0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home Page |
  2 The Specification |
  3 Use Cases |
  4 Patient Worksheet Questionnaires |
  5 IJE Mapping |
  6 Vital Records Forms Mapping |
  7 Terminology |
  9 Change Log |
  10 Appendices |
   10.1 Appendix A - Example Facility Worksheet for the Live Birth Certificate |
   10.2 Appendix B - Example Live Birth Certificate |
   10.3 Appendix C - Example Facility Worksheet for the Fetal Death Report |
   10.4 Appendix D - Example Fetal Death Report |
  11 Artifacts Summary |
   11.1 Composition - Provider Live Birth Report |
   11.2 Questionnaire - Mother's Worksheet for Child's Birth Certificate |
   11.3 Composition - Provider Fetal Death Report |
   11.4 Questionnaire - Patient's Fetal Death Worksheet |
   11.5 Composition - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report |
   11.6 Composition - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report |
   11.7 Composition - Coded Cause of Fetal Death |
   11.8 Composition - Coded Race and Ethnicity |
   11.9 Encounter - Birth |
   11.10 Encounter - Maternity |
   11.11 Extension - Encounter Maternity Reference |
   11.12 Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn |
   11.13 Observation - Fetal Presentation at Birth/Delivery |
   11.14 Observation - Infant Breastfed at Discharge |
   11.15 Condition - Seizure |
   11.16 Observation - NICU Admission |
   11.17 Observation - None Of Specified Abnormal Conditions of Newborn |
   11.18 Procedure - Antibiotic for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis |
   11.19 Procedure - Assisted Ventilation Following Delivery |
   11.20 Procedure - Assisted Ventilation More Than Six Hours |
   11.21 Procedure - Surfactant Replacement Therapy |
   11.22 Condition - Chorioamnionitis |
   11.23 Observation - Administration of Steroids for Fetal Lung Maturation |
   11.24 Observation - Antibiotics Administered During Labor |
   11.25 Observation - None Of Specified Characteristics of Labor and Delivery |
   11.26 Procedure - Augmentation of Labor |
   11.27 Procedure - Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia |
   11.28 Procedure - Induction of Labor |
   11.29 Coverage - Principal Payer for Delivery |
   11.30 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy |
   11.31 Observation - Date of First Prenatal Care Visit |
   11.32 Observation - Date of Last Live Birth |
   11.33 Observation - Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome |
   11.34 Observation - Mother Recieved WIC Food |
   11.35 Observation - Planned to Deliver at Home |
   11.36 Condition - Infection Present During Pregnancy |
   11.37 Observation - Labor Trial Attempted |
   11.38 Procedure - Final Route and Method of Delivery |
   11.39 Procedure - Obstetric |
   11.40 Condition - Perineal Laceration |
   11.41 Condition - Ruptured Uterus |
   11.42 Observation - ICU Admission |
   11.43 Observation - None Of Specified Maternal Morbidities |
   11.44 Procedure - Blood Transfusion |
   11.45 Procedure - Unplanned Hysterectomy |
   11.46 Condition - Coded Initiating Fetal Death Cause or Condition |
   11.47 Condition - Coded Other Fetal Death Cause or Condition |
   11.48 Condition - Fetal Death Cause or Condition |
   11.49 Condition - Fetal Death Other Cause or Condition |
   11.50 Observation - Autopsy/Histological Exam Results Used |
   11.51 Observation - Fetal Death Time Point |
   11.52 Observation - Histological Placental Exam Performed |
   11.53 Observation - Method of Disposition |
   11.54 Observation - Mother Married During Pregnancy |
   11.55 Observation - Paternity Acknowledgement Signed |
   11.56 Observation - Social Security Number Requested For Child |
   11.57 Observation - Edit Flag Birthweight |
   11.58 Observation - Edit Flag Estimate of Gestation |
   11.59 Observation - Edit Flag Father's Date of Birth |
   11.60 Observation - Edit Flag Father's Education |
   11.61 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Date of Birth |
   11.62 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Delivery Weight |
   11.63 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Education |
   11.64 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Height |
   11.65 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Prepregnancy Weight |
   11.66 Observation - Edit Flag Number of Previous Cesareans |
   11.67 Observation - Edit Flag Number Prenatal Care Visits |
   11.68 Observation - Edit Flag Plurality |
   11.69 Extension - Date Filed by Registrar |
   11.70 Extension - Date Received by Registrar |
   11.71 Extension - Fetal Death Local File Number [FDRFN] |
   11.72 Extension - Fetal Death Report Number |
   11.73 Extension - Live Birth Certificate Number |
   11.74 Extension - Live Birth Local File Number |
   11.75 Extension - Replacement Status |
   11.76 Bundle - Document Birth and Fetal Death |
   11.77 Bundle - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report - Baby G Quinn |
   11.78 Bundle - Provider Live Birth - Baby G Quinn |
   11.79 Composition - Jurisdiction Live Birth Report - BabyG Quinn |
   11.80 Composition - Provider Live Birth Report - BabyG Quinn |
   11.81 QuestionnaireResponse - Mother's Worksheet for Child's Birth Certificate: Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.82 Bundle - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report - Fetus Not Named |
   11.83 Bundle - Provider Fetal Death Report - Fetus Not Named |
   11.84 Composition - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report - Fetus Not Named |
   11.85 Composition - Provider Fetal Death Report - Fetus Not Named |
   11.86 QuestionnaireResponse - Patient's Fetal Death Worksheet: Carmen Lee |
   11.87 Patient - Child - Vital Records - Baby G Quinn |
   11.88 Patient - Mother - Vital Records - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.89 Patient - Mother - Vital Records - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.90 US Core Location - East Hospital |
   11.91 US Core Location - North Hospital |
   11.92 US Core Location - South Hospital |
