HL7 Europe Hospital Discharge Report
0.0.1-ci - ci-build 150

HL7 Europe Hospital Discharge Report, published by HL7 Europe. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1-ci built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-eu/hdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

eHN guideline data set


The European eHealth Network "GUIDELINE on the electronic exchange of health data under Cross-Border Directive 2011/24/EU XXXX" - Release 1.1 is addressed to the Member States of the European Union and applies to « extract text from the guideline»

It could also serve as a guiding principle for the national development and implementation of Patient Summaries.

HL7 FHIR Models

The eHN XXXX Guideline in section 4 specifies a XXXX DATASET, which is a simplified logical model of a laboratory report. Data set comprises of several basic parts as visualised in the diagram below.

Figure 1: Laboratory dataset model

Figure 1: Laboratory dataset model

Figure 2: Laboratory observation dataset model

Figure 2: Laboratory observation dataset model

The following table lists the HL7 FHIR logical models used to represent the LABORATORY RESULT DATASET as defined in section 4 of the Release 1.1. of that eHN guideline.

To facilitate the references with the eHN data sets the short description of each element reports the label of the eHN element (e.g., A.1.7.2 Result validator name).

The HL7 FHIR logical model requires that element cardinality is specified, while the eHN data set doesn't define them on purpose. For this reason the elements' cardinality of the following FHIR Logical Model should be interpreted with this in mind, thus they should not be considered as "normative".

Name Title Description
AdmissionEvaluationEhnA.2.4 - Admission evaluation (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Admission evaluation - A.2.4 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
AdvanceDirectivesEhnA.2.1 - Advance Directives (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Advance Directives - A.2.1 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
AlertsEhnA.2.2 - Alerts (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Alerts - A.2.2 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
DischargeDetailsEhnA.2.8 - Discharge details (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Discharge details - A.2.8 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
EncounterEhnA.2.3 - Encounter (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Encounter - A.2.3 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
HospitalDischargeReportEhnA - Hospital Discharge Report (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report Maturity Level: 0 Draft
HospitalStayEhnA.2.7 - Hospital stay (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Hospital stay - A.2.7 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
PatientHistoryEhnA.2.6 - Patient history (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Patient history - A.2.6 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft
RecommendationsEhnA.2.9 - Care plan and other recommendations after discharge (eHN)Hospital Discharge Report - Care plan and other recommendations after discharge - A.2.9 eHN Maturity Level: 0 Draft