Rastreamento de Câncer de Colo de Útero
0.0.1 - preliminar Brazil flag

Rastreamento de Câncer de Colo de Útero, published by Comissão de Governança de Informação em Saúde (CGIS - UFG). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/kyriosdata/farol/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Tipo de dados (perfil): Endereço

URL oficial: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/endereco Versão: 0.0.1
Active as of 2024-07-17 Nome para computador: Endereco

Copyright: Ministério da Saúde. Produzido pela UFG em parceria com o INCA.

Endereço formado por logradouro, número, complemento, bairro, município, unidade da federação, CEP e ponto de referência.


  • Use this DataType Constraint: Paciente

Representações do perfil

Descrição de perfis, diferenças, instantâneo, e como apresentações diferentes funcionam.

Essa estrutura é derivada de Address

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... use 0..0
... type 0..0
... text 0..0
... Slices for line S 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
.... line:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... extension
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
Required Pattern: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/item-endereco
.... line:logradouro 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: logradouro
.... line:numero 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: numero
.... line:complemento 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: complemento
.... line:bairro 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: bairro
.... line:referencia 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: referencia
... city 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... district 0..0
... state S 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode S 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 742010-015
... country 0..0
... period 0..0

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... Slices for line SΣ 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:logradouro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:numero Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:complemento Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:bairro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:referencia Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
... city Σ 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example General: Erewhon
Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... state SΣ 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode SΣ 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 9132
Example General: 742010-015

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... Slices for line SΣ 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
Required Pattern: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/item-endereco
...... value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:logradouro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: logradouro
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:numero Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: numero
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:complemento Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: complemento
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:bairro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: bairro
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:referencia Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: referencia
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
... city Σ 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example General: Erewhon
Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... state SΣ 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode SΣ 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 9132
Example General: 742010-015

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()

Essa estrutura é derivada de Address


Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 3 elements
Prohibited: 11 elements


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 1 is sliced based on the value of Address.line (Closed)
  • The element 1 is sliced based on the value of Address.line.extension.value[x]

Visão de diferenças

Essa estrutura é derivada de Address

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... use 0..0
... type 0..0
... text 0..0
... Slices for line S 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
.... line:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... extension
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
Required Pattern: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/item-endereco
.... line:logradouro 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: logradouro
.... line:numero 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: numero
.... line:complemento 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: complemento
.... line:bairro 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: bairro
.... line:referencia 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
..... extension
...... extension 0..0
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 base64Binary, boolean, canonical(), code, date, dateTime, decimal, id, instant, integer, markdown, oid, positiveInt, string, time, unsignedInt, uri, url, uuid, Address, Age, Annotation, Attachment, CodeableConcept, Coding, ContactPoint, Count, Distance, Duration, HumanName, Identifier, Money, Period, Quantity, Range, Ratio, Reference(), SampledData, Signature, Timing, ContactDetail, Contributor, DataRequirement, Expression, ParameterDefinition, RelatedArtifact, TriggerDefinition, UsageContext, Dosage, Meta Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: referencia
... city 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... district 0..0
... state S 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode S 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 742010-015
... country 0..0
... period 0..0

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()

Visão de elementos chave

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... Slices for line SΣ 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:logradouro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:numero Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:complemento Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:bairro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:referencia Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
... city Σ 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example General: Erewhon
Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... state SΣ 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode SΣ 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 9132
Example General: 742010-015

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()

Visão instantâneo

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Address SC 0..* Address Dados do endereço
LinhasEndereco: Endereço não pode ser vazio
... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
... Slices for line SΣ 1..* string Logradouro, número, complemento e outros.
Slice: Unordered, Closed by value:extension.value
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
.... line:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
Required Pattern: https://fhir.fabrica.inf.ufg.br/ccu/StructureDefinition/item-endereco
...... value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:logradouro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: logradouro
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:numero Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: numero
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:complemento Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: complemento
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:bairro Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: bairro
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
.... line:referencia Σ 0..1 string Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
..... id 0..1 string xml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..0
...... url 1..1 uri identifies the meaning of the extension
...... Slices for value[x] 0..1 Value of extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
....... valueBase64Binary base64Binary
....... valueBoolean boolean
....... valueCanonical canonical(Any)
....... valueCode code
....... valueDate date
....... valueDateTime dateTime
....... valueDecimal decimal
....... valueId id
....... valueInstant instant
....... valueInteger integer
....... valueMarkdown markdown
....... valueOid oid
....... valuePositiveInt positiveInt
....... valueString string
....... valueTime time
....... valueUnsignedInt unsignedInt
....... valueUri uri
....... valueUrl url
....... valueUuid uuid
....... valueAddress Address
....... valueAge Age
....... valueAnnotation Annotation
....... valueAttachment Attachment
....... valueCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
....... valueCoding Coding
....... valueContactPoint ContactPoint
....... valueCount Count
....... valueDistance Distance
....... valueDuration Duration
....... valueHumanName HumanName
....... valueIdentifier Identifier
....... valueMoney Money
....... valuePeriod Period
....... valueQuantity Quantity
....... valueRange Range
....... valueRatio Ratio
....... valueReference Reference(Any)
....... valueSampledData SampledData
....... valueSignature Signature
....... valueTiming Timing
....... valueContactDetail ContactDetail
....... valueContributor Contributor
....... valueDataRequirement DataRequirement
....... valueExpression Expression
....... valueParameterDefinition ParameterDefinition
....... valueRelatedArtifact RelatedArtifact
....... valueTriggerDefinition TriggerDefinition
....... valueUsageContext UsageContext
....... valueDosage Dosage
....... valueMeta Meta
...... Slices for value[x] Content/Rules for all slices
....... value[x]:valueCode 0..1 code Value of extension
Required Pattern: referencia
..... value 0..1 string Primitive value for string
Max Length: 1048576
... city Σ 0..1 string Município
Binding: Município (required): Municípios brasileiros

Example General: Erewhon
Example para 'Goiânia': 520870
... state SΣ 0..1 string UF
Binding: Unidade Federativa (required): Estados brasileiros

Example para 'Goiás': 52
... postalCode SΣ 1..1 string CEP
Example General: 9132
Example General: 742010-015

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Address.staterequiredUnidade Federativa


LinhasEnderecoerrorAddressEndereço não pode ser vazio
: line.select($this.length() > 0).allTrue()

Essa estrutura é derivada de Address


Mandatory: 2 elements
Must-Support: 3 elements
Prohibited: 11 elements


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 1 is sliced based on the value of Address.line (Closed)
  • The element 1 is sliced based on the value of Address.line.extension.value[x]


Outras representações do perfil: CSV, Excel, Schematron