   11.93 Patient - Decedent Fetus - Vital Records - Fetus Not Named |
   11.94 Practitioner - Vital Records - Avery Jones, MD |
   11.95 Practitioner - Vital Records - Janet Seito |
   11.96 Practitioner - Vital Records - Jessica Leung |
   11.97 RelatedPerson - Father Natural - Vital Records - James Brandon Quinn |
   11.98 RelatedPerson - Father Natural - Vital Records - Tom Yan Lee |
   11.99 RelatedPerson - Mother Gestational - Vital Records - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.100 RelatedPerson - Mother Gestational - Vital Records - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.101 US Core Organization - South Hospital |
   11.102 US Core Organization - Jurisdictional Vital Records Office |
   11.103 US Core Organization - National Center for Health Statistics [NCHS] |
   11.104 Encounter - Birth - Baby G Quinn |
   11.105 Encounter - Maternity - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.106 Encounter - Maternity - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.107 Condition - Chorioamnionitis - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.108 Observation - Administration of Steroids for Fetal Lung Maturation - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.109 Observation - Antibiotics Administered During Labor - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.110 Observation - None Of Specified Characteristics of Labor and Delivery - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.111 Procedure - Augmentation of Labor - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.112 Procedure - Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.113 Procedure - Induction of Labor - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.114 Condition - Seizure - BabyG Quinn |
   11.115 Observation - NICU Admission - BabyG Quinn |
   11.116 Observation - None Of Specified Abnormal Conditions of Newborn - BabyG Quinn |
   11.117 Procedure - Antibiotic for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis - BabyG Quinn |
   11.118 Procedure - Assissted Ventilation Following Delivery - BabyG Quinn |
   11.119 Procedure - Assisted Ventilation More Than Six Hours - BabyG Quinn |
   11.120 Procedure - Surfactant Replacement - BabyG Quinn |
   11.121 Condition - Perineal Laceration - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.122 Condition - Ruptured Uterus - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.123 Observation - ICU Admission - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.124 Observation - None Of Specified Maternal Morbidities - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.125 Procedure - Blood Transfusion - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.126 Procedure Unplanned Hysterectomy - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.127 Condition - Gestational Diabetes - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.128 Condition - Gestational Diabetes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.129 Condition - Gestational Hypertension - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.130 Condition - Prepregnancy Diabetes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.131 Condition - Prepregnancy Hypertension - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.132 Observation - Pregnancy Risk Factor - Jada Ann Quinn: Deliveries by Cesarean |
   11.133 Procedure - Assisted Fertilization - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.134 Procedure - Infertility Treatment - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.135 Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn - Baby G Quinn |
   11.136 Condition - Congenital Anomaly of Newborn - BabyG Quinn |
   11.137 Condition - Infection Present During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.138 Coverage - Principal Payer for Delivery - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.139 Observation - Apgar Score - BabyG Quinn: 1 min |
   11.140 Observation - Apgar Score - BabyG Quinn: 5 min |
   11.141 Observation - Birth Weight - Baby G Quinn |
   11.142 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before/During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn: 3 months prior |
   11.143 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before/During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn: first 3 months |
   11.144 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before/During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn: last 3 months |
   11.145 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before/During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn: second 3 months |
   11.146 Observation - Date of First Prenatal Care Visit - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.147 Observation - Date of Last Live Birth - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.148 Observation - Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.149 Observation - Fetal Presentation - Baby G Quinn |
   11.150 Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery - Baby G Quinn |
   11.151 Observation - Infant Breastfed at Discharge - Baby G Quinn |
   11.152 Observation - Infant Living - Baby G Quinn |
   11.153 Observation - Labor Trial Attempted - Baby G Quinn |
   11.154 Observation - Last Menstrual Period - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.155 Observation - Mother Delivery Weight - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.156 Observation - Mother Height - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.157 Observation - Mother Married During Pregnancy - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.158 Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.159 Observation - Mother Received WIC Food - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.160 Observation - Number Births Now Dead - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.161 Observation - Number Births Now Living - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.162 Observation - Number Live Births This Delivery - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.163 Observation - Number Other Pregnancy Outcomes - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.164 Observation - Number Prenatal Visits - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.165 Observation - Number Previous Cesareans - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.166 Observation - Parent Education Level - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.167 Observation - Parent Education Level - James Quinn |
