WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API
0.1.0 - CI Build International flag

WHO-UMC IDMP Management and Publish API, published by Uppsala Monitoring Centre. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/Uppsala-Monitoring-Centre/WHO-UMC-IDMP-Service/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


WHO-UMC IDMP Terminologies

This page lists all the terminology assets that have been specificed for the purpose of the WHO-UMC IDMP project

Code Systems

Additional jurisdictional areas compolementing the ISO 3166 country codes

Additional jurisdictional areas compolementing the ISO 3166 country codes.

Pdf Characteristics

This system lists the available pharmaceutical dose form characteristics

PhPId level

This system lists PhPID types: level and stratum

Task input type

This system lists the available input types for a task

Task output type

This system lists the available output types for a task

WHODrug DrugCode

Description of WHODrug DrugCode code system (B-format)

Strength units applicable in the IDMP PhPID service

This code system lists applicable strength units in the IDMP PhPID service. They are a sub set of the unum units with some additions.

Value Sets


World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system

Jurisdiction Value Set

Jurisdiction Value Set

MPID system

Medicinal Product identification systems

Identifier Type Value Set

Identifier Type Value Set

Route Of Administration

Route Of Administration

Strength Unit Value Set

Strength Unit Value Set



Channel Type Value Set

Channel type Value Set accepted by the IDMP Service

GSID request input type value set

GSID request input type value set

GSID request output type value set

GSID request output type value set

PhPID request input type value set

PhPID request input type value set

PhPID request output type value set

PhPID request output type value set

EDQM Pharmaceutical Form

EDQM Pharmaceutical Forms

EDQM PDF characteristics: Administration Method

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Administration Method

EDQM PDF characteristics: Basic Dose Form

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Basic Dose Form

EDQM PDF characteristics: Intended Site

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Intended Site

EDQM PDF characteristics: Release Characteristics

EDQM Pharmaceutical dose forms characteristics: Release Characteristics

Concept Maps