of Choice Types, or elements that can be of any of a number of types. For example,
the Patient.deceased
element can be specified as a Boolean
or as a DateTime
. Since CQL also supports choice types, these are manifest directly as Choice Types within the Model Info.
Where appropriate, QI-Core profiles restrict choice types to those that are appropriate for the quality improvement use case. For example, The QICoreConditionProblemsHealthConcerns
profile removes String
as a possible type for the onset
element, to communicate the expectation that a computable representation of onset is required for quality improvement applications.
Quality improvement logic must be prepared to deal with choice elements of any of the available types because systems may communicate instances with values of any of these types. To support the most common usages of choice types (for timing elements), the following functions have been defined:
define fluent function toInterval(choice Choice<DateTime, Quantity, Interval<DateTime>, Interval<Quantity>>):
when choice is DateTime then
Interval[choice as DateTime, choice as DateTime]
when choice is Interval<DateTime> then
choice as Interval<DateTime>
when choice is Quantity then
Interval[Patient.birthDate + (choice as Quantity),
Patient.birthDate + (choice as Quantity) + 1 year)
when choice is Interval<Quantity> then
Interval[Patient.birthDate + (choice.low as Quantity),
Patient.birthDate + (choice.high as Quantity) + 1 year)
null as Interval<DateTime>
define fluent function abatementInterval(condition Condition):
if condition.abatement is DateTime then
Interval[condition.abatement as DateTime, condition.abatement as DateTime]
else if condition.abatement is Quantity then
Interval[Patient.birthDate + (condition.abatement as Quantity),
Patient.birthDate + (condition.abatement as Quantity) + 1 year)
else if condition.abatement is Interval<Quantity> then
Interval[Patient.birthDate + (condition.abatement.low as Quantity),
Patient.birthDate + (condition.abatement.high as Quantity) + 1 year)
else if condition.abatement is Interval<DateTime> then
Interval[condition.abatement.low, condition.abatement.high)
else null as Interval<DateTime>
define fluent function prevalenceInterval(condition Condition):
if condition.clinicalStatus ~ "active"
or condition.clinicalStatus ~ "recurrence"
or condition.clinicalStatus ~ "relapse" then
Interval[start of ToInterval(condition.onset), end of ToAbatementInterval(condition)]
Interval[start of ToInterval(condition.onset), end of ToAbatementInterval(condition))
define fluent function latest(choice Choice<DateTime, Quantity, Interval<DateTime>, Interval<Quantity>> ):
(choice.toInterval()) period
if period.hasEnd() then end of period
else start of period
define fluent function earliest(choice Choice<DateTime, Quantity, Interval<DateTime>, Interval<Quantity>> ):
(choice.toInterval()) period
if period.hasStart() then start of period
else end of period
Note that these functions make use of the FHIRHelpers library to ensure correct processing.
NOTE: The examples throughout this topic have been simplified to illustrate specific usage. Refer to the originating context for complete expressions.