   11.168 Observation - Paternity Acknowledgement Signed - James Quinn |
   11.169 Observation - Planned to Deliver at Home - Baby G Quinn |
   11.170 Observation - Plurality - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.171 Observation - SSN Requested for Child - BabyG Quinn |
   11.172 Procedure - Final Route and Method of Delivery - Baby G Quinn |
   11.173 Procedure - Obstetric Procedure - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.174 Condition - Coded Initiating Cause of Fetal Death |
   11.175 Condition - Coded Other Cause of Fetal Death |
   11.176 Condition - Fetal Death Cause or Condition - Fetus Not Named |
   11.177 Condition - Fetal Death Other Cause or Condition - Fetus Not Named |
   11.178 Observation - Autopsy or Histological Exam Results Used - Fetus Not Named |
   11.179 Observation - Autopsy Performed - Fetus Not Named |
   11.180 Observation - Birth Weight - Fetus Not Named |
   11.181 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before During Pregnancy - 3 months prior: Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.182 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before During Pregnancy - first 3 months: Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.183 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before During Pregnancy - last 3 months: Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.184 Observation - Cigarette Smoking Before During Pregnancy example - second 3 months: Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.185 Observation - Date of First Prenatal Care Visit - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.186 Observation - Date of Last Live Birth - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.187 Observation - Fetal Presentation - Fetus Not Named |
   11.188 Observation - Gestational Age at Delivery - Fetus Not Named |
   11.189 Observation - Histological Placental Exam Performed - Fetus Not Named |
   11.190 Observation - Last Menstrual Period - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.191 Observation - Method of Disposition - Fetus Not Named |
   11.192 Observation - Mother Height - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.193 Observation - Mother Prepregnancy Weight - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.194 Observation - Mother Received WIC Food - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.195 Observation - Number Live Births This Delivery - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.196 Observation - Number of Births Now Dead - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.197 Observation - Number of Births Now Living - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.198 Observation - Number of Fetal Deaths This Delivery - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.199 Observation - Observation Estimated Fetal Death Time Point - Fetus Not Named |
   11.200 Observation - Parent Education Level - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.201 Observation - Planned to Delivery at Home - Fetus Not Named |
   11.202 Observation - Plurality - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.203 Observations - Number Previous Cesareans - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.204 Procedure - Final Route / Method of Delivery - Fetus Not Named |
   11.205 Edit Flag - Birth Weight |
   11.206 Edit Flag - Estimate of Gestation |
   11.207 Edit Flag - Father's Birthdate |
   11.208 Edit Flag - Father's Education |
   11.209 Edit Flag - Mother's Birthdate |
   11.210 Edit Flag - Mother's Delivery Weight |
   11.211 Edit Flag - Mother's Education |
   11.212 Edit Flag - Mother's Height |
   11.213 Edit Flag - Mother's Prepregnancy Weight |
   11.214 Edit Flag - Number Prenatal Care Visits |
   11.215 Edit Flag - Number Previous Cesarians |
   11.216 Edit Flag - Plurality |
   11.217 Observation - Edit Flag Delivery Weight - Fetus Not Named |
   11.218 Observation - Edit Flag Estimated Gestational Age - Decedent Not Named |
   11.219 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Date of Birth - Fetus Not Named |
   11.220 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Education - Fetus Not Named |
   11.221 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Height- Fetus Not Named |
   11.222 Observation - Edit Flag Mother's Prepregnancy Weight - Decedent Not Named |
   11.223 Observation - Edit Flag Number of Previous Cesareans - Decedent Not Named |
   11.224 Observation - Edit Flag Plurality - Fetus Not Named |
   11.225 Composition - Coded Cause of Fetal Death - Fetus Not Named |
   11.226 Composition - Coded Race and Ethnicity - Fetus Not Named |
   11.227 Observation - Race - Vital Records - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.228 Observation - Race - Vital Records - James Quinn |
   11.229 Observation - Race - Vital Records - Tom Yan Lee |
   11.230 Observation - Race - Vital Records - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.231 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Vital Records - Carmen Teresa Lee |
   11.232 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Vital Records - Jada Ann Quinn |
   11.233 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Vital Records - James Quinn |
   11.234 Observation - Tabulated Ethnicity - Vital Records - Tom Yan Lee |
   11.235 CapabilityStatement - Birth and Fetal Death |
   11.236 Cigarette Smoking Before and During Pregnancy |
   11.237 ValueSet - Replacement Status |
   11.238 ValueSet - Yes No NotApplicable |
   11.239 CodeSystem - Replacement Status |
   11.240 USA SNOMED-CT |